Reverse searching with Elastic Search - elasticsearch

We have a site and want to give the users the oportunity to save a search query and be notified once an object have been added that would have been a hit they might be interested in.
We Have an index that contains search queries that the users have saved. Every time a new object is added to the object index, we want to do a reverse search in order to find the search queries that would have resulted in a hit for that object. This is in order to avoid doing one search for each saved query every time an object is added.
The problem is that the object contains all data, but the search queries only contain the properties that are interesting. So we are getting zero hits for most queries.
Search query:
"make": "foo",
"model": "bar
Newly added object:
"make": "foo",
"model: "bar",
"type": "jazz"
As you can see, the user is interested in any object with make "foo" and model "bar", and we want a query that would result in a hit because type "jazz" is missing in the index. What we get is zero hits.
We use the nest client version 7.13.0 in a dotnet6 application and Elastic Search version 7.13.4.
Would it be possible to reverse search so that a null in the index would be considered as a hit for any search query?
Thank you

You can achieve this with Percolate Query in Elasticsearch.
I have recently written blog on Percolate Query where I have explained with an example.
You can save a user query with Percolate query and when you index document at that time you can call search API and check if any query is matched the document or not. As you are using Nest client this will be easy to implement.


How to find what index a field belongs to in elasticsearch?

I am new to elasticsearch. I have to write a query using a given field but I don't know how to find the appropriate index. How would I find this information?
Here's an easier/better way using mapping API
GET _mapping/field/<fieldname>
One of the ways you can find is to get records where the field exist
Replace the <fieldName> with your fields name. /_search will search across all indices and return any document that matches or has the field. Set _source to false, since you dont care about document contents but only index name.
GET /_search
"_source": false,
"query": {
"exists": {
"field": "<fieldName>"
Another, more visual way to do that is through the kibana Index Management UI (assuming you have privileges to access the site).
There you can click on the indices and open the mappings tab to get all fields of the particular index. Then just search for the desired field.
#Polynomial Proton's answer is the way of choice in 90% of the time. I just wanted to show you another way to solve your issue. It will require more manual steps than #Polynomial Proton's answer. Also, if you have a large amount of indices this way is not appropriate.

difference between a field and the field.keyword

If I add a document with several fields to an Elasticsearch index, when I view it in Kibana, I get each time the same field twice. One of them will be called
and the other one will be called
Where does this behaviour come from and what is the difference between both of them?
PS: one of them is aggregatable (not sure what that means) and the other (without keyword) is not.
Update : A short answer would be that type: text is analyzed, meaning it is broken up into distinct words when stored, and allows for free-text searches on one or more words in the field. The .keyword field takes the same input and keeps as one large string, meaning it can be aggregated on, and you can use wildcard searches on it. Aggregatable means you can use it in aggregations in elasticsearch, which resembles a sql group by if you are familiar with that. In Kibana you would probably use the .keyword field with aggregations to count distinct values etc.
Please take a look on this article about text vs. keyword.
Briefly: since Elasticsearch 5.0 string type was replaced by text and keyword types. Since then when you do not specify explicit mapping, for simple document with string:
"some_field": "string value"
below dynamic mapping will be created:
"some_field": {
"type" "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256
As a consequence, it will both be possible to perform full-text search on some_field, and keyword search and aggregations using the some_field.keyword field.
I hope this answers your question.
Look at this issue. There is some explanation of your question in it. Roughly speaking some_field is analyzed and can be used for fulltext search. On the other hand some_field.keyword is not analyzed and can be used in term queries or in aggregation.
I will try to answer your questions one by one.
Where does this behavior come from?
It is introduced in Elastic 5.0.
What is the difference between the two?
some_field is used for full text search and some_field.keyword is used for keyword searching.
Full text searching is used when we want to include individual tokens of a field's value to be included in search. For instance, if you are searching for all the hotel names that has "farm" in it, such as hay farm house, Windy harbour farm house etc.
Keyword searching is used when we want to include the whole value of the field in search and not individual tokens from the value. For eg, suppose you are indexing documents based on city field. Aggregating based on this field will have separate count for "new" and "york" instead of "new york" which is usually the expected behavior.
From Elastic 5.0 onwards, strings now will be mapped both as keyword and text by default.

how to update the nested data of elastic search?

i am new to elastic search. i have successfully setup elastic-search server and implemented ES package in laravel. now i can add data to elastic search, but the problem is how can i update a nested item value in a row?. i have added a screen shot of my data structure here a link!
Now how can i update comment_id 1 with my desired content?
In your case it will be a little problematic.
You should be aware of the way elasticsearch index arrays.
So in your case you will get something like this:
"id": [1,2,3],
"comment": ["this is comment1", "this is comment2", "this is comment3"]
So you loose the correlation between "id" and "comment".
If you like to keep this correlation you will need to define "comments" as "nested" in your mappings. look here.
In order to update your nested document you will probebly need to use scripted update.
If you will need to update a specific comment in the array, you can write a script that find it and replace it, or you can read the whole array, edit it and override the current array.

combine fields of different documents in same index

I have 2 fields type in my index;
now I need such a query that filter in same url field and returns fields both of documents:
The results given by elasticsearch are always per document, means that if there are multiple documents satisfying your query/filter, they would always appear as a different documents in the result and never merged into a single document. Hence merging them at client side is the one option which you can use. To avoid getting complete document and just to get the relevant fields, you can use "fields" in your query.
If this is not what you need and still needs narrowing down the result from the query itself, you can use top hit aggregations. It will give you the complete list of documents under a single bucket. But it would also have source field which would contain the complete documents itself.
Try giving a read to page:

How to retrieve all document ids matching a search, in elastic search?

I'm working on a simple side project, and have a tech stack that involves both a SQL database and ElasticSearch. I only have ElasticSearch because I assumed that as my project grows, my full text searching would be most efficiently performed by ES. My ES schema is very simple - documents that I insert into ES have 2 fields, one being the id and the other being the field with the body of text to search. The id being inserted into ES corresponds to that document's primary key id from the SQL database.
insert record into SQL -> insert record into ES using PK from SQL
Searching would be the reverse of that. Query ES and grab all the matching ids, and then turn around and use those ids to get records from SQL.
search ES can get all PK ids -> use those ids to get documents from SQL
The problem that I am facing though, is that ES can only return documents in a paginated manner. This is a problem because I also have a WHERE clause on my SQL query, beyond just the ids. My SQL query might look like this ...
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (1,2,3,4,5) AND bar != 'baz'
Well, with ES paginating the results, my WHERE clause will always only be querying a subset of the full results from ES. Even if I utilize ES' skip and take, I'm still only querying SQL using a subset of document ids.
Is there a way to get Elastic Search to only return the entire list of matching document ids? I realize this is here to not allow me to shoot myself in the foot, because doing this across all shards and many many documents is not efficient. Is there no way, though?
After putting in some hours on this project, I've only now realized that I've poorly engineered this, unless I can get all of these ids from ES. Some alternative implementations that I've thought of would be to store the things that I'm filtering on, in SQL, in ES as well. A problem there is that I'd have to update the ES document every time I update the document in SQL. This would require a pretty big rewrite to some of my data access code. I could scrap ElasticSearch all together and just perform searching in Postgres, for now, until I can think of a better way to structure this.
The elasticsearch not support return each and every doc match to you queries. Because it Ll overload the system. Instead of this.. Use scroll concept in elasticsearch.. It's lik cursor concept in db's..
For more examples refer the Github repo.
Hope it helps..
please have a look into the elastic search document where you can specify only particular fields that return from the match documents
hope this resolves your problem
"fields" : ["user", "postDate"],
"query" : {
"term" : { "user" : "kimchy" }
