Algolia Magento Configuration - magento

I created a application in Algolia for my magento store. Downloaded the extension and set the all the configurations as in the YouTube video tutorial.
Application ID
Search-only (public) API key
Admin API key
My problem is that when I click on the save config button it shows me an error:
An error occurred while saving this configuration: Hosts unreachable: Couldn't resolve host '',Couldn't resolve host '',Couldn't resolve host '',Couldn't resolve host ''


What is default Server URL for creating openshift project using eclipse plugin?

I am trying to create openshift application using jboss plugin in eclipse.
While creating project I given following server URL:
and choose authentication protocol as basic and provided correct user id and password. But after pressing Next button I am getting following error:
"Unable to read endpoint"
I also tried server URL, Still I am getting same error.
Please let me know what is the correct server URL for creating openshift application?

Facebook login Error: Cant load URL

I have this facebook app and I have setup my client id and secret on the code. When I try to access the api I get this error. I have tried everything. The app domain is localhost and the website url is the path that the app is running. Anyone know how to solve the issue?
This is the request:
In order to test a localhost FB login setup, you cannot use their "Production" setup, as this points to an existing website, or IP
localhost, or any alias (for example: my.domain or you set on your localhost server will not work when the FB settings is pointing at production environment.
You need to set up a test environment using FB "Create New App"

Unable to make it work with OAuth from AWS-EC2 but doable in localhost

I followed every instructions from this site Google Dev Console site
and my web app was working well in http://localhost. No issues.
Now I deployed the web app in the AWS-EC2 server. I also added the Javascript Origins to show my ''. Upon hitting the button 'Google Login' from webapp on, the google-authentication is not working ; shows the below error, where XX.YY.ZZ.AA is my AWS EC2 instance IP;
Error: invalid_request
Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain.
Request Details
response_type=permission id_token scope=email profile openid
ss_domain=http://XX.YY.ZZ.AA fetch_basic_profile=true gsiwebsdk=2
That’s all we know.
I am asking for help on how to resolve this. Is it a EC2 forward issue, because the google error is not showing my instead EC2-ip address. or something else?

Issue with connecting to magento connector in mule

I am trying to configure a magento connector into my anypoint studio.
I have a magento instance running locally and I have created a user and role for the SOAP requests.
On adding the magento connector to the flow, I try to test the connection using the following properties
Url: http://localhost/magento/api/v2_soap
magento user name and password which is the api key.
However when I test the connection, I get an error
org.mule.api.ConnectionException:(301) Moved Permanently
I also tried giving the url http://localhost/magento/index.php/ap...
However it gives the same error.
Is there any way to resolve this problem?
Username and API key will allows you to connect using Magento connector
EX: + /api/v2_soap?wsdl is url
For Reference Please go through :
Let me know if it works

(Codelgniter) Login page is not redirecting to source page in godaddy hosting server

I have used codeigniter to develop project.In Localhost it is working fine(Redirecting Also)But after hosting in godaddy Server if I login with correct details it is showing error.But in url it is showing domainame/controller.finally same login page is showing.
I Changed settings also according to server.
it is not Connecting to database even if i change database.php(host,username,password,database name)....and iam unable to getting users details from database
