How to authenticate user when testing REST API using Jmeter - jmeter

I am trying to make a script to test REST services using Jmeter.
Till now I was using Chrome’s Advanced REST Client.
My authentication request was GET and it was something like this in Advanced REST:
its a GET request
Now when I am using Jmeter. I tried following ways:
I added HTTP Authorization Manager and mentioned Base URL and Username/password inside it.
When I am trying to do a request then its showing me “Unauthorized”
I also tried to login using normal https request but no success.
When accessed manually, a authorization popup window appears and username and password is submitted inside this window.
Please suggest me a way for how to login using Jmeter.

Few suggestions:
Most likely you have mismatch in URL you're trying hit and the one, specified in HTTP Authorization Manager, double check it.
Add View Results Tree listener and make sure that the header like:
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxx=
is being sent along with the request and compare it with the one, sent by the real browser.
Try switching "Implementation" of your HTTP Request samplers to HttpClient3.1, the easiest way of doing this is using HTTP Request Defaults
And finally, you can use HTTP Header Manager to send the relevant header, it's name should be Authorization and value Basic and username:password encoded in Base64. There is base64Encode function available via JMeter Plugins.


Jmeter - Getting 403 forbidden errors on custom api's while running a login script of sharepoint login

I'm getting 403 error on each custom rest api while executing the sharepoint login.
Could you please share with me a solution with an example?
This error comes
denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access
this resource."}}}
Most probably you need to add proper authentication context to each API request and the most common way to protect the API from unauthorized usage is requirement to have valid Authorization header.
Inspect the outgoing requests to your custom API using your browser's developer tool and pay attention to the request headers in the "Network" tab, I believe you should see the aforementioned "Authorization" header or Cookie header or something like this.
In your JMeter script you can add custom headers to your requests using HTTP Header Manager
JMeter should handle Cookies automatically given you add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan.

HTTP Authorization Manager

I'm new to JMeter.
My web app is using windows authentication. As soon as you access the page, it logs you in without the need to enter credentials (No way to log out either). I was able to use HTTP Authorization Manager + HTTP Request Sampler to access the page.
My next step is to cycle through 5 test accounts against the same HTTP Request. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like HTTP Authorization Manager supports multiple logins for the same url. Running the test, it only uses the first set of credentials.
I tried using CVS DataSet Config, but the url does not support Post or Get method for login.
Any suggestions on how I would be able to create multiple logins for a HTTP Request Sampler? If it cannot be done with the HTTP Request Sampler, any alternative samplers I should use instead?
Figured out I was able to include variables within the HTTP Authorization Manager.
Combined it with the CSV Data Set Config and it works as expected!

Form based Authentication- Jmeter

I am testing an API endpoint for which there is a form based authentication(for additional security). Can someone suggest how to handle form based authentication in Jmeter. I tried with HTTP Authorization Manage, still my request is failing.
You basically need to submit a HTML Form by sending a HTTP POST request using JMeter's HTTP Request sampler.
Given you provide correct credentials you should be authorized for further actions.
In some cases you will need to perform correlation as you might have to provide a dynamic parameter (or several) along with the credentials as your application can use these parameters for i.e. CSRF protection or for other reasons so make sure to carefully inspect the request sent by the real browser (you can capture the original request using browser developer tools) and if there are any dynamic parameters - you should extract them from the previous response using a suitable JMeter Post-Processor
Once you successfully log in it should be enough to add HTTP Cookie Manager to maintain the user session.

Jmeter header manager reuse

Im using Jmeter to write some load tests on an API secured by oAuth.
I want to be able to reuse the header manager once the bearer token has been produced from the access token call.
However when I try to move the header manager out side of the http request the call is no longer authorised. I think its because it can no longer get the bearer token.
For Post Request, when i put the header manager outside it no longer works, it only works when I put it under the request as I have done for User get request, Delete request and Put request.
How do I make the header manager reusable and therefore only manage one header manager?
Thank you.
{"fault":{"faultstring":"Invalid access token","detail":{"errorcode":"oauth.v2.InvalidAccessToken"}}}
My expectation is that this is due to clash with the HTTP Authorization Manager
Both are Configuration Elements and both obey JMeter Scoping rules
When you move HTTP Header Manager outside the HTTP Request sampler it might be the case that Authorization Header comes from the HTTP Authorization Manager
You can check which exact header value is being sent using Request -> Request Headers tab of the View Results Tree listener
Given you manually create Authorization header for your request I believe if you disable or delete the HTTP Authorization Manager your test should start working as expected as you basically don't need it.

How to test with jMeter against basic auth protected domain?

I am running a staging cluster of apache/nginx webservers where the domain has basic authentication restricted access. My goal is to test performance of the cluster with jmeter.
In order to pass the authentication I have added the HTTP Authentication controler of jmeter. This works, BUT every request shows two logentries at apache. One 200 and one 401. This is normal behavior as of the first request the user must be authenticated. Unfortunatelly, jmeter does this on every request.
How can I make sure that each thread/user only requests access once. Or even better, how could I grant jmeter access with without every user needing to authenticat. I believe that this will impact the test results.
Thank you for any hint on this.
It sounds like a JMeter bug as given proper "Authorization" header is provided there shouldn't be WWW-Authenticate challenge. If you could file it via JMeter Bugzilla or flag it via JMeter Users Mailing List that would be great
In the meantime you can work it around using one of the following approaches:
Inject credentials directly into URL - in case of JMeter into "Path" input field like:
Use Beanshell Scripting to construct proper "Authorization" header on-the-fly. In order to do so:
Make sure that HTTP Header Manager is present. If not - add it on Test Plan level or as a child of the HTTP Request which needs to be authenticated
add Beanshell PreProcessor as a child of HTTP Request which needs to be authenticated
Provide username and password separated by space via "Parameters" input
Put the following code into the PreProcessor's "Script" area
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.Base64Encoder;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Header;
String encodedCredentials = Base64Encoder.encode(bsh.args[0] + ":" + bsh.args[1]);
sampler.getHeaderManager().add(new Header("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedCredentials));
You shouldn't be receiving any 401 codes anywhere anymore.
