How do I make an App Inventor app be a target for Chrome Share web page? - app-inventor

This is for an Android app that I want to develop using App Inventor, to read the content of a web page when a user decides to share it to my app.
When you are on a web page, in Chrome, you have the option to "Share" it. If you click this option, you get a list of available apps on your Android device to pick from. How can I make my app appear on that list?
How do I make my app read the web page that is shared by the user to my app? I want to read the text, not render the web page.

This is not possible with App Inventor, unfortunately.


Will my app be rejected on Play Store or App Store because it is based on a WebView?

I am working on to create a Xamarin Forms app (For Android and iOS both) which will have payment gateway to accept payments from customers. Currently I am using WebView in my app to open the payment page URL. So, my question is that will my app be rejected on Play Store or Apple Store because it is based on WebView? If yes, then is there any alternative to WebView?
It will depend on Apple's review process. If the whole app is just a WebView pointing to a website, then it is likely to be rejected. If the app has other features and functionality of its own, especially utilizing native device functionality, then it will have a better chance of being accepted in the stores.
See App Store Review Guidelines Section 4.2.

Is it possible to create an iOS 8 sharing extension that opens the website in its app?

I'm building an app, and I was curious if there's a way to open the app when you're on the website through the iOS Safari extension. So, if I'm on a post I'd tap the app icon in the share sheet and I'd pass that to the app to load the post in the app.
I know the Bing app can translate the current website and inject directly into the DOM, so I was wondering what custom logic you can implement.
There's really no way to open the app from this kind of extension. Extensions can't access [UIApplication sharedApplication], so they can't call openURL:. There's an openURL:completionHandler: method on NSExtensionContext, but it only works in "today" extensions. Share extensions can display a fully custom UI and can save data that's available to their containing app, but they can't actually open that app.

iOS 8 Extension

In iOS 8 is it possible to invoke extension menu from a button on website (i.e. using javascript) in safari ?
I am able to invoke the extension menu from a password field in one of my iOS APP. Like in image below.
I want to do the same when i open my website in safari. So when user selects 1Password button from website page it should open this menu or share menu with 1Password extension. Not that user go and select share menu then 1Password.
This is not possible in Safari currently. What you are seeing in the Instapaper application is only possible using iOS SDK.
If you write a thin app around your website, this is also possible. You can signal from Javascript to your app that you want the activity used, and when the user finished, signal your website the information with Javascript.

Launch an app from within browser within Windows Mango Browser

I'm trying to do what is simple in iOS, redirect from the browser to my app (I am authenticating via a website which then loads the url that switches back to my app via appreferencename:/) in Mango.
Is there a way to switch to an app from a browser via a link?
It's not possible, unfortunately. You are able to link to a marketplace page, but that's only useful if you want to download or update an app.
Open Windows Phone 7 App from URL

Open Windows Phone 7 App from URL

I need to launch my WP7 application from the phone's browser and pass some arguments. For example, the following url would be a link on an html page. Clicking the link would start my application. iPhone and Android both have these capabilites by the name of 'url schemes'.
How can I accomplish this on WP7?
Unfortunately there is currently no support for "url schemes" or custom URL handlers that will allow you to handle these requests from within your application.
It is possible to integrate with the search application, which can provide deep linking into your application. It also appears that YouTube has some kind of way of doing it, as the mobile version of their site will jump to the app for playback of videos.
You should use the protocol activation feature of Windows Store apps - see
