Problems Installing VSCode to Windows 10 - windows

Can anyone help me out whilst I still have some hair left.
I have been running VSCode on Windows 10 since January. Yesterday it attempted to update to the latest version 1.54 but failed. VSCoce will now not run.
I am trying to re-install from the VSCode site installer. However when I download and run the installer file windows gives an error saying the file is corrupt.
Windows Error Message
I seem to remember having this problem when installing the 1.52 version in January but I can find no reference to what I did to resolve this. I believe I was pointed to an alternative install program, but I cannot find this now.
Please can anyone assist?
Many thanks.
Colin Murdoch.

OK. I have now managed to re-install VScode by downloading the .zip file and extracting all the elements into a directory within Program Files. It remains to be seen if this will work properly as with no official install routine, nothing will have been added to the registry. However the program loads OK and seems to recognise the PlatformIO extension that was already loaded.
I still don’t understand why I cannot run the official install routines. There must be something odd about my Windows installation.

check your antivirus program. I recognize that message. I had the same issue when trying to install an SQL server.


corrupting golang file when saving in visual studio code

When I save a golang file in visual studio code, it ends up being corrupted -- characters are removed, not in any pattern I have discerned. This has occurred at various times in the past, but has just now recurred. For details, see my bug report, "corrupting file when saving in visual studio code #49465"1.
In the meantime, what I can do until it's fixed? Perhaps I could return to an older version of gopls, but I don't know how to do that.
Any suggestions welcome. I'm stuck until I can successfully save and run my go programs.
Please try running the following command
GO111MODULE=on go get
GO111MODULE=on go get
In order to make progress on my project, I've downloaded the prior version of go. At least on Windows, the downgrade installs like any upgrade, including offering to remove the existing version.
And I backed up gopls to its previous version using the facilities of VS Code:
ctrl+shift+X to access extensions
right-click on Go
select Install Another Version
when the list of versions finally appears, select the one you want (I went back a month)
So, the underlying problem still exists, but I'm back in business. I hope these instructions can help someone else battling with the disappearing character bug.

Compiling YouCompleteMe on Windows gives "CM libraries found in old YouCompleteMe/python location" error

I've followed these directions exactly.
I was able to compile mingw32-make ycm_support_libs and it produced the necessary ycm_core.pyd, ycm_client_support.pyd, and libclang.dll files. However, I get this message when starting vim:
YCM libraries found in old YouCompleteMe/python location; please RECOMPILE YCM.
I have verified that all the tools I've used are 64bit version. Anything I find on the web about this just says to run ./ --clang-completer, which should be doing exactly what mingw32-make ycm_support_libs does.
I was so close too! Any help?
The file that is produced from the compile doesn't need to be moved. This was an old instruction that is now obsolete. I've managed to get C/C++ auto-complete working on Windows 7.
From the above link: Oh I see... sorry :P Anyway I don't know when was the last time someone modified the wiki page on installing YCM on Windows. The wiki page is community maintained. The error is caused by the fact that before YCM was splitted in two repo (this one for the vim client, and one for the general backend, ycmd) the compiled libraries were putted in YouCompleteMe/python now instead are putted in YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd. Anyway we can continue to discuss this but I have to close this issue since is not a YCM bug and Windows is not supported officially.

Build or Compile Webkit on Windows7 64bit

I'm trying to just build webkit on windows. As usual I started with webkit site and trying to get developer tools setup. I'm struck basically at the cygwin Installation itself.
The cygwin-downloader gets all the packages and runs the setup normally.
As per the installation instructions, I selected the Install from Local Directory Option (cygwin install and source package directories are different).
There was some initial turbulance in finding the packages, somehow i could let it find the packages. The screen looks like this now.
I selected the packages (all) and then proceeded with next. It just ran very fast and exited saying nothing needs to be installed. It looked like this.
After I ran the cygwin shorcut from the desktop its shouting something is missing.
I don't understand what am I missing here. Also at some link it says we need a port to build webkit. If thats the case, how does anyone port webkit to their applications without building the webkit alone?
I know this is not a programming question. but this will help most of the people who are taking baby steps in understanding and build WebKit. Thanks!
According to this, it's seems a cygwin-downloader's bug.
However, there is a workaround...
Just copy {cygwin-downloader}\setup.ini file to a {cygwin-downloader}\x86\ directory. Then reopen setup.exe. It will show you a package list without turbulence. You don't need to click all from the package list. Just click Next.

I want my development environment back: requirements that work to install MD on my Mac

After trying to build the latest MonoDevelop (MD) 3 like this ==>, I ran into some problems which I won't go into in this post, since right now I just want to get my original development environment back which was MD
In trying to do my building I got the impression (likely after looking some things up on the internet) that I needed a more recent version of MDK, so I downloaded and installed MDK 2.10.10. After some struggle, I decided I'd give up (late at night) and I uninstalled my original MD, and cleaned out the trash, and of course I don't keep installer files around long on my Mac because I don't have a lot of extra space.
Ok, sorry about that detour! When I tried to reinstall MD, the application didn't launch, and I couldn't figure out why. I think it is related to libraries that it couldn't find. I tried to run some of my mono programs that worked before I started fooling around and lo and behold they couldn't find I think it was "glibsharpglue", so I did some hunting and found this, which agreed with my findings, but I couldn't quite work out what to do. I also found something on the internet which indicated that maybe my MRE install was hatched. That agreed with my recollection of not having too much trouble installing MD and dependencies the first time. I don't remember having to do any work with configuring where libraries were located in order for things to run. Hmm. Anyway, I thought I'd back off and try an earlier download (Documentation is still very sparse -or I can't seem to find it anyway- about what dependencies / versions system-wise, or even toolkit-wise (MRE, or MDK) are required to run a given version of MD.).
So, long story short, I downloaded MRE 2.10_5 which I found in the archives here. After uninstalling 2.10.10, I installed 2.10_5, and lo and behold my previous mono applications that I have made worked fine! So then I thought, "great, now I can get my MD environment working fine". Ha! When I installed MD, after of course, installing the MDK (2.10_5), a notice popped up nicely telling me that I needed a minimum MRE of 2.10.4. Ok, so back to the uninstall, download, re-install process only to find that the MRE does not seem to know where the libraries are again, and my programs don't run, so I didn't even bother with trying to install any further. Then, I had a brilliant idea to install MRE / MDK 3.0.2 (the latest)... figuring that this should install nicely and "you'd think it might know where the libraries are". Ah, but how wrong was I. After I installed this version and tried to run my programs, it gave an error like "dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022 Trace/BPT trap". After looking this up, I discovered that I need Snow Leopard or >, (10.6 +).
Now my question is, what version of MRE, and MDK can I use on my system that properly sets up library referencing and that works on Mac (OSX 10.5.8), so that I can get back my original development system MonoDevelop Or, if no one knows that, what do I need to let MRE/MDK know where the libraries are?
Ok, here's what worked to get me back. I decided I'd even downgrade my MD so I could get something working. Well, neither nor MD would work with MRE 2.10_5, so then I went back to older versions of MRE/MDK. I discovered that MRE 2.10.6_1 allowed my mono programs to run (it knew where to look for libraries), then I downloaded and installed MDK 2.10.6_1 and tried to run my mono programs ... ah failed to find libraries. So I thought maybe I'll go ahead and install the MRE again. And it my programs worked. Then I installed and ran MD, and it worked! So this appears to be what is needed to get MD working on a Mac OSX 10.5.8: step 1) install MDK 2.10.6_1 2) install MRE 2.10.6_1 3) install MD
Does it have to be that complicated?
Are there other solutions (probably, but I've got what I need right now).
I guess I'm a sucker for punishment. After I got everything working I thought, "now let's just try MRE 2.10.10 again ... and after installing it, again, my mono programs don't work. So, I uninstalled that, and got back to the above so I could do my work in MD which appears to be the latest version I can run without stepping through the "dependency or library" issues in building my own. (It kind of reminds me of dependency "fun" I had when building X10 (or was is X11?) and Gnome back in 2000 or so with my slackware box.)

Meteor update failed download on windows

im getting this error when im trying to update Meteor on windows.
Using git bash here, but getting the same error in command prompt.
Does the file simply not excist, or what is going on here, have had it for some days now, so im just curious if the file excist at all, since its not really officially supported on windows yet?
$ meteor update
New version available: 0.3.8
Failed to download:
It is not supported officially yet on Windows. You need to rely on weekly checking for updates.
I believe you are correct in your assumption of it not really being officially supported on windows. I also get this same error and have tried everything to get around it. I tried scouring for this package manually and was unable to find it.
