Firefox - Set capability not working - firefox

I want to block image and Javascript from third-part on load, and edit user.js in profile folder to merge with pref.js when Firefox startup.
Here's my code in user.js:
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "noimage, nojs, nohrefs");
user_pref("capability.policy.nojs.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.nojs.javascript.enabled", "noAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.noimage.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.noimage.permissions.image", 3);
user_pref("capability.policy.nohrefs.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.nohrefs.HTMLAnchorElement.href", "noAccess");
I check it in "about:config" and see it show but it's didn't work in fact at anytime.
How to make it work ?
Reference links:

In case someone is still looking for an answer, the capability.policy.nojsbroken.javascript.enabled is gone since Firefox 29, please refeer to this answer.


How to add TLD to search exception in Safari

How can I add .locahost to the list of TLDs that Safari will load — instead of searching — without supplying a protocol? Alternatively (or perhaps additionally), how do I get Safari to stop removing the http:// protocol from the URL?
I've been using project.localhost to handle local development for a while, now that .dev is no longer a viable development TLD. But I'm getting frustrated with Safari's default behavior. What I'd like to do is prevent Safari from submitting the domain name to the search engine.
enter project.localhost into address bar
browser loads http://project.localhost
I would be satisfied with Safari not removing the http:// in the address bar, but I can't find a way to do that, either.
What actually happens:
enter project.localhost into address bar
browser sends project.localhost to Duck Duck Go
user is tempted to test the ballistic properties of keyboard
Or, after I've loaded http://project.localhost and then try to add something after the current URL:
click in address bar, URL has been shortened to project.localhost
add /test.html to end
browser sends project.localhost/test.html to Duck Duck Go
user considers software violence
If you just type the trailing '/', then the search will be bypassed.
Turns out that the Safari extension might be a long term solution. At this moment, I can't manage the developer membership cost. But here's the working code, for Future Me and anyone else looking into this.
In the extension's global page <script>:
(function() {
safari.application.addEventListener("beforeSearch", function(event) {
if (event.query.split("/")[0].split(".").pop() == "localhost") {
safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url = "http://" + event.query;
}, true);
I just found this question while looking for a solution to the same problem. Good news, there's an easy solution that I just stumbled upon after not finding an answer.
Open System Preferences
Open Network
Click Advanced button
Click Proxies tab
Then in the "Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains:" add in localhost to the list. Here's what I did with mine. I'm using .home for my local domains in my PiHole. Now if I type "router.home" into Safari my router's config page loads up.

Content Security Policy: Couldn't parse invalid source chrome-extension

I'm getting a new error in my JS console on Firefox and I haven't changed the code.
I don't get this error in other browsers and doesn't seem to affect the functionality of my code.
It's obviously in some way related to Firefox, but it seems to be pointing the error out to my async loaded facebook JS SDK.
Anybody else using that SDK seeing this in Firefox now? Any help or insight?
This is the full message:
Content Security Policy: Couldn't parse invalid source chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl
and this is the line in the fb JS SDK:
*/__d("JSON3",[],function(a,b,c,d,e,f){(function(){var g={}.toString,h,i,j,k=e.exports={},l='{"A":[1,true,false,null,"\\u0000\\b\\n\\f\\r\\t"]}',m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,aa,ba=new Date(-3509827334573292),ca,da,ea;try{ba=ba.getUTCFullYear()==-109252&&ba.getUTCMonth()===0&&ba.getUTCDate()==1&&ba.getUTCHours()==10&&ba.getUTCMinutes()==37&&ba.getUTCSeconds()==6&&ba.getUTCMilliseconds()==708;}catch(fa){}if(!ba){ca=Math.floor;da=[0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334];ea=function(ga,ha){return da[ha]+365*(ga-1970)+ca((ga-1969+(ha=+(ha>1)))/4)-ca((ga-1901+ha)/100)+ca((ga-1601+ha)/400);};}if(typeof JSON=="object"&&JSON){k.stringify=JSON.stringify;k.parse=JSON.parse;}if((m=typeof k.stringify=="function"&&!ea)){(ba=function(){return 1;}).toJSON=ba;try{m=k.stringify(0)==="0"&&k.stringify(new Number())==="0"&&k.stringify(new String())=='""'&&k.stringify(g)===j&&k.stringify(j)===j&&k.stringify()===j&&k.stringify(ba)==="1"&&k.stringify([ba])=="[1]"&&k.stringify([j])=="[null]"&&k.stringify(null)=="null"&&k.stringify([j,g,null])=="[null,null,null]"&&k.stringify({result:[ba,true,false,null,"\0\b\n\f\r\t"]})==l&&k.stringify(null,ba)==="1"&&k.stringify([1,2],null,1)=="[\n 1,\n 2\n]"&&k.stringify(new Date(-8.64e+15))=='"-271821-04-20T00:00:00.000Z"'&&k.stringify(new Date(8.64e+15))=='"+275760-09-13T00:00:00.000Z"'&&k.stringify(new Date(-62198755200000))=='"-000001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"'&&k.stringify(new Date(-1))=='"1969-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"';}catch(fa){m=false;}}if(typeof k.parse=="function")try{if(k.parse("0")===0&&!k.parse(false)){ba=k.parse(l);if((r=ba.A.length==5&&ba.A[0]==1)){try{r=!k.parse('"\t"');}catch(fa){}if(r)try{r=k.parse("01")!=1;}catch(fa){}}}}catch(fa){r=false;}ba=l=null;if(!m||!r){if(!(h={}.hasOwnProperty))h=function(ga){var ha={},ia;if((ha.__proto__=null,ha.__proto__={toString:1},ha).toString!=g){h=function(ja){var ka=this.__proto__,la=ja in (this.__proto__=null,this);this.__proto__=ka;return la;};}else{ia=ha.constructor;h=function(ja){var ka=(this.constructor||ia).prototype;return ja in this&&!(ja in ka&&this[ja]===ka[ja]);};}ha=null;return,ga);};i=function(ga,ha){var ia=0,ja,ka,la,ma;(ja=function(){this.valueOf=0;}).prototype.valueOf=0;ka=new ja();for(la in ka)if(,la))ia++;ja=ka=null;if(!ia){ka=["valueOf","toString","toLocaleString","propertyIsEnumerable","isPrototypeOf","hasOwnProperty","constructor"];ma=function(na,oa){var"[object Function]",qa,ra;for(qa in na)if(!(pa&&qa=="prototype")&&,qa))oa(qa);for(ra=ka.length;qa=ka[--ra];,qa)&&oa(qa));};}else if(ia==2){ma=function(na,oa){var pa={},"[object Function]",ra;for(ra in na)if(!(qa&&ra=="prototype")&&!,ra)&&(pa[ra]=1)&&,ra))oa(ra);};}else ma=function(na,oa){var"[object Function]",qa,ra;for(qa in na)if(!(pa&&qa=="prototype")&&,qa)&&!(ra=qa==="constructor"))oa(qa);if(ra||,(qa="constructor")))oa(qa);};return ma(ga,ha);};if(!m){n={"\\":"\\\\",'"':'\\"',"\b":"\\b","\f":"\\f","\n":"\\n","\r":"\\r","\t":"\\t"};o=function(ga,ha){return ("000000"+(ha||0)).slice(-ga);};p=function(ga){var ha='"',ia=0,ja;for(;ja=ga.charAt(ia);ia++)ha+='\\"\b\f\n\r\t'.indexOf(ja)>-1?n[ja]:ja<" "?"\\u00"+o(2,ja.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)):ja;return ha+'"';};q=function(ga,ha,ia,ja,ka,la,ma){var na=ha[ga],oa,pa,qa,ra,sa,ta,ua,va,wa,xa,ya,za,ab,bb,cb;if(typeof na=="object"&&na){;if(oa=="[object Date]"&&!,"toJSON")){if(na>-1/0&&na<1/0){if(ea){ra=ca(na/86400000);for(pa=ca(ra/365.2425)+1970-1;ea(pa+1,0)<=ra;pa++);for(qa=ca((ra-ea(pa,0))/30.42);ea(pa,qa+1)<=ra;qa++);ra=1+ra-ea(pa,qa);sa=(na%86400000+86400000)%86400000;ta=ca(sa/3600000)%24;ua=ca(sa/60000)%60;va=ca(sa/1000)%60;wa=sa%1000;}else{pa=na.getUTCFullYear();qa=na.getUTCMonth();ra=na.getUTCDate();ta=na.getUTCHours();ua=na.getUTCMinutes();va=na.getUTCSeconds();wa=na.getUTCMilliseconds();}na=(pa<=0||pa>=10000?(pa<0?"-":"+")+o(6,pa<0?-pa:pa):o(4,pa))+"-"+o(2,qa+1)+"-"+o(2,ra)+"T"+o(2,ta)+":"+o(2,ua)+":"+o(2,va)+"."+o(3,wa)+"Z";}else na=null;}else if(typeof na.toJSON=="function"&&((oa!="[object Number]"&&oa!="[object String]"&&oa!="[object Array]")||,"toJSON")))na=na.toJSON(ga);}if(ia),ga,na);if(na===null)return "null";;if(oa=="[object Boolean]"){return ""+na;}else if(oa=="[object Number]"){return na>-1/0&&na<1/0?""+na:"null";}else if(oa=="[object String]")return p(na);if(typeof na=="object"){for(ab=ma.length;ab--;)if(ma[ab]===na)throw TypeError();ma.push(na);xa=[];bb=la;la+=ka;if(oa=="[object Array]"){for(za=0,ab=na.length;za<ab;cb||(cb=true),za++){ya=q(za,na,ia,ja,ka,la,ma);xa.push(ya===j?"null":ya);}return cb?(ka?"[\n"+la+xa.join(",\n"+la)+"\n"+bb+"]":("["+xa.join(",")+"]")):"[]";}else{i(ja||na,function(db){var eb=q(db,na,ia,ja,ka,la,ma);if(eb!==j)xa.push(p(db)+":"+(ka?" ":"")+eb);cb||(cb=true);});return cb?(ka?"{\n"+la+xa.join(",\n"+la)+"\n"+bb+"}":("{"+xa.join(",")+"}")):"{}";}ma.pop();}};k.stringify=function(ga,ha,ia){var ja,ka,la,ma,na,oa;if(typeof ha=="function"||typeof ha=="object"&&ha)if("[object Function]"){ka=ha;}else if("[object Array]"){la={};for(ma=0,na=ha.length;ma<na;oa=ha[ma++],(("[object String]"||"[object Number]")&&(la[oa]=1)));}if(ia)if("[object Number]"){if((ia-=ia%1)>0)for(ja="",ia>10&&(ia=10);ja.length<ia;ja+=" ");}else if("[object String]")ja=ia.length<=10?ia:ia.slice(0,10);return q("",(oa={},oa[""]=ga,oa),ka,la,ja,"",[]);};}if(!r){s=String.fromCharCode;t={"\\":"\\",'"':'"',"/":"/",b:"\b",t:"\t",n:"\n",f:"\f",r:"\r"};u=function(){z=aa=null;throw SyntaxError();};v=function(){var ga=aa,ha=ga.length,ia,ja,ka,la,ma;while(z<ha){ia=ga.charAt(z);if("\t\r\n ".indexOf(ia)>-1){z++;}else if("{}[]:,".indexOf(ia)>-1){z++;return ia;}else if(ia=='"'){for(ja="#",z++;z<ha;){ia=ga.charAt(z);if(ia<" "){u();}else if(ia=="\\"){ia=ga.charAt(++z);if('\\"/btnfr'.indexOf(ia)>-1){ja+=t[ia];z++;}else if(ia=="u"){ka=++z;for(la=z+4;z<la;z++){ia=ga.charAt(z);if(!(ia>="0"&&ia<="9"||ia>="a"&&ia<="f"||ia>="A"&&ia<="F"))u();}ja+=s("0x"+ga.slice(ka,z));}else u();}else{if(ia=='"')break;ja+=ia;z++;}}if(ga.charAt(z)=='"'){z++;return ja;}u();}else{ka=z;if(ia=="-"){ma=true;ia=ga.charAt(++z);}if(ia>="0"&&ia<="9"){if(ia=="0"&&(ia=ga.charAt(z+1),ia>="0"&&ia<="9"))u();ma=false;for(;z<ha&&(ia=ga.charAt(z),ia>="0"&&ia<="9");z++);if(ga.charAt(z)=="."){la=++z;for(;la<ha&&(ia=ga.charAt(la),ia>="0"&&ia<="9");la++);if(la==z)u();z=la;}ia=ga.charAt(z);if(ia=="e"||ia=="E"){ia=ga.charAt(++z);if(ia=="+"||ia=="-")z++;for(la=z;la<ha&&(ia=ga.charAt(la),ia>="0"&&ia<="9");la++);if(la==z)u();z=la;}return +ga.slice(ka,z);}if(ma)u();if(ga.slice(z,z+4)=="true"){z+=4;return true;}else if(ga.slice(z,z+5)=="false"){z+=5;return false;}else if(ga.slice(z,z+4)=="null"){z+=4;return null;}u();}}return "$";};w=function(ga){var ha,ia,ja;if(ga=="$")u();if(typeof ga=="string"){if(ga.charAt(0)=="#")return ga.slice(1);if(ga=="["){ha=[];for(;;ia||(ia=true)){ga=v();if(ga=="]")break;if(ia)if(ga==","){ga=v();if(ga=="]")u();}else u();if(ga==",")u();ha.push(w(ga));}return ha;}else if(ga=="{"){ha={};for(;;ia||(ia=true)){ga=v();if(ga=="}")break;if(ia)if(ga==","){ga=v();if(ga=="}")u();}else u();if(ga==","||typeof ga!="string"||ga.charAt(0)!="#"||v()!=":")u();ha[ga.slice(1)]=w(v());}return ha;}u();}return ga;};y=function(ga,ha,ia){var ja=x(ga,ha,ia);if(ja===j){delete ga[ha];}else ga[ha]=ja;};x=function(ga,ha,ia){var ja=ga[ha],ka;if(typeof ja=="object"&&ja)if("[object Array]"){for(ka=ja.length;ka--;)y(ja,ka,ia);}else i(ja,function(la){y(ja,la,ia);});return,ha,ja);};k.parse=function(ga,ha){z=0;aa=ga;var ia=w(v());if(v()!="$")u();z=aa=null;return ha&&"[object Function]"?x((ba={},ba[""]=ia,ba),"",ha):ia;};}}}).call(this);});
I solved this same problem for myself after recently posting it as a Facebook bug on With FB's help I noticed the following unwanted browser extensions in Firefox: Searchme, Slick Savings, Amazon Shopping Assistant, and Ebay Shopping Assistant. Turns out these are essentially malware that effected Firefox, Safari, and Chrome on my Mac. They're made by a company called Spigot, Inc.
While searching for an effective means of virus removal I found this link which gives detailed instructions how to do so.
I hope this helps you kevin!
Unfortunately a month or so after my original answer (above) the same error and warnings came back for me but just as of yesterday, 4/22/2014 they changed to these 5 warnings, instead:
Content Security Policy: allow directive is deprecated, use the equivalent
default-src directive instead
all.js (line 27)
The X-Content-Security-Policy and X-Content-Security-Report-Only headers will be deprecated in the future. Please use the Content-Security-Policy and Content-Security-Report-Only headers with CSP spec compliant syntax instead.
"Content Security Policy: allow directive is deprecated, use the equivalent default-src directive instead"
"The X-Content-Security-Policy and X-Content-Security-Report-Only headers will be deprecated in the future. Please use the Content-Security-Policy and Content-Security-Report-Only headers with CSP spec compliant syntax instead."
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead.
{href:function(a){return a.getAttribute("href")},type:function(a){return a.getAt
jquery.min.js (line 3)
My guess is that the errors/warnings are due to the way the Facebook like button is engineered and how it interacts with Firefox and other browsers. The change in warnings and errors to these new warnings seems to indicate that Facebook and or Mozilla are working on this issue and will hopefully fix it...???
yesterday, 4/29/2014 This was officially classified as a Facebook known bug issue I created and is currently being addressed. Below is text from the FB email to me:
The bug you are subscribed to "like button works but errors show onload in firebug "Content Security Policy: Failed to parse unrecognized source chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl"" has been updated:
Status has changed: Closed → Assigned
Hi All, We have managed to reproduce this issue and it appears to be a valid bug. We are assigning this to the appropriate team. This might take some time to fix but we will do our best to keep you updated on the progress of this bug as soon as we can. Thanks
today, 5/07/2014 I just received an email from Facebook stating,
"Status has changed: Assigned → Fixed
This should now be resolved. Thanks for your patience."
Looks good on my end, no longer an issue.
I deleted all FF extensions, and started from clean FF 28 installation.
Installed firebug and user agent overrider add-ons and did not get this error.
Then, I changed user agent and an error shows up on some agents and does not on some.
Error shows up on following agents:
Mac / chrome 32
linux / chrome 32
windows / chrome 32
Android / chrome 32
I recently encountered this issue while adding the Facebook javascript login while working in Firefox (28) Private browsing.
I noticed that my Firebug console would consistenly display
"Couldn't parse invalid source chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl" etc...
It wasn't until I closed my browser completely that this message went away.
This meant that while I was testing my app I would need to completely close out of my browser to refresh the application, not just my private windows but all windows and console log windows as well.
I did not test this in other browsers just Firefox 28.

Modernizr.geolocation is always true

I have a Modernizr check for geolocation support. I noticed it wasn't working as expected so I put in some logs to see what was happening. It seems that it is alerting true whether geolocation is enabled in the browser or not. I know I'm disabling geolocation in my browser correctly because it works as expected for Modernizr.geolocation demos I've found online.
//Check for geolocation support; hide "use my location" button if unsupported
if (Modernizr.geolocation) {
} else {
I'm calling the custom Modernizr script with the geolocation piece. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? Please let me know what to look for or what other info you may need, I'm very new to Modernizr.
Which browser? Apparently your browser doesn't remove the API when its disabled, which means its impossible to detect the disabling. :(

How to Stop the page loading in firefox programmatically?

I am running several tests with WebDriver and Firefox.
I'm running into a problem with the following command:
With this command, WebDriver blocks till the onload event is fired. While this can normally takes seconds, it can take hours on websites which never finish loading.
What I'd like to do is stop loading the page after a certain timeout, somehow simulating Firefox's stop button.
I first tried execute the following JS code every time that I tried loading a page:
var loadTimeout=setTimeout(\"window.stop();\", 10000);
Unfortunately this doesn't work, probably because :
Because of the order in which scripts are loaded, the stop() method cannot stop the document in which it is contained from loading 1
UPDATE 1: I tried to use SquidProxy in order to add connect and request timeouts, but the problem persisted.
One weird thing that I found today is that one web site that never stopped loading on my machine (FF3.6 - 4.0 and Mac Os 10.6.7) loaded normally on other browsers and/or computers.
UPDATE 2: The problem apparently can be solved by telling Firefox not to load images. hopefully, everything will work after that...
I wish WebDriver had a better Chrome driver in order to use it. Firefox is disappointing me every day!
UPDATE 3: Selenium 2.9 added a new feature to handle cases where the driver appears to hang. This can be used with FirefoxProfile as follows:
FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new ProfilesIni().getProfile("web");
firefoxProfile.setPreference("webdriver.load.strategy", "fast");
I'll post whether this works after I try it.
UPDATE 4: at the end none of the above methods worked. I end up "killing" the threads that are taking to long to finish. I am planing to try Ghostdriver which is a Remote WebDriver that uses PhantomJS as back-end. PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable, so i expect not to have the problems of a real browser such as firefox. For people that are not obligate to use firefox(crawling purposes) i will update with the results
UPDATE 5: Time for an update. Using for 5 months the ghostdriver 1.1 instead FirefoxDriver i can say that i am really happy with his performance and stability. I got some cases where we have not the appropriate behaviour but looks like in general ghostdriver is stable enough. So if you need, like me, a browser for crawling/web scraping purposes i recomend you use ghostdriver instead firefox and xvfb which will give you several headaches...
I was able to get around this doing a few things.
First, set a timeout for the webdriver. E.g.,
WebDriver wd;
... initialize wd ...
wd.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Second, when doing your get, wrap it around a TimeoutException. (I added a UnhandledAlertException catch there just for good measure.) E.g.,
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
} catch (org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException te) {
} catch (UnhandledAlertException uae) {
Alert alert = wd.switchTo().alert();
This basically tries to load the page, but if it times out, it forces the page to stop loading via javascript, then tries to get the page again. It might not help in your case, but it definitely helped in mine, particularly when doing a webdriver's getCurrentUrl() command, which can also take too long, have an alert, and require the page to stop loading before you get the url.
I've run into the same problem, and there's no general solution it seems. There is, however, a bug about it in their bug tracking system which you could 'star' to vote for it.
One of the comments on that bug has a workaround which may work for you - Basically, it creates a separate thread which waits for the required time, and then tries to simulate pressing escape in the browser, but that requires the browser window to be frontmost, which may be a problem.
My solution is to use this class:
//When creating a new browser:
WebDriver driver = _initBrowser(); //Just returns firefox WebDriver
WebDriverBackedSelenium backedSelenuium =
new WebDriverBackedSelenium(driver,"about:blank");
//This code has to be put where a TimeOut is detected
//I use ExecutorService and Future<?> Object
void onTimeOut()
It was a really tedious issue to solve. However, I am wondering why people are complicating it. I just did the following and the problem got resolved (perhaps got supported recently):
driver= webdriver.Firefox()
It worked for me using Firefox driver (and Chrome driver as well).
One weird thing that i found today is that one web site that never stop loading on my machine (FF3.6 - 4.0 and Mac Os 10.6.7), is stop loading NORMALy in Chrome in my machine and also in another Mac Os and Windows machines of some colleague of mine!
I think the problem is closely related to Firefox bugs. See this blog post for details. Maybe upgrade of FireFox to the latest version will solve your problem. Anyway I wish to see Selenium update that simulates the "stop" button...
Basically I set the browser timeout lower than my selenium hub, and then catch the error. And then stop the browser from loading, then continue the test.
function handleError(err){
return webdriver.get(url).then(null,handleError).then(function () {
return webdriver.executeScript("return window.stop()");
Well , the following concept worked with me on Chrome , try the same:
1) Navigate to "about:blank"
2) get element "body"
3) on the elemënt , just Send Keys Ësc
Just in case someone else might be stuck with the same forever loading annoyance, you can use simple add-ons such as Killspinners for Firefox to do the job effortlessly.
Edit : This solution doesn't work if javascript is the problem. Then you could go for a Greasemonkey script such as :
// ==UserScript==
// #name auto kill
// #namespace default
// #description auto kill
// #include *
// #version 1
// #grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function sleep1() {
setTimeout(sleep1, 1500);
setTimeout(sleep1, 5000);

Register an application to a URL protocol (all browsers) via installer

I know this is possible via a simple registry change to accomplish this as long as IE/firefox is being used. However, I am wondering if there is a reliable way to do so for other browsers,
I am specifically looking for a way to do this via an installer, so editing a preference inside a specific browser will not cut it.
Here is the best I can come up with:
Chrome: Since every other browser in seems to support the same convention, I created a bug for chrome.
Opera: I can't find any documentation, but it appears to follow the same method as IE/Firefox (see above links)
Safari: Same thing as opera, it works, but I can't find any documentation on it
Yes. Here is how to do it with FireFox:
and Opera:
If someone looks like a solution for an intranet web site (for all browsers, not only IE), that contains hyperlinks to a shared server folders (like in my case) this is a possible solution:
register protocol (URI scheme) via registry (this can be done for all corporative users i suppose). For example, "myfile:" scheme. (thanks to Greg Dean's answer)
The hyperlink href attribute will then should look like
<a href='myfile:\\mysharedserver\sharedfolder\' target='_self'>Shared server</a>
Write a console application that redirects argument to windows explorer (see step 1 for example of such application)
This is piece of mine test app:
const string prefix = "myfile:";
static string ProcessInput(string s)
// TODO Verify and validate the input
// string as appropriate for your application.
if (s.StartsWith(prefix))
s = s.Substring(prefix.Length);
s = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(s);
Process.Start("explorer", s);
return s;
I think this app can be easily installed by your admins for all intranet users :)
I couldn't set up scheme setting to open such links in explorer without this separate app.
