Why Missing artifact? - maven

This is part of the pom
An it is creating some files in the local repository but not the jar
those are the files created for swagger-models

There is no swagger-models version 1.x. the io.swagger / swagger-models artifact was introduced in 1.5.0--you should be using 1.5.7


How to solve incorrect dependencys using maven and openapi

in our springboot project we are using openapi to generate the representation of our data. But if i try to build the project it looks the generated classes/Interfaces are missing all dependencys. I get a lot of errors saying something like java: package io.swagger.annotations does not exist or java: package springfox.documentation.annotations does not exist.
However the dependencys should be there. The project has 2 pom.xml files. One in the main directory of the project and one in the src directory of the generated data. The pom in the src directory contains
<!--SpringFox dependencies -->
<!-- Bean Validation API support -->
Here all the needed dependencys like swagger are listed. Thats why I do not understand how there are all these errors saying the packages can not be found. I have no idea why this happens so i would be really grateful if someone could help me.
Try switching to version 2.92 on both dependencies
With the versions changed if you use SpringToolSuite4, forcing the Update Maven Project should work:
Project > Update Maven Project > Force Update of Snapshots/Releases

The following method did not exist: 'org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry.of(java.util.List)'

<!-- The Bad Boy -->
With these dependencies I get following error:
*************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The
attempt was made from the following location:
The following method did not exist:
'org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry.of(java.util.List)'
The method's class, org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry,
is available from the following locations:
It was loaded from the following location:
Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a
single, compatible version of
If I delete Hal Browser Dependency everything works fine:
I have tried to update spring-plugin-core to 2.0.0-RELEASE but this time I get the following error:
An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist. The attempt was made from the following location:
The following method did not exist:
'org.springframework.plugin.core.Plugin org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry.getPluginFor(java.lang.Object, org.springframework.plugin.core.Plugin)'
The method's class, org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry, is available from the following locations:
Also I check this.
I think there is a conflict on spring-plugin-core
How can fix this?
When this error is displayed:
The following method did not exist:
'org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry.of(java.util.List)'
It means spring-plugin-core 1.2.0 is in effect. This is good for springfox-swagger2 v2.9.2, however, some other components can't find PluginRegistry.of(java.util.List) in spring-plugin-core, because it is defined in a later version.
When this error is displayed:
The following method did not exist:
'org.springframework.plugin.core.Plugin org.springframework.plugin.core.PluginRegistry.getPluginFor(java.lang.Object, org.springframework.plugin.core.Plugin)'
It means spring-plugin-core 2.0.0 is in effect. This time, springfox-swagger2 v2.9.2 runs into problem because PluginRegistry.getPluginFor(java.lang.Object, org.springframework.plugin.core.Plugin) is removed from this version.
You may resolve this issue by using the snapshot version of springfox library. It has been upgraded to use the newer version of spring-plugin-core.
Please add the repository definition in order to use this snapshot version:
Please also replace #EnableSwagger2 with #EnableSwagger2WebMvc.
Spring Plugins version is low, add this to pom.xml.
you can find similar issue here: https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issues/2968
In my case I just upgrade my swagger version, and it worked.
I faced the same problem and this is what worked for me-
1.Use HAL explorer instead of HAL browser
2.Update springfox dependency version
either run maven dependency tree command to see that which two jars are included and remove one or an easier way is to delete .m2 folder and re import the dependencies it will fix the issue.

Not able to import JasperReportsCsvView in a Spring Boot application

Following is the snippet of the pom.xml used in our project :
As we could see the respective versions used are Java (1.8), Jasper Reports(6.6.0) and Spring boot (2.0.3.RELEASE).
Is there anything we have been missing or added extra as a dependency?
Or is it the sequence of dependencies which is affecting the proper import?
Finally figured it out What's New in Spring Framework 5.x as per the documentation
Removed Packages, Classes and Methods
Dropped support: Portlet, Velocity, JasperReports, XMLBeans, JDO, Guava.
Recommendation: Stay on Spring Framework 4.3.x for those if needed.
Might help anyone else also. Thank you.

Maven Dependencies : non existing library 'hadoop-common-2.6.0-cdh5.9.0.jar'

I am trying to implement an Spark app WordCount, but i get an error when I add hadoop-common dependency:
'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library '/root/.m2/repository/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-common/2.6.0-cdh5.9.0/hadoop-common-2.6.0-cdh5.9.0.jar'
and this my pom.xml :
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.scala-lang/scala-library -->
my haddop version is 2.6.0-cdh5.9.0.
Any help please!!
or use external jar and add http://repo.spring.io/libs-milestone/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-common/2.6.0-cdh5.9.0/hadoop-common-2.6.0-cdh5.9.0.jar
hope this helps

Issue with Hibernate Search and Spring Integration

I have been trying to integrate Spring with Hibernate Search but getting different exceptions with different versions.
In my pom.xml I have following dependencies
I have also tried to get the actual version of hibernate (3.2.0 Final) from my tests so that I can easily compare the compatibility of hiberante search with my application's hiberante version.
String hibernateVersion = org.hibernate.annotations.common.Version.VERSION;
System.out.println("Hibernate Version: "+ hibernateVersion);
But whenever I just add these lines into my pom file
and try to deploy my application then it gives me an exception
ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader.initWebApplicationContext:215 - Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in ServletContext resource ....
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.util.SoftLimitMRUCache.<init>(I)V
Change all Struts2 jars from to 2.3.16
Change struts2-jquery-plugin from 3.5.1 to 3.7.0 (or it won't work with 2.3.16, only with lower versions)
Upgrade Hibernate to 4.x
Upgrade Spring to 3.x
If possible, use Hibernate as JPA2 implementation, instead of using it as raw Hibernate (old way). Then you will discover that Spring is no longer needed (for persistence at least), especially if you are using JAVA EE 6.
P.S: you will need to upgrade also Apache Commons and other shared libraries according to the latest version, just use Maven Repository to get the proper version numbers.
