How to access Google Chrome ARC app filesystem in Chrome as of 2016? - google-chrome-arc

I created this account to ask this question (and possibly more in the future), as I have constantly searched to no avail. In the latest version of Chrome 64-bit (May 2016) there is no option in DevTools -> Options -> Experiments called 'FileSystem Inspection'. Is there another way to access the filesystem of a chrome app/extension or is it locked down now?
Use either {"enableAdb": "true"} and access via adb, or {"enableExternalDirectory": "true"} and select a local directory.


Firefox Quantom, shift and f2 missing? Where do you type appCache validate?

In the new Firefox Quantum what's the equivilent of shift+f2 to bring up the browser console?
I've seen this:
The functions provided by the Developer Toolbar are available in the
Firefox Developer Tools Console Tab.
But 'appCache validate' doesn't seem to work there?
The Developer Toolbar was removed completely from Firefox, and the functionality that it previously provided is no longer available from a command-line interface. Instead, you are supposed to use the Developer Tools directly to do what you previously did with commands inside the toolbar.
Application specific storage is visible in the “Storage” tab of the Developer Tools, which has support for various storage providers.
The application cache being a deprecated functionality, does not appear to be supported within the Developer Tools anymore. If you need to access its items, you can visit about:cache though in order to look at the application cache items.

Firefox Dev tools: How to persist calls in network analysis

Since Firebug is outdated with a recent update of Firefox I'm trying to work with the Firefox dev tools. As far as I read these are supposed to replace Firebug.
However there is one option I used frequently in Firebug and haven't found yet in the Dev tools: The persist option in the network analysis.
Since I work on a project that uses AJAX Calls to send data and then redirect to another page, I need to persist the calls to analyze them after the redirect. Otherwise the time is far to short to have a look at the data that was send with this call. (This project is for work so this architecture is nothing I could change).
Is there a way to persist the network calls in the Firefox Dev tools?
(I use Firefox 56.0.1 by the way)
Open the Settings for the Developer Tools:
Then select "Enable persistent logs" under "Common Preferences."
Starting from Firefox 57.0 the option got moved from the Settings to the Network panel:
On Firefox for Mac, in version 101.0.1, the "Persist Logs" option is now hidden behind the gear icon in the top right of dev tools box.

Launch Windows Explorer from web application in browser

I’m building a PHP web application that runs only using Google Chrome. The organization would like to be able to access certain folders via windows explorer. This is easy in IE using the file:/// protocol but I can’t seem to find a good solution using Chrome.
I’ve looked into registering custom protocol handlers but haven’t really found the answer I’m looking for there. This requirement is grained in stone; they do not want to access the files via web browser.
Does anyone know if there’s a way to launch windows explorer from google chrome either through a special protocol handler or by temporarily launching IE to get the file path to open? A simple method or example would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

Google maps integrated to openlayers are not visible in firefox and internet explorer

I integrated google maps as a base layer (wms layer) with openlayers. The system was working properly and all the browsers were displaying the base layer google map properly.
Then I updated firefox. Now the firefox has stopped showing the google maps (wfs layers). But it still show the wfs features.
I tried it in google chorme and internet explorer also (newest versions). Google chrome displays everything properly. But the internet explorer has the same problem.
How could I resolve this?
New versions of IE and Firefox are not supporting map outputs if you are using local file paths in your codes. Try using url of the files you want to access or just put all your files into one folder and then use in ie or firefox. That may solve it.

Is it possible to access Win API from Firefox/Internet Explorer toolbar extention?

We have an idea to develop a toolbar for major browsers on Windows.
The toolbar will be a compliment for our weather application.
We want the toolbar to have an access to Windows API, specifically we need Registry and file system access (want access main app user settings).
Is it possible with Firefox and Internet Explorer toolbar extentions?
Browser toolbar development is new grounds for me.
I just want to know if it makes sense to start the project.
You can access the registry and filesystem from Firefox using the existing XPCom interfaces that are already exposed for you.
Internet Explorer plug-ins are all native, so you're already writing Win32 and COM, so you just call whatever API you need. However, since you are most likely running in a low integrity process, you need to read this which will explain the limitations on registry and filesystem access that you will encounter. If you describe exactly what registry and filesystem locations you're interested in, I can give you a more detailed answer.
The filesystem can be accessed from a Firefox extension:
File System access from Firefox Extension
I don't know about Internet Explorer, but that seems like it would make sense.
As for Registry access in Firefox, see this:
It sounds like it should all be possible. I didn't find anything about Internet Explorer, but it seems like that would be a feature that they would include. I don't like to mess with the registry since that is not cross-platform, but if you really need the user settings, then I guess you have a valid reason. Just remember that not all of your users will be using Windows, and Mac OS doesn't have a registry (neither does Linux), so try not to restrict yourself too much if you can avoid it.
