Why does Test Install Flow ignore Setup URL and instead uses Universal Navigation Link - google-apps-marketplace

We're trying to set up a new marketplace app. As suggested by the Google Apps setup UI, we have provided a Setup URL for setting up an account with the service.
However, if I click on the Test Install Flow button, it redirects to the Universal Navigation link instead of the dedicated application Setup url.
What's going on?

The setup URL is never invoked by Google. I don't know why, and I don't know why they provide a field for it.
An answer I got from a Google guy is that if you need an interactive setup you should just implement it in your Universal Navigation link (on the first time the admin opens it or something). The full answer is here: Google Apps Marketplace app installation callback


Microsoft Teams | Expand Tab using JS

Hi my organisation has been creating an app on microsoft teams that allows users to view glpi website inside of a teams tab. The app in itself is just a shortcut to make it easier for the users to navigate through teams.
We need to use an html file with java script in it so that the app redirects to the website in a tab as microsoft teams doesn't allow us to show external website inside of a teams app.
My question is the following : Is it possible that when as a user i click the app button and the redirection to the website tab happens, that this tab automatically expands so that it take all the space inside the teams client. I want it to trigger the "expand the tab" option. (I accept whatever solution you may find because i haven't been able to find something relevant)
This was my first post i thank you for you time and effort and for reading me, have a nice one.
(I tried my best to review this before posting but i'm not sure that i haven't made any mistakes).
I have tried a bunch of useless edits...
There doesn't seem to be any graph API available for pin an App.
We have app related graph API available for add app to team and install app to user.
Ref Doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/team-post-installedapps?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http
To redirecting your Tab in application you can use deeplink to Tab of an application.
Reference Document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/build-and-test/deep-link-application?tabs=teamsjs-v2#generate-a-deep-link-to-your-tab

How to integrate cortana in Universal App?

I am trying to develop windows 10 app using existing website.
Here is I have followed link http://microsoftedge.github.io/WebAppsDocs/en-US/win10/CreateHWA.htm
I am able to view my website in Windows 10 app, but I don't know how can I integrate Cortana into my web page?
I have checked this link also WebApp: Cortana loads app, but how can I deep link into the web app with javascript?
but it didn't help me.
I found solution for this. Based on this link WebApp: Cortana loads app, but how can I deep link into the web app with javascript? I did write code in my application
The reason cortana was not working because I need to first run windows universal application manually, so it will download vcd file from home page of website.
After running application manually first time and second time I did try to give command to cortana to open my application, it works !!!

The authorization popup for the Google Marketplace whitescreens and doesn't close after install and other problems with the install page

When a user goes to my unlisted marketplace app page and installs my app the authorization popup window just white screens and doesn't close. If I manually close the popup everything moves on like normal. I have a suspicion that it's because my app is unlisted, since I haven't seen the issue with other marketplace apps, but as of right now I can't change that.
Another issue we've had with that page is the Integrate with Google button doesn't seem to respect the current profile the user is using. It always seems to always use the default profile which can be confusing for the user if they wanted to use a different google profile they were currently using.
note: the app url i've posted is used for local development but it happens on our production app as well

How to create a custom app entry inside the Application Settings with Windows Phone SDK

Do you know if the Windows Phone SDK offers an API that allows to add a custom App entry inside the Application Settings page?
I would like to create a new entry "AppXYZ" that links the settings page of the application.
Is this view reserved just for "system" applications or could also be used to add a link to an external app's settings?
Although not well-known, there is a way to do that. In WMAppManifest.xml you can specify that your app belongs in HubType="268435456". That way, it will be integrated there. This is not an officially-supported approach and I am yet to see a third-party app approved in the Store that would handle this.
You can link to the settings page of your own application but not to the windows phone settings page you show us in the screenshot. Developers are only allowed to show some of these by using the corresponding URL schmemes.
Unfortuantely there is no possibility to integrate your app to the official settings hub as a third party developer. Adding HubType="268435456" in your WMAppManifest.xml file will prevent a successful sumbission.
Sorry for the bad news...

Google Marketplace App Install Flow

When installing a Google Marketplace App, the flow usually ends with the admin in the app's settings on Google with the option to sign in now. Is there a way to end with the user actually using the app (i.e. not having to click the link to sign in to start using the app)? Could the user just be sent to the app on the optional setup without returning to the app settings page on Google without that causing other problems?
Some of the documentation says:
We strongly recommend that the administrator be directed through a short, linear series of actions and returned to Google quickly so additional users can start using the application.
I tried testing this out, but it seems like there's some lag between installing and the app showing up in the "more" drop down for Google (I tried installing another app and did end up on the final page but the app still didn't show up in another account. It's been a few hours and it still isn't there) so it's hard to tell if it's just slow or not actually installed on other users' accounts.
Sorry the last section was misleading. This is not a question about the link not showing up immediately.
The new experience for Google Apps Marketplace lets you land the user in the app instead of the admin console. There's now a popup for the app to request permissions and to agree to terms and then the user ends up in the app. One-step installation. Good work Google.
