how to update the nested data of elastic search? - laravel

i am new to elastic search. i have successfully setup elastic-search server and implemented ES package in laravel. now i can add data to elastic search, but the problem is how can i update a nested item value in a row?. i have added a screen shot of my data structure here a link!
Now how can i update comment_id 1 with my desired content?

In your case it will be a little problematic.
You should be aware of the way elasticsearch index arrays.
So in your case you will get something like this:
"id": [1,2,3],
"comment": ["this is comment1", "this is comment2", "this is comment3"]
So you loose the correlation between "id" and "comment".
If you like to keep this correlation you will need to define "comments" as "nested" in your mappings. look here.
In order to update your nested document you will probebly need to use scripted update.
If you will need to update a specific comment in the array, you can write a script that find it and replace it, or you can read the whole array, edit it and override the current array.


Reverse searching with Elastic Search

We have a site and want to give the users the oportunity to save a search query and be notified once an object have been added that would have been a hit they might be interested in.
We Have an index that contains search queries that the users have saved. Every time a new object is added to the object index, we want to do a reverse search in order to find the search queries that would have resulted in a hit for that object. This is in order to avoid doing one search for each saved query every time an object is added.
The problem is that the object contains all data, but the search queries only contain the properties that are interesting. So we are getting zero hits for most queries.
Search query:
"make": "foo",
"model": "bar
Newly added object:
"make": "foo",
"model: "bar",
"type": "jazz"
As you can see, the user is interested in any object with make "foo" and model "bar", and we want a query that would result in a hit because type "jazz" is missing in the index. What we get is zero hits.
We use the nest client version 7.13.0 in a dotnet6 application and Elastic Search version 7.13.4.
Would it be possible to reverse search so that a null in the index would be considered as a hit for any search query?
Thank you
You can achieve this with Percolate Query in Elasticsearch.
I have recently written blog on Percolate Query where I have explained with an example.
You can save a user query with Percolate query and when you index document at that time you can call search API and check if any query is matched the document or not. As you are using Nest client this will be easy to implement.

Bulk insert documents but if it exists only update provided fields

I have an index which contains data as follows:
"some_field": string, -- exists in my database
"some_other_field": string, -- exists in my database
"another_field": string -- does NOT exist in my database
I have a script which grabs data from a database and performs a bulk insert. However, only some of the fields above come from the database as shown above.
If a document already exists, I still want to update the fields that come from the database, but without overwriting/deleting the field that does not come from the database.
I am using the bulk API to do this, however, I lose all data relating to another_field when running the script. Looking at bulk docs, I can't find any options to simply update an existing doc.
I am unable to share the script, but hope this might be enough information to shine some light on possible solutions.
Yes it is use index, as the doc explain:
(Optional, string) Indexes the specified document. If the document exists, replaces the document and increments the version. The following line must contain the source data to be indexed.
But make sure to provide the _id of the document in case of an update.
To understand
I created a toy project to replay and understand:
# post a single document
POST /71177773/_doc
"some_field": "data",
"some_other_field": "data"
GET /71177773/_search
# try to "update" with out providing an id
POST /_bulk
# 2 Documents exist now
GET /71177773/_search
# Try the same command but provide using the Id on the first documents
POST /_bulk
{"index":{"_index":"71177773", "_id": "<Id of the document>"}}
# It seems it worked
GET /71177773/_search
If your question was:
Is Elasticsearch smart enough to recognise I want to update an existing document without providing the Id ?
I am afraid it is not possible.

Add _id to the source as a separate field to all exist docs in index

I'm new to Elastic Search. I need go through all the documents, take the _id and add it to the _source as a separate field by script. Is it possible? If yes, сan I have an example of something similar or a link to similar scripts? I haven't seen anything like that on the docks. Why i need it? - Because after that i will do SELECT with Opendistro and SQL. This frame cannot return me fields witch not in source. If anyone can suggest I would be very grateful.
There are two options:
First option: Add this new field in your existing index and populate it and build the new index again.
Second option: Simply define a new field in a new index mapping(keep rest all field same) and than use reindex API with below script.
"script": {
"source": "ctx._source.<your-field-name> = ctx._id"

How to project a new field in response in ElasticSearch?

I am using Elasticsearch 6.2.
I have an index products with index_type productA having data with following structure:
"id": 1,
"parts": ["part1", "part2",...]
Now during the query time, I want to add or project a field parts_count to the response which simply represents the number of parts i.e the length of parts array. Also, if possible, I would also like to sort the documents of productA based on the generated field parts_count.
I have gone through most of the docs but haven't found a way to achieve this.
I don't want to update the mapping and add dynamic fields. I am not sure if Elasticsearch allows it. I just wanted to mention it.
Did you read about Script Fields and on Script Based Sorting?
I think you should be able to achieve both things and this not require any mapping updates.

elasticsearch query for newest index

Elasticsearch newbie.
I would like to query for the newest index.
Every day logstash creates new indices with a naming convention something like: our_sales_data-%{dd-mm-yyyy}% or something very close. Se I end up with lots of indices like:
and so on.
I need to be able to query for the newest index. Obviously I can query for and retrieve all the indices with 'our-sales-data*' in the name.. but I only want to return the very newest one and no other.
Well the preferred method would be to compute the latest index name from client side by resolving the date in our_sales_data-%{dd-mm-yyyy}%.
Another solution would be to run a sort query and get one of the latest document. You can infer the index from the index name of the document.
"size": 1,
"sort": {
"#timestamp": {
"order": "desc"
We have a search alias and a write alias. The write alias is technically always the latest until we roll it over and add a new one into the this alias.
Our search alias contains all the previous indexes plus the latest index (also in write).
Could you do something like this and then just query the write alias?
