(Codelgniter) Login page is not redirecting to source page in godaddy hosting server - codeigniter

I have used codeigniter to develop project.In Localhost it is working fine(Redirecting Also)But after hosting in godaddy Server if I login with correct details it is showing error.But in url it is showing domainame/controller.finally same login page is showing.
I Changed settings also according to server.
it is not Connecting to database even if i change database.php(host,username,password,database name)....and iam unable to getting users details from database


Failing to login to Laravel-admin panel after deploying to C panel

I have a site using laravel-admin package. Login works fine on localhost, but once deployed to C Panel, its not login and they is now a message in my form This form is not secure. Auto fill have been disabled
Login Form
You are trying to submit the form from http whilst you have hosted the web over https. Open laravel config/admin file and change the https config to true see image below

Getting server error when deploy a MERN app to Heroku

Fail to load resource: server 503(service unavailable)
First thing, I am not sure whether I had set up the port correctly. My React frontend is running on localhost:3000 while my Express backend is running on localhost:3001
This is my .env file.
enter image description here
This is my server.js.
enter image description here
On the frontend side, whenever doing a HTTP request, I use Axios, the endpoint url is "http://localhost:3001/app/Member", something like that. I already had a MongoDB Atlas connected with the app, it is working perfectly on localhost:3001, but I have problem trying to deploy it to Heroku. Some people said there is connection problem between MongoDB Atlas and Heroku, they suggest using the MongoDB sandbox in Heroku to solve this problem, but I already have the database with all the data that I want to used with the app, is there any way that I can import the data from my database to the MongoDB sandbox?
I tried to use "heroku local" to test whether is working, the app is running on localhost:5000, I can see my signup and login page, but I am not able to signup or login with a user email and password like I did perfectly on development mode localhost:3000.
I deployed it to heroku live, it gave me a server 503 error(service unavailable). I logged out the error.enter image description here

Django sign up with facebook return an error

*as Can't load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and sub-domains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.**
im using
so here is how i have set my facebook
domain App domains is
Then the url to the sign up page on django is
first you need to install django ssl server then dont access with but use localhost even though it will redirect you to just use localhost:8000
Then on login to admin and on sites rename the domain name to localhost:8000
go to facebook development and add the following
domain name = localhost
go to add platform on bottom of the page and add website then fill this way

Laravel socialite Google login cannot create credentials for localhost server

I'm developing a laravel project with socialite. It is now in my localhost sever. During development, I want to test login/register locally. Hence, my domain is localhost.
I've created a project in google console but can't create credentials for my localhost domain.
When I try to add localhost to Authorized domains Google says Invalid domain: must be a top private domain. Here is a screenshot:
Is is possible to create credentials for localhost?

Session with domain in codeigniter

I have a new project maintenance website (Codeigniter framework).
I downloaded source code from the server and set it up locally with domain bsd.test
I tried to login but failed. After I change domain locally to the same domain as the server, I login successfully.
How to config it so it runs with domain bsd.test in local?
