Estimating Cycles Per Instruction - performance

I have disassembled a small C++ program compiled with MSVC v140 and am trying to estimate the cycles per instruction in order to better understand how code design impacts performance. I've been following Mike Acton's CppCon 2014 talk on "Data-Oriented Design and C++", specifically the portion I've linked to.
In it, he points out these lines:
movss 8(%rbx), %xmm1
movss 12(%rbx), %xmm0
He then claims that these 2 x 32-bit reads are probably on the same cache line therefore cost roughly ~200 cycles.
The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual has been a great resource, specifically "Appendix C - Instruction Latency and Throughput". However on page C-15 in "Table C-16. Streaming SIMD Extension Single-precision Floating-point Instructions" it states that movss is only 1 cycle (unless I'm understanding what latency means here wrong... if so, how do I read this thing?)
I know that a theoretical prediction of execution time will never be correct, but nevertheless this is important to learn. How are these two commands 200 cycles, and how can I learn to reason about execution time beyond this snippet?
I've started to read some things on CPU pipelining... maybe the majority of the cycles are being picked up there?
PS: I'm not interested in actually measuring hardware performance counters here. I'm just looking to learn how to reasonable sight read ASM and cycles.

As you already pointed out, the theoretical throughput and latency of a MOVSS instruction is at 1 cycle. You were looking at the right document (Intel Optimization Manual). Agner Fog (mentioned in the comments) measured the same numbers in his Intruction Tables for Intel CPUs (AMD is has a higher latency).
This leads us to the first problem: What specific microarchitecture are you investigating? This can make a big difference, even for the same vendor. Agner Fog reports that MOVSS has a 2-6cy latency on AMD Bulldozer depending on the source and destination (register vs memory). This is important to keep in mind when looking into performance of computer architectures.
The 200cy are most likely cache misses, as already pointed out be dwelch in the comments. The numbers you get from the Optimization Manual for any memory accessing instructions are all under the assumption that the data resides in the first level cache (L1). Now, if you have never touched the data by previous instructions the cache line (64 bytes with Intel and AMD x86) will need to be loaded from memory into the last level cache, form there into the second level cache, then into L1 and finally into the XMM register (within 1 cycle). Transfers between L3-L2 and L2-L1 have a throughput (not latency!) of two cycles per cache line on current Intel microarchitectures. And the memory bandwidth can be used to estimate the throughput between L3 and memory (e.g, a 2 GHz CPU with an achievable memory bandwidth of 40 GB/s will have a throughput of 3.2 cycles per cache line). Cache lines or memory blocks are typically the smallest unit caches and memory can operate on, they differ between microarchitectures and may even be different within the architecture, depending on the cache level (L1, L2 and so on).
Now this is all throughput and not latency, which will not help you estimate what you have described above. To verify this, you would need to execute the instructions over and over (for at least 1/10s) to get cycle accurate measurements. By changing the instructions you can decide if you want to measure for latency (by including dependencies between instructions) or throughput (by having the instructions input independent of the result of previous instructions). To measure for caches and memory accesses you would need to predict if an access is going to a cache or not, this can be done using layer conditions.
A tool to estimate instruction execution (both latency and throughput) for Intel CPUs is the Intel Architecture Code Analyzer, which supports multiple microarchitectures up to Haswell. The latency predictions are to be taken with the grain of salt, since it much harder to estimate latency than throughput.


Clock Cycles for the invlpg instruction

I was reading some documentation about the invlpg instruction for Intel Pentium processors and it says that it takes 25 clock cycles. I thought that this depended on the implementation (the particular CPU) and not the actual instruction set architecture? Or is the fact that this instruction must take 25 clock cycles to run also part of the instruction set specification?
The documentation is saying that it took 25 clock cycles on the Pentium. The number of clock cycles the instruction takes on other CPUs may be more or fewer. The performance of instructions is not part of the instruction set specification.
That number is not part of any official ISA documentation, it's just performance data that someone annotated into an old (then-current) copy of Intel's ISA docs.
It's from some random microarchitecture, presumably P5 Pentium that was relevant back when Tripod was a widely used web host, and which that guide labels itself as documenting. (These days there are Pentium/Celeron CPUs that are just cut-down versions of i3/i5/i7 of the same generation, with stuff like AVX and BMI1/2 disabled. But Pentium used to refer to the P5 microarchitecture.)
It's not from Intel's documentation; it was added by whoever compiled that HTML. The formatting is similar to modern versions of Intel's vol.2 x86 SDM instruction-set reference manual. You can find HTML extracts of that at and for example. The encoding / mnemonic / description table at the top has identical formatting in your Tripod link, but the actual text is somewhat different. Also, the text for inc (current Intel vs. tripod) is word for word identical.
So yes, this is based on an old PDF->HTML of Intel's vol.2 manual, with P5 cycles and instruction-pairing info added (inc pairs in the U or V pipe on that dual-issue in-order pipeline that doesn't break instructions down into uops). Also with FLAGS updating section turned into tables.
That instruction-pairing and cycle-count info is totally irrelevant when tuning for modern microarchitectures like Skylake and Zen, but you can find it in Agner Fog's instruction tables: his spreadsheet has a sheet for P5, as well as for later Intel, AMD, and Via microarchitectures. (Also see his optimization guide and microarch pdf for background info to help you make sense of uops / ports / latency / throughput info.) Agner doesn't test most kernel instructions so invlpg isn't in his list. is obviously not an official Intel source. IDK where the author of this got their info from. Maybe they tested themselves. Or Intel has sometimes published some timing numbers for some microarchitectures, e.g. as part of their optimization manual. This is totally separate from the x86 ISA manuals, and is not something you can rely on for correctness. And other people have published their test results.
Another good source for experimental test results of instruction performance (uops for which ports, latency, and throughput) is Their testing for invlpg m8 shows it has a back-to-back throughput of ~194 cycles in practice on Skylake-client, ~157 on Nehalem, and ~126.25 on Zen+ and Zen2, to pick some random examples. But it may interleave better with other instructions, taking "only" 47 front-end uops on recent Intel CPUs and thus can issue in under 12 cycles if the back-end has room in the ROB / RS, maybe letting later instructions execute while the invlpg operation is in progress. (Although if it takes over 100 cycles for its uops to retire, that will often stall OoO exec at some point for a fraction of the total time.)
Remember that instruction performance can't be characterized by a single number on out-of-order CPUs; it's not one dimensional. Perf analysis is not as simple as adding up a cycle costs for all instructions in a loop, you have to analyze how the can overlap with each other. Or for complex cases like invlpg, measure.

latency vs throughput in intel intrinsics

I think I have a decent understanding of the difference between latency and throughput, in general. However, the implications of latency on instruction throughput are unclear to me for Intel Intrinsics, particularly when using multiple intrinsic calls sequentially (or nearly sequentially).
For example, let's consider:
This has a latency of 11, and a throughput of 7 on a Haswell processor. If I ran this instruction in a loop, would I get a continuous per cycle-output after 11 cycles? Since this would require 11 instructions to be running at a time, and since I have a throughput of 7, do I run out of "execution units"?
I am not sure how to use latency and throughput other than to get an impression of how long a single instruction will take relative to a different version of the code.
For a much more complete picture of CPU performance, see Agner Fog's microarchitecture guide and instruction tables. (Also his Optimizing C++ and Optimizing Assembly guides are excellent). See also other links in the x86 tag wiki, especially Intel's optimization manual.
See also for accurate tables collected programmatically from microbenchmarks, so they're free from editing errors like Agner's tables sometimes have.
How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
and What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand? for more details about using instruction-cost numbers.
What is the efficient way to count set bits at a position or lower? For an example of analyzing short sequences of asm in terms of front-end uops, back-end ports, and latency.
Modern Microprocessors: A 90-Minute Guide! very good intro to the basics of CPU pipelines and HW design constraints like power.
Latency and throughput for a single instruction are not actually enough to get a useful picture for a loop that uses a mix of vector instructions. Those numbers don't tell you which intrinsics (asm instructions) compete with each other for throughput resources (i.e. whether they need the same execution port or not). They're only sufficient for super-simple loops that e.g. load / do one thing / store, or e.g. sum an array with _mm_add_ps or _mm_add_epi32.
You can use multiple accumulators to get more instruction-level parallelism, but you're still only using one intrinsic so you do have enough information to see that e.g. CPUs before Skylake can only sustain a throughput of one _mm_add_ps per clock, while SKL can start two per clock cycle (reciprocal throughput of one per 0.5c). It can run ADDPS on both its fully-pipelined FMA execution units, instead of having a single dedicated FP-add unit, hence the better throughput but worse latency than Haswell (3c lat, one per 1c tput).
Since _mm_add_ps has a latency of 4 cycles on Skylake, that means 8 vector-FP add operations can be in flight at once. So you need 8 independent vector accumulators (which you add to each other at the end) to expose that much parallelism. (e.g. manually unroll your loop with 8 separate __m256 sum0, sum1, ... variables. Compiler-driven unrolling (compile with -funroll-loops -ffast-math) will often use the same register, but loop overhead wasn't the problem).
Those numbers also leave out the third major dimension of Intel CPU performance: fused-domain uop throughput. Most instructions decode to a single uop, but some decode to multiple uops. (Especially the SSE4.2 string instructions like the _mm_cmpestrc you mentioned: PCMPESTRI is 8 uops on Skylake). Even if there's no bottleneck on any specific execution port, you can still bottleneck on the frontend's ability to keep the out-of-order core fed with work to do. Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs can issue up to 4 fused-domain uops per clock, and in practice can often come close to that when other bottlenecks don't occur. (See Is performance reduced when executing loops whose uop count is not a multiple of processor width? for some interesting best-case frontend throughput tests for different loop sizes.) Since load/store instructions use different execution ports than ALU instructions, this can be the bottleneck when data is hot in L1 cache.
And unless you look at the compiler-generated asm, you won't know how many extra MOVDQA instructions the compiler had to use to copy data between registers, to work around the fact that without AVX, most instructions replace their first source register with the result. (i.e. destructive destination). You also won't know about loop overhead from any scalar operations in the loop.
I think I have a decent understanding of the difference between latency and throughput
Your guesses don't seem to make sense, so you're definitely missing something.
CPUs are pipelined, and so are the execution units inside them. A "fully pipelined" execution unit can start a new operation every cycle (throughput = one per clock)
(reciprocal) Throughput is how often an operation can start when no data dependencies force it to wait, e.g. one per 7 cycles for this instruction.
Latency is how long it takes for the results of one operation to be ready, and usually matters only when it's part of a loop-carried dependency chain.
If the next iteration of a loop operates independently from the previous, then out-of-order execution can "see" far enough ahead to find the instruction-level parallelism between two iterations and keep itself busy, bottlenecking only on throughput.
See also Latency bounds and throughput bounds for processors for operations that must occur in sequence for an example of a practice problem from CS:APP with a diagram of two dep chains, one also depending on results from the other.

Query Intel CPU details of execution unit, port, etc

Is it possible to query the number of execution unit/port per core and similar information on Intel CPU?
I have an assembly program, and noticed that the performance is quite different on different CPU's. For example, on an Core i5 4570, some functions takes consistently 25% cycles to complete than on an Core i7 4970HQ. They are both Haswell based, from the same generation. No memory movement is involved in the part of program benchmarked. So I am thinking maybe the difference comes from the details such as number of execution unit, number of ports etc. The benchmark measures single core CPU cycles, so frequencies/HT etc does not come into play.
Am I right to assume such an explanation of performance difference? If yes, where can I find such informations for specific CPUs. And is it possible to query it dynamically? If possible, then I can dispatch dynamically based on such informations and distribution uops more evenly and similar techniques to optimize the program for multiple CPUs.
Did you time reference cycles (RDTSC) instead of core clock cycles (with perf counters)? That would explain your observations.
Turbo makes a big difference, and the ratio between max turbo and max sustained / rated clock speed (i.e. reference cycle tick rate) is different on different CPUs. e.g. see my answer on this related question
The lower the CPU's TDP, the bigger the ratio between sustained and peak. The Haswell wikipedia article has tables:
84W desktop i5 4570: sustained 3.2GHz = RDTSC frequency, max turbo 3.6GHz (the speed the core was probably actually running for most of your benchmark, if it had time to go up from low-power idle speed).
47W laptop i7-4960HQ: 2.6GHz sustained = RDTSC frequency vs. 3.8GHz max turbo.
Time your code with performance counters, and look at the "core clock cycles" count. (And lots of other neat stuff).
Every Haswell core is identical from Core-M 5Watt CPUs to high-power quad core to 18-core Xeon (which actually has a per-core power-budget more like a laptop CPU); it's only the L3 caches, number of cores (and interconnect), and support or not for HT and/or Turbo that differ. Basically everything outside the cores themselves can be different, including the GPU. They don't disable execution ports, and even the L1/L2 caches are identical. I think disabling execution ports would require significant redesigns in the out-of-order scheduler and stuff like that.
More importantly, every port has at least one execution unit that isn't found on any other port: p0 has the divider, p1 has the integer multiply unit, p5 has the shuffle unit, and p6 is the only port that can execute predicted-taken branches. Actually, p2 and p3 are identical load ports (and can handle store-address uops)...
See Agner Fog's microarch pdf for more about Haswell internals, and also David Kanter's writeup with diagrams of the different blocks.
(However, it's not strictly true that the entire core is identical: Haswell Pentium/Celeron CPUs don't support AVX/AVX2, or BMI/BMI2. I think they do that by disabling decode of VEX prefixes in the decoders. This is still the case for Skylake Pentiums/Celerons, so thanks Intel for delaying the time when we can assume support for new instruction sets. Presumably they do this so CPUs with defects in one only the upper or lower half of their vector execution units can still be sold as Celeron or Pentium, just like CPUs with a defect in some of their L3 can be sold as i5 instead of i7)

Cache or Registers - which is faster?

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but I've searched and always found different answer. My question is:
Which is faster? Cache or CPU Registers?
According to me, the registers are what directly load data to execute it while the cache is just a storage place close or internally in the CPU.
Here are the sources I found that confuses me:
2 for cache | 1 for registers
Cache is faster.
So which really is it?
CPU register is always faster than the L1 cache. It is the closest. The difference is roughly a factor of 3.
Trying to make this as intuitive as possible without getting lost in the physics underlying the question: there is a simple correlation between speed and distance in electronics. The further you make a signal travel, the harder it gets to get that signal to the other end of the wire without the signal getting corrupted. It is the "there is no free lunch" principle of electronic design.
The corollary is that bigger is slower. Because if you make something bigger then inevitably the distances are going to get larger. Something that was automatic for a while, shrinking the feature size on the chip automatically produced a faster processor.
The register file in a processor is small and sits physically close to the execution engine. The furthest removed from the processor is the RAM. You can pop the case and actually see the wires between the two. In between sit the caches, designed to bridge the dramatic gap between the speed of those two opposites. Every processor has an L1 cache, relatively small (32 KB typically) and located closest to the core. Further down is the L2 cache, relatively big (4 MB typically) and located further from the core. More expensive processors also have an L3 cache, bigger and further away.
Specifically on x86 architecture:
Reading from register has 0 or 1 cycle latency.
Writing to registers has 0 cycle latency.
Reading/Writing L1 cache has a 3 to 5 cycle latency (varies by architecture age)
Actual load/store requests may execute within 0 or 1 cycles due to write-back buffer and store-forwarding features (details below)
Reading from register can have a 1 cycle latency on Intel Core 2 CPUs (and earlier models) due to its design: If enough simultaneously-executing instructions are reading from different registers, the CPU's register bank will be unable to service all the requests in a single cycle. This design limitation isn't present in any x86 chip that's been put on the consumer market since 2010 (but it is present in some 2010/11-released Xeon chips).
L1 cache latencies are fixed per-model but tend to get slower as you go back in time to older models. However, keep in mind three things:
x86 chips these days have a write-back cache that has a 0 cycle latency. When you store a value to memory it falls into that cache, and the instruction is able to retire in a single cycle. Memory latency then only becomes visible if you issue enough consecutive writes to fill the write-back cache. Writeback caches have been prominent in desktop chip design since about 2001, but was widely missing from the ARM-based mobile chip markets until much more recently.
x86 chips these days have store forwarding from the write-back cache. If you store an address to the WB cache and then read back the same address several instructions later, the CPU will fetch the value from the WB cache instead of accessing L1 memory for it. This reduces the visible latency on what appears to be an L1 request to 1 cycle. But in fact, the L1 isn't be referenced at all in that case. Store forwarding also has some other rules for it to work properly, which also vary a lot across the various CPUs available on the market today (typically requiring 128-bit address alignment and matched operand size).
The store forwarding feature can generate false positives where-in the CPU thinks the address is in the writeback buffer based on a fast partial-bits check (usually 10-14 bits, depending on chip). It uses an extra cycle to verify with a full check. If that fails then the CPU must re-route as a regular memory request. This miss can add an extra 1-2 cycles latency to qualifying L1 cache accesses. In my measurements, store forwarding misses happen quite often on AMD's Bulldozer, for example; enough so that its L1 cache latency over-time is about 10-15% higher than its documented 3-cycles. It is almost a non-factor on Intel's Core series.
Primary reference: and specifically
And then manually graph info from that with the tables on architectures, models, and release dates from the various List of CPUs pages on wikipedia.

How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?

I heard there is Intel book online which describes the CPU cycles needed for a specific assembly instruction, but I can not find it out (after trying hard). Could anyone show me how to find CPU cycle please?
Here is an example, in the below code, mov/lock is 1 CPU cycle, and xchg is 3 CPU cycles.
// This part is Platform dependent!
#ifdef WIN32
inline int CPP_SpinLock::TestAndSet(int* pTargetAddress,
int nValue)
mov edx, dword ptr [pTargetAddress]
mov eax, nValue
lock xchg eax, dword ptr [edx]
// mov = 1 CPU cycle
// lock = 1 CPU cycle
// xchg = 3 CPU cycles
#endif // WIN32
BTW: here is the URL for the code I posted:
Modern CPUs are complex beasts, using pipelining, superscalar execution, and out-of-order execution among other techniques which make performance analysis difficult... but not impossible!
While you can no longer simply add together the latencies of a stream of instructions to get the total runtime, you can still get a (often) highly accurate analysis of the behavior of some piece of code (especially a loop) as described below and in other linked resources.
Instruction Timings
First, you need the actual timings. These vary by CPU architecture, but the best resource currently for x86 timings is Agner Fog's instruction tables. Covering no less than thirty different microarchitecures, these tables list the instruction latency, which is the minimum/typical time that an instruction takes from inputs ready to output available. In Agner's words:
Latency: This is the delay that the instruction generates in a
dependency chain. The numbers are minimum values. Cache misses,
misalignment, and exceptions may increase the clock counts
considerably. Where hyperthreading is enabled, the use of the same
execution units in the other thread leads to inferior performance.
Denormal numbers, NAN's and infinity do not increase the latency. The
time unit used is core clock cycles, not the reference clock cycles
given by the time stamp counter.
So, for example, the add instruction has a latency of one cycle, so a series of dependent add instructions, as shown, will have a latency of 1 cycle per add:
add eax, eax
add eax, eax
add eax, eax
add eax, eax # total latency of 4 cycles for these 4 adds
Note that this doesn't mean that add instructions will only take 1 cycle each. For example, if the add instructions were not dependent, it is possible that on modern chips all 4 add instructions can execute independently in the same cycle:
add eax, eax
add ebx, ebx
add ecx, ecx
add edx, edx # these 4 instructions might all execute, in parallel in a single cycle
Agner provides a metric which captures some of this potential parallelism, called reciprocal throughput:
Reciprocal throughput: The average number of core clock cycles per instruction for a series of independent instructions of the same kind
in the same thread.
For add this is listed as 0.25 meaning that up to 4 add instructions can execute every cycle (giving a reciprocal throughput of 1 / 4 = 0.25).
The reciprocal throughput number also gives a hint at the pipelining capability of an instruction. For example, on most recent x86 chips, the common forms of the imul instruction have a latency of 3 cycles, and internally only one execution unit can handle them (unlike add which usually has four add-capable units). Yet the observed throughput for a long series of independent imul instructions is 1/cycle, not 1 every 3 cycles as you might expect given the latency of 3. The reason is that the imul unit is pipelined: it can start a new imul every cycle, even while the previous multiplication hasn't completed.
This means a series of independent imul instructions can run at up to 1 per cycle, but a series of dependent imul instructions will run at only 1 every 3 cycles (since the next imul can't start until the result from the prior one is ready).
So with this information, you can start to see how to analyze instruction timings on modern CPUs.
Detailed Analysis
Still, the above is only scratching the surface. You now have multiple ways of looking at a series of instructions (latency or throughput) and it may not be clear which to use.
Furthermore, there are other limits not captured by the above numbers, such as the fact that certain instructions compete for the same resources within the CPU, and restrictions in other parts of the CPU pipeline (such as instruction decoding) which may result in a lower overall throughput than you'd calculate just by looking at latency and throughput. Beyond that, you have factors "beyond the ALUs" such as memory access and branch prediction: entire topics unto themselves - you can mostly model these well, but it takes work. For example here's a recent post where the answer covers in some detail most of the relevant factors.
Covering all the details would increase the size of this already long answer by a factor of 10 or more, so I'll just point you to the best resources. Agner Fog has an Optimizing Asembly guide that covers in detail the precise analysis of a loop with a dozen or so instructions. See "12.7 An example of analysis for bottlenecks in vector loops" which starts on page 95 in the current version of the PDF.
The basic idea is that you create a table, with one row per instruction and mark the execution resources each uses. This lets you see any throughput bottlenecks. In addition, you need to examine the loop for carried dependencies, to see if any of those limit the throughput (see "12.16 Analyzing dependencies" for a complex case).
If you don't want to do it by hand, Intel has released the Intel Architecture Code Analyzer, which is a tool that automates this analysis. It currently hasn't been updated beyond Skylake, but the results are still largely reasonable for Kaby Lake since the microarchitecture hasn't changed much and therefore the timings remain comparable. This answer goes into a lot of detail and provides example output, and the user's guide isn't half bad (although it is out of date with respect to the newest versions).
Other sources
Agner usually provides timings for new architectures shortly after they are released, but you can also check out instlatx64 for similarly organized timings in the InstLatX86 and InstLatX64 results. The results cover a lot of interesting old chips, and new chips usually show up fairly quickly. The results are mostly consistent with Agner's, with a few exceptions here and there. You can also find memory latency and other values on this page.
You can even get the timing results directly from Intel in their IA32 and Intel 64 optimization manual in Appendix C: INSTRUCTION LATENCY AND THROUGHPUT. Personally I prefer Agner's version because they are more complete, often arrive before the Intel manual is updated, and are easier to use as they provide a spreadsheet and PDF version.
Finally, the x86 tag wiki has a wealth of resources on x86 optimization, including links to other examples of how to do a cycle accurate analysis of code sequences.
If you want a deeper look into the type of "dataflow analysis" described above, I would recommend A Whirlwind Introduction to Data Flow Graphs.
Given pipelining, out of order processing, microcode, multi-core processors, etc there's no guarantee that a particular section of assembly code will take exactly x CPU cycles/clock cycle/whatever cycles.
If such a reference exists, it will only be able to provide broad generalizations given a particular architecture, and depending on how the microcode is implemented you may find that the Pentium M is different than the Core 2 Duo which is different than the AMD dual core, etc.
Note that this article was updated in 2000, and written earlier. Even the Pentium 4 is hard to pin down regarding instruction timing - PIII, PII, and the original pentium were easier, and the texts referenced were probably based on those earlier processors that had a more well-defined instruction timing.
These days people generally use statistical analysis for code timing estimation.
What the other answers say about it being impossible to accurately predict the performance of code running on a modern CPU is true, but that doesn't mean the latencies are unknown, or that knowing them is useless.
The exact latencies for Intels and AMD's processors are listed in Agner Fog's instruction tables. See also Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual, and Instruction latencies and throughput for AMD and Intel x86 processors (from Can Berk Güder's now-deleted link-only answer). AMD also has pdf manuals on their own website with their official values.
For (micro-)optimizing tight loops, knowing the latencies for each instruction can help a lot in manually trying to schedule your code. The programmer can make a lot of optimizations that the compiler can't (because the compiler can't guarantee it won't change the meaning of the program).
Of course, this still requires you to know a lot of other details about the CPU, such as how deeply pipelined it is, how many instructions it can issue per cycle, number of execution units and so on. And of course, these numbers vary for different CPU's. But you can often come up with a reasonable average that more or less works for all CPU's.
It's worth noting though, that it is a lot of work to optimize even a few lines of code at this level. And it is easy to make something that turns out to be a pessimization. Modern CPUs are hugely complicated, and they try extremely hard to get good performance out of bad code. But there are also cases they're unable to handle efficiently, or where you think you're clever and making efficient code, and it turns out to slow the CPU down.
Looking in Intel's optimization manual, table C-13:
The first column is instruction type, then there is a number of columns for latency for each CPUID. The CPUID indicates which processor family the numbers apply to, and are explained elsewhere in the document. The latency specifies how many cycles it takes before the result of the instruction is available, so this is the number you're looking for.
The throughput columns show how many of this type of instructions can be executed per cycle.
Looking up xchg in this table, we see that depending on the CPU family, it takes 1-3 cycles, and a mov takes 0.5-1. These are for the register-to-register forms of the instructions, not for a lock xchg with memory, which is a lot slower. And more importantly, hugely-variable latency and impact on surrounding code (much slower when there's contention with another core), so looking only at the best-case is a mistake. (I haven't looked up what each CPUID means, but I assume the .5 are for Pentium 4, which ran some components of the chip at double speed, allowing it to do things in half cycles)
I don't really see what you plan to use this information for, however, but if you know the exact CPU family the code is running on, then adding up the latency tells you the minimum number of cycles required to execute this sequence of instructions.
Measuring and counting CPU-cycles does not make sense on the x86 anymore.
First off, ask yourself for which CPU you're counting cycles? Core-2? a Athlon? Pentium-M? Atom? All these CPUs execute x86 code but all of them have different execution times. The execution even varies between different steppings of the same CPU.
The last x86 where cycle-counting made sense was the Pentium-Pro.
Also consider, that inside the CPU most instructions are transcoded into microcode and executed out of order by a internal execution unit that does not even remotely look like a x86. The performance of a single CPU instruction depends on how much resources in the internal execution unit is available.
So the time for a instruction depends not only on the instruction itself but also on the surrounding code.
Anyway: You can estimate the throughput-resource usage and latency of instructions for different processors. The relevant information can be found at the Intel and AMD sites.
Agner Fog has a very nice summary on his web-site. See the instruction tables for latency, throughput, and uop count. See the microarchictecture PDF to learn how to interpret those.
But note that xchg-with-memory does not have predictable performance, even if you look at only one CPU model. Even in the no-contention case with the cache-line already hot in L1D cache, being a full memory barrier will mean it's impact depends a lot on loads and stores to other addresses in the surrounding code.
Btw - since your example-code is a lock-free datastructure basic building block: Have you considered using the compiler built-in functions? On win32 you can include intrin.h and use functions such as _InterlockedExchange.
That'll give you better execution time because the compiler can inline the instructions. Inline-assembler always forces the compiler to disable optimizations around the asm-code.
lock xchg eax, dword ptr [edx]
Note the lock will lock memory for the memory fetch for all cores, this can take 100 cycles on some multi cores and a cache line will also need to be flushed. It will also stall the pipeline. So i wouldnt worry about the rest.
So optimal performance gets back to tuning your algorithms critical regions.
Note on a single core you can optmize this by removing the lock but it is needed for multi core.
