407 authenticationrequired in JMeter - jmeter

I work in a company where we use a proxy to access any browser website.
We would like to start API testing with JMeter, but have a problem.
Whenever I try to add an API call to petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/10, for example, and put in the proxy details in the "Advanced" section of the HTTP request + adding an HTTP authorization manager with Username + Password, it still gives me a "407 Authenticationrequired" error back.
Request headers:
Response headers:
In the information I have also it's that the proxy is "Ruleset Name: Authentication with Kerberos and NTLM Fallback".
This is quite a problem if I'd like to test internal APIs with any authorization on it.

HTTP Status code 407 means that proxy authentication required, it seems that you're using a corporate proxy to access the application under test and this proxy requires credentials.
You have 2 options of passing the proxy credentials to JMeter:
Command-line arguments like:
jmeter -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password
JMeter System properties (you can put these lines to system.properties file


How does JMeter generate Content-Type = Multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebkitFormBoundaryxxxxxxxxxx

I am working on creating performance test for an application based on Windows authentication.
Test plan is designed as following :
Test Plan
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Authorization Manager
Thread Group
HTTP Request 1
HTTP Request 2
In the HTTP authorization manager section I have provided the base URL, username, password and selected Mechanism as BASIC_DIGEST.
Now assume that HTTP Request 2 is a file upload scenario.
When the steps were recorded then then the file upload scenario had a Content-Type header which has the value - Multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebkitFormBoundaryxxxxxxxxxx.
Now when I execute the script boundary in the above format is not generated which probably results in script failure. I need to understand what changes I might need to implement in order to generate the Content-Type correctly.
I believe that you should rather remove Content-Type header from the HTTP Header Manager and tick "Use multipart-form/data" box in the HTTP Request sampler:
The fact you're getting HTTP Status 401 means that your configuration of HTTP Authorization Manager is not correct. If you're using your Windows domain credentials for accessing the application your "Mechanism" choice might be wrong as Kerberos is way more popular than NTLM so inspect network tab of your browser developer tools and see what are WWW-Authenticate and Authorization header value, this way you can guess what mechanism is being used exactly and properly configure the HTTP Authorization Manager
More information: Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter

Jmeter Integrated Windows Authentication (NTLM)

I am a rookie when it comes to Jmeter and I am struggling to get a HTTP Request to run successfully (even for 1 iteration).
The Site being tested is an Intranet site used by staff. In terms of accessing via any browser, the homepage loads (having authenticated me as a user through my Domain Login/Password - through logging in to my laptop). From what I can gather from tools such as FIDDLER:
GET request to the server sent, Server response is 401 unauthorized (WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate)
GET REQUEST header sent back with Authorization: Negotiate HASH, Server response is 401 Unauthorized with a different WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate HASH
GET REQUEST sent back with same Authorization: Negotiate HASH as received in previous SERVER response. Server responds with HTTP 200.
I am struggling to get the above working in JMETER. I have tried by capturing the output from Blazemeter Chrome plugin and saving as .jmx file but replaying this results in
div id="header">h1>Server Error
h2>401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
h3>You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Any ideas as to how I should go about getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.........
JMeter comes with HTTP Authorization Manager which you can use to bypass NTLM authentication challenge. Just add it to your Test Plan and provide the following values:
Username: your Windows domain user name
Password: your Windows domain password
Domain: your Windows domain
The HTTP Authorization Manager should automatically handle auth flow. See Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter article for more details if required.

How to send authentication parameters in PUT request - Jmeter

Trying to perform a load testing using Jmeter tool however can not pass authentication.
The following curl works well
curl -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> -X PUT "http://server-url/artifactory/my-repository/my/new/artifact/directory/file.txt" -T Desktop/myNewFile.txt
I need to upload file via PUT method based on the curl sample above and can not do it because do not understand where username and password values should be placed in the HTTP Request sampler, in the parameters part, Post Body or somewhere else.
Thanks you
You need to add a HTTP Authorisation Manager to your Test Plan and configure it as follows:
Base URL: http://server-url
Username: USERNAME
Password: PASSWORD
JMeter will generate relevant Authorization header and add it to the request. See How to Use HTTP Basic Authentication in JMeter article for more details.
Guessing, but you probably add the HTTP header
Authentication: basic [base64 of username:password]
Google "HTTP Basic Authentication"

JMeter Basic Authentication with HTTP Authorization Manager

I am trying to do Basic Authentication for protected endpoints. I tried the following :
In the HTTP Header Manager, add an entry with the name "Authorization" and the value "Basic [encoded credentials from above]" as suggested in JMeter Basic Authentication
Added Http Authorization manager and added the
base url as https://shopping-qa.myproject.mydomain.comalong with the username and password. The url of the endpoint is https://shopping-qa.myproject.mydomain.com/api/v3/profile/summary.
While it works when I use the option 1, it does not work when I use option 2. I also uncommented httpclient.parameters.file=httpclient.parameters in jmeter.Properties and http.authentication.preemptive$Boolean=true in httpclient.parameters. But I still do not get the authentication to work.
Any suggestions on where I am going wrong?
Thank you!
If you use httpclient.parameters - make sure that you have HTTPClient3 implementation of the HTTP Request Sampler(s).
Double check that HTTP Authorization Manager really adds "Authorization" header and credentials are correct.
See How to use HTTP Basic Authentication in JMeter for example of bypassing basic HTTP authentication in phpmyadmin.

Cannot get JMeter to authenticate against site during recording

I am new to Jmeter and have the following problem. It has wasted a couple of days for me so far and I really hope someone can help:
When I go to record the login page of the website (IIS hosted, Windoes Authentication) I ultimately receive a 401 unauthorized. The login popup shows again after details have been entered. These same details function correctly when browsing to the site without the use of Jmeter.
Intranet Proxy > JMeter Proxy > Site
I have started JMeter with the Intranet Proxy details:
jmeter -H -P 8080 -u -a -N localhost
I have created a HTTP Proxy Server in the WorkBench within JMeter
HTTP Sampler Settings = HttpClient 3.1 / Redirect / Follow and Keep Alive
I have added a HTTP Authorization Manager to the Thread Group providing my details
I have uncommented httpclient.parameters.file=httpclient.parameters in the jmeter.properties file
I have uncommented http.proxyDomain=NTLM domain, if required by HTTPClient sampler in the same file
I have uncommented http.authentication.preemptive$Boolean=true in the httpclient.parameters file
I believe the NTLM credentials are getting lost somewhere along the way but I do not know where to go at this point.
Let me know if any other information would be of use.
Thanks in advance,
If you are behind a proxy which requires authentication, ensure you set this:
Second check your configuration of JMeter Proxy JMETER PROXY SETUP STEP BY STEP
Finally if you have NTLM, then it's not sure it can work at least not sure during recording, it also depends on your version of NTLM, see this:
See this:
JMeter with Windows Authentication?
Finally try asking this question on jmeter user mailing list, once you don't get answer,
I suggest you put JMeter in DEBUG mode (jmeter.properties) and attach your logs to a BugZilla issue you will open on this (I will look at it as soon as possible).
Works for me in Firefox 40 and IIS with Kerberos authentication if I set HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder -> HTTP Sampler settings -> Type = Java. Need to type the authentication in multiple times, then when I cancel out Firefox is authenticated and I can record the site no problem.
