How to downgrade Xamarin.ios in mac machine? - visual-studio

when i updated the visual studio version 8.4.1 in my mac it automatically updated the xamarin.ios to latest version then some of the functionality like search bar not working in build.I need to downgrade the Xmarin.ios Please help me how can i do it?

Visual Studio for Windows
Downgrading Xamarin.iOS to the version 10.12 in Visual Studio means that you need to downgrade VS to the version 15.3.
You need to contact the support team for the download link since they provide only the link for the version N-1.
I'll just leave the links, they may be useful to someone.
For Xamarin Studio:
It's possible, either downloading Xamarin.iOS from here:
or directly from the repository, which contains every version:


VS 2019 - Xamarin.iOS SDK version that is installed on Mac is (newer) not compatible with this version of VS (but VS 2022 is compatible)

There are older questions on this topic, but I'd like to get advice on the current situation.
VS 2019 gives the message in the title. Even though it was recently updated, it still uses Xamarin.iOS, vs Mac's recent update to, to support the recent XCode update.
VS 2022 PREVIEW works - though its version says
Is there a way to get VS 2019 to use the updated Xamarin.iOS? I assume the issue is that this is only on PREVIEW channel, but now that 2019 isn't the latest VS, I don't know how to give 2019 a preview version of Xamarin.iOS.
(I'd rather not do the alternative, which is to downgrade the version on the Mac.)
ALTERNATIVE: I could also install VS 2022 stable, if it is easier to get that to work with current XCODE + Xamarin.iOS. (I prefer to do certain tasks in a stable VS, not the PREVIEW one.)
(The reason I'm not using VS 2022 stable for my production VS, is that I uninstalled it while trying to solve a problem involving WinUI3 (Windows Desktop app) launch profiles in 2022 Preview - I was making 100% sure that there was only one version of 2022 involved. Probably didn't have anything to do with that issue, so I'm fine with re-installing it, if there is a good reason to do so.)
Is there a way to get VS 2019 to use the updated Xamarin.iOS?
ADAIK , there is no other way except updating visual studio for windows.
The latest Visual studio provides the latest package (Xamarim.iOS), if visual studio 2019 can't do that it means that it's time to use visual studio 2022 .
BTW , we can install latest Xamarin.iOS package without updating IDE in visual studio for mac , but it only works on mac.
Go to Xamarin.iOS github repo and download the pkg file ,install on mac .

VS2017 on Windows with iOS SDK & Mac with XCode 9.2 Beta

Even with all lastest tools installed on Both Visual studio (on windows) and XCode on Mac, I am receiving following error when tried to connect from visual studio 2017 through Xamarin agent. Any hint how to solve it?
"The installed Xamarin.iOS (version not specified) on the Mac is not compatible with the local Xamarin.iOS (version Please select a new server or install the correct Xamarin.iOS versions.
Even with all lastest tools installed on Both Visual studio (on windows) and XCode on Mac
In order to build Xamarin.iOS apps, Xamarin Tools and SDKs are needed on the Mac, too. You should have Visual Studio for Mac installed, it comes with all the necessary tools and SDKs.
If Xamarin is outdated on your Mac (disregarding of the Xcode version) you will see the message that Xamarin.iOS is outdated. Please follow these instructions to update your Xamarin components. (Anyway, avoid the beta channel and stick to stable unless you have a good reason not to.)

Xamarin.iOS not compatible on Mac myMac.local

I am getting the following error ! and i have upto date xamarin Visual studio.
The installed xamarin.ios(version 10.4)on mac myMac.local.(172.26.17.*) is not compatible with the local Xamarin.ios(version).
Can any one help me out here. Thanks in Advance.
Make sure that your Xamarin.iOS Versions are both on the same major version. i.e. Ensure you are on the Stable channel on both your Mac and Windows machines. Please ensure you are using Xamarin Studio on Mac and Visual Studio on Windows as they are both considered stable. Visual Studio for Mac is still in Preview.

Installing another instance of android studio on Mac

On a Mac, I have Android studio 1.2 installed.
I want another separate Android studio version 1.5.1 (the latest one) installed on my system.
Is it possible ? If yes, any leads on how to ?
Yes, It is possible. I don't have any experience of installing android studio but I am using Mac and I have been doing like this with installing Xcode. Just give the name what your software version is and copy it in application. Hope you got it.

Can a Visual Studio extension be downgraded to the previous version?

I am using Visual Studio 2012 and recently updated one of my extensions. The problem is that the upgrade has broken one of the key extension features and I want to downgrade the version to the previous working release.
Is it possible to see older release versions from Visual Studio Gallery ?
The extension in question is P4VS (Perforce Version Control).
Thanks for Perforce support the FTP site link solved the issue.
I removed the newest version and downgraded and the IDE functionality for submitting is working again.
