How to integrate cortana in Universal App? - windows

I am trying to develop windows 10 app using existing website.
Here is I have followed link
I am able to view my website in Windows 10 app, but I don't know how can I integrate Cortana into my web page?
I have checked this link also WebApp: Cortana loads app, but how can I deep link into the web app with javascript?
but it didn't help me.

I found solution for this. Based on this link WebApp: Cortana loads app, but how can I deep link into the web app with javascript? I did write code in my application
The reason cortana was not working because I need to first run windows universal application manually, so it will download vcd file from home page of website.
After running application manually first time and second time I did try to give command to cortana to open my application, it works !!!


MS Teams Task Module opens up in mobile client but not on web and desktop

I am using deep-link to open an embedded youtube video on a task module. But when I try to open the link from my custom app on MS Teams web or desktop client it doesn't work, I get a blank screen. But when I open the same on mobile app it works.
Here is the deep link:
Any help here is appreciated, thank you.

How do I make an App Inventor app be a target for Chrome Share web page?

This is for an Android app that I want to develop using App Inventor, to read the content of a web page when a user decides to share it to my app.
When you are on a web page, in Chrome, you have the option to "Share" it. If you click this option, you get a list of available apps on your Android device to pick from. How can I make my app appear on that list?
How do I make my app read the web page that is shared by the user to my app? I want to read the text, not render the web page.
This is not possible with App Inventor, unfortunately.

Why does Test Install Flow ignore Setup URL and instead uses Universal Navigation Link

We're trying to set up a new marketplace app. As suggested by the Google Apps setup UI, we have provided a Setup URL for setting up an account with the service.
However, if I click on the Test Install Flow button, it redirects to the Universal Navigation link instead of the dedicated application Setup url.
What's going on?
The setup URL is never invoked by Google. I don't know why, and I don't know why they provide a field for it.
An answer I got from a Google guy is that if you need an interactive setup you should just implement it in your Universal Navigation link (on the first time the admin opens it or something). The full answer is here: Google Apps Marketplace app installation callback

Is there any ways to download or get sourcecode of webapp from firefox marketplace?

Recently I am doing my own platform based on mozilla's Gecko, So I need to run some popular Web Apps on it for testing. In order to adapt to my platform, I must do some changes on these Web App codes. So, Anybody knows How can I get complete source code of these WebApps ?
Note: Usually I download these web apps from firefox marketplace and install on my smartphone based on mozilla's firefox OS. Can I find Web App's source files from my phone ?
Go to the page of the app on the Marketplace (e.g.,
Click on [Homepage] (or [Support Site]), if there is one
Search there (in our case, the homepage is which has a link to under "Develop" tab).

Launch an app from within browser within Windows Mango Browser

I'm trying to do what is simple in iOS, redirect from the browser to my app (I am authenticating via a website which then loads the url that switches back to my app via appreferencename:/) in Mango.
Is there a way to switch to an app from a browser via a link?
It's not possible, unfortunately. You are able to link to a marketplace page, but that's only useful if you want to download or update an app.
Open Windows Phone 7 App from URL
