Not able to import JasperReportsCsvView in a Spring Boot application - maven

Following is the snippet of the pom.xml used in our project :
As we could see the respective versions used are Java (1.8), Jasper Reports(6.6.0) and Spring boot (2.0.3.RELEASE).
Is there anything we have been missing or added extra as a dependency?
Or is it the sequence of dependencies which is affecting the proper import?

Finally figured it out What's New in Spring Framework 5.x as per the documentation
Removed Packages, Classes and Methods
Dropped support: Portlet, Velocity, JasperReports, XMLBeans, JDO, Guava.
Recommendation: Stay on Spring Framework 4.3.x for those if needed.
Might help anyone else also. Thank you.


OpenAPI, SpringBoot 3.x not eveerything uses Jakarta instead of Javax

I am trying to bump up dependencies in my project to SpringBoot 3.x. As Spring is switching from javax to jakarta, I'm trying to make it all happened in the project as well.
I'm, using OpenAPI to generate some files, and as for most of them everything works as expected, the problem is with ApiUtils - it is still trying to us javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.
I have checked mustache files and there is no javax dependency there.
Any ideas how to deal with that? I would appreciate any help.
Parts of my pom connected to the issue:
<!--Spring dependencies-->
This was a known issue that was actually just fixed yesterday with this merge. Now, you can use the new useJakartaEe config option to force the Jakarta imports.
Maven Example
Gradle Example
configOptions = [
useJakartaEe: "true"
CLI Example
openapi-generator -g spring -o out -i spec.yaml --additional-properties=useJakartaEe=true

value is not getting populate through drool Decision table

I want to incorporate a drool decision table in my spring boot
application with h2 data base. While I am starting the application the
value from drool VO getting null. There are seem to be an issue with H2
DB. If I remove the H2 from Maven then it start working. How to fix that
? please suggest.
<!--spring integration -->
please suggest ....
thanks in advance
Resolved by replace the drool version to 7.24.0.t043 as it is resolved the issue for compatibility with dev tool( spring boot)

Cannot resolve class or Package H2

I use a H2 database for my Spring Application. The thing is, everything works. I can access, store and reconnect to the database. However, I get the warning by my IDE
Cannot resolve class or Package H2
at this
It's a bit confusing since I don't know if and how I have to deal with that. Here was once a similar question but the answer does not help and I don't know if I am allowed to ask this question again or if I should post my question in the existing thread?
Here is my
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- <dependency>
I've seen this before -- and I'm fairly certain it's because your database driver has the <scope>runtime</scope> in your POM. This means that at compile time the driver isn't in the classpath, and I guess the property file inspection is using the compile time classpath.
If you remove the scope from your dependency, the inspection error should go away.

OAuth2LoginAuthenticationFilter Spring Security

At the moment I'm taking a look into Spring Boot 2, OAuth2 and single sign on. I'm running a sample project but am getting:
I'm unable to located the Maven dependency that will give me this class.
I've tried every combination of spring-security core, starter etc.
Below is my Pom as is:
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Any help would be greatly appreciated in nailing down the correct dependencies.
I filed a bug report with Spring for this issue. While it's an ongoing conversation, I did resolve the missing dependency. Just include:

Adding Jdbc sessions to spring boot

When we add the JdbcSession to spring boot project , does it store the session directly in the database(I mean the relational database) . My assumption is If someone restarts the tomcat it should load all the sessions which were stored in the database.
I have added the following dependencies in the pom.xml , however I am not able to
Still I do not get the #EnableJdbcJdbcHttpSession in eclipse.Is there any standard example currently I am referring to
I have not included the redis session in pom.xml but still I see session.redis when I do import in the eclipse.
Update 1 :
My dependencies are like given below :
<!-- <version>4.2.3.RELEASE</version> -->
Had struggled with this for a long time and found the solution:
The default version of spring-session used by spring framework 1.3.5.RELEASE is 1.0.2.RELEASE, which does not contain the #EnableJdbcHttpSession definition.
Solved this by:
Adding the session jar into the pom (make sure it uses the 1.2.0.RELEASE version):
