Does application server provides what spring can provide - spring

Bit confused with Spring framework and what capabilities application server provides.
I was reading this answer on same site
There he says,
Additionally App Server have components and features to support
Application level services such as Connection Pooling, Object Pooling,
Transaction Support, Messaging services etc.
That means we can optionally use apis of application server to manage transaction in our web application (inject web application :()and I think spring also provides transaction apis. So whats the difference?
Please, help me to make it clear. Thanks you.

When you use app server resources (transactions, connection pools etc.) directly in your application code, you can only run it when it is deployed on an application server or even worse only on that syme type of application server.
Spring allows you to use those resources and configure your application for different environments. The application can be run on any application server or on a simple Tomcat, or on different servers in the cloud.
Spring also allows you to run your code in tests (unit tests) without the need to start up an application server. This is absolutely needed to write automated tests.
Everything that can be done with an application server, can be done with spring as well.
There is a whole world of spring libraries and framework that provide features that are not available directly on application servers.
I can really recomand to give spring a try.....


How to implement 1-way SSL in Spring Boot

I am building a middle tier which will consume information from multiple downstream systems. The ask is to talk to them over 1 way SSL. I looked up samples but this concept is a bit if a mystery to me. Please help.
The question is too vague IMHO, I'll try to provide general insights
The answer may vary depending on the actual requirements in your organization security department and your actual spring boot configuration.
Spring Boot is a Java framework that usually allows the deployment architecture with an embedded tomcat, jetty or undertow servers that serve Http endpoints exposed by Spring MVC or without an embedded server at all (usually for legacy deployments)
If you in a "legacy" mode (build a WAR) - then HTTPs configuration should be done on the actual server and not in spring boot application.
If you use an embedded server, then the actual technical solution can actually depend on the server you use underneath, at least to some extent.
Indeed like Steffen Ullrich has stated in the comment section, there are many examples of doing this.
For example, take a look at This one
If you want to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPs you should configure your server to do so, and this solution is Tomcat specific.
Another thing to consider is whether you want to use SSL at the level of spring boot at all. Maybe you're running under the gateway / some kind of proxy. In this case, it can make sense to use https for accessing the proxy from outside, but from a proxy to java application you could use HTTP.
I know I'm just speculating about this solution, I've just decided to mention it because in my experience there are many organizations that work like this.
In addition, since spring boot is used for microservice development, the chances are that you have many spring boot artifacts that somehow "talk" to each other, so maybe running HTTPs between them is redundant.

Does Spring Boot needs to be run on AppServer like Weblogic?

I have used only Spring framework and deployed as spring boot application It just opens and runs as a java application , Why do a companies with only spring framework runs on app server they can run on JAVA application as usual ? why do they need App server? What all can an app server does ?
Application servers are usually designed to host multiple applications, and manage a set of services that are used by all these applications. These services might include transaction management, timers and task management, HTTP request routing, a message broker (for inter-process communication, among other things), user management, etc. There's usually a graphical or command-line management console, or both.
The Spring framework is usually used to build a single, mostly-self-contained application. Spring does provide common services like transaction management, although they typically require a deal more developer understanding than is the case with, say, a JEE appserver.
There are all sorts of application containers and frameworks, offering different kinds of services in different ways. Often there is no killer reason to pick one over the other, and they are to some extent interchangeable. Spring Boot seems to be rising in popularity right now, because (perhaps) of its better fit to the microservices-type development models that are currently popular.

Spring Cloud Netflix - how to access Eureka/Ribbon from traditional web app?

Everything I found on the internet about Spring Cloud Netflix is about running microservices from Boot applications using #EnableEurekaClients and so on.
Now I'm trying to connect my logging microservice within a traditional war application (springmvc, jaxws etc) - piece of legacy which can not be converted to Boot or modified in any way (by technical task).
I've created a new maven module "log-server-client" that knows nothing about upper web layer and intended to be used as a simple dependency in any maven project.
How should I configure access to Spring Cloud Netflix for this simple dependency? At least, how to configure Eureka and Ribbon?
I just extracted some lines of code from RestTemplate and created my custom JmsTemplate (microservice works with jms remoting with apache camel and activemq), exactly how it is done in RestTemplate, but this code stil lacks connection to infrastructure
afaik, we can create a global singleton bean, run a separate thread from this bean, and run Boot app from this thread, but don't you think that it is very ugly and can lead to problems? How it really should be used?
Great question!
One approach is to use a "sidecar". This seems to be a companion Spring Boot application that registers with the Eureka Server on behalf of your traditional web app.
See e.g.:
Another approach is to use the following library:
"A small lib to allow registration of legacy applications in Eureka service discovery."
This library can be used outside of Spring Boot.

How to deploy a spring integration component?

I've developed a spring integration component that is to sit on a server and process messages coming in over an inbound RMI channel do some processing/filtering and then send out some messages over a different RMI channel.
Currently, for testing, I've been running it using a Main class that just loads the context, which sets up the inbound RMI gateway and it's working fine. But I don't think that this is appropriate for a production environment.
What is the best way to deploy this type of project to a server?
If I were working in a .Net I'd be deploying this type of application as a windows service, is that what I should be doing here?
The application that is sending me data is hosted in Tomcat, would it be a good idea to also run this application within the same Tomcat container (Current requirements are for both components to be on the same machine this may change)? And if so how?
I'm currently looking into Spring Boot, am I on the right path?
I think the best would be Spring Boot, as it's made to easily allow running different types of applications. Also, you don't need Tomcat if you can run the same component with a simple Main and not using UI. Spring Boot, also, has a sample using Spring Integration here, so you should be up and running in no time.

How should SOA - based application architecture look like?

If I want to create application based on webservices that OSB would serve - what should be it's architecture?
ie. if I use Oracle SOA Suite, I create WebServices that will do my bussiness (talk to DB etc.), put them on OSB (Oracle Service BUS). If I'd want to create app (webapp) that will utilize those services, how shoud I create project?
Would it be war with gui and its logic, separate jar for EJB?
If I understand the question, you're looking for how to structure a web application that calls OSB web services. This is no different than a web application calling any other web service.
You shouldn't need EJBs for that, rather you can invoke the web services directly from java via JAX-WS or another mechanism.
For guidelines on structuring an application .ear, see
or your application server's documentation.
