No implementation of DataEvents in Lib.web.mvc - jqgrid

please I need try the DataEvents function in Lib.Web.mvc but is no implemented or I don't know how to use this is my code. I use jqGridImport because I generate the columns dynamically
IList<JqGridColumnDataEvent> lstDataEvents = new List<JqGridColumnDataEvent>();
lstDataEvents.Add(new JqGridColumnDataEvent("keypress", "function(e) { soloNumeros() }", null));
jqm = new JqGridColumnModel(NombreColumna) { Index = NombreColumna, Width = 60, Editable = true, Alignment = JqGridAlignments.Right, EditType = JqGridColumnEditTypes.Text, Searchable = false, EditRules = new JqGridColumnRules() { Required = true, Number = true }, Sortable = false, EditOptions = new JqGridColumnEditOptions() { DataEvents = lstDataEvents } };

There is no way to use DataEvents and jqGridImport.
The jqGridImport functionality grabs the whole jqGrid configuration by using AJAX request which returns JSON and then builds jqGrid based on that. DataEvents represent reference to JavaScript functions which should handle specific events - there is no way to pass reference to a function in JSON payload (there are some theoretical workarounds with eval etc. but jqGrid would have to natively support that and it doesn't).


Determine the list of IR filter's functions/operators in Oracle APEX 19.1

Is there a way to hide some Functions/Operators in the Row Filter of APEX 19.1's Interactive Report? Some end-users get confused with as many functions/operators that they do not used.
Thanks for any considerations.
While APEX doesn't support this out of the box, it is doable with JavaScript. Every time the filter dialog is displayed, content is brought from the server to the client and injected into the DOM. You just need to modify the content before the user can see it. One way to achieve this is by using the MutationObserver interface:
Here are some steps you could follow to do it (tested in APEX 19.2):
Go to the Interactive Report and set the Static ID to my-irr.
Go to the page level attributes and add the following code to the Function and Global Variable Declaration field:
function removeIRFilterOperators() {
var irRegId = 'my-irr';
var filterOperatorsToRemove = ['!=', 'ABS'];
var observer;
function detectFilterDialog(mutationsList) {
for (var mIdx = 0; mIdx < mutationsList.length; mIdx++) {
if (mutationsList[mIdx].addedNodes.length &&
mutationsList[mIdx].addedNodes[0].classList &&
mutationsList[mIdx].addedNodes[0].classList.contains('a-IRR-dialog--filter')) {
function removeOperators() {
var anchors = document.querySelectorAll('#' + irRegId + '_row_filter_operators a');
for (var aIdx = 0; aIdx < anchors.length; aIdx++) {
if (filterOperatorsToRemove.includes(anchors[aIdx].textContent)) {
observer = new MutationObserver(detectFilterDialog);
attributes: false,
childList: true,
subtree: true
The MutationObverver uses the detectFilterDialog function to detect when the filter dialog is added to the DOM. When that happens, the removeOperators function removes the specified options from the operator's list. All you need to do is update the filterOperatorsToRemove array to include the list of operators you want to remove.
If you're talking about the "Actions" menu, then yes - go to IR's attributes and enable/disable any option you want:

jqGrid drag and drop headings for grouping .... Group Name

I have setup drag and drop headings to group by the relevant column from jQgrid Grouping Drag and Drop
It works great however I am trying to display the column name before the value i.e.
Client : Test data data
Client : Test2 data data
I've been going around in circles if any one could help.
if i take the same code used for the dynamic group by which should be the (column Name)
I end up with The Column data not the column name.
$('#' + gridId).jqGrid('groupingGroupBy', getheader());
function getheader() {
var header = $('#groups ol li:not(.placeholder)').map(function () {
return $(this).attr('data-column');
return header;
if i use the same function in group text I get data not the column name.
I've come from C# and I am very new to jQuery.
If any one could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
First of all the updated demo provides the solution of your problem:
Another demo contains simplified demo which demonstrates just how one could display the grouping header in the form Column Header: Column data in the grouping header instead of Column data used as default.
The main idea of the solution is the usage of formatDisplayField property of groupingView which I suggested originally in the answer. The current version of jqGrid support the option. If one would use for example the options
grouping: true,
groupingView: {
groupField: ["name", "invdate"],
groupColumnShow: [false, false],
formatDisplayField: [
where customFormatDisplayField callback function are defined as
var customFormatDisplayField = function (displayValue, value, colModel) {
return + ": " + displayValue;
will display almost the results which you need, but it will uses name property of colModel instead of the corresponding name from colNames. To makes the final solution one use another implementation of customFormatDisplayField:
var getColumnHeaderByName = function (colName) {
var $self = $(this),
colNames = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colNames"),
colModel = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel"),
cColumns = colModel.length,
for (iCol = 0; iCol < cColumns; iCol++) {
if (colModel[iCol].name === colName) {
return colNames[iCol];
customFormatDisplayField = function (displayValue, value, colModel, index, grp) {
return, + ": " + displayValue;

BreezeJS does not automatically parse numbers saved as strings with KnockoutJS bindings

I queried my database using Breezejs using the following code:
viewModel = {
products = ko.observableArray([])
var manager = new entityModel.EntityManager('/api/Products');
.then(function (data) {
However the products rows contain numeric properties like Quantity which are wired to my page using the data-bind property. On saving the model through manager.saveChanges() I get a validation error. This is because KnockoutJS saves the edited numbers as strings.
What's the recommended way to get around this issue?
As of breeze v 0.80.2, this capability is now supported. ( along with the capability to customize type coercion)
One option is to create a CustomBinding.
I use this for decimals:
ko.bindingHandlers.decimal = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
$(element).blur(function () {
var value = valueAccessor();
var valor = Globalize.parseFloat($(element).val());
if (ko.isWriteableObservable(value)) {
ko.bindingHandlers.decimal.update(element, valueAccessor);
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
$(element).val(Globalize.format(value, "n2"));
It's a good question.
Currently, breeze does not attempt type coercion, but...
We have discussed having Breeze automatically attempt to coerce any values used within a set operation to the datatype of the property being set ( as defined in breeze metadata). This would occur across all binding libraries, (i.e angular, backbone etc) as well as knockout.
Please feel free to add this to the breeze User Voice. We take these submissions very seriously.

How to implement custom row sorting for a ExtJS GridPanel

I have implemented a Web - Application which features a GridPanel which can be grouped or ungrouped and where the rows should be sorted alphanumerically (like the standard grid sorting function does) but with the exception that some rows which represent summary rows should not be sorted at all and should stay at the same row position.
To archieve this i wanted to write a custom row sorting function for the gridpanel. Can someone give me a hint how to archive this ? (overwrite which functions, how to implement). Or does anybody know literature, tutorials, examples etc. or could share source code on how this can be done ?
I am using ExtJs Version 3.4.
Many thanks in advance.
To sort the store data that underlies a gridpanel, the method is used. You can override that method in your particular store instance.
The other possibility is to set remoteSort to true and sort the data on the server.
Here is some sample code that worked for me in ExtJS 3.4.
You can use this in a GridPanel or EditorGridPanel, I placed it in the constructor using an inherited class, but you should be able to add it if you are instantiating a vanilla grid as well, just make sure you are not using the global variable scope.
Make sure the grid variable contains a reference to your grid (after it has been defined).
// Apply column 'sortBy' overrides
var column, columns = grid.getColumnModel() && grid.getColumnModel().config;
var sortColumns = {}, sortByInfo = {};
if (columns && columns.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
column = columns[i];
// Do we have a 'sortBy' definition on a column?
if (column && column.dataIndex && column.sortBy) {
// Create two hashmap objects to make it easier
// to find this data when sorting
// (using 'if (prop in object)' notation)
sortColumns[column.dataIndex] = column.sortBy;
sortByInfo[column.sortBy] = column.dataIndex;
if (!$.isEmptyObject(sortColumns)) {
// Override the 'getSortState()' helper on the store, this is needed to
// tell the grid how its currently being sorted, otherwise it
// will get confused and think its sorted on a different column. = function() {
if (this.sortInfo && this.sortInfo.field in sortByInfo)
return { field: sortByInfo[this.sortInfo.field], direction: this.sortInfo.direction || 'ASC' };
return this.sortInfo;
// Override the default sort() method on the grid store
// this one uses our own sorting information instead. = function(field, dir) {
var sort = this.constructor.prototype.sort;
if (field in sortColumns) {
return, sortColumns[field], dir);
} else {
return, field, dir);
Then just add a sortBy entry to your column definition:
colModel: new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: {
sortable: true
columns: [
header: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
width: 350
}, {
header: 'Code',
dataIndex: 'code_summary',
sortBy: 'code_sort_order',
width: 100
}, {
header: 'Start Date',
dataIndex: 'start_date',
width: 85
PS: dont forget to add the field you are sorting on (code_sort_order) to your data store.

jqGrid display enum as string

I'm attempting to use the ASP.Net MVC version of jqGrid to display a simple data grid. One of the columns in my grid is an Enum and jqGrid is displaying is as an int whereas I want to display it as a string. How can I get jqGrid to display it as a string?
new JQGridColumn { DataField = "ApprovalStatus",
DataType = typeof(ApplicationStatusTypes),
Editable = false,
Width = 200},
public enum ApplicationStatusTypes
Unassessed = 0,
AssessmentInProgress = 1,
RequirementsNotMet = 2,
RequirementsPartiallyMet = 3,
RequirementsMet = 4,
Approved = 5
When the jqGrid is rendered the ApprovalStatus column shows up as an int instead of a string. I've tried messing around with DataFormatString on the column but to no avail.
I see that this is an old question, but for any lost soul, that will come here.
First step is to set a SetFormatter(Formatters.Select) for the column used for displaying an enum.
But then you need to provide a list of enum mappings. jqGrid expects them to be provided as a string in format of enumValue1:enumName1;enumValue2:enumName2 directly to .SetEditOptions(new EditOptions { Value = ... }) - unfortunately the API naming convention is broken here.
The string generation itself is pretty straightforward and can be generalized to the following expression:
string.Join(";", Enum.GetNames(typeof(T)).Zip(Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<int>(), (text, val) => val.ToString() + ":" + text));
, where T is generic parameter being an enum type.
