Will java app run on Liberty Profile and WAS - websphere

At a customer we use WAS to develop and run web apps. The problem is that WAS running locally is not the fasted web server.
With the release of Websphere Liberty Profile (WLP) it could be a good alternative to run on our local development environment.
Will Java apps developed on WLP run on a 'real' WAS server? Without changes??

Yes, Java EE applications developed on Liberty will run on WebSphere Application Server traditional without changes because both are Java EE compliant application servers. Because of it's composabilility, smaller size and faster starter startup time, developing applications on Liberty and deploying them on WebSphere Application Server traditional is a common paradigm and can provide a good development experience.

If you develop on Liberty with a goal to deploy on traditional WebSphere Application Server, and limit your applications to the EE6 web profile programming model (https://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEQTP_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.wlp.doc/ae/rwlp_feature_webProfile-6.0.html) your application is likely to run unmodified on traditional WebSphere Application Server.
The WebSphere Migration Toolkit can help answer some of theses kinds of questions by analyzing your application:


how to develop msf4j-apps and deploy them in wso2ei

the about-page of wso2ei 6.1.1 (https://docs.wso2.com/display/EI611/About+this+Release)
mentioned the possibility to develop and especially to deploy msf4j apps in wso2ei:
From WSO2 EI 6.1.0 onwards, it does not ship the functionalities of
WSO2 Application Server (AS). However, you can develop applications
using MSF4J, JAX-RS or JAX-WS technologies and deploy in WSO2 EI. If
you already have applications in WAR or AAR formats, use WSO2 AS 5.3.0
or Tomcat as the server to deploy web apps. Nevertheless, WSO2 still
provides complete development and production support for WSO2 AS.
I am very interested to do this, but unfortunally I can not find any information on this topic. I would be happy to receive information and links to this topic.
You can develop a service using MSF4J and deployed it with the MSF4J profile which is available with the WSO2 EI. Sample is mentioned in Doc 1
Highlevel steps would be
Develop the MSF4J service
Put that jar file in <EI_HOME>/wso2/msf4j/deployment directory
Start the MSF4J profile in EI <EI_HOME>/wso2/msf4j/bin/carbon.sh

How to make my two application running on JBoss interact With each other

I am new to Web development, There are two applications running on the JBoss on same machine,my requirement is that from one application I need to consume some services of other application, I should not use Rest Services,I am new to this web development, Please some one help me in this

Deploy Web Services on Websphere Portal Server

Like we use DeployPortlet.xml file to deploy portlet on webspehre portal server, is there a similar way to deploy web services on webspehere portal server
unless they are WSRP services you cannot using xmlaccess, you would need to use the websphere appserver commands for doing it, either using the automated deployment steps using the properties files and the deployment directory, or using wsadmin to deploy them

OSGI JAX-WS Client On WebSphere Application Server

I am trying to implement an OSGI based JAX-WS WebService client on WebSphere Application Server(8.5.5). I created a web project in my RAD (Rational Application Developer) workbench and added the programming model as osgi.
After that I tried to create the webservice client from the available wsdl.
But I am getting the following error " The IBM WebSphere JAX-WS Web service runtime does not support Client projects with the OSGi Bundle facet."
Are you using JAX-WS on WebSphere Application Server traditional (i.e. not the Liberty Profile)? If so, then traditional does not support JAX-WS in OSGi Applications. The Liberty profile does support JAX-WS.
If not, then this could be a tools check that's no longer valid. I know the tools used to prevent you doing this when JAX-WS was not supported on traditional or Liberty. You could try using the latest WebSphere Developer tools from the Ecilpse Marketplace or https://wasdev.net/repo to create a simple test project to see if you hit the same problem.
I hope this helps.
Regards, Graham.

Does application server provides what spring can provide

Bit confused with Spring framework and what capabilities application server provides.
I was reading this answer on same site
There he says,
Additionally App Server have components and features to support
Application level services such as Connection Pooling, Object Pooling,
Transaction Support, Messaging services etc.
That means we can optionally use apis of application server to manage transaction in our web application (inject web application :()and I think spring also provides transaction apis. So whats the difference?
Please, help me to make it clear. Thanks you.
When you use app server resources (transactions, connection pools etc.) directly in your application code, you can only run it when it is deployed on an application server or even worse only on that syme type of application server.
Spring allows you to use those resources and configure your application for different environments. The application can be run on any application server or on a simple Tomcat, or on different servers in the cloud.
Spring also allows you to run your code in tests (unit tests) without the need to start up an application server. This is absolutely needed to write automated tests.
Everything that can be done with an application server, can be done with spring as well.
There is a whole world of spring libraries and framework that provide features that are not available directly on application servers.
I can really recomand to give spring a try.....
