I'm trying to create new theme. But every time I reload the home page it is going to high CPU loading.
My Settings:
New theme has just one file: /app/design/frontend/Test/default/web/css/source/_extend.less
Magento mode: developer
Front-end development workflow: Server-side less compilation
Grunt: installed and configured.
Activity monitor:
Chrome console:
And only after php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy the page is loading fast:
Do I need to deploy static content every time I change some css style if I develop new theme?
Thanks in advance!
Yes ,You Have to load static content every Time whenever you do changes in css or js files,magento loads files only from cache,so even if you have done small change you have to deploy it so thet magento can load the changes on website
When I change some info in theme.yml the chagnes are not activated on the site. The changes only are activated when I clean the cache on admin/config/development/performance. I have done all things from this and also tried using "Rebuild the theme registry on every page load" with Devel module. It did not help me. Is there any way to completely disable cache?
Did the drupal developers assume the theme developer should click the button every time he changes some theme option?
Open development.services.yml in the sites folder and add the following block to disable the twig cache:
debug: true
auto_reload: true
cache: false
NOTE: If the parameters block is already present in the yml file, append the twig.config block to it.
Afterwards you have to rebuild the Drupal cache otherwise your website will encounter an unexpected error on page reload. This can be done by with drush:
drush cr
from: https://www.drupal.org/node/2598914
If you have drupal console installed, just put:
drupal site:mode dev
i have downloaded theme in Magento CMS and now i want to preview this theme in Localhost xampp server. for that i have installed magento on local server.
but i dont know how to preview downloaded theme in xampp server.
i have copied app,js,media and skin folder to the folder in magento installation directory but nothing made. please tell me how i can solve this..
View page source to the admin page that you are looking for and view whether setup.js inside js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tinymice/ is loaded or not. This js file loads your wysiwyg editor on admin page.
This normally occurs due to mismatch on code. So, you can copy core magento js folder from fresh magento installation and overwrite to your working site.
Try once !!
I installed Magento 2 from the Magento site. I have activated the developer mode by
{project directory}>php bin/magento setup:mode:set developer
Then I have installed my custom theme and finally I deployed my static content by
{project directory}>php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
My problem is I have to delete pub/static directory and deploy static content every time to apply the css and javacript changes. The static content deploy process is slow and taking so much time that it is very frustrating. I develop something and have to deploy to get the change to be appeared. Even for very small change. Flushing cache is not helping. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The grunt jobs should be enough to run when you change css.
So you can run:
grunt exec
grunt less
Or with specified theme name:
grunt exec:theme_name
grunt less:theme_name
Check in the database in core_config_data table and disable minify fields so Magento doesn't minify css / js while you develop. You can use this SQL query to disable those fields:
update core_config_data set value=0 where path in ('dev/css/minify_files', 'dev/css/merge_css_files', 'dev/js/minify_files', 'dev/js/merge_files')
In Moodle 2.2.3, after 10-12 seconds TinyMCE (TinyMCE HTML editor; editor_tinymce; Standard; 2012030300) buttons will show up (loads very slowly). Where problem lies? Can't figure out how to speed up TinyMCE HTML editor loading time.
I have Moodle 2.2.3+ (Build: 20120519).
I found a solution. The cause, why it was slow, was because it was in estonian. I had to change whole user language into english and it fixed it.
I met the same problem: on my project tinymce loaded about 10 seconds. Solution to speed it up was to disable plugins, which I don't need.
For example:
at default config plugins option was:
plugins: "visualblocks,visualchars,pagebreak,layer,table,save,jbimages,link,emoticons,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,template",
After remove unused plugins it was:
plugins: "jbimages,link",
and editor loading became 2 seconds.
P.S. jbimages is a plugin to upload images.
Look at your caching. The tinyMCE JS files ought to be kept by the browser and recycled, but sometimes this doesn't happen. Use Firebug or Chrome developer tools to see if they are being loaded from cache or from the server. If from the server, you may need to tweak your web server settings so that JS files have an expires header.
I'm used to install extplorer in every joomla project, always everthing going well.
This time at the extplorer launch time its keep loading the web page in loop mode( tried to change permissions in administrator/components , triade to let Aruba install joomla) nothing worked.
Any suggestion ?
Do you have the Admintools extension installed and a custom .htaccess file?
If yes, open AdminTools and htaccess maker.
Under Server Protection>Exceptions>Allow direct access to these files
Add the following line:
to the list of allowed files and regenerate your .htaccess.