How to project a new field in response in ElasticSearch? - elasticsearch

I am using Elasticsearch 6.2.
I have an index products with index_type productA having data with following structure:
"id": 1,
"parts": ["part1", "part2",...]
Now during the query time, I want to add or project a field parts_count to the response which simply represents the number of parts i.e the length of parts array. Also, if possible, I would also like to sort the documents of productA based on the generated field parts_count.
I have gone through most of the docs but haven't found a way to achieve this.
I don't want to update the mapping and add dynamic fields. I am not sure if Elasticsearch allows it. I just wanted to mention it.

Did you read about Script Fields and on Script Based Sorting?
I think you should be able to achieve both things and this not require any mapping updates.


Add _id to the source as a separate field to all exist docs in index

I'm new to Elastic Search. I need go through all the documents, take the _id and add it to the _source as a separate field by script. Is it possible? If yes, сan I have an example of something similar or a link to similar scripts? I haven't seen anything like that on the docks. Why i need it? - Because after that i will do SELECT with Opendistro and SQL. This frame cannot return me fields witch not in source. If anyone can suggest I would be very grateful.
There are two options:
First option: Add this new field in your existing index and populate it and build the new index again.
Second option: Simply define a new field in a new index mapping(keep rest all field same) and than use reindex API with below script.
"script": {
"source": "ctx._source.<your-field-name> = ctx._id"

Messages aggregation in elasticsearch

For example I have next documents.
{sourceIP:, destIP:}
{sourceIP:, destIP:}
{sourceIP:, destIP:}
Is there anyway to automatically aggregate them into one document which will contain next data?
{sourceIP:, destIP:{,,}}
So it looks like group by in SQL, but generate new documents in elasticsearch instead of old one.
I dont think there is anyway to do indexing time auto-merging of documents.
However , it should be possible to acheive whatever result you are planning to query should be possible by using one of querying options offered by Elasticsearch - while indexing one document for ,
Like ..
You can index seperate documents, query by sourceIP and use aggregations to give dest_ip
Take count of documents if its just to find dest_ips for a source_ip
Also if you want to avoid duplicate source_id + dest_id combinations , you can concat and use it as _id of document
Hope this helps.

how to update the nested data of elastic search?

i am new to elastic search. i have successfully setup elastic-search server and implemented ES package in laravel. now i can add data to elastic search, but the problem is how can i update a nested item value in a row?. i have added a screen shot of my data structure here a link!
Now how can i update comment_id 1 with my desired content?
In your case it will be a little problematic.
You should be aware of the way elasticsearch index arrays.
So in your case you will get something like this:
"id": [1,2,3],
"comment": ["this is comment1", "this is comment2", "this is comment3"]
So you loose the correlation between "id" and "comment".
If you like to keep this correlation you will need to define "comments" as "nested" in your mappings. look here.
In order to update your nested document you will probebly need to use scripted update.
If you will need to update a specific comment in the array, you can write a script that find it and replace it, or you can read the whole array, edit it and override the current array.

Bulk add new field to ALL documents in an elasticsearch index

I need to add a new field to ALL documents in an index without pulling down the document and pushing it back up (this will take about a day). Is it possible to use the _BULK api to achieve this?
I have also researched the update_by_query plugin, and it seems to would take just as long as pulling them down and pushing them back myself.
Yes, the bulk API supports updates which can add a new field using a partial document or script. To iterate through your document ids do a scan and scroll with the fields parameter set to an empty array.

Updating filtered documents in elasticsearch

I want to know if there is a way to update elasticsearch documents after filtering them out.
Let's say I have a user collection with following documents:
{ "name":"u1","age":23},
{ "name":"u2","age":31},
{ "name":"u3","age":27},
{ "name":"u4","age":33}
Now what I need to do is update the names of all the users who have ages above 30.
Looking at a lot of documentation and searching for hours on google, including the following document
I couldn't find a way to do it. So if we look into the docs, we are providing the id of the document, so it doesn't suite my need. Is there a way to do this sort do this sort of stuff in Elasticsearch?
From the link you provided:
Note that as of this writing, updates can only be performed on a
single document at a time. In the future, Elasticsearch will provide
the ability to update multiple documents given a query condition (like
an SQL UPDATE-WHERE statement).
So, this is not supported at the moment. But you can consider taking a look at this plugin:
