Joomla title & introtext hover image in category blog - joomla

i tried to override blog.php and blog_item.php with some css 3 image effects in joomla category blog view but had no success at all.
I want the article title and introtext as an image hover caption in the blog view.
Thanks for your help


Add Slideshow in Category page

I'm using Shopper Queldorei Magento Theme which it uses Revolution Slider, and I want to add a slideshow in category page like this: ultimo theme
What should I doing please.
Best regards
Not sure how slideshow is implemented in Shopper, but you can use slider Revolution from NWDthemes and create different slideshows for different categories.
Basically all you need is update Custom Layout Update field in Custom Design tab to add slideshow block to the header or instead of category image.
Check this article for reference -

Putting Alt Text on Magento Category Thumbnail Images

Magento has a simple 'upload file' interface for adding the thumbnail images to category pages which does not allow you to assign alt text while uploading. There is nowhere on the category page to add html for the thumbnail image.
Does anyone know how you assign an alt text to thumbnail images on the main (but not root) category pages?
Thank you.

Display Featured Article of Specific Category Using a Module in Joomla

I am working with different modules in Joomla (2.5) in order to display a variety of things. Right now I am trying to show the featured article of a specific category.
For example: I have three different pages, all showing articles specified by its own category.
Each of these pages has a range of article (lets says 20 each). Each of these sets of articles has a featured article. So there is a featured article for Bikes, Gears and Media.
My problem is trying to get this featured article to display at the top of each main page. I've tried using the Articles by Category module and I've looked into the Article - Newsflash module as well as looking at the code of the front page where a "featured article" typically appears.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a module I may be able to use?
No module needed. Here are two ways you can accomplish this:
In the Blog Layout Options for your Category Blog menu item, set Article Order to Featured Articles Order.
Alternatively, make a new parent category for each existing category and put the featured article in the parent. Set your blog page to show the parent category and the subcategories. Hide the subcategory headings on the page with menu item settings and/or CSS.

Joomla- BlogLayout: Show title and image of sub category

I have a menu item that shows articles from a category and two sub-categories on a website as blog layout.
Now I want to achieve that I just want to display the title and image of all sub categories, but not of the parent category.
I guess I have to override the standard views in components\com_content\views\category\tmpl but I don't know how I could do that.
Any help is very appreciated.

Joomla 3 - Show category blog below single article

I would like to create a page where I have a single article and a category blog consisting of text and an image beneath. It should look like this:
All articles should be dynamic, so that a user can change title, image and text.
How can I achieve this? I have one component tag. Is this possible with Joomla?
Best regards,
This seems like a standard category layout where you have the category description displayed. Just enter the text you always want to keep displayed in the description of the category.
