Query Intel CPU details of execution unit, port, etc - performance

Is it possible to query the number of execution unit/port per core and similar information on Intel CPU?
I have an assembly program, and noticed that the performance is quite different on different CPU's. For example, on an Core i5 4570, some functions takes consistently 25% cycles to complete than on an Core i7 4970HQ. They are both Haswell based, from the same generation. No memory movement is involved in the part of program benchmarked. So I am thinking maybe the difference comes from the details such as number of execution unit, number of ports etc. The benchmark measures single core CPU cycles, so frequencies/HT etc does not come into play.
Am I right to assume such an explanation of performance difference? If yes, where can I find such informations for specific CPUs. And is it possible to query it dynamically? If possible, then I can dispatch dynamically based on such informations and distribution uops more evenly and similar techniques to optimize the program for multiple CPUs.

Did you time reference cycles (RDTSC) instead of core clock cycles (with perf counters)? That would explain your observations.
Turbo makes a big difference, and the ratio between max turbo and max sustained / rated clock speed (i.e. reference cycle tick rate) is different on different CPUs. e.g. see my answer on this related question
The lower the CPU's TDP, the bigger the ratio between sustained and peak. The Haswell wikipedia article has tables:
84W desktop i5 4570: sustained 3.2GHz = RDTSC frequency, max turbo 3.6GHz (the speed the core was probably actually running for most of your benchmark, if it had time to go up from low-power idle speed).
47W laptop i7-4960HQ: 2.6GHz sustained = RDTSC frequency vs. 3.8GHz max turbo.
Time your code with performance counters, and look at the "core clock cycles" count. (And lots of other neat stuff).
Every Haswell core is identical from Core-M 5Watt CPUs to high-power quad core to 18-core Xeon (which actually has a per-core power-budget more like a laptop CPU); it's only the L3 caches, number of cores (and interconnect), and support or not for HT and/or Turbo that differ. Basically everything outside the cores themselves can be different, including the GPU. They don't disable execution ports, and even the L1/L2 caches are identical. I think disabling execution ports would require significant redesigns in the out-of-order scheduler and stuff like that.
More importantly, every port has at least one execution unit that isn't found on any other port: p0 has the divider, p1 has the integer multiply unit, p5 has the shuffle unit, and p6 is the only port that can execute predicted-taken branches. Actually, p2 and p3 are identical load ports (and can handle store-address uops)...
See Agner Fog's microarch pdf for more about Haswell internals, and also David Kanter's writeup with diagrams of the different blocks.
(However, it's not strictly true that the entire core is identical: Haswell Pentium/Celeron CPUs don't support AVX/AVX2, or BMI/BMI2. I think they do that by disabling decode of VEX prefixes in the decoders. This is still the case for Skylake Pentiums/Celerons, so thanks Intel for delaying the time when we can assume support for new instruction sets. Presumably they do this so CPUs with defects in one only the upper or lower half of their vector execution units can still be sold as Celeron or Pentium, just like CPUs with a defect in some of their L3 can be sold as i5 instead of i7)


How to measure the ACTUAL number of clock cycles elapsed on modern x86?

On recent x86, RDTSC returns some pseudo-counter that measures time instead of clock cycles.
Given this, how do I measure actual clock cycles for the current thread/program?
Platform-wise, I prefer Windows, but a Linux answer works too.
This is not simple. Such a thing is described in the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Developer's Manual: Vol. 3B:
Here is the behaviour:
For Pentium M processors; for Pentium 4 processors, Intel Xeon processors; and for P6 family processors: the time-stamp counter increments
with every internal processor clock cycle. The internal processor clock cycle is determined by the current core-clock to bus-clock ratio. Intel®
SpeedStep® technology transitions may also impact the processor clock.
For Pentium 4 processors, Intel Xeon processors; for Intel Core Solo
and Intel Core Duo processors; for the Intel Xeon processor 5100 series and Intel Core 2 Duo processors; for Intel Core 2 and Intel Xeon processors; for Intel Atom processors: the time-stamp counter increments at a constant rate. That rate may be set by the maximum core-clock to bus-clock ratio of the processor or may be set by the maximum resolved frequency at which the processor is booted. The maximum resolved frequency may differ from the processor base frequency. On certain processors, the TSC frequency may not be the same as the frequency in the brand string.
Here is the advise for your use-case:
To determine average processor clock frequency, Intel recommends the use of performance monitoring logic to count processor core clocks over the period of time for which the average is required. See Section 18.17, “Counting Clocks on systems with Intel Hyper-Threading Technology in Processors Based on Intel NetBurst® Microarchitecture,” and Chapter 19, “Performance-
Monitoring Events,” for more information.
The bad news is that AFAIK performance counters are often not portable between AMD and Intel processors. Thus, you certainly need to check which performance counters to use in the AMD documentation. There are also complications: you cannot easily measure the number of of cycle taken by any arbitrary code. For example, the processor can be halted or enter in sleep mode for a short period of time (see C-state) or the OS can executing some protected code that cannot be profiled without high privileges (for sake of security). This method is fine as long as you need to measure the number of cycle of a numerically-intensive code taking relatively-long time (at least several dozens of cycles). On top of all of that, the documentation and usage of MSR is pretty complex and it has some restrictions.
Performance counters like CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.THREAD and CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC seems a good start for what you want to measure. Using library to read such performance counter is generally a very good idea (unless you like having a headache for at least few days). PAPI might be enough to do the job for this.
Here is some interesting related posts:
Lost Cycles on Intel? An inconsistency between rdtsc and CPU_CLK_UNHALTED.REF_TSC
How to read performance counters by rdpmc instruction?

Why the time needed for executing code on "Hackerrank" site varies significantly?

When you try some coding challenges on www.hackerrank.com and you track the time also (e.g. in C++ using the "chrono" library), you will see every time you run the Code you will get a different time needed for execution at exactly the same Code. The variance I estimate at 10 to 30 percent. What is the reason that Code execution times are varying significantly at equal code? Which factors account to it?
It could be the Server System; but are there even physical reasons (stochastic processes in electronic components)?
Almost certainly just a busy system where your process competes for CPU time against other processes. (And competes for memory bandwidth even when it has a CPU to itself).
Also it's likely that the server runs on a CPU with SMT (Simultaneous multithreading) that uses each physical cores as two logical cores, so the "shared execution resources" that processes compete for includes stuff inside a single CPU core, not just L3 cache and memory bandwidth.
Intel calls their SMT tech "hyperthreading"; most servers these days run on Intel Xeon CPUs. AMD Zen also uses SMT, so either way unless the server admins disabled it, when the OS schedules tasks onto both logical cores of a single physical core, they will slow each other down some (with the slowdown amount mostly depending on their average IPC (instructions per cycle) - two threads that have a lot of branch mispredicts will typically not see much slowdown (so throughput nearly doubles). But two threads that could both nearly saturate the FP multiplier ALUs on their own will each run at nearly half speed (near zero gain in throughput).
OSes "know about" SMT / Hyperthreading and can detect which logical cores share a physical core. They try to avoid scheduling threads to the same physical core while there are some physical cores with both threads idle.
See also Modern Microprocessors
A 90-Minute Guide! which covers SMT, with the background to understand what execution resources are being shared.
but are there even physical reasons (stochastic processes in electronic components)?
No, CPUs are deterministic (except for the rdrand instruction which uses true analog electrical noise as a randomness source).
CPUs do use dynamic voltage and frequency scaling to save power (idle vs. max turbo, or somewhere in between if thermal limits don't allow max turbo.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Turbo_Boost / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_frequency_scaling
See also Idiomatic way of performance evaluation? for more microbenchmarking pitfalls / warm-up effects.

latency vs throughput in intel intrinsics

I think I have a decent understanding of the difference between latency and throughput, in general. However, the implications of latency on instruction throughput are unclear to me for Intel Intrinsics, particularly when using multiple intrinsic calls sequentially (or nearly sequentially).
For example, let's consider:
This has a latency of 11, and a throughput of 7 on a Haswell processor. If I ran this instruction in a loop, would I get a continuous per cycle-output after 11 cycles? Since this would require 11 instructions to be running at a time, and since I have a throughput of 7, do I run out of "execution units"?
I am not sure how to use latency and throughput other than to get an impression of how long a single instruction will take relative to a different version of the code.
For a much more complete picture of CPU performance, see Agner Fog's microarchitecture guide and instruction tables. (Also his Optimizing C++ and Optimizing Assembly guides are excellent). See also other links in the x86 tag wiki, especially Intel's optimization manual.
See also
https://uops.info/ for accurate tables collected programmatically from microbenchmarks, so they're free from editing errors like Agner's tables sometimes have.
How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
and What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand? for more details about using instruction-cost numbers.
What is the efficient way to count set bits at a position or lower? For an example of analyzing short sequences of asm in terms of front-end uops, back-end ports, and latency.
Modern Microprocessors: A 90-Minute Guide! very good intro to the basics of CPU pipelines and HW design constraints like power.
Latency and throughput for a single instruction are not actually enough to get a useful picture for a loop that uses a mix of vector instructions. Those numbers don't tell you which intrinsics (asm instructions) compete with each other for throughput resources (i.e. whether they need the same execution port or not). They're only sufficient for super-simple loops that e.g. load / do one thing / store, or e.g. sum an array with _mm_add_ps or _mm_add_epi32.
You can use multiple accumulators to get more instruction-level parallelism, but you're still only using one intrinsic so you do have enough information to see that e.g. CPUs before Skylake can only sustain a throughput of one _mm_add_ps per clock, while SKL can start two per clock cycle (reciprocal throughput of one per 0.5c). It can run ADDPS on both its fully-pipelined FMA execution units, instead of having a single dedicated FP-add unit, hence the better throughput but worse latency than Haswell (3c lat, one per 1c tput).
Since _mm_add_ps has a latency of 4 cycles on Skylake, that means 8 vector-FP add operations can be in flight at once. So you need 8 independent vector accumulators (which you add to each other at the end) to expose that much parallelism. (e.g. manually unroll your loop with 8 separate __m256 sum0, sum1, ... variables. Compiler-driven unrolling (compile with -funroll-loops -ffast-math) will often use the same register, but loop overhead wasn't the problem).
Those numbers also leave out the third major dimension of Intel CPU performance: fused-domain uop throughput. Most instructions decode to a single uop, but some decode to multiple uops. (Especially the SSE4.2 string instructions like the _mm_cmpestrc you mentioned: PCMPESTRI is 8 uops on Skylake). Even if there's no bottleneck on any specific execution port, you can still bottleneck on the frontend's ability to keep the out-of-order core fed with work to do. Intel Sandybridge-family CPUs can issue up to 4 fused-domain uops per clock, and in practice can often come close to that when other bottlenecks don't occur. (See Is performance reduced when executing loops whose uop count is not a multiple of processor width? for some interesting best-case frontend throughput tests for different loop sizes.) Since load/store instructions use different execution ports than ALU instructions, this can be the bottleneck when data is hot in L1 cache.
And unless you look at the compiler-generated asm, you won't know how many extra MOVDQA instructions the compiler had to use to copy data between registers, to work around the fact that without AVX, most instructions replace their first source register with the result. (i.e. destructive destination). You also won't know about loop overhead from any scalar operations in the loop.
I think I have a decent understanding of the difference between latency and throughput
Your guesses don't seem to make sense, so you're definitely missing something.
CPUs are pipelined, and so are the execution units inside them. A "fully pipelined" execution unit can start a new operation every cycle (throughput = one per clock)
(reciprocal) Throughput is how often an operation can start when no data dependencies force it to wait, e.g. one per 7 cycles for this instruction.
Latency is how long it takes for the results of one operation to be ready, and usually matters only when it's part of a loop-carried dependency chain.
If the next iteration of a loop operates independently from the previous, then out-of-order execution can "see" far enough ahead to find the instruction-level parallelism between two iterations and keep itself busy, bottlenecking only on throughput.
See also Latency bounds and throughput bounds for processors for operations that must occur in sequence for an example of a practice problem from CS:APP with a diagram of two dep chains, one also depending on results from the other.

Estimating Cycles Per Instruction

I have disassembled a small C++ program compiled with MSVC v140 and am trying to estimate the cycles per instruction in order to better understand how code design impacts performance. I've been following Mike Acton's CppCon 2014 talk on "Data-Oriented Design and C++", specifically the portion I've linked to.
In it, he points out these lines:
movss 8(%rbx), %xmm1
movss 12(%rbx), %xmm0
He then claims that these 2 x 32-bit reads are probably on the same cache line therefore cost roughly ~200 cycles.
The Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual has been a great resource, specifically "Appendix C - Instruction Latency and Throughput". However on page C-15 in "Table C-16. Streaming SIMD Extension Single-precision Floating-point Instructions" it states that movss is only 1 cycle (unless I'm understanding what latency means here wrong... if so, how do I read this thing?)
I know that a theoretical prediction of execution time will never be correct, but nevertheless this is important to learn. How are these two commands 200 cycles, and how can I learn to reason about execution time beyond this snippet?
I've started to read some things on CPU pipelining... maybe the majority of the cycles are being picked up there?
PS: I'm not interested in actually measuring hardware performance counters here. I'm just looking to learn how to reasonable sight read ASM and cycles.
As you already pointed out, the theoretical throughput and latency of a MOVSS instruction is at 1 cycle. You were looking at the right document (Intel Optimization Manual). Agner Fog (mentioned in the comments) measured the same numbers in his Intruction Tables for Intel CPUs (AMD is has a higher latency).
This leads us to the first problem: What specific microarchitecture are you investigating? This can make a big difference, even for the same vendor. Agner Fog reports that MOVSS has a 2-6cy latency on AMD Bulldozer depending on the source and destination (register vs memory). This is important to keep in mind when looking into performance of computer architectures.
The 200cy are most likely cache misses, as already pointed out be dwelch in the comments. The numbers you get from the Optimization Manual for any memory accessing instructions are all under the assumption that the data resides in the first level cache (L1). Now, if you have never touched the data by previous instructions the cache line (64 bytes with Intel and AMD x86) will need to be loaded from memory into the last level cache, form there into the second level cache, then into L1 and finally into the XMM register (within 1 cycle). Transfers between L3-L2 and L2-L1 have a throughput (not latency!) of two cycles per cache line on current Intel microarchitectures. And the memory bandwidth can be used to estimate the throughput between L3 and memory (e.g, a 2 GHz CPU with an achievable memory bandwidth of 40 GB/s will have a throughput of 3.2 cycles per cache line). Cache lines or memory blocks are typically the smallest unit caches and memory can operate on, they differ between microarchitectures and may even be different within the architecture, depending on the cache level (L1, L2 and so on).
Now this is all throughput and not latency, which will not help you estimate what you have described above. To verify this, you would need to execute the instructions over and over (for at least 1/10s) to get cycle accurate measurements. By changing the instructions you can decide if you want to measure for latency (by including dependencies between instructions) or throughput (by having the instructions input independent of the result of previous instructions). To measure for caches and memory accesses you would need to predict if an access is going to a cache or not, this can be done using layer conditions.
A tool to estimate instruction execution (both latency and throughput) for Intel CPUs is the Intel Architecture Code Analyzer, which supports multiple microarchitectures up to Haswell. The latency predictions are to be taken with the grain of salt, since it much harder to estimate latency than throughput.

Hyper-threading and gaming (and other computing applications)?

I was wondering what the real-world performance effects are of hyperthreading (multiple logical cores for each physical core) in different situations. Intel advertises this as being effective for when threads of execution are waiting for I/O, however in memory intensive applications, it can be ineffective because when a switch occurs between logical cores, locality is lost in the processor cache. The second application's data is loaded into cache, forcing the first application's memory out of cache. Upon returning to the first application, its references are all cache misses and performance is lost. I know several super computer managers and they claim that they turn off hyperthreading because doing so is more efficient in their cases. Are there "normal" user cases where disabling hyperthreading is more efficient? Gaming can be pretty memory intensive--would it be better without hyperthreading?
First, it should be recognized that hyperthreading is an Intel marketing term labelling Switch-on-Event MultiThreading (on Itanium) and Simultaneous MultiThreading (on x86). SoEMT is primarily beneficial in hiding high latency events such as last level cache misses, is easier to implement, and is friendlier to VLIW-like scheduling. SoEMT is also a better fit for a small L1 (given a somewhat fast L2) than SMT since cache contention is moved more to L2 or L3 (thousands of accesses between thread switches) which can better handle contention given their greater capacity and higher associativity. SMT can be useful in hiding smaller latencies like branch resolution delay or L2 cache hits and provides instruction level parallelism, but introduces more intense contention for resources.
(There is also a difference between disabling hyperthreading and not using hyperthreading. Disabling hyperthreading might provide a small performance benefit in that some shareable resources will be used even by an inactive but enabled thread and some partitioned resources may still use a small amount of power, but the primary benefit would be in preventing the OS from making disruptive scheduling decisions.)
For "normal" code, the available thread-level parallelism may well be lower than the number of cores available. In that case, a modern OS typically will not use the hardware multithreading since it recognizes that a full core has more performance than a core shared by more than one thread. (Sharing a core can theoretically improve performance in special cases where using L1 to communicate between threads is unusually helpful. In addition, waking an inactive thread on an active core is much faster and requires less energy than waking up a core, so using multithreading might be helpful for energy efficiency in some special cases.)
HPC codes tend to be the worst case for SMT. HPC code is more likely to be friendly to static scheduling. This means that the latency hiding benefits of SMT tend to be minimized. (Similarly, HPC code tends to benefit less from out-of-order execution.) HPC code also tends to be constrained by memory bandwidth rather than memory latency. SMT can increase the bandwidth demand per unit of execution (by increasing cache misses) and reduce the actual achieved memory bandwidth by contention at the memory controller. (DRAM is not friendly to random access; such causes excessive refresh and row active cycles.) SMT may also cause the number of data streams that are active to exceed the hardware's support for prefetching. HPC code is also more likely to be blocked according to cache sizes assuming one thread per core; in such cases SMT will produce significant cache thrashing.
Disabling hyperthreading may also be friendlier to gang-scheduled operation, which is common in HPC. If only some of the cores are using multithreading, those cores might have higher performance per core yet would have lower performance per thread; that forces other cores to idly wait for the slowed threads to complete. (HPC systems may have dedicated OS cores and spare cores to avoid similar problems, where OS activity would slow down one core/thread and force hundreds of others to wait or where a failed core could cause, e.g., a 16-thread gang scheduled program to run 15 threads and then one thread, doubling execution time.)
(In theory, SMT could be used in HPC to reduce register pressure in some optimized loops since the effective latency of operations like FMADD in a dual threaded core may be viewed as roughly being halved. Since compilers generally use a fixed latency for scheduling [SMT is treated as a transparent feature], exploiting this feature is not generally practical even when it could be beneficial.)
Rather like out-of-order execution, SMT is most beneficial for irregular code. (OoO looks ahead in a single code stream for instruction level and memory level parallelism; SMT looks "sideways" across threads for such parallelism.) If branch mispredictions and cache misses are common, SMT can use existing thread-level parallelism to hide such latencies (the cost of a branch misprediction is largely in the latency of resolution).
The benefit from SMT varies by workload and by the specific hardware. A deeply pipelined in-order microarchitecture like the initial Intel Atom benefits more from SMT than a shallower pipelined OoO microarchitecture would (latencies, especially branch resolution latency, being generally higher with longer pipelines and OoO providing some parallelism that would otherwise be used by SMT's thread-level parallelism).
Enabled hyperthreading may also have the disadvantage of increasing the number of threads used by an application where performance scaling with increased thread count is sufficiently sublinear that the lower performance per thread with hyperthreading would result in a net loss of performance. E.g., if two-thread-per-core hyperthreading provided a 30% increase in per core performance and doubling thread count increased performance by 50%, then total performance would decrease by 2.5%.
The standard advice of "when in doubt, measure" obviously applies.
Obviously some people don't understand some things. I have done so, here is what I copied froma site:
Depending on when you last bought a computer, you may remember Hyper-Threading as a feature that Intel introduced and then discontinued. This could understandably leave a sour taste in your mouth – why would Intel discontinue it if it wasn’t trouble?
The truth isn’t so grim. Hyper-Threading was for a time made available on certain Intel Pentium 4 and Intel Xeon processors. It was discontinued not because the feature itself was bad, but rather because the processor that used it turned out to be a bit of a misstep for other reasons. The Pentium 4 architecture was a minor disaster for Intel because it was incapable of going the direction Intel hoped (Intel wanted to have Pentium 4 processors with clock speeds of up to 10 GHz). As a result, Intel jumped back to designing processors based on the Pentium Pro family tree.
Hyper-Threading was gone, but not forgotten. Intel eventually found the time and resources to integrate it into another new processor architecture - Nehalem. This is the architecture that is the basis for all current Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors.
Source: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/hyperthreading-technology-explained/
