Importing Oracle dmp file into AWS RDS - oracle

We're trying to import a dmp file that is on our local machine onto an external database on AWS RDS. We have tried using the Toad GUI tool and get the error:
IMP-00038: Could not convert to environment character set's handle
The dmp file is encoded with ANSI encoding which I'm assuming is what Toad should be expecting.
From what we have read we need to use imp rather than impdp (PL/SQL developer import dump) since we have the file locally.
There doesn't seem to be an option on Oracle SQL Develop to import from a dmp file.
We have tried using IMPDP with the command:
IMPDP usr/pass#connection directory='our_local_dir' dumpfile='file.dmp' logfile='log.txt'
We got the error:
UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, 'directory'
I'm just looking for any advice on how to import this dmp file and which tools we need to use.


Import Oracle DUMP file in oracle instance 19c

I have an oracle .dmp file and I do not know any other information about that, I want to import this dump file to my oracle 19c database.
When I use the imdb command like this:
impdp DIRECTORY=E:\Oracle19c\db_home\admin\sample\bdump DUMPFILE=tf20200325.dmp
I get these errors:
Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
ORA-39087: directory name E:\ORACLE19C\DB_HOME\ADMIN\SAMPLE\BDUMP is invalid
When I use the imp command like this:
imp file=E:\Oracle19c\db_home\admin\sample\bdump\tf20200325.dmp full=y;
I get these errors:
IMP-00038: Could not convert to environment character set's handle
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
I tried after searching on the web, but not found any solution to help me.
notable: I am not creating any databases, I only create a user with all privileges.
The directory you specify is the name of a database directory object, not the actual directory. So, connect to your db as SYS, and do
create directory xyz as 'E:\Oracle19c\db_home\admin\sample\bdump\';
grant all on directory xyz to (put your user name);
and then you can use it like this:
impdp directory=xyz .....

Oracle: Import CSV file unix

i want to import csv file into oracle database using pl / sql developer, i inform you that the base is installed under linux, and pl / sql under windows, i ran the command:
SQL> #C:\app\session_name\product\11.2.0\client_3\BIN\sqlldr user/passwd#base_name control=/opt/FNDBSS/Control/FNControl.txt log=log.txt;
but the error has appeared: Error reading file
thank you for helping me
A the least add the LOG file to the command line or your control file. It tells you what loader is doing and perhaps why. Additionally check into the BAD and DISCARD files. See the SQL Loader concepts for your Oracle version.

Oracle 11g expdp or impdp DDL without compression

I'm trying to export some schemas DDL (no need for data) using expdp on Oracle I need to try and find a way of either exporting these without compression enabled or importing ignoring the compression.
I understand you can remove compression on the import using the TRANSFORM param on 12 but I can't find anything similiar for 11.
expdp /#schema_name DIRECTORY=DMP_FILES DUMPFILE=schema_name.dmp CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY exclude=STATISTICS log=schema_name.log;
impdp /#schema_name DIRECTORY=DMP_FILES DUMPFILE=schema_name.dmp log=schema_name.log;
Looks like the only way in 11g was to use the sqlfile param as part of impdp to turn the existing dmp files into DDL files. I then ran these through SQLplus on the server.

How can I export Oracle schema from my local machine to Remote using expdp and impdp command

I want to take the back up of my local Oracle instance and want it to import on my remote server.
I have searched the web but couldn't find any solution. The solution I got is:
Export from local and import into only local.
Export from Remote and import into only remote server.
But my requirement is:
I have a schema in my local oracle instance. Now I want to take it's backup and import it on to my remote server.
Below are commands I am running for exporting and importing.
for Local--
for Remote--
expdp FASTAdmin/ network_link=to_rds directory=Data_pump_dir dumpfile=MUKESH.dmp logfile=MUKESH.log SCHEMAS='MUKESH'
impdp FASTAdmin/ directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=MUKESH.dmp logfile=MUKESH.log SCHEMAS=MUKESH
Note:Please give me the solution using expdp and impdp command only.
Three simple steps:
EXPDP on your local to generate the dump file.
Move the dump file to the remote server and place it in the required directory, by default from 10g and up you could use DATA_PUMP_DIR
EXPDP on the remote server using the dump file you placed in step 2.
In step 2, if you don't know the directory, you could do:
SELECT directory_path FROM dba_directories WHERE directory_name = 'DATA_PUMP_DIR';
See an example here.

Errors on importing my oracle 10g database

I am running my oracle on a debian machine. Today I decided to create a new user and a new tablespace. Then I export a database with the user System which on the same machine. I got some error when I try to import to my new user account.
here is what I've done:
./imp mynewuser/passwrdb#orcl file=newdump_sept.dmp system/tomynewuser
Import: Release - Production on Thu Sep 29 18:06:23 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Export file created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via conventional path
Warning: the objects were exported by SYSTEM, not by you
import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
import server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)
IMP-00085: multiple input files specified for unbounded export file
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
Any suggestion to my problem?
From :
Oracle Error :: IMP-00085
multiple input files specified for unbounded export file Cause
You specified multiple file names for the FILE parameter when doing an
import, but the header in the export file indicates that that the
export operation could create only one file. Specifying multiple file
names is valid for an import operation only if the export files were
created by an export operation in which the user specified a non-zero
value for the FILESIZE parameter. Action
If you believe the export contains multiple files, verify that you
have specified the correct files. If you believe the export should be
in only one file then try the import operation again, but specify only
one value for the FILE parameter.
You should probably use:
./imp mynewuser/passwrdb#orcl file=newdump_sept.dmp fromuser=system touser=tomynewuser
For help: imp help=y
In my case I solved the error by importing the dump file by using SYS user instead of SYSTEM user and import working without errors.
