Flower (plants) recognizion [closed] - google-api

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Can Mobile Vision API be used us order to detect flower (plants) species?
Do you have other recommendation?
I have tried looking to several other API's but not sure what to use.

Mobile Vision API from Google can detect just a few most popular genera (species). I have tested Vision API a few month ago, but it's not really useful for this narrow use-case; also it needs to have a visible flower on the photo (not just leaves/stem).
Let me suggest specialized plant identification API instead: https://plant.id/api According to this independent study https://academic.oup.com/aobpla/article/12/6/plaa052/5910496 it is the most accurate plant identification software on the market (significantly better than Google Lens).
The demo client runs on https://plant.id so everybody can test the accuracy. Also the company gives a free trial to new clients.

Mobile Vision API can be used to detect Flower/Plant.
It generates good result.
It shows plan flower name and also it gives Plant/Flower family name as well.

Nope, sorry :(
Mobile Vision API can for now only detect faces and scan barcodes.
I can hardly imagine that there is any API for detecting which kind of flower it is, based just on the picture of it :(


Webhooks and Player Integration for Google Classroom [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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We have recently started looking into integrating google classrooms with our educational product. Our product allows teachers to create assignments with unique codes which they later give to their students and students using mobile devices and our app submit their work on those particular assignments. Based on how much we have explored google classroom it seems the general architecture would be sync-able. We are however were unable to find web hooks mechanism in the classroom which we would require to update our system with the latest submissions. Our objective is to keep the system in perfect sync and we would be unable to do that unless the google classroom notifies our platform of every new assignment and / or every submission against an assignment. Could you please guide us to the process from where we can achieve such functionality. One other concern we currently have is that we want to to embed our webGL app in the google classroom as our product submissions are based on those. We would be grateful if you could help us directing us to the resources which would be helpful in integrating these features. thanks.
As of this moment there is no webhooks feature in Classroom API. You can file a feature request here, as mentioned in their support page. The only available features are that which has been mentioned in the docs.

Auto Face Tagging Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for library which can auto tag persons on a photo. The features is similar to Facebook, Picasa or iPhoto tagging function. Preferably it's able to run on Linux server, callable through PHP and Python. Any recommendation? Thanks.
With regard to what you're looking for, you probably aren't going to find anything that you can host on your own server. Rather, most companies will offer an API to which you can send requests, and you will be charged base don how much you use the API. In no particular order, here are several resources you might consider using.
https://lambdal.com/face-recognition-api - They have low priced entry options, and they are well-suited to detecting and recognizing new faces.
http://www.alchemyapi.com/products/alchemyvision/face-detection - This is more geared to recognizing famous or well-know people.

Where do you get your sound samples from? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I finished an application and the users want to "sex up the interaction feeling" by adding some sound samples that should be played when some specified acitons occur. For the programming point of view that isn't too difficult, but how do I get some good audio samples?
How do you solve this problem? Create your own sound files? How? Which software should I use? Or is there a big database in the Internet that offers free sound samples (I did a google search but almost all results are just useless sites). Or do you convince your customers that sound is overrated?
Do you even think that sound is necessary in an well-done application?
You can get some decent sounds from flashkit - there is also some on findsounds and freesounds. Use these in conjunction with a simple audio editing program. I use audacity (its for mac only).
What kind of sound samples are you looking to find? Like individual instruments, like a drum kit, or sound effects?
As far as editing goes, Reaper is the best free sound editor you can find.
We used a site called spinboom for some buttons and powerup sounds for an indie game with some friends. Not free though.. https://www.spinboom.com/index.php/sound

Any books on design website UI without referring to images? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm weak enough in art,so this kind of books will really help me lot,if there is.
Typically you don't want developers to design graphics and you don't want designers to write code. Assume you have someone else creating graphics for you (or use one of the many services on the web that do this sort of thing cheaply). Just use placeholder images while you are learning; i.e. load up mspaint (or gimp or whatever floats your boat) and just make something that you can recognize.
But it is unrealistic to try to do modern webdesign using zero images. Even with some of the advanced awesomeness of CSS.
You can start by reading this book: Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
No offence, but you can't do website design without images, or even without having a strong creative/artistic streak. Now web development you can do without any creative talent, and minimal knowledge of CSS. Often the two roles blur, but you're going to have to either work with someone who does the design side, or learn how to do web design - images and all.

Sources of good, free icons/images for applications & web apps with permissive license? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm interested in finding good icons/images that can be used in both 'free' and proprietary programs.
Please include a description of any license restrictions associated with the source of the icons you suggest.
I use two search engines:
IconFinder and IconLook.
If you can't find what you want, this blog post has a list of great resources.
I've used Silk Icons (http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/) on a few projects. It's covered under the creative commons license so you will have to include a link back to the site somewhere in your app.
http://www.iconarchive.com has a nice selection
I used Fontawesome to find icons.
I've had the best luck with Icon Buffet and StockIcons
A good starting point, and a nice stock icon site. Some require payment, but there are lots of free sources out there. However, one of your highest priorities for a commercial application is that it looks good enough to buy - $30 for a good set is cheap compared to the time it takes you to research and find a set, nevermind the time it'd take for you to make them yourself.
