Problems with Xcode 7.2.1 - xcode

just install the new version of Xcode (7.2.1), he took a little longer than expected.
But when it finished and run the xcode continues with version 7.1.1
I thought it would be solved by restarting the Mac, but no.
Any idea what can be spent? or happened to me to be done?
My MAC version.
My xcode options
My applications

I had exactly the same problem. I installed 4GB large 7.2.1 version of Xcode from the AppStore over an existing 7.2 version, and whichever way I was launching Xcode it was always the same old 7.2 popping up. What was worse I could not download 7.2.1 again, as AppStore app was not showing Install button anymore, but rather Launch button instead (like it was installed).
Finally I found a solution. I went to Downloads for Apple Developers site (a login to a developer account was required), I dowloaded Xcode_7.2.1.dmg 4.7GB large from there, launched an installation... which successfully replaced the older 7.2 version of Xcode.

Another answer suggests installing Xcode via a Developer Member Center download. I'd like to caution against this, and suggest an alternative approach.
Shortly before Xcode 7 became available, I upgraded an Xcode 6 installation to 6.4 by using the download. I did this to save download time for upgrading multiple machines (I put the installer on a flash drive). I subsequently discovered that using the downloaded installer broke tracking the version history in the App Store, and I was no longer able to upgrade via the App Store. Also, I was no longer notified of pending Xcode updates via the MAS "Updates" panel.
So a possible consequence for you may be that the App Store may not be able to handle your future Xcode updates, or even notify you when an update is pending.
What I ended up doing was deleting my then-current Xcode installation (I used AppDelete to get all of the components of the installation), and starting from scratch using the App Store. I recommend doing the same. Probably the best way to start is to try deleting Xcode via Launchpad. But if that doesn't work (say, it doesn't delete all versions if you still have multiple versions), try AppDelete or a similar app.
I should note that one reason I used the download to upgrade Xcode 6 was that I'd done so previously without breaking the App Store's ability to track Xcode's version history. Whether that previous behavior was a fluke, or whether the later behavior (losing the version history) was a fluke, I can't say.
If you've already installed via the Member Center installer, you can check to see if you'll have this problem by looking up Xcode in MAS. If the store shows you have the version you manually installed, then all is well (probably!). If not, either you'll have to keep track of updates by yourself, or you should re-establish MAS version tracking by deleting Xcode and starting from scratch via MAS. I'd be interested to learn whether the store is tracking your manual installation.


When I attached my device to the xcode and try to build my project it's generating error

Could not locate device support files.
This iPhone 5s (Model A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530) is running iOS 10.3.1 (14E304), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.
You need to update Xcode whenever the iOS version you want to work with is higher than the highest version that Xcode's simulator has installed. This can be done one of two ways. The simplest is to use the App Store to download/update Xcode. If the App Store doesn't show any updates, you must manually download the latest Xcode build from
You will need to manually download from the Developer portal when the version of Xcode on your computer was downloaded there previously. For example, many beta testers may download the file directly instead of using the Mac App Store, since it is a beta download.
I would recommend trying to keep updates done through the App Store by downloading Xcode from there initially. The benefit to this is that it can automatically update as well as save space on your computer (Xcode is a big file, and you may not have enough space to download a new version if you still have the old version).
As of the comments, I will now write an answer. :-)
Whenever you encounter this error there might be two reasons for that:
The OS version is too old
The iPhone's/iPad's OS is too new for your Xcode version
If it is too old, you may need to download older SDKs and OS versions.
You can do so in Xcode. Go to "Preferences" -> "Components" and download the appropriate Simulator.
If the devices OS is up to date, you have to make sure your Xcode is also up to date.
Either you update Xcode through the AppStore OR (and I prefer this way, as the AppStore is used to hang up in a certain state and cannot be completed any longer until you restart the Mac, at least I had this several times).
Side note: Xcode requires multiple GB of free storage. Make sure you have enough free storage left for an update.
You can download the latest Xcode version from the portal:
Go to Downloads:
And then select the item of interest (in your case Xcode)

Xcode 7.3.1 update stuck? is it downloading?

Trying to download Xcode 7.3.1 but download process is stuck for atleast 1 - 1/2 hour, is it stuck, is it going to complete? I have latest Mac OS installed
Tried solution provided on this link but non worked
XCode 7.3.1 Update Not Installing
It always happens to me (Well, not always but it happens, and also with another apps). What I do is to delete the Xcode app, and then install it again from the App Store or from the Developer's site.

Glassfish v4.0 cannot work on Mac OSX 10.6.8 + JDK 7.0 U40

I had been using 2010 Macbook Pro for a while and had updated the Mac OSX to the latest version, and I had been suffering the slow speed for a long time. So last night I googled and do some cleanup , such as fix disk permissions, but the Mac was still slow. And someone suggest to re-install MacOSX.
I was thinking it was the new version of Mac OSX's problem, I had the same kind of problems happen on the 1st version IPad either.
After I reinstalled, the computer became much more faster. But I encountered the following problems:
JDK 7 DMG does not support OSX 10.6.8, but ONLY OSX 10.7+
Github official client does not support OSX 10.7+
Gooooooogled again and again, to solve the 1st problem, there are mainly to suggestions:
A. Using PackageMaker to remove the OSX version condition.
B. Using a tool Pacifist to open the pkg file inside the DMG file downloaded from official.
Since I have PackageMaker installed on Mac OSX, so I choosed A.
Open it with PackageMaker, remove the limitation, and build it again, I installed with the new pkg file successfully at:
And then set JAVA_HOME on ~/.bash_profile.
Then I download the glassfish 4.0 multi-language version, unzipped, and start-domain successfully. and finally the problem killed me for now.
After glassfish v4 started, I try to login into web console at:
then glassfish server instance "dies", the java process of glassfish is still there, but without any response, the web console starting icon keeps rolling all the time. And there are no error logs created, and the "generated" directory is not generated.
2013-10-15 14:05:20.928 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement methodSignatureForSelector: -- trouble ahead
2013-10-15 14:05:20.930 java[797:903] * NSInvocation: warning: object 0x1083c8390 of class 'ThreadUtilities' does not implement doesNotRecognizeSelector: -- abort
Command start-domain failed.
That is the 1st problem.
The 2nd problem is about github. Since github official does not support OSX 10.6.8, I found an old installer with version 1.0.3. I installed this version, with one ONLY problem for now, I cannot login into github with username and password,no error responses, just no responding, I suffered this once I was on Windows. But I can work with clicking the "Clone into Desktop" button on
Can someone help me out? I am working on JDK7 based projects.
Why everybody is leaving Snow Leopard, and does not support it anymore, but old Mac computers should be die without working software after 2~3 years, just 2~3 years. And OS upgrade to nex t level will DOWNGrade the performance. Why this things happen?
Is it the oracle from god?
I had the same error (NSInvocation...), on my 2006 Macbook Pro (OS X 10.6.8), onto which I had installed JDK7 to develop a Java/GWT application in Eclipse Kepler. After searching around, I learned that one possible solution was to downgrade to JDK 1.7.0u25 (instead of update 40 or higher), so I installed that version alongside 1.7.0u45 (which I already had), and that fixed the problem. So I would recommend installing that version of the JDK and see if that fixes your problem.

Xcode version / AppStore

When ready to present an app to put on the appStore; is there a minimum version of Xcode required? Or any version however old is good?
According to Apple,
You should always use the latest Xcode (requires Apple ID to login)
Note: You can build with the very latest SDK, and run your app on an earlier operating system. The Deployment Target build setting controls the lowest operating system version that your app will run on. This setting is independent of the Base SDK build setting.
Using any other SDK is TEMPORARY
It's important to understand that using an older SDK is a temporary workaround, not a solution. Issues preventing your app from using the latest SDK should be fixed as soon as possible. It will be much easier to fix these issues while the older build system is still supported.
Latest & Easiest way
Application Loader
You need to have some minimum version of the XCode, but no need to have the very latest one...
And for easy steps & guidelines to submit app in to appstore please check out the following url
Easy Steps for App Store Submission & Certificates creation - By iOSCodeGUIDE

install Iphone SDK 4.0 on top of 4.2

There is a nasty bug in IOS 4.2 having to do with the tint color of the navigation bar in a split view controller.
I have the 4.2 sdk on my mac, is there a way to install 4.0 on top of it and have them both work?
The relevant SDKs live in:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs, and
In the past I've been able to keep an SDK from a previous version by simply copying the relevant folder forwards. Xcode simply spotted the old SDK and continued offering it as a Base SDK. So you'd need to install the old SDK somewhere, keep hold of the relevant iPhoneOS4.0.sdk and iPhoneSimulator4.0.sdk folders, install the new SDK and then copy the backed up folders in. If you use Time Machine, you may even be able to grab them directly from there.
However, I believe this to be an unsupported way of proceeding, so it's not necessarily guaranteed to work. And all the usual warnings about doing anything Apple don't support apply.
