Display Featured Article of Specific Category Using a Module in Joomla - joomla

I am working with different modules in Joomla (2.5) in order to display a variety of things. Right now I am trying to show the featured article of a specific category.
For example: I have three different pages, all showing articles specified by its own category.
Each of these pages has a range of article (lets says 20 each). Each of these sets of articles has a featured article. So there is a featured article for Bikes, Gears and Media.
My problem is trying to get this featured article to display at the top of each main page. I've tried using the Articles by Category module and I've looked into the Article - Newsflash module as well as looking at the code of the front page where a "featured article" typically appears.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a module I may be able to use?

No module needed. Here are two ways you can accomplish this:
In the Blog Layout Options for your Category Blog menu item, set Article Order to Featured Articles Order.
Alternatively, make a new parent category for each existing category and put the featured article in the parent. Set your blog page to show the parent category and the subcategories. Hide the subcategory headings on the page with menu item settings and/or CSS.


Joomla category list issue

This is difficult to explain but I'll do my best.
I have a site with a number of articles grouped into different menus, which allows me to present relevant content to the visitor depending on what they are interested in. Each article may be in a number of menus.
I have also categorised each article based on the menu that it is most relevant to. I have done this in order to create a landing page using the category list component.
The issue I have is that the urls in the category list output do not relate to the active menu, when the article is in a number of menus. When you click on the article it takes you to the different menu. This issue is fixed if I unpublish the article from all other menus. I understand this is because Single article menu id takes precedence over category menu id's.
I need a fix that selects the active menu id rather than the default.
Any help appreciated.
Joomla cannot do what you want to do by default. In short, you have multiple URLs for each article and you want Joomla to automatically know which context that article is displayed in in order to display the right URL. Joomla can't do this.
What you need to do is that you want to override the layout module for that category and create a code that will get the right URL based on the context you are in. Not a very easy thing to do but this is how it should be done.
Note that there are some extensions, such as flexicontent, that allow articles to be listed in multiple categories, and that will handle such URLs correctly depending on the context.

Magento CMS Page as Category Landing Page

I have a problem deciding how to implement my category/cms page structure in Magento. It seems so over rigid in its design, even to the extent of adding custom fields to categories, I had to access phpmyadmin and hack it manually.
Ok, so consider this basic sitemap, with page types.
Shop Category
Just In Category
Clothes Category
Shoes Category
Accessories Category
Sale Category
So Home will be a CMS page, that is ok. Just In, Clothes and all other 3rd level categories will display a list or grid of products. Easy peasy.
My issue is with Shop. I need this to contain static blocks or widgets (cannot yet see the difference), and other elements such as a daily featured product, links to promotions etc. This page will not display a list/grid of products, that is not what I need.
If I create a CMS page called Shop, there is a conflict between breadcrumbing, url titles, and a bunch of other stuff.
My question is: how do I create a category called 'Shop' and make it behave like a CMS page with blocks of manageable widgets?
Under Admin -> Catalog -> Manage Categories, select a category and go to the Display Settings tab. Change Display Mode to Static Blocks Only and select the static block that you want to display on that page.
Another option is to use a Wordpress integration extension. Fishpig has one available for Magento.

Adding multiple items to special page

I have a quick how to question with Magento.
On my main site I need to have 7 links to special "categories" of items, but these don;t reflect categories of items. It is for a clothes shop so link may be to a summer wear page to only display items tagged as summer wear but from all types of item and categories.
What would the best way to go about creating this functionality?
I am assuming that when you say 'taged' you mean the product has a attribute set to 'summer'. In that case:
If you have products that you want to group together by attribute and list similar to a category page without being in a category, you could try using the Fishpig Splash Page extension:
This extensions allows product attributes to group products instead of categories.
I hope I understood your question correctly.
You can create categories for each of the 7 pages you mention, but hide them from the navigation in the category settings page.
you can then add your products to these categories as you see fit.
They will still be in their original categories too, but you can now link to the new pages and see them there too.
It seems like to me, you would just create the categories like normal. Because products can belong to many categories, you would just assign on a per-product basis which ones need to be in your categories.

Joomla conditional pages and menus

I'm trying to make a "Chapter selector" for my organization's website. I want to be able to select, say, the "Bay Area chapter" and have the site display articles and events for the Bay Area chapter (while keeping the chapter-independent parts of the site the same). How do I accomplish this?
I'd need a little more detail but here are some of the things to consider -
I am a fan of K2 for being able to nest categories, but you can at least categorize all of your Chapter information in to separate categories within a single section in the Joomla content manager.
For each Category you will need a menu item - Articles > Category > Category blog Layout
In the module manager you will need corresponding modules that display category related information. Be sure to associate the modules to the correct menu items in the module's Menu Assignment area.
I'd do the chapter selector as a menu. Create a menu to contain your chapters and then publish a module for that menu which allows you to pick your items with that chapter.

What's the best way to have multiple groups of simple featured products in Magento?

I would like to have a small number of pages on my site that have some text, and then an associated group of products eg, here is a picture of a nice kitchen, the things we sell that are included in this picture are below. I would like people to be able to click on the product and be taken to that product's page AND I plan to implement functionality that would allow you to add all of the products directly to the basket.
Caveat: All of my main product pages are of Configurable Products, and I would like to "Feature" certain Simple Products on the above pages, eg: this is a picture of a kitchen, we are using a blue lamp. This links directly to the "Lamp" page, but if you add this to basket, you'll get a blue lamp.
I have created the pages as Magento CMS pages and had created a specific inactive category of products for each page. This doesn't work because it links directly to the product in the inactive category, and not the actual category, eg: clicking wants to take you to /kitchinA/lampA.html instead of /lamps/lampA.html
What is the best way for me to include multiple groups of "featured" products, on different pages?
How about using related products?
