print an image from command line and await print job completion on Windows - windows

I needed to write a solution to write data on and then print RFID labels en-masse, each generated as .png images from a template python script and data taken from a database or excel file.
To print the program simply calls the relative system utility (CUPS on unix systems) using subprocess.check_call(print_cmd) passing the image file (saved on a ram-mounted file system for minimal disk usage)
Now, it also needs to run on Windows systems, but there is not really a decent system utility for that, and solutions under a similar question command line tool for print picture? don't account for print-job completion or if the job results in an error, the margins are all screwed and the image is always rotated 90 degrees for some reason.
How can I sanely print an image using a command or a script in Windows and wait for it to complete successfully or return an error if the job results in an error?
Possibly with no dependencies

If you can install dependencies, there are many programs that offer a solution out-of-the-box.
The only sane way i could find to solve this issue with no dependencies is by creating a powershell script to account for this
param (
[string] $file = $(throw "parameter is mandatory"),
[string] $printer = "EXACT PRINTER NAME HERE"
$ERR = "UserIntervention|Error|Jammed"
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
# only sends the print job to the printer
rundll32 C:\Windows\System32\shimgvw.dll,ImageView_PrintTo $file $printer
# wait until printer is in printing status
do {
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} until ( $status -eq "Printing" )
# wait until printing is done
do {
$status = (Get-Printer -Name $printer).PrinterStatus.ToString()
if ($status -match $ERR){ exit 1 }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} until ( $status -eq "Normal" )
I would then need to slightly modify the print subprocess call to
powershell -File "path\to\print.ps1" "C:\absolute\path\to\file.png"
Then there are a couple of necessary setup steps:
(discaimer, I don't use windows in english so i don't know how the english thigs are supposed to be called. i will use cursive for those)
create an example image, right click and then select Print
from the print dialog that opens then set up all the default options you want, like orientation, margins, paper type, etc etc for the specific printer you're gonna use.
Go to printer settings, under tools then edit Printer Status Monitoring
edit monitoring frequency to "only during print jobs". it should be disabled by default
in the next tab, modify polling frequency to the minimum available, 100ms during print jobs (you can use a lower one for the while not printing option
Assuming the following:
only your program is running this script
theres always only 1 printing job at a time for a given printer
the printer drivers were not written by a monkey and they actually report the current, correct printer status
This little hack will allow to print an image from a command and await job completion, with error management; and uses only windows preinstalled software
Further optimization could be done by keeping powershell subprocess active and only passing it scripts in the & "path\to\print.ps1" "C:\absolute\path\to\file.png" format, waiting for standard output to report an OK or a KO; but only if mass printing is required.

Having had to work on this again, just wanted to add a simpler solution in "pure" python using the pywin32 package
import time
import subprocess
from typing import List
import win32print as wprint
PRINTERS: List[str] = [p[2] for p in wprint.EnumPrinters(wprint.PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL)]
PRINTER_DEFAULT = wprint.GetDefaultPrinter()
print("[!!] an error occured while retrieving printers")
# you could throw an exception or whatever
# bla bla do other stuff
if "WIN32_SUPPORTED" in globals():
__printImg_win32(file, printer_name)
def __printImg_win32(file: str, printer: str = ""):
if not printer:
# verify prerequisites here
# i still do prefer to print calling rundll32 directly,
# because of the default printer settings shenaningans
# and also because i've reliably used it to spool millions of jobs
def __monitorJob_win32(printer: str, timeout=16.0):
p = wprint.OpenPrinter(printer)
# wait for job to be sheduled
t0 = time.time()
while (time.time()-t0) < timeout:
ptrr = wprint.GetPrinter(p, 2)
# unsure about those flags, but definitively not errors.
# it seems they are "moving paper forward"
if ptrr["Status"] != 0 and ptrr["Status"] not in [1024,1048576]:
raise Error("Printer is in error (status %d)!" % ptrr["Status"])
if ptrr["cJobs"] > 0:
raise Error("Printer timeout sheduling job!")
# await job completion
t0 = time.time()
while (time.time()-t0) < timeout:
ptrr = wprint.GetPrinter(p, 2)
if ptrr["Status"] != 0 and ptrr["Status"] not in [1024,1048576]:
raise Error("Printer is in error (status %d)!" % ptrr["Status"])
if ptrr["cJobs"] == 0 and ptrr["Status"] == 0:
raise Error("Printer timeout waiting for completion!")
useful additional resources
Print image files using python
Catch events from printer in Windows
pywin32's win32print "documentation"


Python Speech Recognition Program Tends To Hang In A Certain Place

This program is not complete but is a work in progress.
import speech_recognition as sr
import subprocess as sp
import time, os
r = sr.Recognizer()
print("Voice Recognition Software\n\n******************************************************************************\n")
while True:
r.energy_threshold = 8000
t = None
with sr.Microphone() as source:
success = False
print (">")
audio = r.listen(source)
t = r.recognize_google(audio)
print (": " + t)
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Unknown input")
except sr.RequestError as e:
print("An error occured at GAPI\nA common cause is lack of internet connection")
if "open" in t:
t = t.replace("open","")
t = t.replace(" ","")
t = t + ".exe"
print (t)
for a,d,f in os.walk("C:\\"):
for files in f:
if files == t.lower() or files == t.capitalize() or files == t.upper():
pat = os.path.join(a,files)
print (pat)[pat])
success = True
if success == True:
The problem I'm facing is that after > or Processing the program sometimes stops responding. No error messages or anything, in the shell it just prints > or Processing and stays there.
This happens randomly, the program can function continuously for a long time but at any given moment for whatever reason it freezes. Usually after a minute or 2 it moves onto the next part and starts responding again but that isn't always the case.
I've attempted to create a sort of fail-safe so if it takes too long to respond the program closes and opens again but I was unsuccessful with that so now I'm trying to figure out the root cause of the problem.
Can someone with experience with this sort of thing help me understand why this is happening?
I was able to solve the problem. Turns out there is a timeout parameter here r.listen(source).
I was able to solve the problem. Turns out there is a timeout parameter here r.listen(source).

Locating and opening programs based on a word in python

I have a script where a user will input a program to open, and that script will open the program. The way I've done it isn't very efficient and so I'm leading into problems.
If I input "Open chrome", the script starts a search for a file called chrome.exe on your computer and then launches it. This works for a few programs like chrome.exe, steam.exe etc, but there are programs where their exe file is named differently.
For example, "Open word". The script will search for a program named word.exe, but the Microsoft Word exe file is actually named WINWORD.EXE, so the search will fail.
So my question is how can I make this more efficient? I know I could add exceptions and find the directory of the file myself but this would be impractical to do for many programs.
with sr.Microphone() as source:
success = False
print (">")
audio = r.listen(source)
t = r.recognize_google(audio)
print (": " + t)
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Unknown input")
except sr.RequestError as e:
print("An error occured at GAPI\nA common cause is lack of internet connection")
if "open" in t:
t = t.replace("open","")
t = t.replace(" ","")
z = t
speak = "Opening " + z
t = t + ".exe"
print (t)
for a,d,f in os.walk("C:\\"):
for files in f:
if files == t.lower() or files == t.capitalize() or files == t.upper():
pat = os.path.join(a,files)
print (pat)[pat])
success = True
I did some research and found out about something called filename pattern searching. I've been unable get it running, any ideas?

PowerShell - If/Else Statement Doesn't Work Properly

First off I apologize for the extremely long, wordy post. It’s an interesting issue and I wanted to be as detailed as possible. I’ve tried looking through any related PowerShell posts on the site but I couldn’t find anything that helped me with troubleshooting this problem.
I've been working on a PowerShell script with a team that can send Wake-On-Lan packets to a group of computers. It works by reading a .csv file that has the hostnames and MAC’s in two columns, then it creates the WOL packets for each computer and broadcasts them out on the network. After the WOL packets are sent, it waits a minute and then pings the computers to verify they are online, and if any don’t respond it will display a window with what machines didn’t respond to a ping. Up until the final If/Else statement works fine, so I won't be going into too much detail on that part of the script (but of course if you want/need further details please feel free to ask).
The problem I’m having is with the final If/Else statement. The way the script is supposed to work is that in the ForEach loop in the middle of the script, the value of variable $PingResult is true or false depending on whether or not the computer responds to a ping. If the ping fails, $PingResult is $false, and then it adds the hostname to the $PingResult2 variable.
In theory if all of the machines respond, the If statement fires and the message box displays that it was a success and then the script stops. If any machines failed to respond, the Else statement runs and it joins all of the items together from the $PingResult2 variable and displays the list in a window.
What actually happens is that even if all of the machines respond to a ping, the If statement is completely skipped and the Else statement runs instead. However, at that point the $PingResult2 variable is blank and hence it doesn’t display any computer names of machines that failed to respond. In my testing I’ve never seen a case where the script fails to wake a computer up (assuming it’s plugged in, etc.), but the Else statement still runs regardless. In situations where the Else statement runs, I’ve checked the value of the $PingResult2 variable and confirmed that it is blank, and typing $PingResult2 –eq “” returns $true.
To add another wrinkle to the problem, I want to return to the $PingResult2 variable. I had to create the variable as a generic list so that it would support the Add method to allow the variable to grow as needed. As a test, we modified the script to concatenate the results together by using the += operator instead of making $PingResult2 a list, and while that didn’t give a very readable visual result in the final display window if machines failed, it did actually work properly occasionally. If all of the computers responded successfully the If statement would run as expected and display the success message. Like I said, it would sometimes work and sometimes not, with no other changes making a difference in the results. One other thing that we tried was taking out all of the references to the Visual Basic assembly and other GUI elements (besides the Out-GridView window) and that didn’t work either.
Any idea of what could be causing this problem? Me and my team are completely tapped out of ideas at this point and we’d love to figure out what’s causing the issue. We’ve tried it on Windows 7, 8.1, and the latest preview release of Windows 10 with no success. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
P.S Extra brownie points if you can explain what the regular expression on line 29 is called and how it exactly works. I found out about it on a web posting that resolved the issue of adding a colon between every two characters, but the posting didn’t explain what it was called. (Original link
Original WOL Script we built the rest of the script around was by John Savill (link
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic,System.Windows.Forms
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
$FileVerify = Get-Content -Path $OpenFileDialog.FileName -TotalCount 1
$FileVerify = ($FileVerify -split ',')
If($FileVerify[0] -ne "Machine Name" -or $FileVerify[1] -ne "MAC")
$MsgBox = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("The CSV File's headers must be Machine Name and MAC.",'Invalid CSV File headers!',0,48)
$ComputerList = Import-Csv -Path $OpenFileDialog.FileName |
Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select Computers to Wake up"
ForEach($Computer in $ComputerList)
If($Computer.'MAC' -notmatch '([:]|[-])')
$Computer.'MAC' = $Computer.'MAC' -replace '(..(?!$))','$1:'
$MACAddr = $Computer.'MAC'.split('([:]|[-])') | %{ [byte]('0x' + $_) }
$UDPclient = new-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$packet = [byte[]](,0xFF * 6)
$packet += $MACAddr * 16
[void] $UDPclient.Send($packet, $packet.Length)
write "Wake-On-Lan magic packet sent to $($Computer.'Machine Name'.ToUpper())"
Write-Host "Pausing for sixty seconds before verifying connectivity."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
$PingResult2 = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]
ForEach($Computer in $ComputerList)
Write-Host "Pinging $($Computer.'Machine Name')"
$PingResult = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer.'Machine Name' -Quiet
If ($PingResult -eq $false)
$PingResult2.Add($Computer.'Machine Name')
If($PingResult2 -eq "")
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("All machines selected are online.",'Success',0,48)
$PingResult2 = ($PingResult2 -join ', ')
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("The following machines did not respond to a ping: $PingResult2",'Unreachable Machines',0,48)
The comparison in your If statement is incorrect because you are comparing $PingResult2, a List<string>, to a string. Instead, try
If ($PingResult2.Count -eq 0)
# Show the message box
# Show the other message box
or one of countless other variations on this theme.
The regular expression in question uses a backreference to replace exactly two characters with the same two characters plus a colon character. I am unsure what exactly you are attempting to "define," though.
You are checking if a list has a value of a null string, rather than checking the number of items in the list.
If you change the if statement to the following it should work fine:
If($PingResult2.count -eq 0)
I'm guessing the regex is trying to insert a colon between every two characters of a string to represent 0123456789ab as 01:23:45:67:89:ab.
The code means if there is no hyphen or colon in the MAC, put in a colon every the characters, then split the address using colon as delimiter then represent each as a byte:
If($Computer.'MAC' -notmatch '([:]|[-])')
$Computer.'MAC' = $Computer.'MAC' -replace '(..(?!$))','$1:'
$MACAddr = $Computer.'MAC'.split('([:]|[-])') | %{ [byte]('0x' + $_) }
The other answer have explained quite well why your code does not work. I'm not going there. Instead I'll give some suggestions that I think would improve your script, and explain why I think so. Let's start with functions. Some of the things you do are functions I keep on hand because, well, they work well and are used often enough that I like having them handy.
First, your dialog to get the CSV file path. It works, don't get me wrong, but it could probably be better... As it is you pop up an Open File dialog with no parameters. This function allows you to use a few different parameters as wanted, or none for a very generic Open File dialog, but I think it's a slight improvement here:
Function Get-FilePath{
[String]$Filter = "|*.*",
[String]$InitialDirectory = "C:\")
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $InitialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.filter = $Filter
Then just call it as such:
$CSVFile = Get-FilePath -Filter "Comma Separated Value (.CSV)|*.CSV" -InitialDirectory "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop"
That opens the dialog filtering for only CSV files, and starts them looking at their desktop (I find that a lot of people save things to their desktop). That only gets the path, so you would run your validation like you were. Actually, not like you were. You really seem to have over complicated that whole bit. Bit I'll get to that in a moment, first, another function! You call message boxes fairly often, and type out a bunch of options, and call the type, and everything every single time. If you're going to do it more than once, make it easy on yourself, make a function. Here, check this out:
Function Show-MsgBox ($Text,$Title="",[Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]$Button = "OK",[Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]$Icon="Information"){
[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$Text", "$Title", [Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::$Button, $Icon) | ?{(!($_ -eq "OK"))}
Then you can specify as much or as little as you want for it. Plus it uses Type'd parameters, so tab completion works, or in the ISE (if that's where you're writing your script, like I do) it will pop up valid options and you just pick from a list for the buttons or icon to show. Plus it doesn't return anything if it's a simple 'OK' response, to keep things clean, but will return Yes/No/Cancel or whatever other option you choose for buttons.
Ok, that's the functions, let's get to the meat of the script. Your file validation... Ok, you pull the first line of the file, so that should just be a string, I'm not sure why you're splitting it and verifying each header individually. Just match the string as a whole. I would suggest doing it case insensitive, since we don't really care about case here. Also, depending on how the CSV file was generated, there could be quotes around headers, which you may want to account for. Using -Match will perform a RegEx match that is a bit more forgiving.
If((Get-Content $CSVFile -TotalCount 1) -match '^"?machine name"?,"?mac"?$'){
Show-MsgBox "The CSV File's headers must be Machine Name and MAC." 'Invalid CSV File headers!' -Icon Warning
So now we have two functions, and 5 lines of code. Yes, the functions take up more space than what you previously had, but they're friendlier to work with, and IMO more functional. Your MAC address correction, and WOL sending part are all aces so far as I'm concerned. There's no reason to change that part. Now, for validating that computers came back up... here we could use some improvement. Instead of making a [List] just add a member to each object, then filter against that below. The script as a whole would be a little longer, but better off for it I think.
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic,System.Windows.Forms
Function Get-FilePath{
[String]$Filter = "|*.*",
[String]$InitialDirectory = "C:\")
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $InitialDirectory
$OpenFileDialog.filter = $Filter
Function Show-MsgBox ($Text,$Title="",[Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]$Button = "OK",[Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]$Icon="Information"){
[Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("$Text", "$Title", [Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::$Button, $Icon) | ?{(!($_ -eq "OK"))}
#Get File Path
$CSVFile = Get-FilePath -Filter "Comma Separated Value (.CSV)|*.CSV" -InitialDirectory "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop"
#Validate Header
If((Get-Content $CSVFile -TotalCount 1) -match '^"?machine name"?,"?mac"?$'){
Show-MsgBox "The CSV File's headers must be Machine Name and MAC." 'Invalid CSV File headers!' -Icon Warning
$ComputerList = Import-Csv -Path $CSVFile |
Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select Computers to Wake up"
ForEach($Computer in $ComputerList)
If($Computer.'MAC' -notmatch '([:]|[-])')
$Computer.'MAC' = $Computer.'MAC' -replace '(..(?!$))','$1:'
$MACAddr = $Computer.'MAC'.split('([:]|[-])') | %{ [byte]('0x' + $_) }
$UDPclient = new-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
$packet = [byte[]](,0xFF * 6)
$packet += $MACAddr * 16
[void] $UDPclient.Send($packet, $packet.Length)
write "Wake-On-Lan magic packet sent to $($Computer.'Machine Name'.ToUpper())"
Write-Host "Pausing for sixty seconds before verifying connectivity."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
Write-Host "Pinging $($_.'Machine Name')"
Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName "PingResult" -NotePropertyValue (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer.'Machine Name' -Quiet)
If(($ComputerList|Where{!($_.PingResult)}).Count -gt 0)
Show-MsgBox "All machines selected are online." 'Success'
Show-MsgBox "The following machines did not respond to a ping: $(($ComputerList|?{!($_.PingResult)}) -join ", ")" 'Unreachable Machines' -Icon Asterisk
Ok, I'm going to get off my soap box and go home, my shift's over and it's time for a cold one.

How do I block on reading a named pipe in Ruby?

I'm trying to set up a Ruby script that reads from a named pipe in a loop, blocking until input is available in the pipe.
I have a process that periodically puts debugging events into a named pipe:
# Open the logging pipe
log ="log_pipe", "w+") #'log_pipe' created in shell using mkfifo
# An interesting event happens
log.puts "Interesting event #4291 occurred"
I then want a separate process that will read from this pipe and print events to the console as they happen. I've tried using code like this:
input ="log_pipe", "r+")
while true
puts input.gets #I expect this to block and wait for input
# Kill loop with ctrl+c when done
I want the input.gets to block, waiting patiently until new input arrives in the fifo; but instead it immediately reads nil and loops again, scrolling off the top of the console window.
Two things I've tried:
I've opened the input fifo with both "r" and "r+"--I have the same problem either way;
I've tried to determine if my writing process is sending EOF (which I've heard will cause the read fifo to close)--AFAIK it isn't.
If it helps, here's a 'big picture' view of what I'm trying to do:
I'm working on a game that runs in RGSS, a Ruby based game engine. Since it doesn't have good integrated debugging, I want to set up a real-time log as the game runs--as events happen in the game, I want messages to show up in a console window on the side. I can send events in the Ruby game code to a named pipe using code similar to the writer code above; I'm now trying to set up a separate process that will wait for events to show up in the pipe and show them on the console as they arrive. I'm not even sure I need Ruby to do this, but it was the first solution I could think of.
Note that I'm using mkfifo from cygwin, which I happened to have installed anyway; I wonder if that might be the source of my trouble.
If it helps anyone, here's exactly what I see in irb with my 'reader' process:
irb(main):001:0> input ="mypipe", "r")
=> #<File:mypipe>
irb(main):002:0> x = input.gets
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> x = input.gets
=> nil
I don't expect the input.gets at 002 and 003 to return immediately--I expect them to block.
I found a solution that avoids using Cygwin's unreliable named pipe implementation entirely. Windows has its own named pipe facility, and there is even a Ruby Gem called win32-pipe that uses it.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to use Ruby Gems in an RGSS script; but by dissecting the win32-pipe gem, I was able to incorporate the same idea into an RGSS game. This code is the bare minimum needed to log game events in real time to a back channel, but it can be very useful for deep debugging.
I added a new script page right before 'Main' and added this:
module PipeLogger
# -- Change THIS to change the name of the pipe!
# Constant Defines
PIPE_DEFAULT_MODE = 0 # Pipe operation mode
PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX = 0x00000003 # Pipe open mode
PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES = 255 # Number of concurrent instances
PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 # Size of I/O buffer (1K)
PIPE_TIMEOUT = 5000 # Wait time for buffer (5 secs)
INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFF # Retval for bad pipe handle
# make_APIs
def self.make_APIs
$CreateNamedPipe ='kernel32', 'CreateNamedPipe', 'PLLLLLLL', 'L')
$FlushFileBuffers ='kernel32', 'FlushFileBuffers', 'L', 'B')
$DisconnectNamedPipe ='kernel32', 'DisconnectNamedPipe', 'L', 'B')
$WriteFile ='kernel32', 'WriteFile', 'LPLPP', 'B')
$CloseHandle ='kernel32', 'CloseHandle', 'L', 'B')
# setup_pipe
def self.setup_pipe
##name = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" + PIPE_NAME
##pipe_mode = PIPE_DEFAULT_MODE
##open_mode = PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX
##pipe = nil
##buffer = 0.chr * PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE
##size = 0
##bytes = [0].pack('L')
##pipe = $
# If we could not open the pipe, notify the user
# and proceed quietly
print "WARNING -- Unable to create named pipe: " + PIPE_NAME
##pipe = nil
# Prompt the user to open the pipe
print "Please launch the RGSSMonitor.rb script"
# write_to_pipe ('msg' must be a string)
def self.write_to_pipe(msg)
if ##pipe
# Format data
##buffer = msg
##size = msg.size
$, ##buffer, ##buffer.size, ##bytes, 0)
# close_pipe
def self.close_pipe
if ##pipe
# Send kill message to RGSSMonitor
##buffer = "!!GAMEOVER!!"
##size = ##buffer.size
$, ##buffer, ##buffer.size, ##bytes, 0)
# Close down the pipe
##pipe = nil
To use this, you only need to make sure to call PipeLogger::setup_pipe before writing an event; and call PipeLogger::close_pipe before game exit. (I put the setup call at the start of 'Main', and add an ensure clause to call close_pipe.) After that, you can add a call to PipeLogger::write_to_pipe("msg") at any point in any script with any string for "msg" and write into the pipe.
I have tested this code with RPG Maker XP; it should also work with RPG Maker VX and later.
You will also need something to read FROM the pipe. There are any number of ways to do this, but a simple one is to use a standard Ruby installation, the win32-pipe Ruby Gem, and this script:
require 'rubygems'
require 'win32/pipe'
include Win32
# -- Change THIS to change the name of the pipe!
PIPE_NAME = "RGSSPipe" { loop { sleep 0.01 } } # Allow Ctrl+C
pipe =
continue = true
while continue
msg =
puts msg
continue = false if msg.chomp == "!!GAMEOVER!!"
I use Ruby 1.8.7 for Windows and the win32-pipe gem mentioned above (see here for a good reference on installing gems). Save the above as "RGSSMonitor.rb" and invoke it from the command line as ruby RGSSMonitor.rb.
The RGSS code listed above is fragile; in particular, it does not handle failure to open the named pipe. This is not usually an issue on your own development machine, but I would not recommend shipping this code.
I haven't tested it, but I suspect you'll have problems if you write a lot of things to the log without running a process to read the pipe (e.g. RGSSMonitor.rb). A Windows named pipe has a fixed size (I set it here to 1K), and by default writes will block once the pipe is filled (because no process is 'relieving the pressure' by reading from it). Unfortunately, the RPGXP engine will kill a Ruby script that has stopped running for 10 seconds. (I'm told that RPGVX has eliminated this watchdog function--in which case, the game will hang instead of abruptly terminating.)
What's probably happening is the writing process is exiting, and as there are no other writing processes, EOF is sent to the pipe which causes gets to return nil, and so your code loops continually.
To get around this you can usually just open the pipe read-write at the reader end. This works for me (on a Mac), but isn't working for you (you've tried "r" and "r+"). I'm guessing this is to due with Cygwin (POSIX says opening a FIFO read-write is undefined).
An alternative is to open the pipe twice, once read-only and once write-only. You don't use the write-only IO for anything, it's just so that there's always an active writer attached to the pipe so it doesn't get closed.
input ="log_pipe", "r") # note 'r', not 'r+'
keep_open ="log_pipe", "w") # ensure there's always a writer
while true
puts input.gets

wxPython + subprocess. ProgressDialog doesn't work under windows

I have a GUI application which launches some commands using subprocess and then shows the progress of this commands by reading from subprocess.Popen.stdout and using wx.ProgressDialog. I've written the app under Linux and it works flawlessly there, but I'm now doing some testing under windows and it seems that trying to update the progress dialog causes the app to hang. There are no error messages or anything, so it's difficult for me to figure out what's happening. Below is a simplified code:
The subprocess is launched in separate thread by this method in main thread:
def onOk(self,event):
""" Starts processing """
args = self.getArgs()
self.stringholder = args['outfile']
if (args):
cmd = self.buildCmd(args, True)
if (cmd):
# Make sure the output directory is writable.
if not self.isWritable(args['outfile']):
print "Cannot write to %s. Make sure you have write permission or select a different output directory." %os.path.dirname(args['outfile'])
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.runCmd,args=(cmd,))
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write('Error starting thread')
And here's the runCmd method:
def runCmd(self, cmd):
""" Runs a command line provided as a list of arguments """
temp = []
aborted = False
dlg = None
for i in cmd:
temp.extend(i.split(' '))
# Use wx.MutexGuiEnter()/MutexGuiLeave() for anything that accesses GUI from another thread
max = 100
dlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Please wait", "Processing...", maximum = max, parent = self.frame, style=stl)
# This is for windows to not display the black command line window when executing the command
if == 'nt':
si = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
si.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
si.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
si = None
proc = subprocess.Popen(temp, shell=False, bufsize=1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except Exception:
sys.stderr.write('Error executing a command. ')
# Progress dialog
count = 0
while True:
count += 1
if dlg.Update(count) == (True, False):
print line.rstrip()
if not line: break
print "Processing cancelled."
aborted = True
if aborted:
if os.path.exists(self.stringholder):
Again this works fine under Linux, but freezes on Windows. If I remove dlg.Update() line it also works fine. The subprocess output is printed out in main window and ProgressDialog is shown, just progressbar doesn't move. What am I missing?
Try not using wx.MutexGuiEnter and wx.MutexGuiLeave. You can handle updating the GUI from another thread using wx.CallAfter. I have never seen anyone using those mutexes in wx application before and not even in tutorials or examples of using threads.
