Sassdash - Understanding $this-arg - sass

I am working through the Sassdash Library, and there are numerous functions that use a argument $this-arg. I am having a lot of trouble understanding what it does. Can anyone simply explain what this does and what some simple use cases might be?

It is similar to how this works in JS.


Where is officially explained "withVariable" View function?

I'm not sure this question should be asked here, but I don't know where else, so I hope it is not banned. And if it is, please address me to a place where it should be asked.
I know in Laravel you can pass a variable called "Bar" to a view like this:
but I don't know how do I know, and the most important, where is it 'officially' explained.
I can find it in the __call function in the code ( but not in the official API.
So, where is it officially explained?
This use to be documented but it has hasn't been included in the docs since 5.0
As with most things with Laravel there are usually a few different ways to do the exact same thing so (for whatever reason) somethings do eventually get omitted from the docs but the functionality doesn't get removed. I would imagine this is because it might be considered a bad practice or not the best approach or even that Taylor may eventually want to remove it...who knows. Either way, there is usually an alternative given to achieve the same outcome.
Hope this helps!

what is difference #RequestMapping(value="/abc") and #RequestMapping(value="abc")

I've a question
Is there difference #RequestMapping(value="/abc") and #RequestMapping(value="abc") ??
In my spring project, they are running a little difference. Actually not a little.
could you tell me the difference?
I'm not an expert, but i haven't seen any difference when changed my controllers code. But it's a better practice to write #RequestMapping("/this") instead of #RequestMapping("this"), because it's better seen. I hope it helps.

What is this programming "syntax" on

Out of curiosity, i tried a few tutorials on
I began with this one.
Have you seen this graphical syntax using blocks ?
Is it some kind of standard ?
Or is completely home made ?
Here is what it looks like :
Where can i learn more about it ?
I think it is really easy to read, and i wonder if i could use somewhere else, programming c# or c++, java, even javascript.
I am still not sure if business code would really be easy to read using this syntax.
It's likely to be some form of OpenBlocks, it's a way of representing your code and what it does in a more intuitive fashion, you can read more about it at the link I posted as a comment.
Notably, a similar solution was in use for creating Android apps too .
This is called blockly. You can find a lot of information from blockly's FAQ. Hope that helps.

Zend setBaseUrl() difference?

Simple question, just no luck on Google.
I was wondering it there is a difference in using
Zend_Controller_Request_Http::setBaseUrl(); and Zend_Controller_Request_Http::setBaseUrl('');
It seemed to me that using Zend_Controller_Request_Http::setBaseUrl('') could be seen as accident prone later on, correct me if I'm wrong.
The end result is the same. Rather than worrying about which one to use, just don't set a base URL if you don't have one.

Custom LINQ implementations

There are many LINQ implementations such as LINQ-to-Flickr. To make something like this, do I make my own custom LINQ provider?
Have a look at this tutorial
Aha. That's the only way.
Hit in google 'write LINQ provider'. There are many tutorials out there.
Start with understanding what exactly Expression is, how it differs from lambdas and how to work with them.
I find this book quite helpful too (at least - beginning).
Yes, to get started, the best place is looking at the IQToolkit on Codeplex. You'll learn a lot about how it works.
If you do find you need to build your own then look at IQToolKit and the The Wayward Weblog for a full series on how to do it.
