Facebook login Error: Cant load URL - codeigniter

I have this facebook app and I have setup my client id and secret on the code. When I try to access the api I get this error. I have tried everything. The app domain is localhost and the website url is the path that the app is running. Anyone know how to solve the issue?
This is the request:

In order to test a localhost FB login setup, you cannot use their "Production" setup, as this points to an existing website, or IP
localhost, or any alias (for example: my.domain or de.mo) you set on your localhost server will not work when the FB settings is pointing at production environment.
You need to set up a test environment using FB "Create New App"


Django sign up with facebook return an error

*as Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.**
im using
so here is how i have set my facebook
domain App domains is
Then the url to the sign up page on django is
first you need to install django ssl server then dont access with but use localhost even though it will redirect you to just use localhost:8000
Then on login to admin and on sites rename the domain name to localhost:8000
go to facebook development and add the following
domain name = localhost
go to add platform on bottom of the page and add website then fill this way

Laravel socialite Google login cannot create credentials for localhost server

I'm developing a laravel project with socialite. It is now in my localhost sever. During development, I want to test login/register locally. Hence, my domain is localhost.
I've created a project in google console but can't create credentials for my localhost domain.
When I try to add localhost to Authorized domains Google says Invalid domain: must be a top private domain. Here is a screenshot:
Is is possible to create credentials for localhost?

Unable to make it work with OAuth from AWS-EC2 but doable in localhost

I followed every instructions from this site Google Dev Console site
and my web app was working well in http://localhost. No issues.
Now I deployed the web app in the AWS-EC2 server. I also added the Javascript Origins to show my 'subdomain.domain.com'. Upon hitting the button 'Google Login' from webapp on subdomain.domain.com, the google-authentication is not working ; shows the below error, where XX.YY.ZZ.AA is my AWS EC2 instance IP;
Error: invalid_request
Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain.
Request Details
response_type=permission id_token scope=email profile openid
ss_domain=http://XX.YY.ZZ.AA fetch_basic_profile=true gsiwebsdk=2
That’s all we know.
I am asking for help on how to resolve this. Is it a EC2 forward issue, because the google error is not showing my subdomain.domain.com instead EC2-ip address. or something else?

How to generate a www LetsEncrypt certificate using laravel forge?

I provisioned a server using forge and set the domain to blog.example.com. And I generate a LetsEncrypt certificate for that server and set the site to run on http2. It was perfectly fine.
However, I need to make the server accessible via www.blog.example.com now. So I set a CNAME record to route www.blog to blog.example.com. But I got an error This site can’t provide a secure connection when I try to access the site via www.blog.example.com. So I try to generate a new certificate for www.blog.example.com but forge reply First domain does not match root domain on site.
How can I solve the problem?
Thank you.

Parse Server Custom Domain On Heroku

I have set up a Parse Server on Heroku, with an MLab MongoDB. Everything works fine, & when I visit https://myapp.herokuapp.com I see "Make sure to star the parse-server repo on GitHub!".
I can successfully perform API functions through my Postman Console, for example logging in via the following REST API call: https://myapp.herokuapp.com/parse/login?username=admin&password=password.
I can also perform other REST API POST, GET, etc. as you would expect.
I'm now trying to use my own domain "api.mydomain.net". In the Heroku App > Settings > Custom Domains, I have set domain to "api.mydomain.net" & "myapp.herokuapp.com" as the DNS target.
I've also added a CNAME record to the DNS pointing "api" to "myapp.herokuapp.com".
When I visit https://api.mydomain.net I see the "Make sure to star the parse-server repo on GitHub!" message confirming that the CNAME record works, however when I go to perform the same REST API Login call https://api.mydomain.net/parse/login?username=admin&password=password I get the response:
Could not get any response.
This seems to be like an error connecting to
What am I missing?
You are trying to securely connect to the Parse Server with https. So you have to add a TSL certificate for your Heroku app in the Heroku dashboard.
Open Heroku app in Heroku dashboard
Open Settings tab
In section Domains and certificates click Configure SSL and choose Automatically configure using Automated Certificate Management.
Click Add domain to add the domain from which the request should be forwarded, e.g. api.example.com.
On your domain registrar's website set the CNAME for api.example.com to the domain in the Heroku app settings, e.g. api.example.com.herokudns.com
Wait until the status of the domain in the Heroku dashboard is Done
