Spotfire Custom Expression : Calculate (Num/Den) Percentages - tibco

I am trying to plot Num/Den type percentages using OVER. But my thoughts does not appear to translate into spotfire custom expression syntax.
Sample Input:
RecordID CustomerID DOS Age Gender Marker
9621854 854693 09/22/15 37 M D
9732721 676557 09/18/15 65 M D
9732700 676557 11/18/15 65 M N
9777003 5514882 11/25/15 53 M D
9853242 1753256 09/30/15 62 F D
9826842 1260021 09/30/15 61 M D
9897642 3375185 09/10/15 74 M N
9949185 9076035 10/02/15 52 M D
10088610 3512390 09/16/15 33 M D
10120650 41598 10/11/15 67 F N
9949185 9076035 10/02/15 52 M D
10088610 3512390 09/16/15 33 M D
10120650 41598 09/11/15 67 F N
Expected Out:
Row Labels D Cumulative_D N Cumulative_N Percentage
Sep 6 6 2 2 33.33%
Oct 2 8 1 3 37.50%
Nov 1 9 1 4 44.44%
My counts are working.
I want to take the same Cumulative_N & Cumulative_D count and plot Percentage over [Axis.X] as a line chart.
Here's what I am using:
UniqueCount(If([Marker]="N",[CustomerID])) / UniqueCount(If([Marker]="D",[CustomerID])) THEN SUM([Value]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])) as [CumulativePercent]
I understand SUM([Value]) is not the way to go. But I don't know what to use instead.
Also tried the one below as well, but did not:
UniqueCount(If([Marker]="N",[CustomerID])) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])) / UniqueCount(If([Marker]="D",[CustomerID])) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])) as [CumulativePercent]
Can you have a look ?

I found a way to make it work, but it may not fit your overall solution. I should mention i used Count() versus UniqueCount() so that the results would mirror your desired output.
Add a transformation to your current data table
Insert a calculated column Month([DOS]) as [TheMonth]
Set Row Identifers = [TheMonth]
Set value columns and aggregation methods to Count([CustomerID])
Set column titles to [Marker]
Leave the column name pattern as %M(%V) for %C
That will give you a new data table. Then, you can do your cumulative functions. I did them in a cross table to replicate your expected results. Insert a new cross table and set the values to:
Sum([D]), Sum([N]), Sum([D]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.Rows])) as [Cumulative_D],
Sum([N]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.Rows])) as [Cumulative_N],
Sum([N]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.Rows])) / Sum([D]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.Rows])) as [Percentage]
That should do it.

I don't know if Spotfire released a fix or based on everyone's inputs I could get the syntax right. But here is the solution that worked for me.
For Columns D & N,
For columns Cumulative_D & Cumulative_N,
Count([CustomerID]) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])) where [Axis.X] is DOS(Month), Marker
For column Percentage,
Count(If([Marker]="N",[CustomerID])) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X])) / Count(If([Marker]="D",[CustomerID])) OVER (AllPrevious([Axis.X]))
where [Axis.X] is DOS(Month)


How to make this in laravel QueryBuilder

I want to take the max of the progress column that is ordered with a distinct column name.
For example;
progress - journey_id
0 - 90
12 - 90
89 - 90
7 - 90
the code I tried to make but I couldn't do more
$impressions = DB::table('journey_content_impression')
->where('user_id', 11)
Finally, It should give us one row with the max number.
Also, other columns of row should be available like this,
$impressions->first()->user_id; //
Try this:
$impressions = DB::table('journey_content_impression')
->get(['journey_item_id', DB::raw('MAX(progress) as progress')]);
Maybe it helps you try this
$impressions = DB::table('journey_content_impression')
->where([['user_id', 11],['journey_id',12]])

group values in 1-50, 51-100,101-150 etc in crystalreport

I have list of values(selected from DB) that start from 1 but the end range is unknown,and i want to group this values in crystal report in such a way that
values between 1 to 50 then 51 to 100 then 101 to 150 etc up to the maximum value.
how should i group??
eg: The selected values of the column rate are
1,1.6,2,56,71.1,61.9,109,118 etc.
i want to group like
rate range(1-50)
rate range(51-100)
rate range(101-150)
but i don't know the exact max value of the list
Create a formula similar to this logic, and group the report on that formula:
NumberVar YourValue := 300 ;
NumberVar FromValue := 50*Floor(YourValue/50) ;
NumberVar ToValue := FromValue + 50 ;
ToText(FromValue,0,"") & "-" & ToText(ToValue,0,"");
Create following formula and group the report on that formula.
It returns the group number. Examples:
for the value 23 it returns 1
for the value 150.99 it returns 3
for the value 543 it returns 11.
Use following formula as group title:
"rate range(" & CStr({#GroupNumber}*50-49, "#") & "-" & CStr({#GroupNumber}*50, "#") & ")"

How to split a string by amount of characters in a batch file?

I have about 6GB of various text files, the files have many lines but each record is missing its commas so all the data is in 1 record. I want to create a batch file where I can add commas at the appropriate places in each "record". I'm hoping to add commas so I can then import this into a database.
For example the file would be structured like this.
Each field has a unique length which I know, and it's static between all files.
For example
ID - 10 characters
NAME - 40 characters
ADDRESS - 30 characters
This will need to be run on an ongoing basis as new files come in so I'm hoping for something I can give a non technical person they can just run.
Any quick way to do this in a bat file?
Using your example above. Note we count the characters starting from 0, then tell the set to use letters starting at a certain count, counting the word length from there. See bottom for layout.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (filename.txt) do (
set str=%%a
set id=!str:~0,2!
set na=!str:~2,4!
set add=!str:~6,7!
set ph=!str:~13,5!
set em=!str:~18,5!
set etc=!str:~23,3!
echo !id!,!na!,!add!,!ph!,!em!,!etc!
Characters assigned in a string as:
I D n a m e A D D R E S S p h o n e E M A I L e t c
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
ID starts at Character 0 and is 2 characters, including itself :~0,2
name starts at character 2 and is 4 characters long :~2,4
For many files just add another loop as a main loop or give a list of files.
Based on your provided example, here is a quick powershell command, (despite no tag):
(GC 'Report.txt' | Select -First 1).Insert(10,',').Insert(51,',').Insert(82,',') > 'Fixed.txt'
It takes the first line of Report.txt…
After 10 characters insert ,(0 + 10 = 10) + 1
After another 40 characters insert ,(11 + 40 = 51) + 1
After another 30 characters insert ,(52 + 30 = 82) + 1
…then outputs the line complete with insertions to Fixed.txt
Just continue the .Insert(<number>,',') sequence for your other fixed width column sizes and ensure you've changed the filenames to suit your circumstances.
The following as an update to your comment and subsequent edit should work for all lines in the file.
GC 'Report.txt' | % {($_).Insert(10,',').Insert(51,',').Insert(82,',')} | Out-File 'Fixed.txt'

Confusing result of Matlab's size() function

Very simple issue here I suspect, I am completely new to Matlab (1st day) and have been unable to resolve this by consulting the documentation.
As part of a larger problem, I need to get the dimensions of an image into two variables (row_obj and col_obj for the image object).
According to the documentation:
[m,n] = size(obj)
m: The number of rows in obj.
n: The number of columns in obj.
So, following that, I wrote:
[row_obj, col_obj] = size(object);
Which produced the output:
> >> call_i_spy
> 21
> 81
> 21 27 3
It appears row_obj is correct. If disp(size(object)) produces 21 27 3, then why is col_obj not 27 (the value I need)? What is [row_obj, col_obj] = size(object); actually doing?

Checking if pixel belongs to an image

I have written the following function that find if a pixel belongs to an image in matlab.
At the beginning, I wanted to test it as if a number in a set belongs to a vector like the following:
function traverse_pixels(img)
for i:1:length(img)
c(i) = img(i)
But, when I run the following commands for example, I get the error shown at the end:
>> A = [ 34 565 456 535 34 54 5 5 4532 434 2345 234 32332434];
>> traverse_pixels(A);
??? Error: File: traverse_pixels.m Line: 2 Column: 6
Unexpected MATLAB operator.
Why is that? How can I fix the problem?
There is a syntax error in the head of your for loop, it's supposed to be:
for i = 1:length(img)
Also, to check if an array contains a specific value you could use:
A = [1 2 3]
if sum(A==2)>0
disp('there is at least one 2 in A')
This should be faster since no for loop is included.
for i = 1:length(image)
silly error, not : , it is =
