netbeans create .new file instead of overwrite it - ftp

I'm tring to work on php project using NetBeans v8.1 with remote server connection.
I've tried active mode but when saving the file it gives me this error:
I won't open a connection to (only to
So I changed the connection mode to passive mode.
When I try to save the file to upload, a new file created on the server directory with .new extension (ex. and it's empty, and Netbeans gives me this error:
Upload files on save failed.
For the information: My FTP encryption: "Explicit FTP using TLS"
And when I Press on "Test Connection", it gives me "connection succeeded"
Screenshot of the connection
Any Help will be appreciated.

I just had the same issue and it appears to be a server communication issue using TLS in passive mode.
Try ticking the box "Encrypt Only Authentication Process" - did the trick for me :)


WAMP, Windows 10 : #2002 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. —

I tried to login to phpMyAdmin in WAMP + Windows 10. But I got the following errors when I tried to login as root ( no password )
#2002 - No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it. — The server is not responding (or the
local server's socket is not correctly configured).
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No connection could be made
because the target machine actively refused it.
It will be great if someone can help me out. Thanks.
PS : The WAMP icon is Orange in colour
PS 2 : I closed Skype from Task manager using End Task
Open my.ini file by left clicking wampp and opening MySQL menu. Search socket and write
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
And save it.

PHPstorm FTP can't upload files

Im trying to configure my PHPstorm with FTP so after a file is saved, it needs to be uploaded to the host. I can connect (i did the test) but i can't upload a file unless i change the file permission to 777 of my file. Any idea how this is possible? Here is the error:
[31/01/16 17:11] Failed to transfer file '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/': cant open output connection for file "ftp://mm.server/app/Http/Controllers/Website/HomeController.php". Reason: "550 app/Http/Controllers/Website/HomeController.php: Permission denied".
[31/01/16 17:11] Automatic upload completed in less than a minute: 1 item failed
EDIT: i've enabled passive mode already
I had same issue. I solved it
with "Passive Mode" in "Advanced Options" in Deployment >> FTP settings.
you must try and valided :
the user right
the group right
SSH key/pair connexion
directory right
SFTP connection (not FTP)

File System Error: An error occurred while opening the <path name> local cube file

I am using Windows 8 64-Bit
I am attempting to build an ADODC Connection String on VB 6.
When I go to the ADODC Properties window and go to "Connection String", I build a string by entering the path name and testing the connection. There is no problem with the connection. In the path name, I enter the location of the .mdb file which I want to connect to my VB 6.
Even though the test connection is okay, when I click "apply", I get the error: File System Error: An error occurred while opening the local cube file.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
It can be for more reasons:
I add some sample ConnectionString that you can paste them without setting and applying:
UsingMicrosoft Jet OLE DB 4.0:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin;
Using Microsoft ACE OLEDB 12.0:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\myFolder\myAccessFile.mdb;
Persist Security Info=False;
Using Microsoft Access accdb ODBC Driver:
Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Dbq=C:\mydatabase.mdb;
Using Microsoft Access ODBC Driver:
Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C:\mydatabase.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;
for more connection strings use This Link.
For checking your setting in windows follow this:
Add a new Text Document -anywhere-
Rename New Text Document.txt to testConnection.udl -just extension is important-
In the same window of ADODC settings windows; set your own settings.
Test your own Connection settings by Test Connection.
If it's OK! press OK.
Open testConnection.udl by NotePad:
; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\mydatabase.mdb;User Id=admin; Password=;
Copy the last line to your ConnectionString property of ADODC.

Downloading a file from FTP using kettle

I was trying to download a file form FTP server(Remote machine) using pentaho kettle (Get a file with FTP), I can able to do that in my local machine. But when i try to deploy the app in jboss web server it fails to download resulting in a error "Error getting files from FTP : Login incorrect."
But everything seems to be correct regarding the login details.
Did i have configure any where else in the server? Please help.
There are several things you could check in this case:
Check that the security settings of the remote FTP server allows for the machine that runs the job to establish an FTP connection. If you have access to the server, try the following command to ensure that the server has access:
telnet <your-remote-ftp-server-host> 21
# Or try:
telnet <your-remote-ftp-server-host> 22
Verify that the remote FTP server respects FTP connection requests, otherwise try SFTP (Get a file with FTP & Get a file with SFTP are two entirely different job steps in Kettle)
Wherever you are fetching your FTP credentials from (ideally a configuration file), test that the credentials are properly read by the job in the relevant scope - use the Write To Log step for that matter

Remote connections with Zend Studio

I was looking for an IDE that will allow me to import all the necessary files to develop and debug Magento modules and found Zend Studio came recommended. I am having trouble connecting to my ftp to download the files. I created a remote connection using all of the credentials I had on Filezilla and when I test the connection it will succeed. Now when I go to the next step it tells me:
The project directory you have entered does not exist on the server.
Please enter a valid project directory
The host name matches my ftp server, username and password are valid, the directory I'm connecting to exists on the server, and I'm on port 21 which is not interrupted by my firewall. I don't know if I should stick with Zend or not and I haven't been able to properly test it. Any advice on fixing this issue or any other IDE recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!
the directory I'm connecting to exists on the server
Double-check that. Note, that the path you enter is relative:
there's a "Initial Directory" in "Remote Connection Profile", and "Project Directory" in project properties->"Remote Server Support"
