When I change some info in theme.yml the chagnes are not activated on the site. The changes only are activated when I clean the cache on admin/config/development/performance. I have done all things from this and also tried using "Rebuild the theme registry on every page load" with Devel module. It did not help me. Is there any way to completely disable cache?
Did the drupal developers assume the theme developer should click the button every time he changes some theme option?
Open development.services.yml in the sites folder and add the following block to disable the twig cache:
debug: true
auto_reload: true
cache: false
NOTE: If the parameters block is already present in the yml file, append the twig.config block to it.
Afterwards you have to rebuild the Drupal cache otherwise your website will encounter an unexpected error on page reload. This can be done by with drush:
drush cr
from: https://www.drupal.org/node/2598914
If you have drupal console installed, just put:
drupal site:mode dev
To be honest, I've no idea how Umbraco handles clearing its cache. I'm currently developing a property editor, and I'd like to see the result of my changes in the content section. However whenever i save my changes, build the project and refresh the page, nothing has changed.
I've tried deleting the cache folder, changing the web.config file, installing a special chrome extension to do a hard reset, clearing the entire cache, closing and opening Visual Studio and nothing seems to make any difference.
How can I make Umbraco update its cache to reflect the changes I've made to a property editor in the content section?
Umbraco joins all of the required assetts together using the Client Dependency Framework. These are then cached and stored at \App_Data\TEMP\ClientDependency\.
You can just delete these to refresh the cache.
You can stop Umbraco from doing using the CDF by putting your application in debug mode. In your Web.config, find the compilation item and change debug to equal true:
<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" batch="false" targetFramework="4.5">
When Umbraco is set to debug mode false, calls like this will be done which get the cached version of assets: /DependencyHandler.axd?s=
When Umbraco is in debug mode, direct calls to your custom assets (and any others that are needed) will be made.
You will also need to hard refresh your browser like you were doing before or your browser may locally cache the files too.
Have you tried adding a query string to the end of the URL? Inside the plugin package.manifest your can add a random query string at end of the urls so the browser needs to re cache that url
eg. "~/App_Plugins/Javascript Url" + "?v=123432asdsa"
I'm trying to create new theme. But every time I reload the home page it is going to high CPU loading.
My Settings:
New theme has just one file: /app/design/frontend/Test/default/web/css/source/_extend.less
Magento mode: developer
Front-end development workflow: Server-side less compilation
Grunt: installed and configured.
Activity monitor:
Chrome console:
And only after php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy the page is loading fast:
Do I need to deploy static content every time I change some css style if I develop new theme?
Thanks in advance!
Yes ,You Have to load static content every Time whenever you do changes in css or js files,magento loads files only from cache,so even if you have done small change you have to deploy it so thet magento can load the changes on website
In prestashop I wanted to customize the default bankwire payment module. I have changed many things there in the payment.php file which is working file, but when I tried to change the smarty file(payment_execution.tpl) it did not showed any changes. I tried to remove cache from the cache folder then I tried every process which tells to remove cache, disable cache from the store. But it did not showed the changes in the frontend. I also made the same changes inside prestashop theme folder (themes/default-bootstrap/module/bankwire) but still it did not showed the changes. So can someone tell me what's the issue here?
Delete everything inside cache/smarty/cache and cache/smarty/compile
Set the option Template compilation in ADVANCED PARAMETERS > PERFORMANCE
to Recompile templates if the files have been updated
Search for all files named payment_execution.tpl in PrestaShop
If it doesn't work you'll need to check the file modules\bankwire\controllers\front\payment.php and follow the instruction $this->setTemplate('payment_execution.tpl'); step by step to see the path of the tpl (you will need a php debugger for that)
I'm used to install extplorer in every joomla project, always everthing going well.
This time at the extplorer launch time its keep loading the web page in loop mode( tried to change permissions in administrator/components , triade to let Aruba install joomla) nothing worked.
Any suggestion ?
Do you have the Admintools extension installed and a custom .htaccess file?
If yes, open AdminTools and htaccess maker.
Under Server Protection>Exceptions>Allow direct access to these files
Add the following line:
to the list of allowed files and regenerate your .htaccess.
Unbeknownst to me, Cloudflare defaults to caching all css/js files for 4 hours.
I add this to our front page:
<span class="test">hullo!</span>
and this to our css file:
.test { font-size:2.0em; }
I do a web deploy, OR full publish to Azure and the span appears on the front page, but not the styling. The css file for some reason does not get updated. FF, IE, Chrome and Safari all confirm it. However, after a seemingly arbitrary time, the css file get updated.
Even when I remote into the Azure VM and restart the app, the styling is unchanged. The app is running on one instance, one role. No Azure Caching is setup. Adding a querystring param to the css file link does not help. Seems like a caching issue but no clue how to resolve.
Any ideas?
"We are using Cloudflare which has a default set up to cache all CSS and JS files. It purges the cache every 4 hours which resulted in the arbitrary updates. So, even though I was adding a new query string to the end of the css file, Cloudflare still cached the old one"
Just a quick note that you should go to CloudFlare Development Mode when making changes to the static content files on your site. You can get to Development Mode to bypass the cache by going to: settings->Development Mode. You also have the option of purging your cache as an additional option, which we would only recommend if you really want to purge everything.
Looks like it's cached by your browser. Can you please try navigate to your site and press Ctrl+F5.
Maybe you can use Fiddler to see if the CSS had been cached, or not updated, or some error when download.
This issue is resolved.
We are using Cloudflare which has a default set up to cache all CSS and JS files. It purges the cache every 4 hours which resulted in the arbitrary updates. So, even though I was adding a new query string to the end of the css file, Cloudflare still cached the old one.
I have dealt with this and I will tell you that from my experience in Chrome you can set a setting that disables the cache in the developer tools, however, I've noticed that unless you have the dev tools window open when you hit Ctrl+F5 it doesn't reload the cache. In IE there is a global setting in the dev tools that will make it redownload everything every time. In Firefox there is also a setting in the dev tools that will require it to download and not use the cache.
One way that you can test this, and how I test this, is by running Fiddler and watching if it does a full download of all your files or if it's caching.
From what I've experienced is that this is truly a browser caching issue and not anything to do with Azure.