If i opened a visual studio project with newer visual studio version , can I open it again with the older visual studio version? - visual-studio

I have a visual studio 2008 project if I open it with 2015 visual studio can I open it again with visual studio 2008?

No, the project file will be upgraded and cannot be opened with the previous version of Visual Studio.
However Visual Studio will create a backup of the old project file and other files in your project that will be modified on upgrade.
Using this backup is your only chance to open the project with an earlier version of Visual Studio again.


Is there a Visual Studio Installer Project type for Visual Studio 2019?

I am trying to build a VS 2017 solution which includes a Visual Studio Installer Project with the just released Visual Studio Pro 2019. Of course, when I tried to open the solution I got an error because there was not Visual Studio Installer project type in VS 2019. And, I cant find a place to load it from.
How do I add a Visual Studio Installer Project type in the released version of VS 2019?
Install the addin in Visual Studio 2019:
This extension provides the same functionality that currently exists
in Visual Studio 2015 for Visual Studio Installer projects. To use
this extension, you can either open the Extensions and Updates dialog,
select the online node, and search for "Visual Studio Installer
Projects Extension," or you can download directly from this page.
This extension is designed to work with Visual Studio 2017 and
Visual Studio 2019.

I upgraded my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015 but i is there any need to upgrade the msbuild

I am upgrading my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015
please tell me is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project.
Follow these steps to upgrade project created in earlier versions of VS this may help you:
In VS, on the File menu, click Open and then click Project/Solution,
Web Site, or File, depending on the kind of project you are
In the Open Project dialog box, select a project file, and then click
Open. If VS detects that the project or file was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio, the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard opens.
Complete the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard.
is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project?
The answer is No. That because since start with Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio team made a number of exciting changes to MSBuild for Visual Studio 2013. Now the 2013 version of MSBuild will ship as a part of Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. See this blog MSBuild is now part of Visual Studio! for more detail info.
You can find the MSBuild.exe from the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin
Since it ships as a part of Visual Studio 2013, just as Michael said, MSBuild upgrade should happen with the VS installation. So you do not need to upgrade the MSBuild separately.
Hope this helps.

Opening Visual Studio 2005 files with Visual Studio 2015

We have MS Reporting Services .sln files that we open with Visual Studio 2005. We are moving to Visual Studio 2015. When trying to open the .sln files with Visual Studio 2015 we get the following:
We choose to upgrade and get the upgrade report that reports it was successful:
However when trying to open the .sln file after the successful upgrade was reported, it cannot open it.
Any ideas how I can get these files onto the latest version?
Reporting Services is not available in Visual Studio 2015 SSDT yet - it is still in Beta, as noted here hence your issues.

Determining the Old version of Visual Studio .NET project that was used to create the project

Our Customer sent us code from an Old Visual Studio .NET project
The Customer wants us to assess if it is possible to upgrade the Old Visual Studio .NET project in such that it will work in Visual Studio 2013
My first approach was to try and run the Old Visual Studio .NET project in the corresponding Visual Studio .NET project that was used to Develop the aforementioned project at first.
please tell me how I would determine the Old version of Visual Studio .NET project that was used to create the project.
I opened the .SLN file using notepad, and the first 2 lines showed the following:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
Visual Studio 2005
What does the above mean?
Open the .sln file in your favorite text editor (Notepad, if you don't have anything else will do), and check out the header:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
The Format Version xx.xx should tell you which version of Visual Studio was used.
Version 12.00 --> Visual Studio 2013
Version 11.00 --> Visual Studio 2012
Version 10.00 --> Visual Studio 2010
Version 9.00 --> Visual Studio 2008

Windows Phone 7 solution can no longer be opened by Visual Studio 2012 after opening it in Visual Studio 2013

I was developing a solution for Windows Phone 7 on my system using Visual Studio 2012. I installed Visual Studio 2013 and opened the solution with it. I found that Visual Studio 2013 won't let me build a Windows Phone 7 application, so I wanted to re-open the solution in Visual Studio 2012.
Now Visual Studio 2012 shows me the following error message:
This project is incompatible with the current edition of Visual Studio
What do I need to do to 'undo' the changes made to my project in the upgrade process so that I can continue working in the older version of Visual Studio to finish my project?
Visual Studio 2013 upgrades the project to the Windows Phone 8 SDK, and that is not compatible with Visual Studio 2012. If you are using a form of Source Control (Visual Studio Online, GitHub) you should roll back to the previous version. If not, Visual Studio (by default) creates a _backup folder under your solution where it will backup any files modified in the conversion process. Use these to return the project to its pre-visualstudio-2013-state.
