Is there anywhere i can get support with JMeter? - jmeter

Apparently not here.
Is there any forum, community or something where i can get help with JMeter?
I have installed JMeter for the first time today. I am trying to do a simple SOAP request. When i run a method the error:
"An error occurred when verifying security for the message"
shows in the Result tree.
Makes sense. In Soap UI (What i normally use) i have to give the following credentials in the request property:
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
Domain: empty
Authentication type: No authorization
WSS-Password Type: "PasswordText"
In SOAPUI this works. When i execute this method i get my results
So i tried in JMeter to add "HTTP Authorization Manager" with:
Base URL: Same url as i use in the test request
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
domain: empty
realm: empty
Mechanism: tried both options
When i run in again no change. It doesn't seem like JMeter even looks are the values in the HTTP Authorization manager. I tried to add it in the root of the Thread group and i tried to make it a child of the request
Can anyone please help me?

Switch Http Request Implementation to HttpClient3.1 in all your requests or use Http Request Defaults and do it there only once.


Jmeter , I'm facing 403 error when i try to run a login test

enter image description here
I used the Regular Expression Extractor for the tokens, but the 403 forbidden error keeps displaying.-check the screenshoot
Seems some missing configuration issue.
Can you please make sure:
You have HTTP Cookie Manager added to your Test Plan
If your application is protected with external authentication system like Basic HTTP Authentication, NTLM or Kerberos you need to handle it properly using HTTP Authorization Manager
Can you try :
Adding HTTP Header Manager and authorization with Basic encoded
one screenshot of the failed response headers doesn't tell the full story, you need to show us:
Successful request URL, body (if any) and headers (you can get it from browser developer tools)
Failing request from JMeter URL, body (if any) and headers from the View Results Tree listener
As per HTTP Status Code 403 description:
The HTTP 403 Forbidden client error status response code indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
This status is similar to 401, but in this case, re-authenticating will make no difference. The access is permanently forbidden and tied to the application logic, such as insufficient rights to a resource.
If you can successfully execute the same scenario using browser and cannot using JMeter - most probably it's due to missing or improperly implemented correlation, try recording the same steps one more time and compare generated scripts, all values which are different needs to be properly worked around

407 authenticationrequired in JMeter

I work in a company where we use a proxy to access any browser website.
We would like to start API testing with JMeter, but have a problem.
Whenever I try to add an API call to, for example, and put in the proxy details in the "Advanced" section of the HTTP request + adding an HTTP authorization manager with Username + Password, it still gives me a "407 Authenticationrequired" error back.
Request headers:
Response headers:
In the information I have also it's that the proxy is "Ruleset Name: Authentication with Kerberos and NTLM Fallback".
This is quite a problem if I'd like to test internal APIs with any authorization on it.
HTTP Status code 407 means that proxy authentication required, it seems that you're using a corporate proxy to access the application under test and this proxy requires credentials.
You have 2 options of passing the proxy credentials to JMeter:
Command-line arguments like:
jmeter -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password
JMeter System properties (you can put these lines to file

Jmeter Integrated Windows Authentication (NTLM)

I am a rookie when it comes to Jmeter and I am struggling to get a HTTP Request to run successfully (even for 1 iteration).
The Site being tested is an Intranet site used by staff. In terms of accessing via any browser, the homepage loads (having authenticated me as a user through my Domain Login/Password - through logging in to my laptop). From what I can gather from tools such as FIDDLER:
GET request to the server sent, Server response is 401 unauthorized (WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate)
GET REQUEST header sent back with Authorization: Negotiate HASH, Server response is 401 Unauthorized with a different WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate HASH
GET REQUEST sent back with same Authorization: Negotiate HASH as received in previous SERVER response. Server responds with HTTP 200.
I am struggling to get the above working in JMETER. I have tried by capturing the output from Blazemeter Chrome plugin and saving as .jmx file but replaying this results in
div id="header">h1>Server Error
h2>401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
h3>You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Any ideas as to how I should go about getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.........
JMeter comes with HTTP Authorization Manager which you can use to bypass NTLM authentication challenge. Just add it to your Test Plan and provide the following values:
Username: your Windows domain user name
Password: your Windows domain password
Domain: your Windows domain
The HTTP Authorization Manager should automatically handle auth flow. See Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter article for more details if required.

How to send authentication parameters in PUT request - Jmeter

Trying to perform a load testing using Jmeter tool however can not pass authentication.
The following curl works well
curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -X PUT "http://server-url/artifactory/my-repository/my/new/artifact/directory/file.txt" -T Desktop/myNewFile.txt
I need to upload file via PUT method based on the curl sample above and can not do it because do not understand where username and password values should be placed in the HTTP Request sampler, in the parameters part, Post Body or somewhere else.
Thanks you
You need to add a HTTP Authorisation Manager to your Test Plan and configure it as follows:
Base URL: http://server-url
Username: USERNAME
Password: PASSWORD
JMeter will generate relevant Authorization header and add it to the request. See How to Use HTTP Basic Authentication in JMeter article for more details.
Guessing, but you probably add the HTTP header
Authentication: basic [base64 of username:password]
Google "HTTP Basic Authentication"

How to authenticate user when testing REST API using Jmeter

I am trying to make a script to test REST services using Jmeter.
Till now I was using Chrome’s Advanced REST Client.
My authentication request was GET and it was something like this in Advanced REST:
its a GET request
Now when I am using Jmeter. I tried following ways:
I added HTTP Authorization Manager and mentioned Base URL and Username/password inside it.
When I am trying to do a request then its showing me “Unauthorized”
I also tried to login using normal https request but no success.
When accessed manually, a authorization popup window appears and username and password is submitted inside this window.
Please suggest me a way for how to login using Jmeter.
Few suggestions:
Most likely you have mismatch in URL you're trying hit and the one, specified in HTTP Authorization Manager, double check it.
Add View Results Tree listener and make sure that the header like:
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxx=
is being sent along with the request and compare it with the one, sent by the real browser.
Try switching "Implementation" of your HTTP Request samplers to HttpClient3.1, the easiest way of doing this is using HTTP Request Defaults
And finally, you can use HTTP Header Manager to send the relevant header, it's name should be Authorization and value Basic and username:password encoded in Base64. There is base64Encode function available via JMeter Plugins.
