When i want to print Profit and Loss from Account > Report > Legal Report > Profit and Loss, it generates an error in a small openerp warning dialog box "maximum recursion depth exceeded(type exceptions.RuntimeError>, RuntimeError (maximum recursion depth exceeded.) traceback object at 0x5c87d88>)"
"My aim was to print P & L report for last year 2015 with the following filters"
Fiscal Year = 2015, Filters by period = 11/2015 and 12/2015
I have check different forums there seems to be this kind of error but not in this kind of scenerio.
Note: Other legal report generates and work fine. My Odoo version is 7
I will appreciate someones help
I'm going through the Trackpy walkthrough (http://soft-matter.github.io/trackpy/v0.3.0/tutorial/walkthrough.html) but using my own pictures. When I get to calculating the overall drift velocity, I get this error and I don't know what it means:drift error
I don't have a ton of coding experience so I'm not even sure how to look at the source code to figure out what's happening.
Your screenshot shows the traceback of the error, i.e. you called a function, tp.compute_drift(), but this function called another function, pandas_sort(), which called another function, etc until raise ValueError(msg) is called, which interrupts the chain. The last line is the actual error message:
ValueError: 'frame' is both an index level and a column label, which is ambiguous.
To understand it, you have to know that Trackpy stores data in DataFrame objects from the pandas library. The tracking data you want to extract drift motion from is stored in such an object, t2. If you print t2 it will probably look like this:
y x mass ... ep frame particle
frame ...
0 46.695711 3043.562648 3.881068 ... 0.007859 0 0
3979 3041.628299 1460.402493 1.787834 ... 0.037744 0 1
3978 3041.344043 4041.002275 4.609833 ... 0.010825 0 2
The word "frame" is the title of two columns, which confuses the sorting algorithm. As the error message says, it is ambiguous to sort the table by frame.
The index (leftmost) column does not need a name here, so remove it with
t2.index.name = None
and try again. Check if you have the newest Trackpy and Pandas versions.
I'm writing a project that firstly designates the root process to read a large data file and do some calculations, and secondly broadcast the calculated results to all other processes. Here is my code: (1) it reads random numbers from a txt file with nsample=30000 (2) generate dens_ent matrix by some rule (3) broadcast to other processes. Btw, I'm using OpenMPI with gfortran.
IF (myid==0) THEN
DO i=1,n_sample
DO j=1,3
READ(8,*) rn(i,j)
DO i=1,n_sample
IF (myid==0) THEN
!Random draws of productivity and savings
ib=minloc(abs(log(bgrid(1:nb/2))-rn_zb(2)),dim=1) !Find the closest saving grid
CALL SUB2IND(j,(/nb,nm,nk,nxi,nz/),(/ib,1,1,1,iz/))
DO iixi=1,nxi
DO iiz=1,nz
CALL SUB2IND(jj,(/nb,nm,nk,nxi,nz/),(/policybmk_2_statebmk_index(j,:),iixi,iiz/))
dens_ent(jj)=dens_ent(jj)+1.0d0/real(nxi)*markovian(iz,iiz)*merge(1.0d0,0.0d0,vent(j) .GE. -bgrid(ib)+ce)
!Density only recorded if the value of entry is greater than b0+ce
PRINT *, 'dingdongdingdong',myid
IF (myid==0) dens_ent=dens_ent/real(n_sample)*Mpo
IF (myid==0) PRINT *, 'sum_density by joint normal distribution',sum(dens_ent)
Problem arises:
(1) IF (myid==0) PRINT *, 'sum_density by joint normal distribution',sum(dens_ent) seems not executed, as there is no print out.
(2) I then verify this by adding PRINT *, 'BLBLALALALALALA',myid etc messages. Again no print out for root process myid=0.
It seems like root process is not working? How can this be true? I'm quite confused. Is it because I'm not using MPI_BARRIER before PRINT *, 'dingdongdingdong',myid?
Is it possible that you miss the following statement just at the very beginning of your code?
The MPI_COMM_RANK returns into myid (if succeeds) the identifier of the process within the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator (i.e a value within 0 and NP, where NP is the total number of MPI ranks).
Thanks for contributions from #cw21 #Harald and #Hristo Iliev.
The failure lies in unit numbering. One reference says:
unit number : This must be present and takes any integer type. Note this ‘number’ identifies the
file and must be unique so if you have more than one file open then you must specify a different
unit number for each file. Avoid using 0,5 or 6 as these UNITs are typically picked to be used by
Fortran as follows.
– Standard Error = 0 : Used to print error messages to the screen.
– Standard In = 5 : Used to read in data from the keyboard.
– Standard Out = 6 : Used to print general output to the screen.
So I changed all numbering i into 1i, not working; then changed into 10i. It starts to work. Mysteriously, as correctly pointed out by #Hristo Iliev, as long as the numbering is not 0,5,6, the code should behave properly. I cannot explain to myself why 1i not working. But anyhow, the root process is now printing out results.
How I wish I had a minimum working example for this!
I'm doing a bunch of linear algebra using the HSL libraries. I've turned on every debugging flag I can think of.
On my workstation, the final result of my "deterministic" code rarely works. Most of the time, it complains of an indexing error:
On my workstation (Mac OS 10.7.5 and ifort 12):
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #1 of the array W has value 0 which is less than the lower bound of 1
Image PC Routine Line Source
libintlc.dylib 0000000103C83E04 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libintlc.dylib 0000000103C8259E Unknown Unknown Unknown
libifcore.dylib 00000001031FBDA1 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libifcore.dylib 000000010316BA4E Unknown Unknown Unknown
libifcore.dylib 000000010316BFB3 Unknown Unknown Unknown
On my laptop (Mac OS 10.10.5 and ifort 16):
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #1 of the array A has value 0 which is less than the lower bound of 1
Image PC Routine Line Source
libifcore.dylib 000000010ABDCC96 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Uniform2DSimplifi 00000001068851EE _ma48bd_ 1461 ma48d.f
Uniform2DSimplifi 000000010693619C _solve_sparse_mat 142 solve_sparse_matrix_d.f90
Uniform2DSimplifi 000000010693A7D8 _scale_and_solve_ 128 scale_and_solve_sparse_matrix_d.f90
Uniform2DSimplifi 000000010685740D _calc_simplified_ 598 calc_simplified_equations_B.f90
Uniform2DSimplifi 0000000106832176 _MAIN__ 161 uniform_2D_simplified_B.f90
Uniform2DSimplifi 000000010683175E Unknown Unknown Unknown
(You may notice that these are actually two different errors, even though I haven't changed a line of code between them.)
My code runs successfully ~70% of the time using the newer version of ifort on my laptop, but only ~20% of the time using the older version of ifort on my workstation. Oddly, the times that it does work are often after a fresh compilation, and after working one time, it gives that error every time after that. One time it worked, didn't work the second time, then worked the third time. (Sometimes on my laptop, it works for the first 2-3 runs, but throws an error the fourth time.)
My own code is entirely deterministic: it's setting up solving linear algebra routines. It also calls the HSL routines, which evidently call MKL. I would assume that both HSL and MKL are deterministic -- that is, identical inputs produce identical outputs. (They don't call RAND() or do file I/O....) Still, I'm not sure.
I looked up line 1461 of ma48d.f:
On my laptop, it's complaining because k has a value -1 (causing the error) while it normally has a value of 0 (leading to success). What's bizarre about this is that I'm giving these routines the exact same inputs, and the code appears to be deterministic, so they should execute the exact same lines...yet they don't.
My question:
What could be causing this erratic behavior?
So far, I've thought of the following possibilities:
Internal compiler error (Supporting evidence: the newer version of ifort seems to produce better--but even just different--results.)
Something related to the stack/heap (Supporting evidence: it works the first time, but not afterward.)
MKL (BLAS) is non-deterministic (not likely) (Supporting evidence: the traceback points to libintlc.dylib, which is an Intel library...possibly related to MKL?)
HSL is non-deterministic (likely??) (Supporting evidence: the code appears to be deterministic, though at least one of the errors is in this code.)
Something about my installation of ifort or my configuration of Mac OS X? (Supporting evidence: it's an old machine and something may have gone wrong somewhere?)
In my experience, compilers are far more reliable than programmers. That is, I would suspect the program of having a programming error unless it can be proved that bad code was generated.
This kind of error is certainly due to using an uninitialized value. Look for a variable which is not specifically set to some value before being used.
program x
integer :: i, arr(10)
do while (i < 10)
arr (i) = 0
i = i + 1
print *, arr
Sometimes this code will set all the elements to zero. Other times it won't change a thing.
A directly related, but more subtle lack-of-initialization error occurs in this logic:
program y
integer :: sum, i, arrA(10), arrB(10)
real :: ave(2)
do i = 1, 10
arrA(i) = i * 343
arrB(i) = i * 121
sum = 0
do i = 1, 10
sum = sum + arrA(i)
ave(0) = sum / 10.0
do i = 1, 10
sum = sum + arrB(i)
ave(1) = sum / 10.0
print *, 'Averages are', ave
No compiler warning will show up for failing to reinitialize sum, though this sort of error is reproducible and deterministic.
I cannot add a comment - hence the answer.
You can also try -ftrapuv (initialize stack variables to an unusual value). If you are using Intel 15 or higher you can set -init=snan. This initializes 'save'd variables to signal NaN.
First of all, we have an application developed in .Net and used on a Win XP platform for years with very little problems.
We recently switched to Win 7 64bit and we are having issues with labels not printing.
When the user selects a job it may have several products it needs to print per order line.
What is happening, is sometimes labels aren't being printed for an specific order line.
For instance, let's say we have job X with 8 order lines to print.
The application sends the labels to a preview window using crystal reports and then immediately sends it to the printer without any human intervention.
line 4 with quantity 1, doesn't print
line 5 with quantity 1, doesn't print
line 6 with quantity 1, doesn't print
line 7 with quantity 3, doesn't print
line 1 with quantity 1, doesn't print
line 2 with quantity 2, prints
line 3 with quantity 28, prints
line 8 with quantity 1, doesn't print
If this same job is printed on a Win XP PC it doesn't have any problems and all the lines and appropriate quantities are printed.
We are using Zebra setup utilities
we have a
ZM400 with firmware v53.17.11Z
ZM400 with firmware v53.17.9Z
ZM400 with firmware v53.17.5Z
ZM4Plus with firmware v60.14.3Z
These printers are connected to the PC over the network via a TCPIP address.
Also, we are using Windows driver Z4M 203DPI printer version 2.6.77 (Build 3827)
Let me know any other information you may need.
Thank you,
Tim Caldwell.
Is there a way to find out what the number is that the build process assigns to the * when I have the assembly version set to something like 1.0.0.*?
I've been looking at the "EnvDTE" namespace in the macros, but haven't been able to find anything useful.
According to MSDN if you have a version number in the form of
and specify
1 . 0 . * . *
major = 1
minor = 0
build = build to be equal to the number of days since January 1, 2000 local time
revision = revision to be equal to the number of seconds since midnight local timeivided by 2