Deploy Web Services on Websphere Portal Server - websphere

Like we use DeployPortlet.xml file to deploy portlet on webspehre portal server, is there a similar way to deploy web services on webspehere portal server

unless they are WSRP services you cannot using xmlaccess, you would need to use the websphere appserver commands for doing it, either using the automated deployment steps using the properties files and the deployment directory, or using wsadmin to deploy them


How do I connect my Azure frontend static web app to my Azure backend app service via endpoints?

For a learning project we've built a frontend and backend application. The frontend "application" is just a bunch of linked html/css/javascript files. The backend application is a spring boot / maven / java project with some endpoints.
When I run the backend application locally I am able to send a GET-request successfully using Postman. Now we've hosted the backend application via Azure and I have no idea how I can send a GET-request, I don't know which url to use.
After I get this to work I'd like to connect front- and backend application using these url's.
As you can run the backend application in your local environment successfully, you have to follow the below steps to configure and deploy the spring boot web app to azure app service:
In a terminal window, run the following command to configure your web app with the Azure Maven Plugin
Then, at the Command Prompt, run this maven command and set the default configurations by typing ENTER and Confirm (Y/N) => 'y' and the configuration will gets completed.
Once you've done with the above steps, run
mvn azure-webapp:deploy to publish the web app to Azure.
Your webapp URL will be displayed in the output.
I don't know which url to use?
You can use that URL from maven console output and access the web-app.
Also Refer this SO thread to know how to deploy frontend and backend to the same app service plan.

The application server IntegratedWebLogicServer does not have the Service Bus runtime installed

I have OSB project with JDeveloper 12C, and then I want to deploy the project to my webLogic server.
But getting error:
The application server IntegratedWebLogicServer does not have the Service Bus runtime installed
You cannot deploy it on any simple Weblogic server instance. You need to create a domain that includes the ServiceBus runtime.
If you used the quickstart installer for JDeveloper/SOA Suite 12c, during development, you can also right-click on your project and "Run" so it should automatically create an integrated domain for you.

Oracle APEX hosting in IIS

I'm unable to deploy oracle apex in Windows 10 IIS , can you tell me how to deploy oracle apex pages in iis ( Internet Information Services )
You need a java web container (TomCat, GlassFish, WebLogic, etc) to deploy ORDS which will connect to your database that is running APEX. I'm not sure if you can deploy .war files in IIS. If you can, then you should be good to go and deploy the ords.war within it.
You can't. But you can run the ords.war as a standalone application where it will use it's internal Jetty server and use IIS Application Request Routing to create a reverse proxy connection to it.

Cloud Foundry : Spring boot vs WAR file

I am new to the world of Cloud, CloudFoundry, Saas, PaaS, IaaS, etc.
So I have few very fundamental questions.
Who is better Spring boot or war file in terms of deploying an application or a service to a cloud using cloud foundry?
If I want to deploy my war file on a PaaS cloud then who kicks it off?
As in where is the server?
How will I know which server my war file is deployed to?
Is using Spring-boot with embeded tomcat for PaaS mandatory?
What if my application does not use spring-boot (no spring reference in pom as well) then can I deploy my application war file on cloud? How?
There is nothing like better in war or Spring boot jar. They both are underhood same things, where Spring boot jar manages the server embedded in it and war does not have that.
Cloud Foundry has something like BuildPacks. You need to define a buildpack when you do a cf push. If you select a java build pack it has the things required to run a war on server. It gets the Java, Tomcat Server and all other dependencies needed to run the war.
Cloud foundry creates a droplet, which is basically the execution context with all required dependencies. This is used to run the actual VM on the cloud.
You need not know which server your war is deployed to. That is the basic idea behind the cloud deployment. It may be on a single/multiple VMs under the hood. So what you need to know is something called routes. Routes are the actual addresses to your apps. You need to create routes and bind them to your application, and later app can be accessed using the routes.
No using embedded servers is not mandatory in Any Cloud PAAS. War can be directly deployed. All PAAS platforms has support for this. Cloud foundry way of doing this is through build packs.
CF :
Heroku :
Any application/ non spring apps which is plain war or jar can be used to run on PAAS platforms.

Deploy web role in Windows Azure project to web site

I've created a Windows Azure project in Visual Studio 2012 that contains both a web role (an MVC 4 project) and a worker role. I've also created a cloud service and a web site in the Windows Azure management portal. When I deploy the project it deploys both to the cloud service and creates an instance for both the web and worker roles.
I was wondering if it were possible that when I select to deploy the project that it deploys the web role to the website and the worker role to the cloud service?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
In order to accomplish what you're trying to do, first you would need to remove the WebRole project from your Cloud Services Project. To do that, click on cloud service project, then expand Roles node and remove the WebRole project from there. Now when you deploy this cloud project, only worker role will get deployed. Since the web role is now no longer a part of your cloud services project, you will have to deploy it separately. In order to do that, you just right click on the web project and then publish that project.
Another thing you would need to keep in mind is that your web role is now a standard web application thus it won't be able to read from service configuration file or do any thing (like diagnostcs etc.) which you would normally do when a web role is part of a cloud service. All settings in your service configuration file should go under appSettings section in web.config file.
