Oracle: Import CSV file unix - windows

i want to import csv file into oracle database using pl / sql developer, i inform you that the base is installed under linux, and pl / sql under windows, i ran the command:
SQL> #C:\app\session_name\product\11.2.0\client_3\BIN\sqlldr user/passwd#base_name control=/opt/FNDBSS/Control/FNControl.txt log=log.txt;
but the error has appeared: Error reading file
thank you for helping me

A the least add the LOG file to the command line or your control file. It tells you what loader is doing and perhaps why. Additionally check into the BAD and DISCARD files. See the SQL Loader concepts for your Oracle version.


SQLPlus - Data Pump (expdp and impdp)

some time ago, I installed Oracle SQLPlus without full Oracle database package.
Now I need expdp and impdp utility. Is it possible to copy important files from a full Oracle installation and pasting them into SQLPlus directory?
Or maybe is there any other option to install only expdp and impdp? (Windows)
Not really.
But, you don't have to actually 'Install' the full client.
Our latest distribution includes an Instant Client with sql*loader and data pump utilities.
Grab this one
Instant Client Package - Tools: Includes Data Pump, SQLLoader and Workload Replay Client*
There's no installer. Just unzip it, and add the directory to your PATH. You should be good to go then.
I wouldn't dump the files into your existing directory where you have SQLPlus though, just put it in a fresh directory and use that instead of your old one.

Importing Oracle dmp file into AWS RDS

We're trying to import a dmp file that is on our local machine onto an external database on AWS RDS. We have tried using the Toad GUI tool and get the error:
IMP-00038: Could not convert to environment character set's handle
The dmp file is encoded with ANSI encoding which I'm assuming is what Toad should be expecting.
From what we have read we need to use imp rather than impdp (PL/SQL developer import dump) since we have the file locally.
There doesn't seem to be an option on Oracle SQL Develop to import from a dmp file.
We have tried using IMPDP with the command:
IMPDP usr/pass#connection directory='our_local_dir' dumpfile='file.dmp' logfile='log.txt'
We got the error:
UDI-00014: invalid value for parameter, 'directory'
I'm just looking for any advice on how to import this dmp file and which tools we need to use.

Import .sql file in Oracle?

I have .sql file. I need to import that to oracle 11g.
.sql file contains ddl queries for all tables.
How can i import .sql file to oracle 11g.
I have sqldeveloper tool.
Thanks in Advance.
From SQL Developer or Toad
Open --> File --> /locationofyourfile/yourfile.sql.
Once you have the file opened in SQL Developer or Toad,
execute by F5
From SQLPlus
# Physical path of sql file.
eg. If my file is on c: and file name is beckup.sql. Then command will be as follows(On console - sqlplus):
# c:\backup.sql

Configure Oracle Sqlldr on Windows 7

I'm having a hard time configuring Sqlldr with Windows 7.
The Oracle client was previously installed by our support team.
There were no registry settings, but Sqlplus, Toad, and Plsql Developer all worked.
I copied Sqlldr from another server and put it in the bin directory of my localhost.
In my environmental variables, I defined Oracle_Home, LD_LIBARY_PATH, and ORACLE_SID.
Now, whether I call the program by the command line or ETL tool, I get:
ERROR>Message 2100 not found;
No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ULMessage 2100 not found;
No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=UL
What gives?
P.s. It's not a path issue because I can run sqlldr on the command line (with the error)
Did you copy all the sqldr dependent files? You can't just copy over the binary only. The oracle sqlldr has dependencies to msg files it needs. i would suggest getting the client installer for the oracle client that is installed on your win7 box and have it install the sqlldr component that way you have all the dependent files and libraries it needs. Manually copying the sqlldr from aonther machine is not really supported and not advised.

Oracle exp dump file import issue IMP-00009: abnormal end of export file

While importing an oracle database via imp, it terminates with below error
IMP-00009: abnormal end of export file
Import terminated successfully with warnings.
The exp was run on the same machine (the data was not ftp between servers)
Is there a way to recover tables from this file?
Check your Dump file size. I was getting the same error because my .dmp file was of 0KB
This is possibly be caused by the combination OS and Oracle versions not allowing importing dumps bigger than 2gb
here you will find lots of people discussing same thing.
