App launched in play store giving security alert - visual-studio-2013

We created a mobile app using "Tools for appache cordova for visual studio 2013 - CTP 3.1. The app is launched successfully in playstore. But in recent days when we login in our play store id, we receive a warning.
" Security alert
Your app is using a version of Apache Cordova containing one or more security vulnerabilities. Please see this Google Help Center article for details, including the deadline for fixing the app.
Affects APK version 20300."
how do we solve this version we checked the cordova version in our system it shows 5.3 but the error still persists.

Tools for Apache Cordova for Visual Studio 2013 CTP 3.1 is about a year old at this point. I'd recommend moving to Visual Studio 2015, which includes the latest version of these tools, as well as newer versions of Apache Cordova.
Using Visual Studio 2015, you can update your project to the latest version of Cordova (currently 6.1.0), which supports an updated version of Cordova-Android that might fix your security issue. More details here:


Limitations with Visual Studio Preview?

I installed Visual Studio Preview and it works fine but recently I saw this in their release notes and it says
This release is not "go-live" and not intended for use on production
computers or for creating production code. For instructions on
installing and updating Visual Studio 2019, see this documentation on
updating Visual Studio 2019 to the most recent release.
so if I want to write production code do I need to install another stable version too(it takes more space)? and I'm happy with this version cause it's cool and sometimes can try preview versions of new technologies/frameworks.
and What I'm not able to do exactly with this preview version?
The not having the "go-live" just means that Microsoft is not guaranteeing support if used in production environments, because it contains pre-release/beta features and/or libraries. Meaning if you deploy production code from a non "go-live" preview version of VS, you're on your own and can't call Microsoft for support/issues.
Occasionally, Microsoft will issue a "go-live" preview version (particularly with Release Candidates) that they will support.

How to downgrade Xamarin.ios in mac machine?

when i updated the visual studio version 8.4.1 in my mac it automatically updated the xamarin.ios to latest version then some of the functionality like search bar not working in build.I need to downgrade the Xmarin.ios Please help me how can i do it?
Visual Studio for Windows
Downgrading Xamarin.iOS to the version 10.12 in Visual Studio means that you need to downgrade VS to the version 15.3.
You need to contact the support team for the download link since they provide only the link for the version N-1.
I'll just leave the links, they may be useful to someone.
For Xamarin Studio:
It's possible, either downloading Xamarin.iOS from here:
or directly from the repository, which contains every version:

Attach Snapshot Debugger option not available in VS 2017

Trying to enable snapshot debugging on an Azure app service. The option to enable the snapshot debugger is not showing up in Visual Studio 2017. Did install the Snapshot Debugger Extension. Upgraded the Insights SDK on the deployed app service to the latest version (2.4.1).
The Visual Studio version I use is VS 2017 Enterprise 15.5.2.
Is this because snapshot debugging is only available for sites? Early blog posts about this feature seem to suggest this, but I'm not sure this is still the case.
The app service I try to snapshot debug is a Web API (.NET framework version 4.6.1).
Any suggestions about steps I'm missing here?
Unfortunately ASP.NET API apps are not currently covered.
The Snapshot Debugger was made available in Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise version 15.5 and greater. VS2017 supported ASP.NET (4.6.1+) and ASP.NET Core (2.0+) running in Azure App Services, however, it currently covers Web UI scenarios.
FYI: VS2019 supports several more Azure scenarios (VM,VMSS,AKS).

Unable to install Apache Cordova for VS 2013 Community

I use VS 2013 Community currently. I installed Apache Cordova. Installation completed successfully. Then I started VS 2013 and tried to create a new Apache Cordova project. I saw that there is no BLANK PROJECT link under the Javascript menu, but "Install tolls for Apache Cordova"
I uninstalled both VS 2013 and Apache Cordova. Then installed again but nothing changed. You'll find screenshot attached below. It shows the menu after installing Apache Cordova.
Now, I can not create any apache Cordova project.
What can I do for that?
Thanks in advance for your support.enter image description here
Tools for Apache Cordova (TACO) for VS 2013 is only served as "Technical Preview".Great changes and improvements has been made for TACO in VS2015.
Currently VS2015 is the only version that officially support TACO.
We strongly recommend that developers migrate to VS2015 when using TACO.

Can a Visual Studio extension be downgraded to the previous version?

I am using Visual Studio 2012 and recently updated one of my extensions. The problem is that the upgrade has broken one of the key extension features and I want to downgrade the version to the previous working release.
Is it possible to see older release versions from Visual Studio Gallery ?
The extension in question is P4VS (Perforce Version Control).
Thanks for Perforce support the FTP site link solved the issue.
I removed the newest version and downgraded and the IDE functionality for submitting is working again.
