Cache or Registers - which is faster? - performance

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this but I've searched and always found different answer. My question is:
Which is faster? Cache or CPU Registers?
According to me, the registers are what directly load data to execute it while the cache is just a storage place close or internally in the CPU.
Here are the sources I found that confuses me:
2 for cache | 1 for registers
Cache is faster.
So which really is it?

CPU register is always faster than the L1 cache. It is the closest. The difference is roughly a factor of 3.
Trying to make this as intuitive as possible without getting lost in the physics underlying the question: there is a simple correlation between speed and distance in electronics. The further you make a signal travel, the harder it gets to get that signal to the other end of the wire without the signal getting corrupted. It is the "there is no free lunch" principle of electronic design.
The corollary is that bigger is slower. Because if you make something bigger then inevitably the distances are going to get larger. Something that was automatic for a while, shrinking the feature size on the chip automatically produced a faster processor.
The register file in a processor is small and sits physically close to the execution engine. The furthest removed from the processor is the RAM. You can pop the case and actually see the wires between the two. In between sit the caches, designed to bridge the dramatic gap between the speed of those two opposites. Every processor has an L1 cache, relatively small (32 KB typically) and located closest to the core. Further down is the L2 cache, relatively big (4 MB typically) and located further from the core. More expensive processors also have an L3 cache, bigger and further away.

Specifically on x86 architecture:
Reading from register has 0 or 1 cycle latency.
Writing to registers has 0 cycle latency.
Reading/Writing L1 cache has a 3 to 5 cycle latency (varies by architecture age)
Actual load/store requests may execute within 0 or 1 cycles due to write-back buffer and store-forwarding features (details below)
Reading from register can have a 1 cycle latency on Intel Core 2 CPUs (and earlier models) due to its design: If enough simultaneously-executing instructions are reading from different registers, the CPU's register bank will be unable to service all the requests in a single cycle. This design limitation isn't present in any x86 chip that's been put on the consumer market since 2010 (but it is present in some 2010/11-released Xeon chips).
L1 cache latencies are fixed per-model but tend to get slower as you go back in time to older models. However, keep in mind three things:
x86 chips these days have a write-back cache that has a 0 cycle latency. When you store a value to memory it falls into that cache, and the instruction is able to retire in a single cycle. Memory latency then only becomes visible if you issue enough consecutive writes to fill the write-back cache. Writeback caches have been prominent in desktop chip design since about 2001, but was widely missing from the ARM-based mobile chip markets until much more recently.
x86 chips these days have store forwarding from the write-back cache. If you store an address to the WB cache and then read back the same address several instructions later, the CPU will fetch the value from the WB cache instead of accessing L1 memory for it. This reduces the visible latency on what appears to be an L1 request to 1 cycle. But in fact, the L1 isn't be referenced at all in that case. Store forwarding also has some other rules for it to work properly, which also vary a lot across the various CPUs available on the market today (typically requiring 128-bit address alignment and matched operand size).
The store forwarding feature can generate false positives where-in the CPU thinks the address is in the writeback buffer based on a fast partial-bits check (usually 10-14 bits, depending on chip). It uses an extra cycle to verify with a full check. If that fails then the CPU must re-route as a regular memory request. This miss can add an extra 1-2 cycles latency to qualifying L1 cache accesses. In my measurements, store forwarding misses happen quite often on AMD's Bulldozer, for example; enough so that its L1 cache latency over-time is about 10-15% higher than its documented 3-cycles. It is almost a non-factor on Intel's Core series.
Primary reference: and specifically
And then manually graph info from that with the tables on architectures, models, and release dates from the various List of CPUs pages on wikipedia.


How are cache blocks fetched from RAM into the cpu?

I'm learning more about the theoretical side of CPUs, and I read about how cache can be used to fetch a line/block of memory from RAM into an area closer to the CPU that can be accessed more quickly (I think it takes less clock cycles because the CPU doesn't need to move the entire address of the next word into a register, also it's closer to the CPU physically).
But now I'm not clear on the implementation exactly. The CPU is connected to RAM through a data bus that could be 32 or 64 bits wide in modern machines. But L3 cache can in some cases be as large as 32MB in size, and I am pretty convinced there aren't millions of data lines going from RAM to the CPU's cache. Even the tiny-in-comparison L1 cache of only a few KB will take hundreds or even thousands of clock cycles to fetch from RAM only through that tiny data bus.
So what I'm trying to understand is, how exactly is CPU cache implemented to transfer so much infortmation while still being efficient? Are there any examples of simple (relatively) CPUs from the last decades at which I can look to see and learn how they implemented that part of the architecture?
As it turns out, there actually is a very wide bus to move info between levels of cache. Thanks to Peter for pointing it out to me in the comments and providing useful links for further reading.
Since you want the implementation of the CPU cache and RAM(main memory) here's a helpful simulation link where you can give your size of RAM and cache and see how they work.

Is there a performance gain on x86 Windows/Linux apps in minimizing page count?

I'm writing and running software on Windows and Linux of the last five years, say, on machines of the last five years.
I believe the running processes will never get close to the amount of memory we have (we're typically using like 3GB out of 32GB) but I'm certain we'll be filling up the cache to overflowing.
I have a data structure modification which makes the data structure run a bit slower (that is, do quite a bit more pointer math) but reduces both the cache line count and page count (working set) of the application.
My understanding is that if processes' memory is being paged out to disk, reducing the page count and thus disk I/O is a huge win in terms of wall clock time and latency (e.g. to respond to network events, user events, timers, etc.) However with memory so cheap nowadays, I don't think processes using my data structure will ever page out of memory. So is there still an advantage in improving this? For example if I'm using 10,000 cache lines, does it matter whether they're spread over 157 4k pages (=643k) or 10,000 4k pages (=40MB)? Subquestion: even if you're nowhere near filling up RAM, are there cases a modern OS will page a running process out anyways? (I think Linux of the 90s might have done so to increase file caching, for instance.)
In contrast, I also can reduce cache lines and I suspect this will probably wall clock time quite a bit. Just to be clear on what I'm counting, I'm counting the number of 64-byte-aligned areas of memory that I'm touching at least one byte in as the total cache lines used by this structure. Example: if hypothetically I have 40,000 16 byte structures, a computer whose processes are constantly referring to more memory that it has L1 cache will probably run everything faster if those structures are packed into 10,000 64 byte cache lines instead of each straddling two cache lines apiece for 80,000 cache lines?
The general recommendation is to minimize the number of cache lines and virtual pages that exhibit high temporal locality on the same core during the same time interval of the lifetime of a given application.
When the total number of needed physical pages is about to exceed the capacity of main memory, the OS will attempt to free up some physical memory by paging out some of the resident pages to secondary storage. This situation may result in major page faults, which can significantly impact performance. Even if you know with certainty that the system will not reach that point, there are other performance issues that may occur when unnecessarily using more virtual pages (i.e., there is wasted space in the used pages).
On Intel and AMD processors, page table entries and other paging structures are cached in hardware caches in the memory management unit to efficiently translate virtual addresses to physical addresses. These include the L1 and L2 TLBs. On an L2 TLB miss, a hardware component called the page walker is engaged to peform the required address translation. More pages means more misses. On pre-Broadwell1 and pre-Zen microarchitectures, there can only be one outstanding page walk at any time. On later microarchitectures, there can only be two. In addition, on Intel Ivy Bridge and later, it may be more difficult for the TLB prefetcher to keep up with the misses.
On Intel and AMD processors, the L1D and L2 caches are designed so that all cache lines within the same 4K page are guaranteed to be mapped to different cache sets. So if all of the cache lines of a page are used, in contest to, for example, spreading out the cache lines in 10 different pages, conflict misses in these cache levels may be reduced. That said, on all AMD processors and on Intel pre-Haswell microarchitectures, bank conflicts are more likely to occur when accesses are more spread across cache sets.
On Intel and AMD processors, hardware data prefetchers don't work across 4K boundaries. An access pattern that could be detected by one or more prefetchers but has the accesses spread out across many pages would benefit less from hardware prefetching.
On Windows/Intel, the accessed bits of the page table entries of all present pages are reset every second by the working set manager. So when accesses are unnecessarily spread out in the virtual address space, the number of page walks that require microcode assists (to set the accessed bit) per memory access may become larger.
The same applies to minor page faults as well (on Intel and AMD). Both Windows and Linux use demand paging, i.e., an allocated virtual page is only mapped to a physical page on demand. When a virtual page that is not yet mapped to a physical page is accessed, a minor page fault occurs. Just like with the accessed bit, the number of minor page faults per access may be larger.
On Intel processors, with more pages accessed, it becomes more likely for nearby accesses on the same logical core to 4K-alias. For more information on 4K aliasing, see: L1 memory bandwidth: 50% drop in efficiency using addresses which differ by 4096+64 bytes.
There are probably other potential issues.
Subquestion: even if you're nowhere near filling up RAM, are there
cases a modern OS will page a running process out anyways? (I think
Linux of the 90s might have done so to increase file caching, for
On both Windows and Linux, there is a maximum working set size limit on each process. On Linux, this is called RLIMIT_RSS and is not enforced. On Windows, this limit can be either soft (the default) or hard. The limit is only enforced if it is hard (which can be specified by calling the SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx function and passing the QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MIN_ENABLE flag). When a process reaches its hard working set limit, further memory allocation requests will be satisfied by paging out some of its pages to the page file, even if free physical memory is available.
I don't know about Linux of the 90s.
(1) The Intel optimization manual mentions in Section 2.2.3 that Skylake can do two page walks in parallel compared to one in Haswell and earlier microarchitectures. To my knowledge, the manual does not clearly mention whether Broadwell can do one or two page walks in parallel. However, according to slide 10 of these Intel slides (entitled "Intel Xeon Processor D: The First Xeon processor optimized for dense solutions"), Xeon Broadwell supports two page walks. I think this also applies to all Broadwell models.

How can an unlock/lock operation on a mutex be faster than a fetch from memory?

Norvig claims, that an mutex lock or unlock operation takes only a quarter of the time that is needed to do a fetch from memory.
This answer explains, that a mutex is
essentially a flag and a wait queue and that it would only take a few instructions to flip the flag on an uncontended mutex.
I assume, if a different CPU or core tries to lock that mutex, it needs to wait for
the cache line to be written back into the memory (if that didn't already happen) and its own memory read to get the state of the flag. Is that correct? What is the difference, if it is a different core compared to a different CPU?
So the numbers Norvig states are only for an uncontended mutex where the CPU or core trying the operation already has that flag in its cache and the cache line isn't dirty?
A typical PC runs a x86 CPU, Intel's CPUs can perform the locking entirely on the caches:
if the area of memory being locked during a LOCK operation is
cached in the processor that is performing the LOCK operation as write-back memory and is completely contained
in a cache line, the processor may not assert the LOCK# signal on the bus.
Instead, it will modify the memory location internally and allow it’s cache coherency mechanism to ensure that the operation is carried out atomically.
operation is called “cache locking.”
The cache coherency mechanism automatically prevents two or more processors that have cached the same area of memory from simultaneously modifying data in that area.
From Intel Software Developer Manual 3, Section 8.1.4
The cache coherence mechanism is a variation of the MESI protocol.
In such protocol before a CPU can write to a cached location, it must have the corresponding line in the Exclusive (E) state.
This means that only one CPU at a time has a given memory location in a dirty state.
When other CPUs want to read the same location, the owner CPU will delay such reads until the atomic operation is finished.
It then follows the coherence protocol to either forward, invalidate or write-back the line.
In the above scenario a lock can be performed faster than an uncached load.
Those times however are a bit off and surely outdated.
They are intended to give an order, along with an order of magnitude, among the typical operations.
The timing for an L1 hit is a bit odd, it isn't faster than the typical instruction execution (which by itself cannot be described with a single number).
The Intel optimization manual reports, for an old CPU like Sandy Bridge, an L1 access time of 4 cycles while there are a lot of instructions with a latency of 4 cycles of less.
I would take those numbers with a grain of salt, avoiding reasoning too much on them.
The lesson Norvig tried to teach us is: hardware is layered, the closer (from a topological point of view1) to the CPU, the faster.
So when parsing a file, a programmer should avoid moving data back and forth to a file, instead it should minimize the IO pressure.
The some applies when processing an array, locality will improve performance.
Note however that these are technically, micro-optimisations and the topic is not as simple as it appears.
1 In general divide the hardware in what is: inside the core (registers), inside the CPU (caches, possibly not the LLC), inside the socket (GPU, LLC), behind dedicated bus devices (memory, other CPUs), behind one generic bus (PCIe - internal devices like network cards), behind two or more buses (USB devices, disks) and in another computer entirely (servers).

why are separate icache and dcache needed [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
What does a 'Split' cache means. And how is it useful(if it is)?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
Can someone please explain what do we gain by having a separate instruction cache and data cache.
Any pointers to a good link explaining this will also be appreciated.
The main reason is: performance. Another reason is power consumption.
Separate dCache and iCache makes it possible to fetch instructions and data in parallel.
Instructions and data have different access patterns.
Writes to iCache are rare. CPU designers are optimizing the iCache and the CPU architecture based on the assumption that code changes are rare. For example, the AMD Software Optimization Guide for 10h and 12h Processors states that:
Predecoding begins as the L1 instruction cache is filled. Predecode information is generated and stored alongside the instruction cache.
Intel Nehalem CPU features a loopback buffer, and in addition to this the Sandy Bridge CPU features a µop cache The microarchitecture of Intel, AMD and VIA CPUs. Note that these are features related to code, and have no direct counterpart in relation to data. They benefit performance, and since Intel "prohibits" CPU designers to introduce features which result in excessive increase of power consumption they presumably also benefit total power consumption.
Most CPUs feature a data forwarding network (store to load forwarding). There is no "store to load forwarding" in relation to code, simply because code is being modified much less frequently than data.
Code exhibits different patterns than data.
That said, most CPUs nowadays have unified L2 cache which holds both code and data. The reason for this is that having separate L2I and L2D caches would pointlessly consume the transistor budget while failing to deliver any measurable performance gains.
(Surely, the reason for having separate iCache and dCache isn't reduced complexity because if the reason was reduced complexity than there wouldn't be any pipelining in any of the current CPU designs. A CPU with pipelining is more complex than a CPU without pipelining. We want the increased complexity. The fact is: the next CPU design is (usually) more complex than the previous design.)
It has to do with which functional units of the CPU primarily access that cache. Since the ALU and FPU access the data cache which the decoder and scheduler access the instruction cache, and often pipelining allows the instruction processor and the execution unit to work simultaneously, using a single cache would cause contention between these two components. By separating them we lose some flexibility and gain the ability for these two major components of the processor to fetch data from cache simultaneously.
One reason is reduced complexity - you can implement a shared cache that can retrieve multiple lines at once, or just asynchronously (see Hit-Under-Miss), but it makes the cache controller far more complicated.
Another reason is execution stability - if you have a known amount of icache and dcache, caching of data cannot starve the cache system of instructions, which may occur in a simplistic shared cache.
And as Dan stated, having them separated makes pipelining easier, without adding to the controller complexity.
As processor's MEM and FETCH stages can access L1 cache(assume combined) simultaneously, there can be conflict as which one to give priority(can become performance bottleneck). One way to resolve this is to make L1 cache with two read ports. But increasing the number of ports increases the cache area quadratically and hence increased power consumption.
Also, if L1 cache is the combined one then there are chances that some data blocks might replace blocks containing instructions which were important and about to get accessed. These evictions and followed cache miss can hurt the overall performance.
Also, most of the time processor fetches instructions sequentially(few exceptions like taken targets, jumps etc) which gives instruction cache more spatial locality and hence good hit rate. Also, as mentioned in other answers, there are hardly any writes to the ICache(self-modifying code such as JIT compilers). So separate icache and dcache designs can be optimized considering their access patterns and other components like Load/store queues, write buffers etc.
There are generally 2 kinds of architectures 1. von neuman architecture and 2. the harward architecture. The harward architecture uses 2 separate memories. you can get more on this on this arm page

Why is the size of L1 cache smaller than that of the L2 cache in most of the processors?

Why is the size of L1 cache smaller than that of the L2 cache in most of the processors ?
L1 is very tightly coupled to the CPU core, and is accessed on every memory access (very frequent). Thus, it needs to return the data really fast (usually within on clock cycle). Latency and throughput (bandwidth) are both performance-critical for L1 data cache. (e.g. four cycle latency, and supporting two reads and one write by the CPU core every clock cycle). It needs lots of read/write ports to support this high access bandwidth. Building a large cache with these properties is impossible. Thus, designers keep it small, e.g. 32KB in most processors today.
L2 is accessed only on L1 misses, so accesses are less frequent (usually 1/20th of the L1). Thus, L2 can have higher latency (e.g. from 10 to 20 cycles) and have fewer ports. This allows designers to make it bigger.
L1 and L2 play very different roles. If L1 is made bigger, it will increase L1 access latency which will drastically reduce performance because it will make all dependent loads slower and harder for out-of-order execution to hide. L1 size is barely debatable.
If we removed L2, L1 misses will have to go to the next level, say memory. This means that a lot of access will be going to memory which would imply we need more memory bandwidth, which is already a bottleneck. Thus, keeping the L2 around is favorable.
Experts often refer to L1 as a latency filter (as it makes the common case of L1 hits faster) and L2 as a bandwidth filter as it reduces memory bandwidth usage.
Note: I have assumed a 2-level cache hierarchy in my argument to make it simpler. In many of today's multicore chips, there's an L3 cache shared between all the cores, while each core has its own private L1 and maybe L2. In these chips, the shared last-level cache (L3) plays the role of memory bandwidth filter. L2 plays the role of on-chip bandwidth filter, i.e. it reduces access to the on-chip interconnect and the L3. This allows designers to use a lower-bandwidth interconnect like a ring, and a slow single-port L3, which allows them to make L3 bigger.
Perhaps worth mentioning that the number of ports is a very important design point because it affects how much chip area the cache consumes. Ports add wires to the cache which consumes a lot of chip area and power.
There are different reasons for that.
L2 exists in the system to speedup the case where there is a L1 cache miss. If the size of L1 was the same or bigger than the size of L2, then L2 could not accomodate for more cache lines than L1, and would not be able to deal with L1 cache misses. From the design/cost perspective, L1 cache is bound to the processor and faster than L2. The whole idea of caches is that you speed up access to the slower hardware by adding intermediate hardware that is more performing (and expensive) than the slowest hardware and yet cheaper than the faster hardware you have. Even if you decided to double the L1 cache, you would also increment L2, to speedup L1-cache misses.
So why is there L2 cache at all? Well, L1 cache is usually more performant and expensive to build, and it is bound to a single core. This means that increasing the L1 size by a fixed quantity will have that cost multiplied by 4 in a dual core processor, or by 8 in a quad core. L2 is usually shared by different cores --depending on the architecture it can be shared across a couple or all cores in the processor, so the cost of increasing L2 would be smaller even if the price of L1 and L2 were the same --which it is not.
#Aater's answer explains some of the basics. I'll add some more details + an examples of the real cache organization on Intel Haswell and AMD Piledriver, with latencies and other properties, not just size.
For some details on IvyBridge, see my answer on "How can cache be that fast?", with some discussion of the overall load-use latency including address-calculation time, and widths of the data busses between different levels of cache.
L1 needs to be very fast (latency and throughput), even if that means a limited hit-rate. L1d also needs to support single-byte stores on almost all architectures, and (in some designs) unaligned accesses. This makes it hard to use ECC (error correction codes) to protect the data, and in fact some L1d designs (Intel) just use parity, with better ECC only in outer levels of cache (L2/L3) where the ECC can be done on larger chunks for lower overhead.
It's impossible to design a single level of cache that could provide the low average request latency (averaged over all hits and misses) of a modern multi-level cache. Since modern systems have multiple very hungry cores all sharing a connection to the same relatively-high latency DRAM, this is essential.
Every core needs its own private L1 for speed, but at least the last level of cache is typically shared, so a multi-threaded program that reads the same data from multiple threads doesn't have to go to DRAM for it on each core. (And to act as a backstop for data written by one core and read by another). This requires at least two levels of cache for a sane multi-core system, and is part of the motivation for more than 2 levels in current designs. Modern multi-core x86 CPUs have a fast 2-level cache in each core, and a larger slower cache shared by all cores.
L1 hit-rate is still very important, so L1 caches are not as small / simple / fast as they could be, because that would reduce hit rates. Achieving the same overall performance would thus require higher levels of cache to be faster. If higher levels handle more traffic, their latency is a bigger component of the average latency, and they bottleneck on their throughput more often (or need higher throughput).
High throughput often means being able to handle multiple reads and writes every cycle, i.e. multiple ports. This takes more area and power for the same capacity as a lower-throughput cache, so that's another reason for L1 to stay small.
L1 also uses speed tricks that wouldn't work if it was larger. i.e. most designs use Virtually-Indexed, Physically Tagged (VIPT) L1, but with all the index bits coming from below the page offset so they behave like PIPT (because the low bits of a virtual address are the same as in the physical address). This avoids synonyms / homonyms (false hits or the same data being in the cache twice, and see Paul Clayton's detailed answer on the linked question), but still lets part of the hit/miss check happen in parallel with the TLB lookup. A VIVT cache doesn't have to wait for the TLB, but it has to be invalidated on every change to the page tables.
On x86 (which uses 4kiB virtual memory pages), 32kiB 8-way associative L1 caches are common in modern designs. The 8 tags can be fetched based on the low 12 bits of the virtual address, because those bits are the same in virtual and physical addresses (they're below the page offset for 4kiB pages). This speed-hack for L1 caches only works if they're small enough and associative enough that the index doesn't depend on the TLB result. 32kiB / 64B lines / 8-way associativity = 64 (2^6) sets. So the lowest 6 bits of an address select bytes within a line, and the next 6 bits index a set of 8 tags. This set of 8 tags is fetched in parallel with the TLB lookup, so the tags can be checked in parallel against the physical-page selection bits of the TLB result to determine which (if any) of the 8 ways of the cache hold the data. (Minimum associativity for a PIPT L1 cache to also be VIPT, accessing a set without translating the index to physical)
Making a larger L1 cache would mean it had to either wait for the TLB result before it could even start fetching tags and loading them into the parallel comparators, or it would have to increase in associativity to keep log2(sets) + log2(line_size) <= 12. (More associativity means more ways per set => fewer total sets = fewer index bits). So e.g. a 64kiB cache would need to be 16-way associative: still 64 sets, but each set has twice as many ways. This makes increasing L1 size beyond the current size prohibitively expensive in terms of power, and probably even latency.
Spending more of your power budget on L1D cache logic would leave less power available for out-of-order execution, decoding, and of course L2 cache and so on. Getting the whole core to run at 4GHz and sustain ~4 instructions per clock (on high-ILP code) without melting requires a balanced design. See this article: Modern Microprocessors: A 90-Minute Guide!.
The larger a cache is, the more you lose by flushing it, so a large VIVT L1 cache would be worse than the current VIPT-that-works-like-PIPT. And a larger but higher-latency L1D would probably also be worse.
According to #PaulClayton, L1 caches often fetch all the data in a set in parallel with the tags, so it's there ready to be selected once the right tag is detected. The power cost of doing this scales with associativity, so a large highly-associative L1 would be really bad for power-use as well as die-area (and latency). (Compared to L2 and L3, it wouldn't be a lot of area, but physical proximity is important for latency. Speed-of-light propagation delays matter when clock cycles are 1/4 of a nanosecond.)
Slower caches (like L3) can run at a lower voltage / clock speed to make less heat. They can even use different arrangements of transistors for each storage cell, to make memory that's more optimized for power than for high speed.
There are a lot of power-use related reasons for multi-level caches. Power / heat is one of the most important constraints in modern CPU design, because cooling a tiny chip is hard. Everything is a tradeoff between speed and power (and/or die area). Also, many CPUs are powered by batteries or are in data-centres that need extra cooling.
L1 is almost always split into separate instruction and data caches. Instead of an extra read port in a unified L1 to support code-fetch, we can have a separate L1I cache tied to a separate I-TLB. (Modern CPUs often have an L2-TLB, which is a second level of cache for translations that's shared by the L1 I-TLB and D-TLB, NOT a TLB used by the regular L2 cache). This gives us 64kiB total of L1 cache, statically partitioned into code and data caches, for much cheaper (and probably lower latency) than a monster 64k L1 unified cache with the same total throughput. Since there is usually very little overlap between code and data, this is a big win.
L1I can be placed physically close to the code-fetch logic, while L1D can be physically close to the load/store units. Speed-of-light transmission-line delays are a big deal when a clock cycle lasts only 1/3rd of a nanosecond. Routing the wiring is also a big deal: e.g. Intel Broadwell has 13 layers of copper above the silicon.
Split L1 helps a lot with speed, but unified L2 is the best choice.
Some workloads have very small code but touch lots of data. It makes sense for higher-level caches to be unified to adapt to different workloads, instead of statically partitioning into code vs. data. (e.g. almost all of L2 will be caching data, not code, while running a big matrix multiply, vs. having a lot of code hot while running a bloated C++ program, or even an efficient implementation of a complicated algorithm (e.g. running gcc)). Code can be copied around as data, not always just loaded from disk into memory with DMA.
Caches also need logic to track outstanding misses (since out-of-order execution means that new requests can keep being generated before the first miss is resolved). Having many misses outstanding means you overlap the latency of the misses, achieving higher throughput. Duplicating the logic and/or statically partitioning between code and data in L2 would not be good.
Larger lower-traffic caches are also a good place to put pre-fetching logic. Hardware pre-fetching enables good performance for things like looping over an array without every piece of code needing software-prefetch instructions. (SW prefetch was important for a while, but HW prefetchers are smarter than they used to be, so that advice in Ulrich Drepper's otherwise excellent What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory is out-of-date for many use cases.)
Low-traffic higher level caches can afford the latency to do clever things like use an adaptive replacement policy instead of the usual LRU. Intel IvyBridge and later CPUs do this, to resist access patterns that get no cache hits for a working set just slightly too large to fit in cache. (e.g. looping over some data in the same direction twice means it probably gets evicted just before it would be reused.)
A real example: Intel Haswell. Sources: David Kanter's microarchitecture analysis and Agner Fog's testing results (microarch pdf). See also Intel's optimization manuals (links in the x86 tag wiki).
Also, I wrote up a separate answer on: Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor?
Modern Intel designs use a large inclusive L3 cache shared by all cores as a backstop for cache-coherence traffic. It's physically distributed between the cores, with 2048 sets * 16-way (2MiB) per core (with an adaptive replacement policy in IvyBridge and later).
The lower levels of cache are per-core.
L1: per-core 32kiB each instruction and data (split), 8-way associative. Latency = 4 cycles. At least 2 read ports + 1 write port. (Maybe even more ports to handle traffic between L1 and L2, or maybe receiving a cache line from L2 conflicts with retiring a store.) Can track 10 outstanding cache misses (10 fill buffers).
L2: unified per-core 256kiB, 8-way associative. Latency = 11 or 12 cycles. Read bandwidth: 64 bytes / cycle. The main prefetching logic prefetches into L2. Can track 16 outstanding misses. Can supply 64B per cycle to the L1I or L1D. Actual port counts unknown.
L3: unified, shared (by all cores) 8MiB (for a quad-core i7). Inclusive (of all the L2 and L1 per-core caches). 12 or 16 way associative. Latency = 34 cycles. Acts as a backstop for cache-coherency, so modified shared data doesn't have to go out to main memory and back.
Another real example: AMD Piledriver: (e.g. Opteron and desktop FX CPUs.) Cache-line size is still 64B, like Intel and AMD have used for several years now. Text mostly copied from Agner Fog's microarch pdf, with additional info from some slides I found, and more details on the write-through L1 + 4k write-combining cache on Agner's blog, with a comment that only L1 is WT, not L2.
L1I: 64 kB, 2-way, shared between a pair of cores (AMD's version of SMD has more static partitioning than Hyperthreading, and they call each one a core. Each pair shares a vector / FPU unit, and other pipeline resources.)
L1D: 16 kB, 4-way, per core. Latency = 3-4 c. (Notice that all 12 bits below the page offset are still used for index, so the usual VIPT trick works.) (throughput: two operations per clock, up to one of them being a store). Policy = Write-Through, with a 4k write-combining cache.
L2: 2 MB, 16-way, shared between two cores. Latency = 20 clocks. Read throughput 1 per 4 clock. Write throughput 1 per 12 clock.
L3: 0 - 8 MB, 64-way, shared between all cores. Latency = 87 clock. Read throughput 1 per 15 clock. Write throughput 1 per 21 clock
Agner Fog reports that with both cores of a pair active, L1 throughput is lower than when the other half of a pair is idle. It's not known what's going on, since the L1 caches are supposed to be separate for each core.
The other answers here give specific and technical reasons why L1 and L2 are sized as they are, and while many of them are motivating considerations for particular architectures, they aren't really necessary: the underlying architectural pressure leading to increasing (private) cache sizes as you move away from the core is fairly universal and is the same as the reasoning for multiple caches in the first place.
The three basic facts are:
The memory accesses for most applications exhibit a high degree of temporal locality, with a non-uniform distribution.
Across a large variety of process and designs, cache size and cache speed (latency and throughput) can be traded off against each other1.
Each distinct level of cache involves incremental design and performance cost.
So at a basic level, you might be able to say double the size of the cache, but incur a latency penalty of 1.4 compared to the smaller cache.
So it becomes an optimization problem: how many caches should you have and how large should they be? If memory access was totally uniform within the working set size, you'd probably end up with a single fairly large cache, or no cache at all. However, access is strongly non-uniform, so a small-and-fast cache can capture a large number of accesses, disproportionate to it's size.
If fact 2 didn't exist, you'd just create a very big, very fast L1 cache within the other constraints of your chip and not need any other cache levels.
If fact 3 didn't exist, you'd end up with a huge number of fine-grained "caches", faster and small at the center, and slower and larger outside, or perhaps a single cache with variable access times: faster for the parts closest to the core. In practice, rule 3 means that each level of cache has an additional cost, so you usually end up with a few quantized levels of cache2.
Other Constraints
This gives a basic framework to understand cache count and cache sizing decisions, but there are secondary factors at work as well. For example, Intel x86 has 4K page sizes and their L1 caches use a VIPT architecture. VIPT means that the size of the cache divided by the number of ways cannot be larger3 than 4 KiB. So an 8-way L1 cache as used on the half dozen Intel designs can be at most 4 KiB * 8 = 32 KiB. It is probably no coincidence that that's exactly the size of the L1 cache on those designs! If it weren't for this constraint, it is entirely possible you'd have seen lower-associativity and/or larger L1 caches (e.g., 64 KiB, 4-way).
1 Of course, there are other factors involved in the tradeoff as well, such as area and power, but holding those factors constant the size-speed tradeoff applies, and even if not held constant the basic behavior is the same.
2 In addition to this pressure, there is a scheduling benefit to known-latency caches, like most L1 designs: and out-of-order scheduler can optimistically submit operations that depend on a memory load on the cycle that the L1 cache would return, reading the result off the bypass network. This reduces contention and perhaps shaves a cycle of latency off the critical path. This puts some pressure on the innermost cache level to have uniform/predictable latency and probably results in fewer cache levels.
3 In principle, you can use VIPT caches without this restriction, but only by requiring OS support (e.g., page coloring) or with other constraints. The x86 arch hasn't done that and probably can't start now.
For those interested in this type of questions, my university recommends Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach and Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface. Of course, if you don't have time for this, a quick overview is available on Wikipedia.
I think the main reason for this is, that L1-Cache is faster and so it's more expensive.
Compare the size of the L1, L2, and L3 caches physical size for an AMD Zen core, for example. The density increases dramatically with the cache level.
logically, the question answers itself.
If L1 were bigger than L2 (combined), then there would be no need of L2 Cache.
Why would you store your stuff on tape-drive if you can store all of it on HDD ?
