Xcode 7.3.1 update stuck? is it downloading? - xcode

Trying to download Xcode 7.3.1 but download process is stuck for atleast 1 - 1/2 hour, is it stuck, is it going to complete? I have latest Mac OS installed
Tried solution provided on this link but non worked
XCode 7.3.1 Update Not Installing

It always happens to me (Well, not always but it happens, and also with another apps). What I do is to delete the Xcode app, and then install it again from the App Store or from the Developer's site.


Mac - Xcode Supposedly Updated But Version Did Not Change

Okay this is the second time this has happened to me. I updated Xcode to version 7.3.1 from the Mac App Store, which took FOREVER. After the update finished, the version number remained at 7.2 even though the Updates section of the App Store shows Xcode 7.3.1 as a recent download.
This is a big problem because I can't run my app on my iPhone because I keep getting the "Could not find developer disk image" error since Xcode is not updated to the most recent version.
I can no longer "update" Xcode again since it's no longer in the Software Updates section in the App Store.
How do I fix this problem?

Problems with Xcode 7.2.1

just install the new version of Xcode (7.2.1), he took a little longer than expected.
But when it finished and run the xcode continues with version 7.1.1
I thought it would be solved by restarting the Mac, but no.
Any idea what can be spent? or happened to me to be done?
My MAC version.
My xcode options
My applications
I had exactly the same problem. I installed 4GB large 7.2.1 version of Xcode from the AppStore over an existing 7.2 version, and whichever way I was launching Xcode it was always the same old 7.2 popping up. What was worse I could not download 7.2.1 again, as AppStore app was not showing Install button anymore, but rather Launch button instead (like it was installed).
Finally I found a solution. I went to Downloads for Apple Developers site (a login to a developer account was required), I dowloaded Xcode_7.2.1.dmg 4.7GB large from there, launched an installation... which successfully replaced the older 7.2 version of Xcode.
Another answer suggests installing Xcode via a Developer Member Center download. I'd like to caution against this, and suggest an alternative approach.
Shortly before Xcode 7 became available, I upgraded an Xcode 6 installation to 6.4 by using the download. I did this to save download time for upgrading multiple machines (I put the installer on a flash drive). I subsequently discovered that using the downloaded installer broke tracking the version history in the App Store, and I was no longer able to upgrade via the App Store. Also, I was no longer notified of pending Xcode updates via the MAS "Updates" panel.
So a possible consequence for you may be that the App Store may not be able to handle your future Xcode updates, or even notify you when an update is pending.
What I ended up doing was deleting my then-current Xcode installation (I used AppDelete to get all of the components of the installation), and starting from scratch using the App Store. I recommend doing the same. Probably the best way to start is to try deleting Xcode via Launchpad. But if that doesn't work (say, it doesn't delete all versions if you still have multiple versions), try AppDelete or a similar app.
I should note that one reason I used the download to upgrade Xcode 6 was that I'd done so previously without breaking the App Store's ability to track Xcode's version history. Whether that previous behavior was a fluke, or whether the later behavior (losing the version history) was a fluke, I can't say.
If you've already installed via the Member Center installer, you can check to see if you'll have this problem by looking up Xcode in MAS. If the store shows you have the version you manually installed, then all is well (probably!). If not, either you'll have to keep track of updates by yourself, or you should re-establish MAS version tracking by deleting Xcode and starting from scratch via MAS. I'd be interested to learn whether the store is tracking your manual installation.

Trouble downloading XCode 6.1 on Mac OS X Yosemite

after upgrading my Mac to Yosemite I've had trouble downloading XCode 6.1
Every time I tried I got an error saying:
This item is temporarily unavailable. Try again later.
I have tried again later, for a couple days, with no luck.
I have found this Apple forum post really helpful, but I did not want to download the third party tools.
I have solved the problem by searching for XCode:
sudo find / -name *XCode*
Which returned:
By renaming all of the com.apple.DeveloperTools folders/files above to aaacom.apple.DeveloperTools I have managed to get my App Store to download the new XCode.
What I wanted to ask was, has Yosemite changed the way that the Mac cache works?
I ask this because I noticed that some people had not managed to fix the issue by removing the usually recommended folder named com.apple.appstore. I can't say if this would/would not work since this is the first thing I tried so I'm asking if the Mac cache has changed, and if so in what way?
Edit 1:
I have only now noticed the really useful command that was posted by Elliott Slaughter in the same thread which is a slightly more general cache deletion than my command:
rm -rf "$(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)/com.apple.appstore"
Where on my machine:
...$ echo $(getconf DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR)
Edit 2:
So my assumption is that deleting com.apple.appstore wouldn't work because XCode seems to be referenced in the com.apple.DeveloperTools folders. Am I right?
I was dealing with this same problem, but I have not yet updated to Yosemite (Still on Mavericks).
To be specific my problem was I started to download Xcode 6.1.1, and then paused it, or got disconnected for some reason (I don't remember), and then could not download the app for days. From that point forward I received the error message.
This item is temporarily unavailable. Try again later.
I followed the comment by Danilo Muñoz on the second page of the Apple form Post Nonsensickle posted.
Go to the "App Store" > "Store" > "Check for Unfinished Downloads ..."
This fixed the bug.
As for your question, It doesn't seem that Yosemite changed the way that the Mac cache works, because I seem to have had the same problem on Mavericks.
It might be network error You can download directly it with this links
Or you can download .dmg files directly without such errors
Xcode 6
Xcode 6.1 link
6.0.1 link
Xcode 5
5.1.1 link
5.0.2 link
Xcode 4
4.6.3 link
4.5.2 link
4.4.1 link
4.3.2 link

XCode 4.2 not getting installed on my mac

I want to install XCode 4.2 on my mac. I have the dmg, but when I start the installation process, I get the file size as zero kb. Attaching the screen shot of the same:
Can anyone tell me what the problem might be???
The Mac version i am using is 10.7.2....
I have tried changing the install location, but it was of no use.
The installation process takes around 15 mins (although the size is zero kbas is in screen shot) and at the end, I am getting the message "Installation Completed"
For mac OSX version 10.7.2 (Mac OSx Lion), Do I need to download XCode 4.3. The dmg that I have got from one of my friend is titled "xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_beta_6_for_snow_leopard.dmg". Also, I have tried installing XCode 3.2.6 and it also is experiencing a similar problem.
what have you used for downloading?
The most of download managers downloads damaged files when Internet connection error was occured. The second type of managers stops downloading herein.
Don't use itunes if you can. I advice you to download xcode via torrents because they are protected from these downloading errors. Or at least try to download it via firefox because it stops the downloading instead of masking download erros.
I read the following in the Xcode Release Notes (developer account required) in the Apple developer documentation:
You can install Xcode 4.2 for Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard only if you have purchased an earlier release of Xcode.
Install or update Xcode through the Purchases or Updates panes.
If you purchased Xcode from the Mac App Store, the Install Xcode app is on the volume on which you installed Xcode.
To install Xcode 4.2 on another volume, you must delete all copies of the Install Xcode app from your file system.
Maybe the first point explains your problem!?
I have downloaded the new dmg of XCode 4.2 from apple developer portal (developement tools). Its XCode_4.2_for_Lion. And it has got installed without any problem.

Can't update command line tools because Xcode tells me I don't have access to them

I'm using Xcode 4.3.2 and it tried to install an update to the command line tools.
I clicked the update button and Xcode told me that [my apple id] does not have access to Command Line Tools. (Contact Apple Developer Support to resolve account access issues.)
The problem happened with 4.3.1 too, I just did the update to 4.3.2 because I thought that it will resolve the issue.
My account is a paid Mac + iOS Developer account. I am pretty sure I should have access to these tools. But Xcode tells me I don't.
I logged in to the developer portal and checked for new Terms of Service too. Everything looks alright.
How can I install the update? Does anybody have a solution for this?
Yes its all over the Twitter... Just go to Apple Downloads and manually install it. They are investigating the issue as far as I know
Dominik Porada details the solution at Xcode 4.5 and iOS 5.1 Simulator, ie. download the old XCode 4.4.1 from Apple and pull out the simulation. Personally, I just copied the simulator from one of my other Macs that I hadn't upgraded XCode on yet.
Not sure if it's still relevant but xcode-select --install might do it.
I had the same problem last night after the update to Mountain Lion and Xcode 4.4.
This morning I tried to build something in xcode and it told me that developer mode wasn't enabled on the mac. Once I enabled it, I tried to download the command tools again and that happened to work fine now.
