Why does Trackpy give me an error when I try to compute the overall drift speed? - trackpy

I'm going through the Trackpy walkthrough (http://soft-matter.github.io/trackpy/v0.3.0/tutorial/walkthrough.html) but using my own pictures. When I get to calculating the overall drift velocity, I get this error and I don't know what it means:drift error
I don't have a ton of coding experience so I'm not even sure how to look at the source code to figure out what's happening.

Your screenshot shows the traceback of the error, i.e. you called a function, tp.compute_drift(), but this function called another function, pandas_sort(), which called another function, etc until raise ValueError(msg) is called, which interrupts the chain. The last line is the actual error message:
ValueError: 'frame' is both an index level and a column label, which is ambiguous.
To understand it, you have to know that Trackpy stores data in DataFrame objects from the pandas library. The tracking data you want to extract drift motion from is stored in such an object, t2. If you print t2 it will probably look like this:
y x mass ... ep frame particle
frame ...
0 46.695711 3043.562648 3.881068 ... 0.007859 0 0
3979 3041.628299 1460.402493 1.787834 ... 0.037744 0 1
3978 3041.344043 4041.002275 4.609833 ... 0.010825 0 2
The word "frame" is the title of two columns, which confuses the sorting algorithm. As the error message says, it is ambiguous to sort the table by frame.
The index (leftmost) column does not need a name here, so remove it with
t2.index.name = None
and try again. Check if you have the newest Trackpy and Pandas versions.


Sampling using new VideoReader readFrame() function in MATLAB [duplicate]

I am trying to process a video in Matlab that I read in using VideoReader. I can process the the frames without a problem, but I only want to process every fifth frame. I tried using the step function but this doesn't work on my videoreader object. Right now I can call readFrame five times, but this obviously slows down the whole process (its a lot of video material). How can I efficiently skip five frames, process five frame, skip another five, ... using Matlab?
Error message:
Undefined function 'step' for input arguments of type 'VideoReader'.
However, calling the help function on step gets me this example:
Moves the frame counter by DELTA frames for video VR. This is a
generalization of NEXT. Returns 0 on an unsuccessful step. Note that
not all plugins support stepping, especially with negative numbers. In
the following example, both IM1 and IM2 should be the same for most
vr = videoReader(...myurl...);
if (~next(vr)), error('couldn''t read first frame'); end
im1 = getframe(vr);
if (~step(vr,-1)), error('could not step back to frame 0'); end
im2 = getframe(vr);
if (any(im1 ~= im2)),
error('first frame and frame 0 are not the same');
vr = close(vr);
FNUM should be an integer.
After the videoReader constructor is called, NEXT, SEEK, or step should
be called at least once before GETFRAME is called.
Here, step is clearly called on a VideoReader object, is it not? Help would be greatly appreciated.
I've had this issue too. Without using deprecated code, the only way to do what you are trying is to call readFrame five times for every output frame. This is slow and very inefficient. However, if you use the deprecated read method (and assuming your video is a file rather than a stream), you can specify a frame number as well. I don't know why The MathWorks have gone backwards on this. I suggest that you file a service request to ask about it and say why this functionality is important to you.
In the meantime, you can try out my frame2jpg function that extracts particular frames from a video file. It tries to use the deprecated read method and falls back to readFrame if that fails. I've found the read method to be ten times faster in my own application with 1080p 60 fps MPEG-4 video. Feel free to modify the code to suit your your needs.
Don`t know if this is still of use but I´ve found a way to work around the issue.
As the readFrame reads the CURRENT frame, provided by the vid.CurrentTime property you can simply advance the property by the amount of frames you want to skip.
vid = VideoReader('myvid.mpeg')
vidFig = figure();
currAxes = axes;
n = 10;
while hasFrame(vid)
vidFrame = readFrame(vid);
vid.CurrentTime = vid.CurrentTime + n/vid.FrameRate;
image(vidFrame, 'Parent', currAxes);
currAxes.Visible = 'off';
Changing the value of n makes the video skip the amount of frames through every loop. I hope this helped.

std::copy runtime_error when working with uint16_t's

I'm looking for input as to why this breaks. See the addendum for contextual information, but I don't really think it is relevant.
I have an std::vector<uint16_t> depth_buffer that is initialized to have 640*480 elements. This means that the total space it takes up is 640*480*sizeof(uint16_t) = 614400.
The code that breaks:
void Kinect360::DepthCallback(void* _depth, uint32_t timestamp) {
lock_guard<mutex> depth_data_lock(depth_mutex);
uint16_t* depth = static_cast<uint16_t*>(_depth);
std::copy(depth, depth + depthBufferSize(), depth_buffer.begin());/// the error
new_depth_frame = true;
where depthBufferSize() will return 614400 (I've verified this multiple times).
My understanding of std::copy(first, amount, out) is that first specifies the memory address to start copying from, amount is how far in bytes to copy until, and out is the memory address to start copying to.
Of course, it can be done manually with something like
#pragma unroll
for(auto i = 0; i < 640*480; ++i) depth_buffer[i] = depth[i];
instead of the call to std::copy, but I'm really confused as to why std::copy fails here. Any thoughts???
Addendum: the context is that I am writing a derived class that inherits from FreenectDevice to work with a Kinect 360. Officially the error is a Bus Error, but I'm almost certain this is because libfreenect interprets an error in the DepthCallback as a Bus Error. Stepping through with lldb, it's a standard runtime_error being thrown from std::copy. If I manually enter depth + 614400 it will crash, though if I have depth + (640*480) it will chug along. At this stage I am not doing something meaningful with the depth data (rendering the raw depth appropriately with OpenGL is a separate issue xD), so it is hard to tell if everything got copied, or just a portion. That said, I'm almost positive it doesn't grab it all.
Contrasted with the corresponding VideoCallback and the call inside of copy(video, video + videoBufferSize(), video_buffer.begin()), I don't see why the above would crash. If my understanding of std::copy were wrong, this should crash too since videoBufferSize() is going to return 640*480*3*sizeof(uint8_t) = 640*480*3 = 921600. The *3 is from the fact that we have 3 uint8_t's per pixel, RGB (no A). The VideoCallback works swimmingly, as verified with OpenGL (and the fact that it's essentially identical to the samples provided with libfreenect...). FYI none of the samples I have found actually work with the raw depth data directly, all of them colorize the depth and use an std::vector<uint8_t> with RGB channels, which does not suit my needs for this project.
I'm happy to just ignore it and move on in some senses because I can get it to work, but I'm really quite perplexed as to why this breaks. Thanks for any thoughts!
The way std::copy works is that you provide start and end points of your input sequence and the location to begin copying to. The end point that you're providing is off the end of your sequence, because your depthBufferSize function is giving an offset in bytes, rather than the number of elements in your sequence.
If you remove the multiply by sizeof(uint16_t), it will work. At that point, you might also consider calling std::copy_n instead, which takes the number of elements to copy.
Edit: I just realised that I didn't answer the question directly.
Based on my understanding of std::copy, it shouldn't be throwing exceptions with the input you're giving it. The only thing in that code that could throw a runtime_error is the locking of the mutex.
Considering you have undefined behaviour as a result of running off of the end of your buffer, I'm tempted to say that has something to do with it.

COBOL logic for de-normalized file to Normalized table

How to load de-normalized file to Normalized table. I'm new to cobol, any suggestion on the below requirement. Thanks.
Inbound file: FileA.DAT
Table : TypeDB
TY_CD Varchar(03)
I have to write a COBOL program to load the table : TypeDB
Output of the result should be,
ABC 01 2014/01/01
FDE 987 2012/01/06
DEE 6759 2014/12/12
QQQ 444 2004/10/12
RRR 678 2001/09/01
Below is the pseudo-codeish
Perform Until F1 IS EOF
Read F1
Read F1
move WH1-TY-CD to TY-CD
move WH1-CD to SEQ_NUM
move WH2-DT to END-DT
This is not working.. any thing better? instead read 2 inside the perform?
I'd definitely go with reading in pairs, like you have. It is clearer, to me, than having "flags" to say what is going on.
I suspect you've overwritten your first record with the second without realising it.
A simple way around that, for a beginner, is to use READ ... INTO ... to get your two different layouts. As you become more experienced, you'll perhaps save the data you need from the first record, and just use the second record from the FD area.
Here's some pseudo-code. It is the same as yours, but by using a "Priming Read". This time the Priming Read is reading two records. No problem.
By testing the FILE STATUS field as indicated, the paired structure of the file is verified. Checking the key ensures that the pairs are always for the same "key" as well. All built-in and hidden away from your actual logic (which in this case is not much anyway).
FileLoop Until EOF
Do the processing from Layout1 and Layout2
Crash with non-zero file-status
If Rec2-key not equal to Rec1-key, crash
Read Into Layout1
Crash with non-zero file-status
Read Into Layout2
Crash with file-status other than zero or 10
While we are at it, we can apply this solution from Valdis Grinbergs as well (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/28744236/1927206).
FileLoop Until EOF
Do the processing from Layout1 and Layout2
Crash with non-zero file-status
If Rec2-key not equal to Rec1-key, crash
Read Into Layout1
Crash with non-zero file-status
Read Into Layout2
Crash with file-status other than zero or 10
Because the structure of the file is very simple either can do. With fixed-number-groups of records, I'd go for the read-a-group-at-a-time. With a more complex structure, the second, "sideways".
Either method clearly reflects the structure of the file, and when you do that in your program, you aid the understanding of the program for human readers (which may be you some time in the future).

Arduino serial sometimes gives random values

I am using a MMA7361 accelerometer from sparkfun that is connected to my arduino uno and it is in turn connected to my pc.
I am simply reading the values from each axis(x,y,z) and sending them straight through the serial port to my pc with a series of Serial.print and Serial.write. From there I have set up a program to read and display the info with myPort.readString();
Now it works fine 80% of the time and it gives the right results and all, but sometimes I get some random value sent through the serial port and it messes up the receiving program making me unable to use the signal properly.
I am pretty sure its not the sensor itself sending the disturbing signal because I have tried to save 10 different readings and then sending an average to minimize the effect with no luck. The receiving pc still got the weird value spikes around 0-200 (from what I saw as output).
I tried with pulling out the cable that connects from the sensor to the analog in port and weirdly it gave out some random value instead of the expected 0, I'm not sure but for me it seems like that has something to do about my problem.
I have read about some kind of pull down resistor but that only works for buttons, right?
I just got my arduino and I'm trying to learn how to use sensors and what you can do with them and what can go wrong so I'd appreciate if someone could help me with this :)
Heres an example of the random value messing up the output:
2 <-- this is where it begins
4:144:142 <-- messing up the order of the values
If you want I got the code for sending and recieving too:
I'd really like the sending to be just one line of code but I haven't been able to join all numbers and strings to a one line string on the arduino.
if ( myPort.available() > 0) {
result = myPort.readString();
Looking at your output, it seems that the values are all received, but somehow a CR and/or LF character is added to the output. And that comes from the println statement:
if ( myPort.available() > 0) {
result = myPort.readString();
What happens is that the receiving end gets some characters (not necessarily all), it prints them, adding a linefeed character then exits the function.
Then it enters the if statement again and prints the available characters in the buffer. And so it goes.
If you wish to ensure a consistent output you have to either
1. build a packet of the data or
2. Count the received bytes and print them when all are received.
As to 1. it would be my preferred method, add a start- and end-character to the data. The receiving end will then know that all data between the start- and end-character is the data to be printed.
I seem to have fixed this by using readChar and checking if the current character inputted is the delimiter. It is a bit slower but it works.

How can I debug a Fortran READ/WRITE statement with an implicit DO loop?

The Fortran program I am working is encountering a runtime error when processing an input file.
At line 182 of file ../SOURCE_FILE.f90 (unit = 1, file = 'INPUT_FILE.1')
Fortran runtime error: Bad value during integer read
Looking to line 182 I see a READ statement with an implicit/implied DO loop:
182: READ(IT4, 310 )((IPPRM2(IP,I),IP=1,NP),I=1,16) ! read 6 integers
183: READ(IT4, 320 )((PPARM2(IP,I),IP=1,NP),I=1,14) ! read 5 reals
Format statement:
310 FORMAT(1X,6I12)
When I reach this code in the debugger NP has a value of 2. I has a value of 6, and IP has a value of 67. I think I and IP should be reinitialized in the loop.
My problem is that when I try to step through in the debugger once I get to the READ statement it seems to execute and then throw the error. I'm not sure how to follow it as it reads. I tried stepping into the function, but it seems like that may be a difficult route to take since I am unfamiliar with the gfortran library. The input file looks OK, I think it should be read just fine. This makes me think this READ statement isn't looping as intended.
I am completely new to Fortran and implicit DO loops like this, but from what I can gather line 182 should read in 6 integers according to the format string #310. However, when I arrive NP has a value of 2 which makes me think it will only try to read 2 integers 16 times.
How can I debug this read statement to examine the values read into IPPARM as they are read from the file? Will I have to step through the Fortran library?
Any tips that can clear up my confusion regarding these implicit loops would be appreciated!
NOTE: I'm using gfortran/gcc and gdb on Linux.
Is there any reason you need specific formatting on the read? I would use READ(IT4, *) where feasible...
Later versions of gfortran support unlimited format reads (see link http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/Fortran+2008+status)
Then it may be helpful to specify
310 FORMAT("*(1X,6I12)")
Or for older compilers
310 FORMAT(1000(1X,6I12))
The variables IP and I are loop indices and so they are reinitialized by the loop. With NP=2 the first statement is going to read a total of 32 integers -- it is contributing to the determination the list of items to read. The format determines how they are read. With "1X,6I12" they will be read as 6 integers per line of the input file. When the first 6 of the requested 32 integers is read fron a line/record, Fortran will consider that line/record completed and advance to the next record.
With a format of "1X,6I12" the integers must be precisely arranged in the file. There should be a single blank, then the integers should each be right-justified in fields of 12 columns. If they get out of alignment you could get the wrong value read or a runtime error.
