Undefined index: quantity - session

I am having a small problem updating my cart because of "undefined index:quantity message coming up on my text box.On the last line of my code. what is wrong with the code? Any kind consideration will be highly appreciated.
function edit_quantity(){
$sql3="UPDATE Shopcart set qty='$quantity'";
echo $_SESSION['quantity'];

i see you dont have session_start();
put it somewhere before you use $_SESSION
your code might not enter the if block and would not set the quantity session. That's why you are having an Undefied index error move the echo statement inside the if block so that it will echo when your quantity session is set.

This error is because the POST data does not have a quantity value. You are only checking for an update_cart post value before proceeding to update the session.
As others have mentioned, there is also a serious sql injection problem with your code which you should fix.


Codeigniter: How to handle database error?

I'm creating a web application using codeigniter and postgresql. I have this inside my database:
id name
When someone try to register with the same name, i get an error. How can i handle them, without displaying the codeigniter's error and showing instead my custom error?
If i set $db['default']['db_debug'] = FALSE; i don't get any error of course, but is there a way to handle the db error or should i check myself if the table already contains an entry with that same name?
Use Codeigniters form validation class. is_unique[table.columnName]. This will do the work for you. Below is an example
$this->form_validation->set_rules('name', 'Name', 'is_unique[table_name.Name]');
Then just set a custom message referencing the is_unique validation like below
$this->form_validation->set_message('is_unique', 'Name already exists');
I dont know anything by codeigniter, but im going to assume the principle works the same:
You first make a query like SELECT id FROM tablename WHERE name='SomeName' LIMIT 1, then you check the number of rows. This kind of checking is fairly normal. Control as much as you (sensebly) can to avoid errors down the road.
Zero rows? Safe to insert. Not zero rows? Display something like 'username allready taken'.
Example with some code:
$check = mysqli_query("SELECT id FROM tablename WHERE name='SomeName' LIMIT 1");
if( $check->num_rows!==0 ){
echo 'Username allready taken'; // echo is bad, you should process this better, but this is easy demo
// Your normal inserting code goes here.
Like Martijn said, it is a solution.
CI doesn't throw exception, so when you perform a query, it will return NULL if the statement fails.
You may want to see CodeIgniter - how to catch DB errors?

How to Unset Magento Error Message Session?

I need to unset the error message session in magento for below code.
Can any one help me?
You should be able to use the following code, though it will return all messages (it will not echo them), it will clear them:
Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getMessages(true); // The true is for clearing them after loading them
I hope this answers your question. ^_^

joomla lost data in jos_session

$session = JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('domain_name', $domain_name, 'dominiForm');
then the table jos_session contains ...__dominiForm|a:2:{s:11:"domain_name";s:16:"safafasfsadfsfds";s:15:"tld_da_comprare";a:1:{i:0;s:3:".com";}}
I have checked that session life is 45mins in joomla control panel.
However without using set() or clear() it randomly(i think after a few minutes of pause) when i click "next" i end up with the database containing only this ...__dominiForm|a:0:{}
This happends both with 1.5 and 2.5.
I believe your problem exists with parts of the code that you haven't shown. It sounds like the $session->set() is getting called during a point when you aren't expecting it to be called, and it is empty at that point so it is overwriting the stored value with an empty value. Post more of your code and I may be able to point out where the issue is.

Serialization not allowed in Magento?

When I turn on cache in Magento, I get the following exception:
Serialization of 'Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element' is not allowed
Exception occurs in app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Template/Links.php, on line:
return parent::getCacheKeyInfo() + array(
'links' => base64_encode(serialize($links)),
'name' => $this->getNameInLayout()
I am using Magento Enterprise 1.10 and PHP 5.3.
Can anyone tell me what the problem is?
You shouldn't have an empty after_text or before_text tags in your layout file. If you don't need it, just delete the tag at all.
If it will not help, dump the $links variable before the 150th line in the app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Template/Links.php file, and you will see an array with arrays inside it. All of keys and values should be strings or integers, not objects. The key of array value which is an object will tell you which tag to delete from the layout file.
Awesome #vsushkov.
I used:
} catch(Exception $e){
to find out exact layout where we had those empty tags and after removing those empty tags, it fixed the issue and then removed above code :-)
Saw this issue on a clients site. None of the solutions above worked for me. After much googling of the error, it seems to be related to JM or JoomlArt themes/extensions.
The code is extremely poorly written. For example some of the things you will find in these themes include:
Declaring php classes inside templates,
Setting global variables inside templates,
Setting data into superglobals from templates,
Providing a translation file, yet not wrapping most text strings in template in the translate function
I found 1 response from their support staff essentially suggesting to turn off error reporting to fix the issue.
I found my problem in app/design/frontend/default/jm_adamite/template/catalog/navigation/tops.phtml
There was a line setting $this into $_SESSION. I commented it out and the error went away. Nothing else appeared broken. A grep for that variable being used anywhere else had 0 results. If you have one of these JM extensions installed or use one of their themes, I would suspect that first
Good luck
This problem happened to me when trying to serialize categories after calling the getCategoryUrl function after digging i found out that that set _urlModel object which cannot be serialized as it contains Mage_Core_Model_Layout_Element so before serializing the object check if it has that _urlModel property

Getting a blank data report vb6

I am new to vb6. I am working to create the invoice generation application. I am using data report to show the generated invoice.
The step by step working of process is:
Entering the data in to Invoice and ItemsInvoice tables.
Then getting the maxId using (Adodc) from the data base to show the last generated Invoice.
Then passing the max Id as parameter to the data report which is showing the invoice according to the invoice id.
It is working fine when I first time generate invoice. Now for 2nd invoice without closing application I am getting a blank data report. For data report I am using dataenvironment.
I am guessing the reason the data report is blank is because there was no record for that Id, but actually the record is inserting in the database.
What is going wrong?
I'm not sure how your data set is getting configured, but it sounds like you have a single record in the data and aren't reloading it properly. If your report is manually moving through the recordset and only showing info based on the ID parameter you are passing it and then using the same recordset for the second report, you probably just need to MoveFirst on the recordset to put it back at the beginning.
Load the data environment and refresh the data report.
I am also generating report in the similar fashion. I faced this problem. Here's the solution
Load DataEnvironment1
With DataEnvironment1
'Command1 is the command added to data environment where you fire query or
'set it to point to a table
If .rsCommand1.State <> 0 Then .rsCommand1.Close
.Command1 maxid 'parameter you pass to the recordset
End With
Thats it!
You are done. I m sure it will work. Do tell me if it doesn't.
I don't know if the answer will still bother you, but if someone else have the same problem here is a example of how the problem works:
Imagine that there is a gate and a guard looking who is entering, when the first person (the first invoice) comes, the guard registers him, opens the gate (This is the event "Load DataEnvironmet") and then lets the guy pass. The guard believes that no one else would come and lets the door open (the instruction believes that the DataEnvironment ends and the value EOF becomes True), but when the second guy comes (the second invoice) the guard can't ask him who is (has, again, the value and lets it pass without registering him (this is the reason why the second invoice, and subsequent in while invoice would come blank). The solution is to close the gate ("Unload DataEnvironment") after a guy passes (After showing the data report).
The solution is the code given from Sangita above, but just before ending the sub you need to unload the DataEnvironment you were working on.
For me, it works. Sorry if the answer is not what you were looking for (and also if someone else can't understand what I'm writing, my English isn't very good). Just in case I will write the code with the solution
Load DataEnvironment1
With DataEnvironment1
If .rsCommand1.State <> 0 Then
End If
.Command1 Value(ID)
End With
Unload DataEnvironment1
Try a refresh method like data1.recordset.requery or
Data1.refresh. This should work if you use data controls.
