Modernizr.geolocation is always true - modernizr

I have a Modernizr check for geolocation support. I noticed it wasn't working as expected so I put in some logs to see what was happening. It seems that it is alerting true whether geolocation is enabled in the browser or not. I know I'm disabling geolocation in my browser correctly because it works as expected for Modernizr.geolocation demos I've found online.
//Check for geolocation support; hide "use my location" button if unsupported
if (Modernizr.geolocation) {
} else {
I'm calling the custom Modernizr script with the geolocation piece. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? Please let me know what to look for or what other info you may need, I'm very new to Modernizr.

Which browser? Apparently your browser doesn't remove the API when its disabled, which means its impossible to detect the disabling. :(


How to fix 'Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received' chrome issue?

Want to improve this post? Provide detailed answers to this question, including citations and an explanation of why your answer is correct. Answers without enough detail may be edited or deleted.
I'm using VueJS and Laravel for my project. This issue started to show lately and it shows even in the old git branches.
This error only shows in the Chrome browser.
I disabled all installed extensions in Chrome - works for me.
I have now clear console without errors.
In case you're an extension developer who googled your way here trying to stop causing this error:
The issue isn't CORB (as another answer here states) as blocked CORs manifest as warnings like -
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response with MIME type text/html. See for more
The issue is most likely a mishandled async response to runtime.sendMessage. As MDN says:
To send an asynchronous response, there are two options:
return true from the event listener. This keeps the sendResponse
function valid after the listener returns, so you can call it later.
return a Promise from the event listener, and resolve
when you have the response (or reject it in case of an error).
When you send an async response but fail to use either of these mechanisms, the supplied sendResponse argument to sendMessage goes out of scope and the result is exactly as the error message says: your message port (the message-passing apparatus) is closed before the response was received.
Webextension-polyfill authors have already written about it in June 2018.
So bottom line, if you see your extension causing these errors - inspect closely all your onMessage listeners. Some of them probably need to start returning promises (marking them as async should be enough). [Thanks #vdegenne]
If you go to chrome://extensions/, you can just toggle each extension one at a time and see which one is actually triggering the issue.
Once you toggle the extension off, refresh the page where you are seeing the error and wiggle the mouse around, or click. Mouse actions are the things that are throwing errors.
So I was able to pinpoint which extension was actually causing the issue and disable it.
Post is rather old and not closely related to Chrome extensions development, but let it be here.
I had same problem when responding on message in callback. The solution is to return true in background message listener.
Here is simple example of background.js. It responses to any message from popup.js.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(rq, sender, sendResponse) {
// setTimeout to simulate any callback (even from storage.sync)
setTimeout(function() {
sendResponse({status: true});
}, 1);
// return true; // uncomment this line to fix error
Here is popup.js, which sends message on popup. You'll get exceptions until you un-comment "return true" line in background.js file.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
chrome.extension.sendMessage({action: "ping"}, function(resp) {
manifest.json, just in case :) Pay attention on alarm permissions section!
"name": "TestMessages",
"version": "0.1.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "src/popup.html"
"background": {
"scripts": ["src/background.js"],
"persistent": false
"permissions": [
To me i was using a VPN extension called
Free VPN for Chrome - VPN Proxy VeePN It was causing the error after disabling it only ... the error disappeared
This error is generally caused by one of your Chrome extensions.
I recommend installing this One-Click Extension Disabler, I use it with the keyboard shortcut COMMAND (⌘) + SHIFT (⇧) + D — to quickly disable/enable all my extensions.
Once the extensions are disabled this error message should go away.
Peace! ✌️
If error reason is extension use incognito Ctrl+Shift+N. In incognito mode Chrome does not have extensions.
UPD. If you need some extension in incognito mode e.g. ReduxDevTools or any other, in extension settings turn on "Allow in incognito"
Make sure you are using the correct syntax.
We should use the sendMessage() method after listening it.
Here is a simple example of contentScript.js It sendRequest to app.js.
title: 'giveSomeTitle', params: paramsToSend
}, function(result) {
// Do Some action
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener( function(message, sender,
sendResponse) {
if(message.title === 'giveSomeTitle'){
// Do some action with message.params
For those coming here to debug this error in Chrome 73, one possibility is because Chrome 73 onwards disallows cross-origin requests in content scripts.
More reading:
This affects many Chrome extension authors, who now need to scramble to fix the extensions because Chrome thinks "Our data shows that most extensions will not be affected by this change."
(it has nothing to do with your app code)
UPDATE: I fixed the CORs issue but I still see this error. I suspect it is Chrome's fault here.
In my case it was a breakpoint set in my own page source. If I removed or disabled the breakpoint then the error would clear up.
The breakpoint was in a moderately complex chunk of rendering code. Other breakpoints in different parts of the page had no such effect. I was not able to work out a simple test case that always trigger this error.
I suggest you first disable all the extensions then one by one enable them until you find the one that has caused the issue in my case Natural Reader Text to Speech was causing this error so I disabled it. nothing to do with Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) unless the error mention Cross-Origin then further up the tread it is worthwhile trying that approach.
I faced the same error in my react project running.
That error coming from my chrome
IObit Surfing Protection
extensions. That extension off my error was solved.
If you face same like that error, 1st turn off your chrome ad blocker or any other extensions while running.
Late here but in my case it was Kaspersky Cloud Protection Extension. I disabled it. It worked all good.
The cause of this issue is related to one of your chrome extensions, not CORS or CORB. To fix that you can turn off each and every chrome extension you installed.
Norton Safe Web extension for chrome is throwing this error message for me. After I disabled this extension, the error message disappeared.
Just cleaning site cookies worked here.
In my case i had to switch off "Adblock extension" from chrome.

Is it possible to force fail a recaptcha v2 for testing purposes? (I.e. pretend to be a robot)

I'm implementing an invisible reCAPTCHA as per the instructions in the documentation: reCAPTCHA V2 documentation
I've managed to implement it without any problems. But, what I'd like to know is whether I can simulate being a robot for testing purposes?
Is there a way to force the reCAPTCHA to respond as if it thought I was a robot?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
In the Dev Tools, open Settings, then Devices, add a custom device with any name and user agent equal to Googlebot/2.1.
Finally, in Device Mode, at the left of the top bar, choose the device (the default is Responsive).
You can test the captcha in
(This is a demo of the Invisible Recaptcha. You can remove the url invisible parameter to test with the captcha button)
You can use a Chrome Plugin like Modify Headers and Add a user-agent like Googlebot/2.1 (+
For Firefox, if you don't want to install any add-ons, you can easily manually change the user agent :
Enter about:config into the URL box and hit return;
Search for “useragent” (one word), just to check what is already there;
Create a new string (right-click somewhere in the window) titled (i.e. new
preference) “general.useragent.override”, and with string value
"Googlebot/2.1" (or any other you want to test with).
I tried this with Recaptcha v3, and it indeed returns a score of 0.1
And don't forget to remove this line from about:config when done testing !
I found this method here (it is an Apple OS article, but the Firefox method also works for Windows) :
I find that if you click on the reCaptcha logo rather than the text box, it tends to fail.
This is because bots detect clickable hitboxes, and since the checkbox is an image, as well as the "I'm not a robot" text, and bots can't process images as text properly, but they CAN process clickable hitboxes, which the reCaptcha tells them to click, it just doesn't tell them where.
Click as far away from the checkbox as possible while keeping your mouse cursor in the reCaptcha. You will then most likely fail it. ( it will just bring up the thing where you have to identify the pictures).
The pictures are on there because like I said, bots can't process images and recognize things like cars.
yes it is possible to force fail a recaptcha v2 for testing purposes.
there are two ways to do that
First way :
you need to have firefox browser for that just make a simple form request
and then wait for response and after getting response click on refresh button firefox will prompt a box saying that " To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier. " then click on "resend"
by doing this browser will send previous " g-recaptcha-response " key and this will fail your recaptcha.
Second way
you can make any simple post request by any application like in linux you can use curl to make post request.
just make sure that you specify all your form filed and also header for request and most important thing POST one field name as " g-recaptcha-response " and give any random value to this field
Just completing the answer of Rafael, follow how to use the plugin
None of proposed answers worked for me. I just wrote a simple Node.js script which opens a browser window with a page. ReCaptcha detects automated browser and shows the challenge. The script is below:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
let testReCaptcha = async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
Don't forget to install puppeteer by running npm i puppeteer and change to your page address

Modernizr.videoautoplay object shows true, Modernizr.videoautoplay returning undefined

I'm using a custom Modernizr build, v3.3.0. I've created a simple JSFiddle example to illustrate:
will show the Modernizr object, and when I inspect it in the JS console I can see "videoautoplay" is a property with a value of "true".
But, when I do
it returns "undefined".
I was originally seeing this issue in a WordPress theme I'm developing, but was also able to recreate in JSFiddle and a separate stand-alone HTML page. Also, Modernizr is putting the "videoautoplay" class on my HTML tag, even when I know the device does not support that feature (iPhone 5).
Update: This issue appears to be happening in Chrome (v47.0.2526.106), but not Firefox (v43.0.2).
I'm going to answer my own question in case anyone else runs into this problem. I found the solution on this SO post: How do I detect if the HTML5 autoplay attribute is supported?.
Since this is an "async" test you can't access the property using the syntax
You have to use the .on() function, as shown in the above SO post:
Modernizr.on('videoautoplay', function(result){
if(result) {
alert('video autoplay is supported');
} else {
alert('video autplay is NOT supported');

Proxy Issues: automatic configuration script ( )

I have been using "Hola Better Internet" (proxy plugin) on chrome for long time.
Recently I had lot of problems with it. Google search is not working properly and it also not let me to sign in to gmail. yahoo and bing works well.
When I check proxy seeting on chrome, use automatic configuration script is enabled (cant able to deactivate it). It points to the following address:
When I visit the above url, the following script got downloaded.
// Autogenerated file; do not edit. Rewritten on attach and detach of Fiddler.
function FindProxyForURL(url, host){
if (shExpMatch(host, "*")) return "PROXY"; return "DIRECT";
I am not a programmer. I googled a lot to find a solution, but i cant understand anything. Please help guys.

How to handle every request in a Firefox extension?

I'm trying to capture and handle every single request a web page, or a plugin in it is about to make.
For example, if you open the console, and enable Net logging, when a HTTP request is about to be sent, console shows it there.
I want to capture every link and call my function even when a video is loaded by flash player (which is logged in console also, if it is http).
Can anyone guide me what I should do, or where I should get started?
Edit: I want to be able to cancel the request and handle it my way if needed.
You can use the Jetpack SDK to get most of what you need, I believe. If you register to system events and listen for http-on-modify-request, you can use the nsIHttpChannel methods to modify the response and request
let { Ci } = require('chrome');
let { on } = require('sdk/system/events');
let { newURI } = require('sdk/url/utils');
on('http-on-modify-request', function ({subject, type, data}) {
if (/google/.test(subject.URI.spec)) {
Additional info, "Intercepting Page Loads"
non sdk version and with much much more control and detail:
this allows you too look at the flags so you can only watch LOAD_DOCUMENT_URI which is frames and main window. main window is always LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI - in this one you can see the source before it is parsed by the browser
in these examples you see how to get the contentWindow and browserWindow from the subject as well, you can apply this to sdk example, just use the "subject"
also i prefer to use http-on-examine-response, even in sdk version. because otherwise you will see all the pages it redirects FROM, not the final redirect TO. say a url redirects you to and then
only has a document, so on modify you see and, they will have flags LOAD_REPLACE, typically they redirect right away so the document never shows, if it is a timed redirect you will see the document and will also see LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI flag, im guessing i havent experienced it myself
