Firefox Quantom, shift and f2 missing? Where do you type appCache validate? - firefox

In the new Firefox Quantum what's the equivilent of shift+f2 to bring up the browser console?
I've seen this:
The functions provided by the Developer Toolbar are available in the
Firefox Developer Tools Console Tab.
But 'appCache validate' doesn't seem to work there?

The Developer Toolbar was removed completely from Firefox, and the functionality that it previously provided is no longer available from a command-line interface. Instead, you are supposed to use the Developer Tools directly to do what you previously did with commands inside the toolbar.
Application specific storage is visible in the “Storage” tab of the Developer Tools, which has support for various storage providers.
The application cache being a deprecated functionality, does not appear to be supported within the Developer Tools anymore. If you need to access its items, you can visit about:cache though in order to look at the application cache items.


Firefox Dev tools: How to persist calls in network analysis

Since Firebug is outdated with a recent update of Firefox I'm trying to work with the Firefox dev tools. As far as I read these are supposed to replace Firebug.
However there is one option I used frequently in Firebug and haven't found yet in the Dev tools: The persist option in the network analysis.
Since I work on a project that uses AJAX Calls to send data and then redirect to another page, I need to persist the calls to analyze them after the redirect. Otherwise the time is far to short to have a look at the data that was send with this call. (This project is for work so this architecture is nothing I could change).
Is there a way to persist the network calls in the Firefox Dev tools?
(I use Firefox 56.0.1 by the way)
Open the Settings for the Developer Tools:
Then select "Enable persistent logs" under "Common Preferences."
Starting from Firefox 57.0 the option got moved from the Settings to the Network panel:
On Firefox for Mac, in version 101.0.1, the "Persist Logs" option is now hidden behind the gear icon in the top right of dev tools box.

How to deactivate firebug?

How can I completly deactivate firebug without uninstalling it?
I installed firebug because there are some cool extensions like "Firepath" so you can read out the Xpath. However, there are also some missing features which are included in the normal dev console, e.g. manipulating the CSS of the currently selected element.
So to use these features I have to switch back to the normal developer console. However, firebug is still active after deactivating the addon.
Still appears in the menu at the top:
And if I press F12 then Firebug opens.
Normally, deactivating an extension within the Add-on Manager, like you did, completely deactivates it.
When it's still activated, it's a bug and you should file a bug report.
Having said that, note that Firebug's development is discontinued and it will not work anymore once multi-process Firefox is enabled. Furthermore, Mozilla plans to stop supporting extensions that are not based on the WebExtension framework starting from Firefox 57, which is released in November 2017. At latest at that point in time Firebug (as well as most existing Firefox extensions) definitely stops working.
Regarding the XPath features, there are several feature requests filed for the DevTools already asking to implement advanced XPath support.

How to simulate Safari 10.0?

I have implemented the google analytics tracking code for a website.
I need to check if its working fine or not in safari 10.0. I cannot buy MAC now to get safari 10.0, instead finding ways to simulate safaro 10.0 with any addons?
I heard about the User agent switcher extension available in chrome/firefox from which we can simulate the browsers and its versions.
I am unable to find safari 10.0 in available user-agent switcher extensions.
Can anyone suggest me how to simulate safari 10.0 with any better extensions please?
If you are looking to change the user-agent string, that can be done using Developer Tools for most modern browsers. Check out this full guide from
Excerpt (For Safari)
This option is available in Safari’s normally hidden Develop menu. To enable it, click Safari > Preferences. Select the “Advanced” tab and enable the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” option at the bottom of the window.
Click Develop > User Agent and select the user agent you want to use in the list. If the user agent you want to use isn’t shown here, select “Other” and you can provide a custom user agent. You can find extensive lists of user agents on various websites.
This option only applies to the current tab. Other open tabs and tabs you open in the future will use the “Default” user agent.

Preventing Firefox's Web Developer from Paying Attention to Ctrl+Shift+c (Not Firebug related)

In order to cut and paste in some web pages, such as Blackboard and Google Docs, I am forced to use Ctrl+Shift+c to copy elements. Unfortunately, this leads to problems since this shortcut is mapped to launcing Firefox's Web Developer Inspector window.
I have tried disabling the Web Developer in about:config settings by setting devtools.enable.inspector to false, but it doesn't change anything.
If anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

Firefox Addon Development

I am getting started with Firefox addon development and have got myself acquainted with the Add-on Builder. Is this wizard all I need to get deep into Firefox addon development (if so, where would I create the XUL files and how would I create a custom toolbar?). Or is it that one cannot implement all features using this Add-on Builder? Also are there any good tutorials which explain how to get started with Firefox addon development using the Add-on Builder (because it seems so much easier).
Tutorials which I already have referred to:
But these are not specific to using the Add-on Builder. I would please like someone to point me to where I can find help to develop using the Add-on Builder.
Also if I am developing the addon locally using the SDK is there any good editor which I can use which will show me the list of commands that I can execute (like Eclipse in Java).
The red line is where i want my icon to appear. Is it possible to do it using the addon builder.
There are currently two kinds of Firefox extensions:
Classic extensions use a XUL-based user interface. They can do almost anything but it might take a bit until you see some results with your extension. For documentation on classic add-ons see How do I write a Firefox Addon?
Extensions based on Add-on SDK use HTML for user interface. The SDK provides a simple but limited API. In particular, it explicitly won't let you create toolbars, only single toolbar icons (which makes sense, extensions shouldn't be wasting so much screen space). It won't let you determine the icon placement either - as of Firefox 4 all extension icons are supposed to appear in the add-on bar (the user can customize the toolbars and change the placement however). You can get low-level platform access with chrome authority however. The official Add-on SDK documentation is pretty much all you've got here I think.Edit: Ok, the information on limitations of the Add-on SDK is somewhat outdated. As of Firefox 30, adding toolbars is possible. Also, as of Firefox 29 the icons are placed in the main toolbar by default - the add-on bar is no more. So the only real limitation remaining is the icon placement.
The Add-on Builder is merely a web interface to the SDK - it allows you to edit the extensions conveniently but otherwise it uses Add-on SDK to generate the extensions.
To put an icon directly in the toolbar currently, your best bet is to use Erik Vold's toolbar module ( available in Builder as a package ). here is an example that does that:
