BreezeJS does not automatically parse numbers saved as strings with KnockoutJS bindings - validation

I queried my database using Breezejs using the following code:
viewModel = {
products = ko.observableArray([])
var manager = new entityModel.EntityManager('/api/Products');
.then(function (data) {
However the products rows contain numeric properties like Quantity which are wired to my page using the data-bind property. On saving the model through manager.saveChanges() I get a validation error. This is because KnockoutJS saves the edited numbers as strings.
What's the recommended way to get around this issue?

As of breeze v 0.80.2, this capability is now supported. ( along with the capability to customize type coercion)

One option is to create a CustomBinding.
I use this for decimals:
ko.bindingHandlers.decimal = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
$(element).blur(function () {
var value = valueAccessor();
var valor = Globalize.parseFloat($(element).val());
if (ko.isWriteableObservable(value)) {
ko.bindingHandlers.decimal.update(element, valueAccessor);
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
$(element).val(Globalize.format(value, "n2"));

It's a good question.
Currently, breeze does not attempt type coercion, but...
We have discussed having Breeze automatically attempt to coerce any values used within a set operation to the datatype of the property being set ( as defined in breeze metadata). This would occur across all binding libraries, (i.e angular, backbone etc) as well as knockout.
Please feel free to add this to the breeze User Voice. We take these submissions very seriously.


Getting lightswitch HTML client to load related entities

I am trying to load an entity based on a Query and allow the user to edit it. The entity loads without issues from the query, however it does not load its related entities, leaving detail pickers unfilled when loading the edit screen.
This is the code that I have:
myapp.BrowseCOAMissingHoldingCompanies.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
var accountName = screen.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies.selectedItem.AccountFullName;
return myapp.activeDataWorkspace.Accounting360Data.FindChartOfAccountsMappingByAccountName(accountName)
.execute().then(function (query) {
var coa = query.results[0];
return myapp.showAddEditChartOfAccountsMapping(coa, {
beforeShown: function (addEditScreen) {
addEditScreen.ChartOfAccountsMapping = coa;
afterClosed: function () {
Interestingly if I open the browse screen (and nothing else) of that entity type first (which does retrieve the entity), then the related entities load correctly and everything works, but I can't figure out how to make that level of load happen in this code.
One method of tackling this (and to avoid the extra query execution of a follow on refresh) is to use the expand method to include any additional navigation properties as follows:
myapp.BrowseCOAMissingHoldingCompanies.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies_ItemTap_execute = function (screen) {
var accountName = screen.VW_ChartOfAccountsWithMissingHoldingCompanies.selectedItem.AccountFullName;
return myapp.activeDataWorkspace.Accounting360Data.FindChartOfAccountsMappingByAccountName(
"RelatedEntity," +
"AnotherRelatedEntity," +
).execute().then(function (query) {
var coa = query.results[0];
return myapp.showAddEditChartOfAccountsMapping(coa, {
beforeShown: function (addEditScreen) {
addEditScreen.ChartOfAccountsMapping = coa;
afterClosed: function () {
As you've not mentioned the name of your entity's navigational properties, I've used coa.RelatedEntity, coa.AnotherRelatedEntity and coa.AnotherRelatedEntity.SubEntity in the above example.
As covered by LightSwitch's intellisense (in msls-?.?.?-vsdoc.js) this method 'Expands results by including additional navigation properties using an expression defined by the OData $expand system query option' and it accepts a single parameter of 'An OData expand expression (a comma-separated list of names of navigation properties)'.
The reason your forced refresh of coa also populates the navigational properties is that LightSwitch's refresh method implicitly expands all navigation properties (provided you don't specify the navigationPropertyNames parameter when calling the refresh). The following shows the internal implementation of the LightSwitch refresh method (with the implicit expand behaviour executing if the navigationPropertyNames parameter is null):
function refresh(navigationPropertyNames) {
var details = this,
properties =,
i, l = properties.length,
if (details.entityState !== _EntityState.unchanged) {
if (!navigationPropertyNames) {
navigationPropertyNames = [];
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
property = properties[i];
propertyEntry = property._entry;
if (isReferenceNavigationProperty(propertyEntry) &&
!isVirtualNavigationProperty(propertyEntry)) {
query = new _DataServiceQuery(
_entitySet: details.entitySet
if (navigationPropertyNames.length > 0) {
query = query.expand(navigationPropertyNames.join(","));
return query.merge(msls.MergeOption.unchangedOnly).execute();
However, if you take the refresh approach, you'll be performing an additional unnecessary query operation.
Entity Framework uses lazy loading by default, so related data will be loaded on demand, but in your case that's too late because the entity is already client-side a that point.
Try using the Include method in your query if you want eager loading.
Calling refresh on the details of the entity seems to do it:
return coa.details.refresh().then(function() {
return myapp.showAddEditChartOfAccountsMapping(coa, {
beforeShown: function (addEditScreen) {
addEditScreen.ChartOfAccountsMapping = coa;
afterClosed: function () {
You should use load method to fetch related data from Server. At this time we don't have any ways to force msls load related data.

Is breeze provide support to work with c# Enums

I want to populate my dropdowns with enum using breeze. It show enum in breeze metadata but I did not find a way how to consume it. Is breeze provide support yet to work c# enums?
If you are using a standard Breeze WebApi server then enum values should all be coming down as strings and can be saved back to the server also as strings. Out of the box, the default Breeze WebApi server implementation will convert the strings to the correct enum values automatically in both directions.
(Note: this will not work with a server using the current MS WebApi/OData provider because MS does not yet not support enums with this provider - MS will support this in their upcoming 4.0 release.)
So, for example, assuming that you had a server side enum that looked like this:
public enum RoleType {
Guest = 0,
Restricted = 1,
Standard = 2,
Admin = 3
in conjunction with a 'Role' class that had a 'RoleType' property, then the the following query would work:
var query = new EntityQuery("Roles").where("RoleType", "==", 'Restricted');
Similarly, if you wanted to change a RoleType for a given role then you could
role.RoleType = "Standard"; // assuming breeze backingStore adapter.
If you are generating offline breeze metadata then you can get all Enums definition in metadata itself and you can create a JS Dictionary(associated array) to populate all enum types and their definitions.
Well My situation was that I was using NancyFx(No EF) + Breeze + AngularJS for my web project. I generated metadata offline and stored it in a metadata.js file.
After creating EntityManager, I extracted enum defintions in a JS dictionary which I used later for binding dropdown, display corresponding enum strings etc.
Extract Enum Definition & Store in JS Dictionary
JSON.parse( (enumType) {
var newEnumValues = [];
enumType.member.forEach(function (enumValue) {
var newEnumValue = { id: enumValue.value, name: };
enumDictionary[] = newEnumValues;
Method to retrieve enum value on base of enum name and valueid
function GetEnumDictionaryValue(enumName, enumValueId) {
var result = null;
enumDictionary[enumName].some(function (enumValue) {
if ( == enumValueId) {
result =;
return result;
Binding Values to Dropdown
Now for binding dropdowns, just call enumDictionary[] and store result in a controller variable.
I was using Angular JS, so I used below code on html page
<select ng-options=" as for type in <VariableName>"

Knockout validation issues

I have the following issues with my knockout model validations and not sure how to resolve them. Following is my model first of all, with the validation rules:
var Data = function (data) {
this.Val = data;
function ViewModel(item) {
var parse = JSON.parse(item.d);
var self = this;
this.Name = ko.observable(parse.Name);
this.UserType = ko.observable(parse.UserType);
this.ID = ko.observable(parse.ID).extend({ required: { params: true, message: "ID is required" }, decimal: { params: 2, message: "Should be decimal"} });
this.Username = ko.observable(parsed.Username).extend({ required: {
onlyIf: function () {
return self.UserType() > 1;
this.WeeklyData = ko.observableArray([]);
var records = $.map(parse.WeeklyData, function (data) { return new Data(data) });
this.WeeklyData2 = ko.observableArray([]);
var records = $.map(parse.WeeklyData2, function (data) { return new Data(data) });
ko.extenders.numeric = function (target, precision) {
var result = ko.dependentObservable({
read: function () {
return target().toFixed(precision);
write: target
result.raw = target;
return result;
Here are my problems:
1) with the ID() observable, I want to restrict it to two decimal points, so I've created the validation extender 'numeric' but it's not working. Is there anything wrong with how I'm using it and how to correct it?
2) Also, if I want to restrict an observable to whole numbers, how can I do that?
3) when I define a rule with a condition, (i.e. Username()), how do I define a custom message for that? I was able to do it for default rules, but with the conditional rules, it's not working
4) I have two observable arrays WeeklyData1 and WeeklyData2 both of which contains Data() objects. I want to have separate min/max rules for these two, for example, min/max - 1,7 for WeeklyData1 and min/max - 1,150 for WeeklyData2. How can I get it done?
4) Right now my error messages appear right next to the data field, but I want all those to appear in a single validation summary, while displaying '*' against the field. I've been told to use Validation-bindings, but I'm not sure how to use it, can someone please give an example?
It's a lot of questions, I know, but I appreciate if someone could help.
Thanks in advance
Instead of diving in your code i have created a small-small demonstrations for your questions. Ok so here we go,
1) with the ID() observable, I want to restrict it to two decimal points.... and 2) Also, if I want to restrict an observable to whole numbers....
Your 1 and 2 question are pretty similar so i covered both of this in a single fiddle. Check this fiddle.
3) when I define a rule with a condition, (i.e. Username()), how do I define a custom message ....
You can use message property to set custom messages, Check this fiddle.
4) I have two observable arrays WeeklyData1 and WeeklyData2 both of which contains Data() objects
I am not clear which this question, what type of data both of these array contains and for what you want to set min/max rule ( array length or other ). So please clear this, than i will try to help on this.
5) Right now my error messages appear right next to the data field.....
This questions answer i already given in your how to? with knockout js validations question (Check update).
Let me know if it helps!

ID of new item in Kendo UI data source

When I create a new item in the server-side using a Kendo UI data source, how do I update the ID of the client-side data item with the ID of the new record inserted in the database in the server-side?
Doing more research I have found this extremely useful information which, indeed, should be in the docs, but it is "hidden" in a not-so-easy-to-find forum search message:
I am not sure if this is the best approach, but it resolved my problem!
This solution simply uses the data source read method to update the model instances with data from server.
The precious info is where it is done: in the "complete" event of the transport.create object!
Here is the code:
transport: {
read: {
url: "http://myurl.json"
create: {
url: "http://mycreate.json",
type: "POST",
complete: function(e) {
To avoid the additional server call introduced by the read method, if you have your create method return an object the Data Source will automaticly insert it for you.
Knowing that all you need to do is set the id field from the database and return the model.
e.g. psudo code for ASP MVC action for create.
public JsonResult CreateNewRow(RowModel rowModel)
// will be defaulted to 0
// save row to server and get new id back
var newId = SaveRowToServer(rowModel);
// set new id to model = newId;
return Json(rowModel);
I've had the same problem and think I may have found the answer. If in the schema you define the object that holds the results, you must return the result of the created link in that same object. Example:
schema: {
data: "Results",
total: "ResultsCount", ....
Example MVC method:
public JsonResult CreateNewRow(RowModel rowModel)
// will be defaulted to 0
// save row to server and get new id back
var newId = SaveRowToServer(rowModel);
// set new id to model = newId;
return Json(new {Results = new[] {rowModel}});
Just to add to Jack's answer (I don't have the reputation to comment), if your Create and Update actions return data with the same schema as defined in the kendo DataSource, the DataSource will automatically update the Id field as well as any other fields that may have been modified by the action call. You don't have to do anything other that form your results correctly. I use this feature to calculate a bunch of stuff on the server side and present the client with the results w/o requiring a complete reload of the data.

Backbone.js: How to call methods on the collection within an object literal

I have the following backbone.js code. I'm using an object literal for organizing my code, which has left me with a question regarding the best way to proceed. The application (in its simplified form below) has a control panel (which can be shown or hidden) which is used to add new categories to a collection. (Question follows)
// ============================= NAMESPACE ========================================
var categoryManager = categoryManager || {};
// ============================= APPLICATION ================================================= = || {
/* Used to Initialise application*/
init: function(){
//this.addView = new this.addCategoryView({el: $("#add-new-category")})
//this.collection = new this.categoryCollection();
new this.addCategoryView({el: $("#add-new-category")})
new this.categoryCollection();
categoryModel: Backbone.Model.extend({
name: null
addCategoryView: Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click #add-new-category-button.add" : "showPanel",
"click #add-new-category-button.cancel" : "hidePanel",
"click #new-category-save-category" : "addCategory"
showPanel: function() {
hidePanel: function() {
addCategory: function() {
//{{ // My Problem is with this line
name: $('#name').val()
categoryCollection: Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: this.categoryModel,
initialize: function () {
// ============================= END APPLICATION =============================================
/* init Backbone */;
Now obviously the problem with the above, is that calling the addCategory function tries to call a function on an object which is uninitialized. I've worked round the problem (see commented out code) by calling the function instead on a object which is instantiated within the init function. My question is - is this the right thing to do? I detect a code smell. I feel that the contents of the object literal shouldn't rely on the object being created in order to be valid. the function addCategory in this instance wouldn't work unless the init function had been called on the parent first. Is there another pattern here that I should be using?
How else would I pass the contents of the 'create new category form' to the collection in order to be added (I'm using create because I want to automatically validate/create/persist the model and It seems like the easiest thing to do). I'm a rock bottom novice with backbone (this is my 'hello world')
I think the main issue is you are treating categoryCollection as if it's an object. It's not really an object, but a constructor function. So first you need to create an instance, as you have discovered.
Then the addCategoryView needs some way of referencing the instance. It looks like you don't have a model associated with the view. I would suggest creating a model and storing the categoryCollection instance as a property of the model. Something like this (warning, untested code):
var model = new BackBone.Model({
categories: new
var view = new{
el: $("#add-new-category"),
model: model
Then you can just use this.model.categories from inside addCategoryView.
As an aside, a common Javascript convention is to capitalize the names of constructors. Calling the constructor CategoryCollection might make the code a little bit clearer.
You need to initialize collection before create a new instance of a model
addCategory: function() {
var collection =;
!collection.create && (collection = new collection);
name: $('#name').val()
