Firefox Dev tools: How to persist calls in network analysis - debugging

Since Firebug is outdated with a recent update of Firefox I'm trying to work with the Firefox dev tools. As far as I read these are supposed to replace Firebug.
However there is one option I used frequently in Firebug and haven't found yet in the Dev tools: The persist option in the network analysis.
Since I work on a project that uses AJAX Calls to send data and then redirect to another page, I need to persist the calls to analyze them after the redirect. Otherwise the time is far to short to have a look at the data that was send with this call. (This project is for work so this architecture is nothing I could change).
Is there a way to persist the network calls in the Firefox Dev tools?
(I use Firefox 56.0.1 by the way)

Open the Settings for the Developer Tools:
Then select "Enable persistent logs" under "Common Preferences."
Starting from Firefox 57.0 the option got moved from the Settings to the Network panel:

On Firefox for Mac, in version 101.0.1, the "Persist Logs" option is now hidden behind the gear icon in the top right of dev tools box.


WebAuthn on Chrome on Windows: Skip Windows dialog in favor of Chrome dialog

In developing our passkey integration I'm encountering unusual behavior in Chrome on Windows.
On my PC, when I register a new physical key I see this Windows dialog.
When I enable the virtual authenticator environment in the Chrome Dev Tools I get this Chrome dialog instead.
However, someone testing the application for me on another PC, without using the virtual authenticator environment, gets the Windows dialog first. If they click Cancel in the Windows dialog, then they get the Chrome dialog.
Is there anything I can do to nudge the browser towards delivering a more consistent experience? I'd rather always show the Chrome dialog if possible.
For reference, this is the virtual authenticator environment in the Chrome Dev Tools:
The problem is that lots of enterprise users have to use a physical security key one or more times a day. So there's a strong desire not to put extra clicks in their way and thus to jump directly to the Windows system UI. But the Windows UI doesn't support using phones as authenticators, so sometimes the browser UI is needed as hitting escape is quite non-discoverable.
Quite how that balance is struck has varied over time and might change again in the future. You can see the current logic here if you want to craft requests that trigger the browser UI. But the intent is that sites should do the obvious thing and the UI should be fairly reasonable.

Firefox Quantom, shift and f2 missing? Where do you type appCache validate?

In the new Firefox Quantum what's the equivilent of shift+f2 to bring up the browser console?
I've seen this:
The functions provided by the Developer Toolbar are available in the
Firefox Developer Tools Console Tab.
But 'appCache validate' doesn't seem to work there?
The Developer Toolbar was removed completely from Firefox, and the functionality that it previously provided is no longer available from a command-line interface. Instead, you are supposed to use the Developer Tools directly to do what you previously did with commands inside the toolbar.
Application specific storage is visible in the “Storage” tab of the Developer Tools, which has support for various storage providers.
The application cache being a deprecated functionality, does not appear to be supported within the Developer Tools anymore. If you need to access its items, you can visit about:cache though in order to look at the application cache items.

Firebug is not working with Firefox version 50.0

I am using Firefox 50.0. After auto update of Firefox to version 50.0, Firebug has stopped working and attempting to use it is showing an inbuilt Firefox console while inspecting any DOM element.
Is there any patch to use Firebug on Firefox 50.0 version?
Solve The problem by Changing Mozilla Browser Configuration Settings.
Open A Blank Tab
type about:config in address bar then press enter (click on I accept the risk!)
find browser.tabs.remote.autostart
select the option then click the mouse right side
Turn The Option As False
Close the browser for restart browser
open browser again, inspect the element. I hope It Works Properly.
I manage to get Firebug work again, so here is what I done.
Everyone knows that Firebug isn't being developed or maintained any longer because it can't work with e10s, so here is my workaround:
Download Firefox Developer edition so you can allow XPI installation.
firefox-53.0a2.en-US.win64.installer.exe or
Run Firefox developer edition after installing and go to the about:config (type in url bar)
Find xpinstall.signatures.required (set to false)
Find browser.tabs.remote.autostart (set all to false: browser.tabs.remote.autostart.1 and browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2)
NOTE: The Multi-process architecture improves the browser's stability, performance and security by separating tasks into processes, you disabling it at own responsibility.
After that you need to restart the browser.
Now you can go at the Firebug repository and install desired version
Here you can find all Firebug installations
I chose latest firebug-2.0b8.xpi and it forking fine.
P.S. You can disable updates for Firefox Developer edition.
Hope it helps.
Head over to Firebug website, you can see following message:
The Firebug extension isn't being developed or maintained any longer. We invite you to use the Firefox built-in DevTools instead.
Also Sebastianz told me,
Firebug is discontinued. The team has split up, the former team leader Jan "Honza" Odvarko is working on the Firefox DevTools now.
As #Makyen said in his answer, Firebug does not work with multiprocess Firefox, so remove Firebug right now and try Firefox DevTools instead, it's not optional (sadly), unless you don't update Firefox :)
Update 1
Take a look # Why got Firebug removed after updating Firefox to version 50?
Update 2
Take a look # my answer here: how to revert firebug to old version
Firebug does not work with multiprocess Firefox
The Firebug site claims that:
Firebug 2.0.18 is compatible with Firefox 30 – 52
However, it also explains that [emphasis mine]:
Firebug 2.0.18 fixes issue 8030. The extension is marked as multi-process (e10s) compatible so, it isn’t blacklisted and users can continue installing it. This way Firebug can help users to easily migrate into built-in Firefox developer tools – in case it’s running in multi-process enabled browser. When opened in a multi-process Firefox, Firebug’s tools cannot be used. Firebug will then only assist the user with migration to Firefox’s built-in tools.
They also direct you to read: Unifying Firebug & Firefox DevTools
That page says that [emphasis mine]:
Firebug 2 doesn’t work in multi-process browsers (i.e. e10s) and converting it is too complex, so it will stop working when e10s is activated in Firefox. You will be able to disable e10s for a while to keep using Firebug 2, but this won’t last forever.
The fact that Firebug does not actually work in multiprocess Firefox will account for different people having different experiences with Firebug working or not working in a particular version of Firefox. Firefox automatically enabling multiprocess mode will depend on multiple factors, including what other add-ons are installed in the profile.
Using Firebug in newer versions of Firefox
Thus, to use Firebug in newer versions of Firefox, you will need to disable Firefox from entering multiprocess mode. This can be done from the about:preferences page (also available from Tools➞Options). This an option which is under the "General" tab as "Enable multi-process Firefox ...". If multiprocess is not available, this option will not be shown. This option can also be changed by adjusting the preference browser.tabs.remote.autostart from about:config. [Note: browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2 and browser.tabs.remote.autostart.1 also appear to be used to indicate default states, thus I suggest using the about:preferences page to change this option.]
You can determine if your Firefox is currently running in multiprocess mode by looking in about:support. The line "Multiprocess Windows" under "Application Basics" will state if multiprocess is enabled or disabled.
Set up profiles explicitly for testing
Personally, I have different profiles set up for each of multiprocess explicitly disabled and multiprocess explicitly enabled (set browser.tabs.remote.force-enable to true), so I can perform testing under both conditions, with the state of multiprocess being enabled/disabled being known in advance.
I had the same problem when I updated Firefox. I was so addicted to firebug but I moved on to Firefox developer edition -
It also comes with the firebug theme which resembles firebug UI and its efficient.Just install FDE and activate the firebug theme as shown in the image below :
I had the same unexpected surprise when ubuntu updated FFX and suddenly things like the script panel stopped working. Since I was in the middle of working on something with a short deadline, I was not going to have the luxury of learning the firefox developer toolset and desperately needed to get firebug working. The fix that finally worked for me was to set Firefox preferences not to update. Then download v 49.0.2
I also had to tell Ubuntu not to include firefox in it's upgrades.
It looks like firebug will no longer be maintained as a seperate project, so you will want to get familiar w/ the built in dev tools, but hopefully this buys you some time. Worth mentioning (if I'm reading this right, it sounds like it will be integrated into the native tools:
Its working. You need to install one more add-on "Firepicker" and restart the Firefox.
I managed to resolve this issue by simply downgrading to mozilla old version using this url:
download and run the .exe setup
Go to Settings - > Add Ons
Click on extensions and search for firebug and firepath and then add those extensions
Hope this should resolve the issue. For those using Windows 32 machine can use the url
Open a new tab and navigate to any webpage. I have used for demo.
Hit Ctrl-Shift-X (or Command-Shift-X on OS X), or click the XPath Helper button in the toolbar, to open the XPath Helper console.
Hold down Shift as you mouse over elements on the page. The query box will continuously update to show the XPath query for the element below the mouse pointer, and the results box will show the results for the current query.
If desired, edit the XPath query directly in the console. The results box will immediately reflect your changes.
Repeat step (2) to close the console.

Google chrome frame - how does it work?

I'm looking into chrome frame and I'm wondering how it works.... shows that it's a javascript that can be embedded on the page.... shows it as an install file... does the JS prompt for an installation or something?
Google chrome frame is a plugin (think Adobe Flash) for Internet Explorer, that replaces core modules of IE (unlike Flash), like layout/rendering and javascript. But the UI remains. Then there is some javascript that can detect if this is real IE or IE+Chrome, and also offer an install option to the user. Also there is a HTTP-header and a meta-tag that are required to switch IE to chrome mode, when available.
The JavaScript is to detect it and enable it if it's there. (scriptsrc is just giving you the link to the file, which is on the Google CDN.) The end user does have to do a one-time install of it, it's a plug-in (like Flash or Java). Quoting from this page in the Google documentation:
In Internet Explorer, check() determines if Chrome Frame is installed. If not, the user is prompted to install it.

Simulate Offline Mode for HTML5 Cache Testing

I have an HTML5 application that requires offline support. For running the application, I use a local Apache server. I am trying to figure out what the best way is to simulate offline mode.
Currently, in Firefox I disable my Air-Port to simulate offline mode, but this is a pain.
Any suggestions? I am open to using other browsers, if a method exists that doesn't require turning off my Internet.
For Firefox
☰ (hamburger menu)->More->Work Offline
Google Chrome doesn't appear to have this feature
Also, another alternative is slightly more time-consuming to setup in the beginning but might be worth it. For Firefox/Chrome there should be proxy plugins, set up a fake/bad profile for each so that you proxy to something that doesn't exist... like After that you can switch the proxy setting on and off to emulate a full-stack test.
The other answers are out of date. The only place this appears in Firefox v92 is under
File > Work Offline
The File menu can be accessed in the top left of Firefox by pressing the ALT key.
Be warned that this does not prevent traffic from "localhost" loop-back itself, unless you additionally turn on
preference in about:config.
Bugzilla issue: Add option to disallow connections to localhost while in offline mode.
In Chrome you can open developer tools switch to the network tab and set throttling to offline
For Firefox, from the ☰ (hamburger menu), choose Web Developer > Work Offline.
For Chrome, open DevTools and select the Network panel. Throttling is set to Online (Disabled) by default. From the dropdown menu, you can choose presets Fast 3G and Slow 3G, but to simulate Offline Mode, you want to choose Offline.
