Import Oracle DUMP file in oracle instance 19c - oracle

I have an oracle .dmp file and I do not know any other information about that, I want to import this dump file to my oracle 19c database.
When I use the imdb command like this:
impdp DIRECTORY=E:\Oracle19c\db_home\admin\sample\bdump DUMPFILE=tf20200325.dmp
I get these errors:
Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
ORA-39087: directory name E:\ORACLE19C\DB_HOME\ADMIN\SAMPLE\BDUMP is invalid
When I use the imp command like this:
imp file=E:\Oracle19c\db_home\admin\sample\bdump\tf20200325.dmp full=y;
I get these errors:
IMP-00038: Could not convert to environment character set's handle
IMP-00000: Import terminated unsuccessfully
I tried after searching on the web, but not found any solution to help me.
notable: I am not creating any databases, I only create a user with all privileges.

The directory you specify is the name of a database directory object, not the actual directory. So, connect to your db as SYS, and do
create directory xyz as 'E:\Oracle19c\db_home\admin\sample\bdump\';
grant all on directory xyz to (put your user name);
and then you can use it like this:
impdp directory=xyz .....


Import dmp file to Oracle

my customer has provided a dmp file (10 GO), and i tried the following:
Create a user:
create user USERNAME identified by PASSWORD;
Grant read write access
Import the dump file(using imp and impdp)
impdp or imp system/password#db dumpfile=EXPDAT.DMP FULL=Y logfile=dice.log
and here's the error message:
Import: Release - Production on Tue Feb 23 11:46:07 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle Database 18c Express Edition Release - Production
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39059: dump file set is incomplete
ORA-39246: cannot locate master table within provided dump files
Can anyone help on that?
First, imp and impdp are not interchangeable; they have different file formats and options. You need to know exactly which was used to create the file you have.
Second, assuming the file was created with expdp (aka datapump, the more modern choice) and you should be using impdp to load it, the error indicates that there's a problem with the datafile itself.
ORA-39246 cannot locate master table within provided dump files
Cause: Check the export log file and make sure all of the files that
were exported are included in the current job.
Action: A Data Pump IMPORT or SQL_FILE operation was being performed
but not all of the files from the Data Pump export dump file set were
included. In particular, the dump file containing the export job's
master table was not provided.
It seems likely that your customer has not provided you with the complete data dump and you should have received additional files. This is possible if either the "parallel" or "filesize" option was used during the export. Confirm with them the number and size of the files you should have.

How to backup Oracle database from server

I connect to Oracle database server for backup database (.dmp file) to my computer with windows command line
I use syntax
expdp myuser/1234#[server_ip]:[serverport]/listener directory=my_data_pump_dir dumpfile=my_pump_backup.dmp nologfile=Y full=y
But Error message
Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-31641: unable to create dump file "C:\app\User\admin\orcl\dpdump_DIR\my_pump_backup.dmp"
ORA-27040: file create error, unable to create file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified.
What should I do?

Errors on importing Oracle backup

I have created a directory:
SQL> create or replace directory dir as '/home/oracle12c/Desktop/latest_exp.dmp';
I am trying to run an import, as sysdba:
impdp \'/as sysdba\' full=Y directory=dir dumpfile=importDump.dmp logfile=import.log;
I am getting these errors:
Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics, and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39002: invalid operation
ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file.
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536
ORA-29283: invalid file operation
As far as I can see from the result on my search, it as to do with permissions. The Oracle user should own the files.
The permission to the file I am trying to import looks like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle12c root 2201247744 Feb 21 16:51 latest_exp.dmp
What is my problem here, and how do I overcome it? Is there a problem when the owner of the file is oracle12? Some solutions on the internet say that the files must be owned by the user trying to access the files, who in my case is sysdba. But I cannot change the owner to my file to be sysdba, as that user does not exist on my Ubuntu.
Also, we specify the dumfile and logfile, but we do not specify the location. Where will it create the locations for these? I assumed it would look for them here: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl$ where orcl is my SID
I have not been able to solve my problem with the help of Google and Oracle Doc.
I am running on Ubuntu.
The Oracle directory object should point to an operating system directory, not a file; instead of:
create or replace directory dir as '/home/oracle12c/Desktop/latest_exp.dmp'
it should just be:
create or replace directory dir as '/home/oracle12c/Desktop'
The dump file should sit in that directory, and by default the log and bad files will be created in there too.
At the moment you're asking it to create log file under the directory /home/oracle12c/Desktop/latest_exp.dmp, i.e. /home/oracle12c/Desktop/latest_exp.dmp/import.log - which clearly isn't a valid full path; and also to look for the file importDump.dmp under that not-a-directory.
Your command line looks like it has the wrong name anyway:
impdp ... directory=dir dumpfile=latest_exp.dmp logfile=import.log

Importing Oracle dmp file into AWS RDS

We're trying to import a dmp file that is on our local machine onto an external database on AWS RDS. We have tried using the Toad GUI tool and get the error:
IMP-00038: Could not convert to environment character set's handle
The dmp file is encoded with ANSI encoding which I'm assuming is what Toad should be expecting.
From what we have read we need to use imp rather than impdp (PL/SQL developer import dump) since we have the file locally.
There doesn't seem to be an option on Oracle SQL Develop to import from a dmp file.
We have tried using IMPDP with the command:
IMPDP usr/pass#connection directory='our_local_dir' dumpfile='file.dmp' logfile='log.txt'
We got the error:
UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, 'directory'
I'm just looking for any advice on how to import this dmp file and which tools we need to use.

Error while restoring oracle 10g .dmp file in oracle database 12c

I've got a .dmp file created with Oracle 10g containing the database of one of my clients. I can't for the life of me get it set up with my 12c installation. I can connect to my db using https://localhost:5500/em
I've created a user 'BOB' in my desired PDB and granted import, read and write permissions. Next I try to import using the following command:
impdp BOB/password#//localhost:1521/pdbname full=y directory=dpdump_dir dumpfile=BOB.dmp
However this gives me the following errors:
UDI-12541: operation generated ORACLE error 12541
ORA-12541: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
In the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora i have EZCONNECTOR and ports 1521. Does anyone know how to get this to work?
Many thanks in advance,
First ensure that you can do tnsping for pdbname to ensure db connect :- $ tnsping bdbname
If you get details of connection string by tnsping, you can try command with following format:
impdp bob/password# directory=dpdump_dir dumpfile=BOB.dmp
I have removed "full=y" as it's not required if you are not restoring full database, specially it used apply with imp/exp utility.
You should remember that pdbname is being specified as a dbname/service_name in your example. You can confirm service_name by following command:
$ lsnrctl services; /* You can get service name and put it on your impdp command. */
In addition, you can try without specifying ip,port and dbname as you are working in localhost itself:
$ impdp bob/password directory=dpdump_dir dumpfile=BOB.dmp
First of all, you should check the connection
sqlplus> BOB/password#localhost:1521/pdbname
If you cannot connect, please connect with sys / as sysdba
Then using command:
SQL> alter session set container=pdbname
SQL> alter pluggable database pdbname open
Then quit and try to your command again. :)
