I am getting the error at this place 'Countries__r.name' assist me - visual-foxpro

I am getting the error at this place, with this code:
List<States__c> stat = [select name from States__c where Countries__r.name = :contr];
Assist me.

Sorry but this syntax is totally wrong for VFP. Did you really mean VFP?
Your code sounds to be partially C# code against a mySQL database? Not sure. It would error there too. Probably one of those languages that I don't know.
And shooting in the dark, without having an idea on the language you use, you are saying States_c but referring to Countries_r in an SQL?


What is the general syntax of a command?

I am a beginner studying the basics of cybersecurity and was wondering if someone could help me elaborate on what is the general syntax of a command?
So far I have only found one source which made sence to me, I feel as though this is too broad of a definition:
'the syntax of a command refers to the rules in which the command must be run in order for a piece of software to understand it.' ?? PLEASE HELP THANK YOU!! =]

Best way to search Ruby syntax in search engine

I'd like to know what suggestions there are for Googling (or using other search engines if preferable) for Ruby syntax. I'm very new, and a substantial part of my baptism by fire comes by way of reading other people's code. Ruby in particular can be challenging this way-- it's fantastically compact and easy to read if you know how to read it, so to speak. But figuring that out can be difficult at times. It's worth it, but difficult. So, for example, let's say I encounter an expression like this:
tquery = "#{MASTER_URL}#{query_str}"
Well, apparently there's something going on with the syntax #{stuff}, but what? A variable being manipulated, it seems? If you encountered such an expression and didn't know about interpolation/substitution and have no ready access to someone to ask directly, how would you go about Googling that? That's just an example, of course, but I hope it illustrates the type of problem I'd like to address.
Also, if there are better tags to apply to this post please let me know and I will add. Thank you.
Symbolhound is pretty good for this. For example, here's the search for Ruby's #{}.
Mind, as you can see from the results, it doesn't necessarily come immediately back and tell you what the notation you searched for is named, or how it's defined, but it does return some helpful results to get you started. It's especially useful for punctuation-based syntax elements that are difficult or impossible to search for in other search engines.

Sassdash - Understanding $this-arg

I am working through the Sassdash Library, and there are numerous functions that use a argument $this-arg. I am having a lot of trouble understanding what it does. Can anyone simply explain what this does and what some simple use cases might be?
It is similar to how this works in JS.

What is this programming "syntax" on code.org

Out of curiosity, i tried a few tutorials on code.org.
I began with this one.
Have you seen this graphical syntax using blocks ?
Is it some kind of standard ?
Or is completely home made ?
Here is what it looks like :
Where can i learn more about it ?
I think it is really easy to read, and i wonder if i could use somewhere else, programming c# or c++, java, even javascript.
I am still not sure if business code would really be easy to read using this syntax.
It's likely to be some form of OpenBlocks, it's a way of representing your code and what it does in a more intuitive fashion, you can read more about it at the link I posted as a comment.
Notably, a similar solution was in use for creating Android apps too .
This is called blockly. You can find a lot of information from blockly's FAQ. Hope that helps.

sigabrt on filteredArrayUsingPredicate

I'm a noob and trying to convert an example from a book into an app I can use.
The sample app is a modified version of the contacts application and it works.
I've done some further modification, and the search no longer works. It sigabrts on the following line
self.filteredAnswercards = [flattenedArray
I'm stumped.
my head is bloody from beating it against my keyboard.
ANY help is massively appreciated.
My suggestion was to wrap the line that crashes inside a #try/#catch block and, inside the catch, log the exception and the result of the exception's callStackSymbols method.
For the record, part of the problem with the 4.x versions of Xcode is that they are much worse than 3.x versions at telling you where an exception is coming from. For this reason, getting familiar with tricks that make a program or the debugger tell you what you need to know is very important.
I would guess that predicate is nil. Where did you assign it? Or did you never assign it?
Very hard to say without seeing more code. Sigabort generally means an exception has been thrown. You can put a break point in objc_exception_throwto get a back trace which should help highlight the cause.
If you get NO new info with the above, others have said that a full reboot of the computer can help... but I have not had a situation where I could verify this.
---- edit based on comments -----
It sounds like filteredAnswercards is nil, that will definitely cause a Sigabort. Allocate that array properly and you should be good to go.
